You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Noble for Alderman at Large

We endorse Alderman at Large Jim Noble for reelection as Alderman at Large. We don't post for a week and we've gotten pinced according to Little Dicks blog. He can go fuck himself, he's such a bitter little guy isn't he?!  Jeanette's candidacy helps Gallo no doubt but Noble will win two to one. We also support Jen Shawrtz Berke as provanzanos replacement. We'd bet the farm that she wins that primary 2:1! The Noble / Provanzano odds.. Noble will win by about 300 votes will be close. Steve Noble needs to start doing his push ups and eating his wheaties. a Noble/ Noble ticket scares the hell out of us. Why? A lot of old time dems will try to balance the power so to speak by voting for the ones they know and trust. Gallo and Jim Noble.  The idea of one family controlling city government will be a whisper campaign that Gallo will spread, to the point he will throw his run in mate under the bus behind the scenes. Kingston's Capo Gallo has no loyalty and is using her name, don't forget she supported Hayes Clement four years ago.. I gaurentee you Gallo hasn't! Noble needs to point out the Gallo they trust is long gone as not maniac in the front office now.

Our next post in the next week or so will be a bombshell against Mayor Gallo stay tuned!


  1. Sorry for typos I did that post on my iphone. I'm too busy to fix it..... Read between the lines.

  2. Provenzano did support Hayes Clement 4 years ago, how dumb can Gallo be on this one.

  3. You are in LaLa land.... All the pushups and bowls of Wheaties in the world won't help Stevie boy...It is not a whisper campaign. People do not like friends and family plans in City Hall. The Noble monopoly needs to go. As the raven says...Never More!!!

    1. Provanzano would be just as bad in the family and friends plan. Her daughter works in the building department and she got her niece a job in city hall (with gallo's attack dog, Greg Swanzey). Lisa Spada-Bruck failed the civil service test but Gallo just changed the status so that the job isn't civil service. Would he have done that for anyone else other than for Jeanette? Jeanette as alderman-at-large would be disastrous. All she would do is get jobs for her family.

  4. Dumb like a fox he could care less if Jeanette wins or loses he runs the show, he has the council and will next year too. he's using Jeanette's name to strengthen his ticket so he has a better shot win primary..period! Pre convention when he was running Jeanette got sick, early rumors were she had a stroke, he said to me I hope that old bitch dies. That's Shayne Gallo. Steve Noble needs win primary for any this to matter.

  5. You know why I like Jeanette even though she's an old bitter twat? Cuz she reminds me of Joan Rivers. I love to hang out with her she's fun to hang around for an old lady, she is witty and smart and takes no shit but I just disagree with her politics. Plus primaring Jimmy Noble give me a break, but on the other hand it's good to have contested races. Too lazy candidates will now have to work their ass off and actually present their ideas and vision for Kingston. Voters will benifit no doubt. Smart money says Noble has this one though, we'll see to it. Jimmy ain't going out like that no way. And to a woman to boot?! Forgettaboutitt!!! A woman boss of the counsel?! Wouldn't happen in the old country that's for sure.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. C'mon we will not be posting comments about Jeanette's mortality. God forbid!!!

  8. We any stomach to give Hein a post praising him so we'll do it on comments, we applaud Hein for signing into law a ban of ciggerete sales 1000 feet from schools. Good job Boss. That will add to our capos pockets, more bootleg ciggs on the street operation camel crush will make an extra 3 dimes a week in Kingston alone. Plus the kids and stuff, goo for them too. Win win, wink nod... One step closer to making Ulster healthiest county in the entire world and we are incredibly proud. Incredibly incredibly proud. ;)

  9. All dem's know the convention is stacked against Gallo and Provenzano. No big deal, the voters will decide in primary

  10. A lot of dumb ass comments on this blog, stupid people supporters for Noble fits perfect

  11. you better hope Mr. goodfellow that you don't meet Provenzano's Italian friends or family in an ally!!!!!hahahhahahha you never disrespect an Italian mother...........

  12. If the goal of this blog is to constantly beat up on Gallo I will be bored silly. How about Dave Donaldson running for County Exec? Now that's exciting news.

  13. So is Donaldson running for County Executive?

  14. Is Bill Reynolds running for Alderman in ward 7?

  15. Donaldson has such a high opinion of himself, one year it was Comptroller, maybe Mayor, County Executive, maybe Governor !!!! Congressman, please, in the end he doesn't run except for what he considers a safe seat.

  16. I agree he is afraid of losing his seat to bad someone doesn't run against him so he has to work for that seat.

  17. amen to 11:35 comment! Somebody should talk to Steve Noble on the realities of running.....

  18. So Len is Donaldson running for County Executive?

  19. Donaldson is not running for County Executive, he must be afraid that he would lose and then have no legislative seat.

