We hear that Shayne Gallo will NOT accept the Wilson Pakula for the Conservative party endorsement for Mayor. Gallo feels that it will be too much of a liability for the Democratic primary this September and he's probably right, Kevin Bryant was never able to recover in his race for UC Family court after being endorsed by the party last year.
That represents a bigger problem for Gallo in the general election, it does not look good for Gallo in the Democratic primary against Stevie Wonder, who is gaining traction by the day. Not a single political party has endorsed Gallo in his bid for reelection, if he loses the primary he's out.
Gallo has two options, he can create his own line, which will put him all the way at the bottom of the ticket and seek an opportunity to ballot for WFP. Gallo is unlikely to beat Polacco for the Independence party line in September. Polacco is a hard worker and has no primary to worry about other than the Indy primary, where Gallo who's brain is scattered to begin with will have to much going on to give the proper attention to the Indy primary. Gallo will be forced to have crazy Joe DiFalco, who was clipped by Blaber as the Kingston Indy party boss last year, go out and try get him the votes he needs to keep Indy line in November...good luck, DiFalco's only shot is what Blaber you get, if Blaber is well than Joe and Gallo have no shot, if they get the other Blaber than there is an even shot at Gallo winning the line. Blaber has had his nine lives in Ulster politics, under Gotti he would have been clipped four chances ago, this is his absolute last chance to get it right. However if you believe the comments on this blog, why do people have such a hard on for such a young guy?!
Speaking of Mayor Gallo, we have never had a situation where an incumbent Mayor has not gotten a single party to endorse his reelection campaign. Mayor Sottile when he was at war w csea in 2007 and the boss of the WFP was running his opponents campaign still managed to get the support of wfp, as well as Indy and Dem. There never in the history of this city has there been a scenario where the sitting Mayor has not gotten at least one political party to back his candidacy. That alone speaks volumes.
We were wrong we now hear that Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley will not seek reelection for Supervisor but we feel his son should. We hear Scott DiMicco will not run for alderman at large, noone has seen or heard from the guy in over a month. It would be smart on Polacco's part and the City's GOP committee to nominate John Quigley. The younger Quigs will have good name recognition, his father is well liked in Kingston and we believe that Polacco will be Mayor on January 1st. Quigley's son could be part of history, the first Mayor/ald at large to win city wide office in over twenty years. It is his father's dream to be Kingston Mayor, this would be the first step for the younger Quigs to achieve that.
Another bad decision by Gallo to have a no turn on red all of the time at the Gov Clinton Hotel onto Clinton Ave. Traffic will be backed up over the hump on Albany Ave at certain points during the day and evening. Real smart decision.
ReplyDeleteGod help Kingston if Steve wins. Someone with zero experience and who won't even come out of the closet.
ReplyDeleteReally? Closet? You went there?
DeleteHey, 11:28..FYI..The Mayor doesn't make the decision about traffic signals..The Common Council does... Need to get your facts straight before you point fingers.
ReplyDeleteOooooh...8:18 what a tidbit.....tell us more
The apparent level of intelligence of some of the commenters on this blog speaks volumes about the people supporting Gallo. Angry, immature, and ignorant.
ReplyDeleteThe Mayor is very much aware of the traffic light at the Gov Clinton intersection, he has to sign the legislation, so get your facts correct.
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ReplyDelete5:42 talk to your alderman. More than likely he brought it to a committee to have the signal changed.
ReplyDeleteSeche he isn't the brightest
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding the City is going to appeal the Rea decision?
ReplyDeleteI was reading that story and the one about the grant and it hit me.. Gallo really is going to be a one termer. He's going to lose I can feel it, I have a good sense of these things.
DeleteIt is just hitting you now? I knew this the day the infamous Blaber recording was released. He is an unstable man who has ceded responsibility and authority to one of the worst people to ever be involved in politics both in Kingston and in the Town of Ulster. Gallo, Zweben and their lunch buckets will be moving on. Let's hope that their ilk are removed from the political process altogether and the city actually does show improvement instead of the BS that is being presented as progress by the current administration.
