We endorse Alderman at Large Jim Noble for reelection as Alderman at Large. We don't post for a week and we've gotten pinced according to Little Dicks blog. He can go fuck himself, he's such a bitter little guy isn't he?! Jeanette's candidacy helps Gallo no doubt but Noble will win two to one. We also support Jen Shawrtz Berke as provanzanos replacement. We'd bet the farm that she wins that primary 2:1! The Noble / Provanzano odds.. Noble will win by about 300 votes will be close. Steve Noble needs to start doing his push ups and eating his wheaties. a Noble/ Noble ticket scares the hell out of us. Why? A lot of old time dems will try to balance the power so to speak by voting for the ones they know and trust. Gallo and Jim Noble. The idea of one family controlling city government will be a whisper campaign that Gallo will spread, to the point he will throw his run in mate under the bus behind the scenes. Kingston's Capo Gallo has no loyalty and is using her name, don't forget she supported Hayes Clement four years ago.. I gaurentee you Gallo hasn't! Noble needs to point out the Gallo they trust is long gone as not maniac in the front office now.
Our next post in the next week or so will be a bombshell against Mayor Gallo stay tuned!