  20. Duh! Most of us knew that.!. Why give up a sure thing ( in his mind) and really work & campaign to get a position totally out of his league like county executive.

  21. He is out of his league as a Legislator and was when he was Chairman

  22. Another business moving out of Kingston to the Town of Ulster great job.

  23. What happened to your bomb shell post on Gallo?

  24. it is all lies 12:58.... Maybe he meant to say bomb shell post regarding Steve Noble.. got the candidate mixed up...

  25. Jim Noble kicks Jeannette's ass from one end of Kingston to the other. In a rear political anomaly, The Mayoral race will be won on the coattails of the Alderman at Large candidate. Noble-Noble victory.

  26. gee, just what I want...A Mayor elected cuz his Uncle is alderman at large... That sure inspires confidence....NOT. I can see another 4 years of no accountability because you know someone who can make it go away..or cover it up!

  27. Better read Rich Cahill's column regarding a major financial blunder of Steve Noble. Obviously he is not qualified to run a city if he cannot manage grants and the dispensing of its funds. Documents are posted online for verification. He hasn't been paying attention to the store....

  28. 8:41: Coattails does not mean the person should not be elected. Steve Noble has assembled a team with a single message that is important, it is pro Kingston and positive. The current administration seemed to spend more time fighting and defending himself than getting things done. I would like to give him credit for getting Schumer to pay attention to the sink hole. Of course that also points out that he could not get it done on his own. It took years of subservient ass kissing of Mike Hein to get even that.

  29. That Rich Cahill is still in Kingston? Is that the only person Gillon and Gallo can get to do their dirty work? How absolutely pathetic!

  30. Another Gallo administration attack on the less fortunate. This administration has been targeting not for profits who help the poor, homeless, and those under served in the city. Now they can add orphaned children to that list.

  31. 6:34...a bit over dramatic?

  32. 4:19: How are they making this financial blunder(grant debacle) go away for Steve Noble? is this where Jim Noble steps in like 8:41 posted? Just saying.....

  33. 11:33 - - - Ask the poor people this impacts if it is over dramatic. Queens Galley, Catholic Charities, and now a home for orphans. This is factual stuff here, not hyperbole, not exaggeration, simply the truth. Maybe the Gallo administration should look at the big picture at what they have done to the less fortunate in Kingston.

  34. So tonight should be a fun time at the Dem convention.

  35. Maybe the Gallo administration is trying to prevent the very things you speak of 7:22. Get people while they are still young and educate them, teach them how to work. be resourceful and not look to the government to feed and clothe them for the rest of their lives. the new programs he is investing in is all about education. Education will raise them up. Many decades of the war on poverty has not been successful. It just created another generation to take from social services without any incentives to do better. The hand outs cannot last. It is not sustainable as we see in certain programs in the City of Kingston. Homeowners are the citizens who are paying these taxes. There is a disparity between renters and homeowners in who actually supports these programs with their taxes.Take a look at the new programs the CDBG advisory board is going to give to? More educationally oriented. I am probably going to hear a rant about my post calling me a Republican which is unfortunate but in fact I am a democrat. There is more to the story of Queens Galley to Catholic Charities..where is the catholic church in supporting their own charities? Isn't this their mission? And what orphanage are you talking about? The Children's home? The home that got almost a million dollars last year from the federal government for an anticipated arrival of unaccompanied illegal minors?

  36. Bill Reynolds in the 7th ward another has been.

  37. It should be interesting in the come months now.

  38. 6:57....looks like someone hit a sore spot! LOL! Closing boarding homes for the mentally ill, closing soup kitchens, closing a free pantry, and knocking down a home that was planned to be a home for orphans is pretty insensitive stuff. Taking away the programs that helped the less fortunate does not make the problem go away. What programs has this administration put in place to help those people who were once helped by the places they shuttered? Sure sounds like this administration is subscribing to the motto, ignore it and it will go away!
    Poor excuse for Democrats. What happened to being all inclusive and helping those who could not help themselves or were down on their luck?

  39. Gallo is whinning

  40. Don't underestimate the public's support for Gallo. It's the party elite (the "cocktail party Democrats") who are trying to unseat him. And Hein is running unchallenged...AGAIN!

  41. Hoffay do you remember where your wallet was, the rest of Kingston is about to find out.

  42. Do you think for one minute that gossiping about Tom Hoffay is going to help Shayne Gallo's chances? Tom Hoffay is not running for anything and if anything, it will be viewed as political in nature and a distraction from the truth.
    You would be well served if you spent your time trying trying to figure out a way to put a positive spin on what has been an abysmal showing by Shayne Gallo. The public, more so than the so-called cocktail party democrats, are not blind or dumb. They see how badly Gallo has performed. One other thing, Shayne Gallo is NOT Mike Hein. Hein at least can point to some positives that occurred on his watch. Shayne, not so much.

