You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Breaking News

Noble fundraiser draws over 125 people last night!!! Good job Mr. Noble. GENTLEMEN  we have ourselves a real primary here!! Congrats Steve we wish you all the best. I would love to be in the front office this morning w Zweben and Gallo.

Gallo: what are we gunna do Zweb, the kid had over 100 people ok, should I yell at him.

Zweb: we have evil on our side Shayne don't worry about it.

Gallo: are you sure? Ok, I got to yell at someone.

zweb: let it out Shayne yell at me I'm your bitch.

Gallo: ok. What does this fucking zookeeper know about running a city. I'm fucking perfect. I'm gunna win this I got the Afro Americans the Latinos, the lunch bucket crowd ok. He thinks he can go toe to toe with Gallo in court of public opinion???  It's Gallllllllloooooooooooo babbbyyyyyyyyy!!

Zweb: you are the best Shayne.

Gallo: did I tell you to speak, Jeeves? I gotta a meeting to suck Hein's ass at 11 .. How's my hair?

Zweb: perfect

Gallo: good, ok, hun,  shine my shoes. Andrew I want them look like mirrors for Micheal today. I don't get it I carry his water for him and he doesn't show up to my announcement? He drives by but didn't stop, I think him and Schumer are plotting against me. Everyone is against me they don't get how great I am. Andy you are lucky to be part of this thing of ours. Now go get your fucking shine box!

Zweben departs to get his  shine box. Gallo sits back in his chair as oblivious and parinoid as ever.


  1. Where did the Provenzano\Noble post go?

  2. We took it down, we are getting conflicting information and it now looks less than creditable and more of a GOP started rumor.

  3. Haha. I have to say I like Shayne but this is very entertaining. The people that do this blog obviously are either county employees or people high up in the Democratic Party. John Cardinale? Keep it up!

  4. No Frank Cardinale is not the author(s) of this website. That discratziar should resign as Chairman and cansigliare of our family immediatly before we lose another election cycle.

  5. Shayne is waayyy more likeable than Hein.

  6. That's a manner of opinion. Noble got him in the paper today.

  7. It is easy for Gallo's opposition to attack when he has never had to make really important decisions in moving the city ahead . Deciding what to do in parks and rec and the zoo is not earthshattering . When at the top you sometimes have to make hard and important decisions which could have consequences when trying to bring an economy to a city which is slowly climbing out of its economic slump. That is what defines leadership. You move on and stop with the handwringing. Plus it is always good to have somebody who has at least been employed in the private sector and not just stepping into a "public sector" job with cushy benefits. Being a "gentleman" is fine and dandy but can you be tough when it is called for......

  8. What job has Gallo ever yhad in the private sector? Dont make me laugh. He lived at home with his mom until she begged Mayor Sottile to hire him as assistant corp counsel and than got another part time job as a public defender. Every job Gallo has ever had he's been fired from csea ect.

  9. We like Hein, he's our boss. A little arrogant but he's the boss. A nice guy, that does a great job. We bust his balls but we like him where he is.

  10. You think Steve Noble got his job at City hall by his own merit? Pretty sure his Uncle Jim pushed some buttons. And has he ever worked for a private company or individual? Seems like at his tender age he came right out of college to his job. Not exactly pounding the pavement looking for a job. Gotta' to see some more life experience from the kid.

  11. Please he's not a kid, yes I do think he got it on his own merit. His degree and job are closely aligned. The council president doesn't have power like that to just give someone a job. Noble does not work on city hall and while Mayor Gallo doesn't seem to care about these tests, the guy passed a civil service test for the job. Being Mayor is not a difficult job it's not at all. It's an important job but it's not a hard one.

  12. of course Council president cannot give him the job but he can "talk" to people, who can, to persuade them...... You are naïve to think that this has not happen. All the more reason a strong ethic disclosure is needed. I would imagine if this was in place Steve Noble would not have been eligible for a city hall job. About time the family plan at City Hall is abolished. (Jim, Julie and Steve) Nothing personal against them but enough is enough..

  13. it's not that I think they didn't get the positions created through them advocating for them and having a voice because of who Jim Noble is but they both passed civil service tests for the position, which were open to the public. Also Steve has brought in a tremendous amount of money in grants. We support Polacco for Mayor but we will be fair on our website about all the campaigns going on.

  14. we hear two more Republicans are entering the race one of them is a woman!

  15. So who are the Republicans?

  16. I think the office of Economic Development has brought 90% of grants into the city under the direction of Gregg Swanzey.. The other 10% might have been done by Noble with help from that office. He does write grants for his job paycheck.
    Don't always have to take in order from Civil Service tests by the standing of their scores...... BTW the woman issue about running for Mayor is old news! Next..??

  17. Old news then who is it, if it's old news. Then who is the the other Rep.

  18. Who is running the City Zweben or Gallo?

  19. Yawn...are we really going to vote for someone who's in the closet?!?!

  20. Nate not running. 11:46 what have you been smoking???
    Who is in the closet 7:57Am?

  21. There is one more Democrat who is going to join the primary, and the candidate is a woman.
