Could Kingston elect it's first female Mayor??!!
It's been a while, this is our busy season so blogging has taken a back seat to making money, sorry for the inconvenience. A lot is going on locally, while most people are counting down the days until spring, we here at Kingston Goodfellas are counting down to when the political season starts in full swing. Elections will always be our bread and butter, not even so much the graft and extra cash that comes with election season, it's more the money that can be made or lost if the wrong guy gets in. We are being bleed dry by Gallo and Hein. They both remind us of Big Paul Castalano, they sit in their nice offices and collect their big envelopes that us made guys and other family soldiers provide from them but they are completely disconnected and out of touch with us, they don't consider themselves gangsters anymore, they want to be businessman, they forget where they came from.
The Mayor's race in Kingston is very dismal, lets call a spade a spade. Mayor Gallo is beyond vulnerable but his reelection is looking more like a reality every day. Why? Our family can't get it's shit together. Gallo could lose easily, other than his butt buddy Cahill giving him the Conservative line, there are no other committees that will endorse him. That coupled with all the people this guy has pissed off, we are scratching our heads as to why a real candidate has not stepped forward. If I were Matt Dunn, I would be running for Mayor right now. We give Steve Noble credit he has balls, he has come out swinging and is not afraid of ruffling Gallo's feathers. We still wish it would be Jim Noble instead of his nephew but Steve may have a chance.
The most important thing in the Democratic Primary for Mayor is that it's a two way race, a three way race only favors Mayor Gallo. With that being said we hear a local real estate woman from Ward Nine is considering a run against Gallo. Her candidacy is interesting, five years ago I would have dismissed her out of hand, first off a woman Capo?! That would never happen in the day, Johnny Boy would be spinning in his grave in St. John's if he knew but times are changing, we got guys in therapy, rehab, this one is half a fag and now a woman boss... we bend more rules than the Catholic church.
Kingston has become a lot more liberal as of late, credit that to changing demographics and a good group of Democrats that have really set a liberal tone that has stuck. I really credit Alderman Tom Hoffay for the change specifically in city government. When he got elected in 2008, this is back when Sottile was Mayor, he really changed the council and set the agenda. Hoffay deserves a lot of credit. Anyway, getting back to our point this woman that is running we hear is smart, rich and has a campaign team put together. We call her Gallo's Zepher Teachout. Interestingly, Teachout beat Cuomo handedly in Kingston in last years primary for Governor. There are a lot of similarities in that primary to her possible primary of Gallo. Both woman are fairly attractive with unique names, they are running with a progressive agenda against a rather Conservative Democratic incumbent that is not popular amounst rank and file Dems. Like Teachout this woman will be taking on a political powerhouse, Gallo in Kingston is like Cuomo in NY, both Gallo and Cuomo come from a political family with name recognition probably at 90% or better.
Furthermore, we believe that Gallo is most vulnerable running against a woman for many reasons; first he's a bully and will run an extremely negative campaign, there are certain things he can't get away with running against a woman that he could against a male opponent. We also hear there are rumors of text messages that may come out between him and an ex girlfriend during the campaign that will be devastating for Kingston's Capo, they are rumored to be racist, sexist and of a threatening nature that would really kill his candidacy especially if his opponent is a woman.
On the Republican side we had heard BA Feeney but we don't believe that, Feeney supported Gallo four years ago and their families go way back but stranger things have happened. Former Alderman Ron Polacco who is a friend of ours, is making another run for Mayor. If Gallo loses the Democratic primary, he will defiantly stay on the ballot and run on the Conservative line, he's the incumbent Mayor, who's selfish an egomaniac and he has zero allegiance to the Democratic party. Gallo will probably pull in about 800-1000 votes as a minor party candidate in the general election which could be enough for Polacco to become Mayor.
The race for Alderman at Large we hear Hayes Clement is considering a run and we strongly endorse his candidacy. Clement should run for Mayor but Alderman at Large would be a good fit as well. We do not think Matt Dunn should run. Dunn should run for Mayor or reelection as Alderman. Gallo's running mate we hear could be Maryann Mills who Clement would crush.
The race for County Executive is also this year as we have discussed, our boss Hein, we love and hate at the same time. He's an asshole but he's our asshole. If the right candidate ran we would support them but we could live with Hein. We hear a deal is being worked out between Cardinale and the Cod Father Roscoe for a cross endorsement of Hein in exchange for the Dems endorsing Carnright. The deal is unnecessary, Holly Carnright is going to win reelection no matter what and Cardinale is just further digging his political grave by being lazy and whoring himself out to the Republican party.
Can there be a hint as to who this real estate woman could be?
ReplyDeleteHer last name is associated with oatmeal. Normally we would report it but we think that the candidate or potential candidate should be allowed to announce on her own terms.
ReplyDeleteAhh, and I also hear those texts won't be leaving the DA's office because of privacy concerns for the ex, supposedly.
ReplyDeleteNobel should formally declare he is running
ReplyDeleteRon Polaco can't be taken serious
ReplyDeleteWhy will the texts not be released by the DA in regard to Gallo's anger. He was on the radio today and got very upset with Ralph Mitchell.
ReplyDeleteCree Quaker is a joke; the taxes on her own home are delinquent.
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DeleteI'm a Democrat and I would vote for Holley Carnright for D.A.
ReplyDeleteMy point exactly, the Republicans do not need to make any deals because Holly Carnright will win no matter what. It is rare that a Judge, DA, Sheriff will lose in this county as an incumbent, these types of law enforcement positions highly favor the incumbent.
ReplyDeleteMight be rare but it definitely can happen in LE elected positions: Tom Mayone (sheriff) in 1980; Ken Post (sheriff) in 1986;Deborah Schneer (appointed county judge) in 2009.
DeleteWhen is the next update?
ReplyDeleteOatmeal has a lot more substance than Cream of Wheat!
ReplyDeleteWhat is meant by your biased sounding comment where you wrote "half a fag" in the same article as a woman running for mayor. A very unkind comment in very poor taste.
ReplyDeleteGallo may not be perfect, but Howdy Doody, as Mayor, that's a joke.
ReplyDeleteHowdy Doody? Are you kidding me? What are you 12?