This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Sunday, April 26, 2015
Kudos to Mayor G
We are really impressed with the work Mayor Gallo did helping out in the rebuilding of Kinderland. The guy worked his ass off all weekend. He's still an asshole but we give him kudos. Good job Shayne.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Are numbers are way up!!
Thank you for everyone that is visiting this blog! Our numbers are way up averaging anywhere from 800- 1000 hits a day! We are getting just as many Mobil hits as we are from people on computers. Today we had a record day with well over 1000 hits. Going be a fun summer. We will be making an endorsement for Mayor in the next week or so.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Breaking News
Noble fundraiser draws over 125 people last night!!! Good job Mr. Noble. GENTLEMEN we have ourselves a real primary here!! Congrats Steve we wish you all the best. I would love to be in the front office this morning w Zweben and Gallo.
Gallo: what are we gunna do Zweb, the kid had over 100 people ok, should I yell at him.
Zweb: we have evil on our side Shayne don't worry about it.
Gallo: are you sure? Ok, I got to yell at someone.
zweb: let it out Shayne yell at me I'm your bitch.
Gallo: ok. What does this fucking zookeeper know about running a city. I'm fucking perfect. I'm gunna win this I got the Afro Americans the Latinos, the lunch bucket crowd ok. He thinks he can go toe to toe with Gallo in court of public opinion??? It's Gallllllllloooooooooooo babbbyyyyyyyyy!!
Zweb: you are the best Shayne.
Gallo: did I tell you to speak, Jeeves? I gotta a meeting to suck Hein's ass at 11 .. How's my hair?
Zweb: perfect
Gallo: good, ok, hun, shine my shoes. Andrew I want them look like mirrors for Micheal today. I don't get it I carry his water for him and he doesn't show up to my announcement? He drives by but didn't stop, I think him and Schumer are plotting against me. Everyone is against me they don't get how great I am. Andy you are lucky to be part of this thing of ours. Now go get your fucking shine box!
Zweben departs to get his shine box. Gallo sits back in his chair as oblivious and parinoid as ever.
Gallo: what are we gunna do Zweb, the kid had over 100 people ok, should I yell at him.
Zweb: we have evil on our side Shayne don't worry about it.
Gallo: are you sure? Ok, I got to yell at someone.
zweb: let it out Shayne yell at me I'm your bitch.
Gallo: ok. What does this fucking zookeeper know about running a city. I'm fucking perfect. I'm gunna win this I got the Afro Americans the Latinos, the lunch bucket crowd ok. He thinks he can go toe to toe with Gallo in court of public opinion??? It's Gallllllllloooooooooooo babbbyyyyyyyyy!!
Zweb: you are the best Shayne.
Gallo: did I tell you to speak, Jeeves? I gotta a meeting to suck Hein's ass at 11 .. How's my hair?
Zweb: perfect
Gallo: good, ok, hun, shine my shoes. Andrew I want them look like mirrors for Micheal today. I don't get it I carry his water for him and he doesn't show up to my announcement? He drives by but didn't stop, I think him and Schumer are plotting against me. Everyone is against me they don't get how great I am. Andy you are lucky to be part of this thing of ours. Now go get your fucking shine box!
Zweben departs to get his shine box. Gallo sits back in his chair as oblivious and parinoid as ever.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
The Boss
On April 2, at the end of an intensely
publicized trial in Federal District Court, the jury found Mr. Gotti
guilty of all 13 counts against him, including a racketeering charge
that cited him for five murders, and related charges of murder,
conspiracy, gambling, obstruction of justice and tax fraud. This month twenty two years ago, after four trials, dozens of rats and millions of tax payer dollars the government was able to finally frame our fearless leader. A hard working plumbing supply salesman from Queens. Fuckin' government they got no parameters.
Never missing a beat Gotti was driven from federal court in NYC to Stewart Airport in Newburgh, NY to board a plane for Marion penitentiary, where he would spend the last ten years of his life, he took two steps up before boarding the plane turned around to the federal agent and said: "Do you think it's too late to say I'm sorry?" That was John being John. A knock around guy from the streets, they would laugh at him when he would brag as a young hoodlum that he would one day be boss of the family. John lived his life by his own rules, built and expanded the Gambino family to a $500 million a yr empire. Not bad for a guy that came up from nothing.
FBI -- Forever Bothering Italians
Never missing a beat Gotti was driven from federal court in NYC to Stewart Airport in Newburgh, NY to board a plane for Marion penitentiary, where he would spend the last ten years of his life, he took two steps up before boarding the plane turned around to the federal agent and said: "Do you think it's too late to say I'm sorry?" That was John being John. A knock around guy from the streets, they would laugh at him when he would brag as a young hoodlum that he would one day be boss of the family. John lived his life by his own rules, built and expanded the Gambino family to a $500 million a yr empire. Not bad for a guy that came up from nothing.
FBI -- Forever Bothering Italians

Monday, April 20, 2015
The Omerta Report --- Kingston Mayor's Race
First we wanna say that we have not posted for a little while but have been closely following what's going on. We will try and post as much as possible during election season but we have a life too. We also research and provide quality material on this blog, maybe there is only one post a week but that one post is fucking special.
