Where to even begin? Let's just do a basic run down of some of what's going on in local politics.
We think it's awesome that John Parete is chair of the legislature. His legacy is a great one and he deserves to go out on top. I got caught up in the anti Parete stuff for a bit andwe have regretted it for years. We are actually friends, we just still feel guilty.
The big war as we all know is between Hein and Cahill. Cahill has the advantage and doesn't even know it. As far as I can tell they are not even close. Yes, Hein is a clever smart guy, he has done a good job getting that message on billboards, tv ads, mail, milk cartons, facebook, twitter, you get the point but has he ever been tested? I will give him that he beat Sue Zimet, so did Cahill in the same type of way. Hein has never had to run on his record and he's pissed off a ton of people, including WFP and Independence, which both would likely go to Cahill. Cahill has been around twice as long and has twice the electoral history. To the people in this thing of ours, the life, Hein is not trusted. Cahill has his liberal credentials. a resume that knocks Hein's out of the water and he's been tested time after time. Lets be honest, Cahill got his button while Hein was still hawking jewelry in the mall. Cahill being a pussy could be to the advantage of Comptroller "Lucky" Elliott Auerbach. Like lightening, his unbelievable luck may strike twice.
Auerbach has the charm, Hein has the wink, the phony thumbs up, the smile, and the tug..and lets just say he's gonna be doing some extra winking and tugging to counteract just how a seasoned veteran like a Cahill or Auerbach would run circles around him.
The one strong ally that the skipper has is that he is friends with "brother " ; Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo. We are disappointed he has aligned with Hein over Cahill. We are disappointed in Gallo over a lot of things, the fighting with Matt Dunn in the front page of the paper, what are we writing a gossip column? Stop always taking the bait and grow the fuck up. His paranoia over little things that cause him unneeded stress. Gallo is his own worst enemy at times. Gallo is brilliant and earned this job in his own right, Blaber and Fuentes may have helped but they are casualties of war. Gallo overcame all odds he spent years on Democratic committee helping other candidates, was passed over for two Judge ships, was belittled and mocked, he made it, he's the Mayor and a smart effective one. He's also a tough mother fucker and that's what Kingston needs. He has our full faith and confidence. Gallo's ego could be his downfall.
Senator Cecelia Tkaczyk is just a miserable hippy twat. Vote Amadore, enough said.
Lisa Fisher would be a great addition to the State Supreme Court, she would be the only woman serving in that Judicial district.
Gilda Ricardi the Democrats' Abe Lincoln deserves to be our next family court Judge.
A new poll suggests that U.S. Rep Chris Gipson is leading challenger Sean Eldridge by more than twenty points!!! Wow, the Eldridge campaign reminds me of a bad thought out Republican presidential campaign. All the build up Rick Perry and Herman Cain got only to fall flat on their face. Sean Eldridge has failed to get his message out as to why I should vote for him over the military Vet that is doing a pretty good job as my Congressman? Do I wanna see that district go blue? Yeah but not by a empty suit, heiress snot like Shaun Eldrige. He's not in the life, hes not in this thing of ours, he's not a gangster, he hasn't paid his dues. You pay your dues with sweat and hours of phone calls and door knocking and getting abused by made members with big egos, writing big checks to pay tribute is a big part of it but you can't just buy in with cash and cash alone. Don't get it twisted, Sean Eldridge, we want your money, we'll put it in our housekeeping fund and use a portion of it to feed needy gay kids, now write a big check, ok? Thanks, you wanna be a state committeeman ? maybe. Our Congressman? Not even close.
And another thing kid, stop comparing yourself to Maurice Hinchey, you are no Maurice Hinchey. Your money is the only reason you have Dem nomination. This district does not elect carpet baggers just ask Jim Tadisco.
We hear Hein is Gallo's bitch, doing his dirty work for him. It's being talked about among some friends of ours that Hein went up to Majority Leader Matt Dunn and told ' him in not so many words to get in line with Gallo. The skipper doesn't ask that twice. For the Don himself to get so aggressive shows how much clout Gallo has now. Enough to crush Cardinale? Well Shayne, cash that chip in now bro, you need all help you can get next year. We actually want you to win but we think Gallo underestimates the people he has allienated and his stubbornness at times is annoying. Why can't this brilliant guy get his anger in control? self control Gallo, get it in check! Gallo he's a good earner and his brother started this thing of ours, he has vision, brains that others don't, we can use all that.
Getting back to Cardinale, even Hein can't stand him. We hear Hein keeps him around because he has dirt on him. FYI to Hein: The pictures of you shining the cubic zirconia in the back of Zales are hidden in Frank Cardinales toupee. Next time you see him pretend like you have to tie your shoe and take them. Manja Lugots!!!
This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Welcome, Who We ARE?
We are very much in the loop and have a great deal of inside knowledge of the politics of Ulster County. This is our secret journal, as political foot soldiers/pows in the Mighty Heiny Army, I must do this blog anonymously as to not break the code of omerta. The skipper will hit us with his golf clubs if we speak to the press. It'll be our secret, ok? I hope I only have to say this once, Capish? Who are we? We are doctors, lawyers, pediatricians, construction workers, veterans, degenerate gamblers, Shylock's, we are prisoners of War to the Mighty Heiny. We once crossed the mighty Heiny and he put a spell on us. We are political soldiers by day and a prisoner to the Mighty Heinys campaign army for all of eternity. That's my vow to my Godfather Mike Hein, we have chosen that life but we will use this blog to relieve the guilt.
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