  43. Why is it Ok to speak in threats for Gallo and not Hoffay!!!

  44. 11:02- if you are referring to the current address of 106 w.chestnut as a home you are ill informed. It is a glorified flop house/boarding house. NOT for mentally ill. Past owner left on her own for a bigger facility and took her mentally ill clients with her. House for planned orphans torn down? Where was that?

  45. OK 10:56, whatever you say.... Andrew Zweben was harassing them to leave his street. Once he was corporation council, he started in on them. Everyone knows the truth there. You can choose to ignore it, up to you.
    You also should do yourself a favor and not rely on the Daily shad wrapper for your local news, they are inept and going down fast.

    1. This article doesn't go into the important details about why the house was demolished. It had nothing to do with the proposed intention of the house. The house was literally crumbling - the next door neighbor had three flat tires from debris falling from the house. He couldn't use his driveway for three months because of the many times he had to call the building/fire department to remove several-feet long soffets, etc. that had fallen from the house. The building had been condemned for months. A structural engineer inspected the house and determined that it was unsafe - it was unable to be renovated because an exterior wall was bowing out, leaving the real possibility that the entire house - asbestos and all - would just literally collapse.

      The decision to raze the building had nothing to do with who owned it or what they wanted to do with it - Zweben, Gallo, and the Building Dept. had been trying to get it demolished long before the church (to whom the house had been bequeathed) let it be known that they wanted to convert it to a group home. Also, petition had been circulated the previous year and had come before the Common Council asking for the building to be demolished.

      I hope you live in Kingston and that you're on record for supporting more properties off the tax rolls. This city doesn't need fewer people paying for more tax-exempt properties. Every time a property comes off the tax rolls, everyone else has to pay more. The city's budget doesn't shrink; there are still roads to pave and plow, streets lights to pay for (the taxpayers pay the electric bill for Central Hudson), paid police and fire protection, garbage pick-up, etc.

      If the church - or any benevolent organization - really wanted to help its community, it'd pay its fair share. Instead, they sponge off of everyone else.

      Also, you should know that the owners of 72 Garden St. died over a year ago. The church never bothered to look for property outside the city - instead they waited for the heirs to turn the property over to them. What they had planned on spending for renovation (hundreds of thousands of dollars), they could've bought a house outside the city. Instead, they wanted the above-named services that they can't get anywhere else (in Ulster County) for free. This proves that they care more about what they can get for free than what they can do for others.

      And finally, you also should do yourself a favor and not rely on the Times-Herald Record because clearly it didn't do any research on the timeline of the building's demise. You can bash Gallo and Zweben for being "anti-orphan", but you're not informed on this issue. The Times-Herald Record didn't do its homework and delve into the background. It only ran the lawsuit angle of the story.

  46. 5:46, Who is "speaking in threats" to Gallo? I swear, Gallo supporters are the most ignorant people I have ever run across. A bunch of unthinking followers who are incapable of articulating a reasoned opinion.
    PS:Gallo is running for Mayor, Hoffay is not.

  47. 10:56 - don't read freeman for my info. Chiz place was only permitted for a certain amount people. They were cited for having 40 people (way over capacity level)and several of them living in a glorified shed on property. We as neighbors know the facts....code enforcement is done for the safety of those inhabitants. proper wiring,sprinkler systems,sewer and etc.

  48. Ask Hayes Clement or his friend Lynn Johnson who live on the street if they are in favor of this home or if they put pressure on council to close it down.

  49. You having a report on Noble's fundraiser tonight?

  50. No report on Nobles fund raiser last night?

  51. Seriously, they chose Reynolds? I think us taxpayers are still paying for what he and his liberal faction legislated a few councils ago... or lack of oversight on the part of that council. where the heck has he been? Taking his advisement from Hoffay, still....?

  52. May 31 10:14am....wake up

    Hoffay is "running" for City Clerk. Hoffay's entire plan against Gallo and several incumbent common council members and his pulling little Billy "never did a thing as alderman but vote to raise taxes" Reynolds out of mothballs?

    On your boy Mike "finger in the wind" Heines, he is the worst type of local elected official any community can have. FITW cares about one thing and one thing only, himself and what higher office he can run for next. What ever happened to Hein's statewide Tour? Oh that's right it ended after one failed event and the Governor told him to go home and come back after he cleans up his slum properties and grows up.

  53. Hoffay for City Clerk that is an appointed position. Reynolds should stay in mothballs.

  54. When is the bomb shell coming out on Gallo?

  55. So who will y'all be writing in for County Executive?

  56. What is this about Hoffays wallet being found somewhere? I don't get the story .. Please advise.