Shayne Gallo announced he is running for reelection as Mayor of the City of Kingston to a crowd of about 150 people, we will give the Devil his due, he turned out a nice crowd for the event. We had to laugh that he chose the King's Inn to announce, it would be like Mike Bloomberg announcing he's running for Mayor in front of Pepsi Cola headquarters. It just didn't make sense. The only worst place would have been across the street at Bank of America where the Kingston Capo promised he was going to build a police station. The guy is literally standing on one of his failures and saying I want another four years. Or mumbling it, the guy is the worst public speaker we have ever witnessed. ok you understand,. ok you got that. ok. We did find it humorous that the crowd which was predominantly African American, he referred to several times as '' Afro Americans" My administration has done a lot for the Afro Americans, ok. Four years ago when Shayne Gallo announced at the King's Inn, it was genius, partly because it was our idea, not only did we come up with the location, we wrote his speech while he mumbled it to a crowd half the size in the pouring rain, ok. But four years later what has happened? it's a parking lot with a few benches. Wow!! Talk about economic development.
We are not much more impressed with the candidacy of his primary opponent Steve Noble. Capo Gallo is a novice when it comes to politics but he is a brilliant man and capable of anything, Noble should be consulting with his Uncle, Kingston Underboss Jim Noble before he goes to the paper and says this city is on an upswing, and allowing Gallo to school him in the paper. Than there was the story about how he's going to be a gentleman Mayor which didnt make him look like a gentleman, it made him look like he lacked genitalia. Just saying you're going to be a gentleman Mayor does not do him any favors. Instead of looking like a gentleman, he looked like a pussy and made Gallo look like a no nonsense knock around guy that gets things done, instead of the insecure bully that he is.
Don't get us wrong Gallo is no gentleman, nor is he a stand up guy and temperament is an issue that Noble needs to be hitting Shayne on but he needs to frame the issue correctly in a way that resonates with voters. The story that the Freeman ran the other day where Gallo attacked Noble for seeking funds for the Hodge Center,( you know that tired old program, that is in that tired old building his brother built and his mom the great Nancy Gallo teaches kids in.) that was a good example of who Gallo is. Gallo is a bully that will go after you with a vengeance if you dare disagree or oppose him, even if it is at the expense of the City of Kingston. That's where temperament is an issue, Noble needs to show voters that Gallo's rage effects his judgement as Mayor and leads him to do things that are counter productive and against the City he represents. ok!
We hear a prominent African American will be entering the race for Mayor of the City of Kingston, this person will be the first African American to ever run for the office and will make the race interesting. We look forward to it.
As for endorsements, we know Cahill is giving the Conservative line to Gallo, he claims it's a committee decision but the committee consists of three people including himself. Why can't the guy be a man and just say I like Gallo and I'm endorsing him, that's what we would do. This pussy footing around and trying to be the most clever guy in the room is Cahill's problem and why he will never become Capo of Kingston, a position he wants more than anything. The Working Families line is gunna be a fight between Gallo and Noble. Team Gallo seems pretty confident which surprises us. A few years ago Gallo screamed at the NYS WFP director's mother whose in her eighties at a local gym in Kingston and we all know how strongly Shayne feels when it comes to his mother, for that reason and the fact that he's not progressive at all and seeking the Conservative line we can't imagine that he will get their endorsement. Indy line we have no idea who will get it but we do know who wont: SHAYNE Gallo. Gallo's ace in the whole endorsement came to an abrupt end when DiFalco the city Independence chair was clipped in the last election cycle failing to retain a seat on the committee as the defacto boss by a single vote, thank Blaber for that one...we again give a devil his due.
The Republican race for Mayor is interesting, the candidate will be Ron Polacco, we're fairly confident, he's a friend of ours in the life that represented a Democratic ward as a Republican for many years and he took on the GOP party machine four years ago and won, only to be crushed by Gallo in the general. That was a different time, after Gallo won the primary there was a lot of hope and good will that he would be a great Mayor like his brother T.R., people now know that he is no T.R. Gallo and no Mayor Sottile we don't mean that as a compliment. ;) Gallo has shown basic competency for the job no question but he is not half the Mayor that his brother was and his predecessor Jim Sottile?! Forgetttttabooutttit! Shayne Gallo isn't qualified to shine Sottile's shoes. Besides all that, Gallo has shown that he is insane and just unstable. If Polacco and Dimecco team up while Gallo and Noble fight it out, you could see the first Republican administration in this city in over twenty five years. As for DiMecco's candidacy for Mayor...surly you jest. The guy has been out of the game ten years. A Polocco/DiMicco ticket on the other hand that's a strong ticket, both are hard campaigners that have the interests of the city at heart not power and greed. Power and greed is what drives Capo Gallo, he governs in the same way Big Paul Castilano governed his crew, he got greedy and forgot who he was, he forgot he was a gangster but we digress. In closing we feel that a Polocco/DiMecco ticket is a winning one and just to see Rich Cahill's face when it happens is worth the price of admission.
