You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Omertà Report

We are holding off on the Gallo info we have, we still have a half an ounce of love for the man and can't bring ourselves to post it, at least not at this point in time.

The common council races: In Ward 2 we support the guy running against the incumbent, let's not forget Seche has no opinion of his own and no backbone he's gotta go. We endorse the other guy we don't know his name or care. In ward 3 we back Alderman Will, he is head and shoulders above Chump Doran, in Ward 4 we back Nina Dawson, we think she's doing a great job for that ward and could hold higher office. In Ward 5 Bill Carey. Ward 6 Tony Davis Ward 7 : Bill Reynolds is the guy to vote for he's brilliant a great leader and voters of ward 7 will be lucky to have him back. However we have a lot of respect for Ms. Mills who is a great mother has overcome a lot in her life and a great woman, sometimes you have two good candidates and have to make a decision, we support our Mentor majority Leader Reynolds. Ward 8 Steve Schabot all the way. Ward Nine: downtown Debbie Brown.

Ulster County DA Holly Carnright has grown on us, we love Jon Sennett, he's a mans man and stand up guy and we avocated for him in both of his bids for DA but Holly Carnright impresses us, as gangsters we don't always like the DA but we also don't like Child murders and he impressed us with his recent trial and conviction of Stali and he's just an honest good guy. He deserves another term.

Ulster Executive believe it or not this is a tough one, as much as we bust the Mighty Heiny's balls we think he's a great guy and a good boss of out family. He has many great qualities and on a personal level he's a cool stand up guy. However we support Terry Bernardo for Ulster County Executive, a former chair of the legislature, a former hotel executive with a Master's degree from Drexel University, and a buisness owner in Ulster County we think she is a superior choice to be Ulster's first woman County Executive.  It'll be a tough uphill battle for Mrs. Bernardo but she has been vetted more than Hillary Clinton and we think she will ultimately win.

For Mayor we still are holding off on an endorsement.

We will say that Andy Zweben is way off on his recent article about petitions and the Dem committee trying keep Gallo off the ballot. This is the way it's always done, the Dem nominees are often on same petition as a slate, the GOP does same thing, people at doors do not want to sign a thousand different pieces of paper. Zweb knows this and knows the public does not understand but I will say this, they may not understand the petition process but they know bullshit when they see it and that is what this is: bullshit! The Board of elections is bipartisan and will help any candidate that wants to get on the ballot, they will give the person a blank petition to use to create what they need to get on the ballot or advise them on how to make their own. They would do that for anyone, to suggest anything else is ridiculous. There is no conspiracy at work here just parinoid liars looking more desperate by the day.

Rich Cahill says he will endorse candidates on Tuesday, if Gallo wants the line it's his, Cahill may sign Wilson Pakulas for all candidates to look like he's playing fair but Gallo will have the support of the commitee. Cahill is so far up Gallo's ass that he is even calling DPW, BPW like Gallo does. It's hysterical, he's like a little kid. I wanna be just like my Uncle Shayne.  It hasn't been the board of public works in years and Cahill is just mimicking his false idol Gallo. Funny to watch, how a little power can but ones integrity.

We predict Polacco will win GOP convention.

That's all for now.


  1. JB you're not even trying hide it's you anymore. I'm shocked actually not by the content but by how smart you are. Drugs made you smarter? This is nothing like your old blog at all.

  2. what is Reynolds doing back in the race? After 17 years on the council you would think he would throw in the towel. What exactly did he accomplish when he was a council member? enlighten me as I seemed to have forgotten what he contributed to the betterment of the city. Ms. Mills runs circle around Reynolds in how she is committed to the 7th ward. and the City of Kingston. Our ward has had the best representation in years. SO what is the democrats beef against her? What knuckle heads primary their incumbent? And what does Mills being a good mother have to do with being a councilwoman? Bordering on a sexist remark.. What is this, the 1950's? She runs on her own merits as a great and competent alderwoman. Should you also mention that Reynolds is a great Dad? I didn't see that comment!

  3. Reynolds is a very good Dad, we didn't mean that he wasn't a good Dad, we endorsed him what more do you want. We were just stating that unlike other ward races this is a race with two great candidates but make no mistake we want Reynolds 110%. Bill should have been our family's candidate for Mayor.

  4. Also it's not sexist, I know MA's daughter which only reason her being a good mother popped into my head. You guys need to calm the fuck down.

  5. You need to tell me what Reynolds ever did for the 7th ward in his 17 year as an Alderman. The answer is nothing. I guess now your afraid to bring the Gallo issue out. You belong in jail.

  6. Not afraid at all. I am just hesitant it's pretty bad. We don't hate him enough to do it. It's extremely bad, would end his campaign if main stream media reported on it. Reynolds has done a lot you would have to ask him, I'm not his campaign manager not do I have time to list all his accomplishments but I know most of them. It was his idea to restore Kingston CIty Hall despite what people think.

  7. Not just his idea. I believe TR Gallo was the driving force for City Hall Restoration. WE as taxpayers are still paying for legislation Reynolds had a hand in passing. Personally, being a council person for that long reeks of a career...pension benefits to supplement his state pay pension plan?

  8. TR got it done no question but it was originally Bill's idea. TR was originally opposed to it. TR deserves all credit don't get it twisted, he got the money, he did the work. TR was the best boss are family ever had, he'd be our Congressman right now had he lived. God bless him

  9. Deflecting the focus from Gallo to Reynolds, Hoffay, or anyone else for that matter may work here on a blog. It will not work in the voting booth or in changing public opinion of Gallo's performance.

  10. Then let the story out you said you had the dirt or are you afraid.

  11. If you truly have something so bad on Gallo, that's true and had anything remotely to do with how he runs our city (personal life crap is just that, personal) then you should report it. Or leak it if you don't want your name on it. Also making statements about things and not disclosing does more harm then good . If you were hesitating to disclose you never should have said anything to begin with.

  12. When the time is right I'll let you know ok hun?! I'm too afraid to say, I might get clipped or disappear. ;)

  13. It's not Blaber

  14. No the reason Little Dick would not support Gallo and have an open primary is so it wouldn't hurt Gallo's chances at getting WFP. Here you have the conservative chair of the City of Kingston, maneuvering w the Democratic Mayor to help him get the line of the Working Families Party which is the complete opposite of everything Conservative party stands for. It would be like the head of the Pro Life movement trying to get The head of planned parenthood support. What a tangle web we weave, when we plan to dicieve. Cahill has lost all credibility but you can never trust a guy that can't look you in the eyes. He's a man child that's insecure looking for approval from Uncle Shayne.

  15. Not JB?

    From Blaber's own Facebook page - just before promoting this blog.

    Jeremy Blaber
    April 12 ·
    Godfather weekend on AMC, I think I've watched and read almost everything on Cosa Nostra but I have never watched the Godfather.

  16. 6:28 u hit it right on the head about Cahill. He is working for Gallo for sure.

  17. He hasn't even watched the Godfather... What did I ever do to make you treat me so disrespectfully? We love the Godfather. godfather 1 and 2 are the most accurate portrayals of the life that we have ever seen...3 not so much.

  18. from your picks and who you support shows you are a disgrace to Mr. Gotti!!!!!

    1. Why's that? Gotti knew people were people. He never cared about race or any of that other bullshit. It's not like we agree with everything our boss stood for, we would never commit murder.

  19. the one trying to run the show and behind the curtain, letting his people take the lead, is Kevin Cahill, he doesn't have the guts to speak out like Rich Cahill, love him or not.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Rich Cahill used to have guts now he's a yes man to Mayor Gallo. Nothing more than a glorified waterboy.