Shayne Gallo announced he is running for reelection as Mayor of the City of Kingston to a crowd of about 150 people, we will give the Devil his due, he turned out a nice crowd for the event. We had to laugh that he chose the King's Inn to announce, it would be like Mike Bloomberg announcing he's running for Mayor in front of Pepsi Cola headquarters. It just didn't make sense. The only worst place would have been across the street at Bank of America where the Kingston Capo promised he was going to build a police station. The guy is literally standing on one of his failures and saying I want another four years. Or mumbling it, the guy is the worst public speaker we have ever witnessed. ok you understand,. ok you got that. ok. We did find it humorous that the crowd which was predominantly African American, he referred to several times as '' Afro Americans" My administration has done a lot for the Afro Americans, ok. Four years ago when Shayne Gallo announced at the King's Inn, it was genius, partly because it was our idea, not only did we come up with the location, we wrote his speech while he mumbled it to a crowd half the size in the pouring rain, ok. But four years later what has happened? it's a parking lot with a few benches. Wow!! Talk about economic development.
We are not much more impressed with the candidacy of his primary opponent Steve Noble. Capo Gallo is a novice when it comes to politics but he is a brilliant man and capable of anything, Noble should be consulting with his Uncle, Kingston Underboss Jim Noble before he goes to the paper and says this city is on an upswing, and allowing Gallo to school him in the paper. Than there was the story about how he's going to be a gentleman Mayor which didnt make him look like a gentleman, it made him look like he lacked genitalia. Just saying you're going to be a gentleman Mayor does not do him any favors. Instead of looking like a gentleman, he looked like a pussy and made Gallo look like a no nonsense knock around guy that gets things done, instead of the insecure bully that he is.
Don't get us wrong Gallo is no gentleman, nor is he a stand up guy and temperament is an issue that Noble needs to be hitting Shayne on but he needs to frame the issue correctly in a way that resonates with voters. The story that the Freeman ran the other day where Gallo attacked Noble for seeking funds for the Hodge Center,( you know that tired old program, that is in that tired old building his brother built and his mom the great Nancy Gallo teaches kids in.) that was a good example of who Gallo is. Gallo is a bully that will go after you with a vengeance if you dare disagree or oppose him, even if it is at the expense of the City of Kingston. That's where temperament is an issue, Noble needs to show voters that Gallo's rage effects his judgement as Mayor and leads him to do things that are counter productive and against the City he represents. ok!
We hear a prominent African American will be entering the race for Mayor of the City of Kingston, this person will be the first African American to ever run for the office and will make the race interesting. We look forward to it.
As for endorsements, we know Cahill is giving the Conservative line to Gallo, he claims it's a committee decision but the committee consists of three people including himself. Why can't the guy be a man and just say I like Gallo and I'm endorsing him, that's what we would do. This pussy footing around and trying to be the most clever guy in the room is Cahill's problem and why he will never become Capo of Kingston, a position he wants more than anything. The Working Families line is gunna be a fight between Gallo and Noble. Team Gallo seems pretty confident which surprises us. A few years ago Gallo screamed at the NYS WFP director's mother whose in her eighties at a local gym in Kingston and we all know how strongly Shayne feels when it comes to his mother, for that reason and the fact that he's not progressive at all and seeking the Conservative line we can't imagine that he will get their endorsement. Indy line we have no idea who will get it but we do know who wont: SHAYNE Gallo. Gallo's ace in the whole endorsement came to an abrupt end when DiFalco the city Independence chair was clipped in the last election cycle failing to retain a seat on the committee as the defacto boss by a single vote, thank Blaber for that one...we again give a devil his due.
The Republican race for Mayor is interesting, the candidate will be Ron Polacco, we're fairly confident, he's a friend of ours in the life that represented a Democratic ward as a Republican for many years and he took on the GOP party machine four years ago and won, only to be crushed by Gallo in the general. That was a different time, after Gallo won the primary there was a lot of hope and good will that he would be a great Mayor like his brother T.R., people now know that he is no T.R. Gallo and no Mayor Sottile we don't mean that as a compliment. ;) Gallo has shown basic competency for the job no question but he is not half the Mayor that his brother was and his predecessor Jim Sottile?! Forgetttttabooutttit! Shayne Gallo isn't qualified to shine Sottile's shoes. Besides all that, Gallo has shown that he is insane and just unstable. If Polacco and Dimecco team up while Gallo and Noble fight it out, you could see the first Republican administration in this city in over twenty five years. As for DiMecco's candidacy for Mayor...surly you jest. The guy has been out of the game ten years. A Polocco/DiMicco ticket on the other hand that's a strong ticket, both are hard campaigners that have the interests of the city at heart not power and greed. Power and greed is what drives Capo Gallo, he governs in the same way Big Paul Castilano governed his crew, he got greedy and forgot who he was, he forgot he was a gangster but we digress. In closing we feel that a Polocco/DiMecco ticket is a winning one and just to see Rich Cahill's face when it happens is worth the price of admission.
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