Deletei don't know if it's Gallo or the sign of the times..but there have been more businesses opened up in the last 4 yrs along Broadway then i've seen in the last 30 yrs! And uptown hasn't been as active as it is now in years, and the Rondout is finally getting the attention it deserves with the Hudson Landing walkway getting underway, new shops and restaurants & Iannucci moving to do things with his properties. call me a hopeless optimist...but the last 4 yrs have been pretty great in Kingston. i read a lot of comments about gallo but it is clear that the majority of commenters are just misinformed about city government and are not interested in learning the facts...nothing gallo does will ever be right in some peoples minds. as for me, he gets my vote in Nov...my god, who is going to take his place, the Noble-Hoffay-Fuentes team?? Polocco & Decicco?? come on, folks...really??
ReplyDeleteALL of that was started before Gallo and is succeeding in spite of him. Anything new fell on his desk. Name me one thing that Gallo thought of, went out and found someone to take on, and is now up and running. One thing will do.
DeleteI agree! People like to bash people who put themselves in the forefront. Armchair quarterbacks. I am curious as to why all the vitriol against Zweben. As to the republicans DisMisso is not even running...Just wanted his few seconds of fame in the paper & media. We have a Mayor who has advocated for the arts and as such we are seeing a rebirth of the midtown. Arts have been priced out of NYC and I feel Kingston is drawing that group with open arms. SO you don't like Gallo's temperament and etc? what I see is a resurgence of midtown coming alive. Don't have to like the man but if he is getting the job done, so be it.. This is not to be a popularity contest.
ReplyDeleteZweben is the devil
DeleteI want you to sit there and think about everything that this man has supposedly accomplished during his term. Not things that he attached his name too, nor things that other people have brought to the table, 100% original Gallo ideas. Please let me know if or when you can come up with anything, because right now I am drawing a blank.
DeleteYou are correct in saying that the arts are thriving in Kingston, but that was going to happen with or without Gallo as mayor. It is the natural progression for economically depressed areas such as ours. If you can give credit to him for that just because it happened while he was in office, then you are also saying that he is responsible for every sunny day or thunderstorm. The man acts like a dictator and a tyrant, and we the people of Kingston are god damned tired of it.
only the same, few people who hate Gallo for whatever reason do not give him credit for the good things happening. new business owners i Kingston (and there a lot of them) like the guy and work well with him. and most people recognize that while his personality may not be to their liking...he's doing a great job as mayor.
Deleteif your idea of a "great job" is violating the city charter, alienating the entire common council, threatening local nonprofit groups, and straight up lying every time he opens his mouth then you need to fix your priorities.
DeleteSo much for the new and improved Kingston under Gallo:
Several individual communities and Census tracts in the region showed economic distress from both high unemployment and low wages, the report states. They include:
• Ulster County: City of Kingston
I would say our economy declined after IBM left. Since then we have had several city Mayors in power. In 2008 the country suffered a recession. Are you blaming our "distressed city " report on Gallo when clearly our slide started prior to Gallo taking office. Who was Mayor in 2008? Who was Mayor during the pullout years of IBM? Have Steve Noble declare an economic plan before you start criticizing the current administrations effort. If all a candidate can do is throw stones at current Mayor I believe it shows he has nothing substantial to talk about. Let's hear what Noble will do..Don't be hiding out as a primary is coming up. Take a stand. From where I sit I have no idea of what Steve Noble can and will do. The first day on the job is not the time to figure out what you want and need to do. I won't vote for a Mayor-in-waiting or Training.
ReplyDeleteHis Uncle Jimmy will help him, jimmy who you say? That's right jimmy who!!!
ReplyDeleteSteve Noble does not walk around town saying how much better Kingston is, how many new businesses have opened, and that everything is honky dory. There are factual reports that show that is simply not true. Gallo has been in office for 4 years and he has not succeeded in even begining to turn things around. Further, Gallo and his administration have lost the faith of the taxpayers and the newest residents who are in fact the people leading the turnaround, and not Gallo and his administration.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Noble should walk around and state why he is running .. Nobody knows in the general public. What does he bring to the table? Why is he being quiet? Maybe he has no plan or vision? Not everybody is on Facebook if that is where his campaign is running.
ReplyDeleteI have seen Noble all over Kingston, maybe you should leave your house and talk to him.
DeleteI go to lot of events in the city and I am hard pressed to see him at a lot of these events .When I do encounter him, In my opinion, he doesn't appear to be engaged in his surroundings. People hesitant to approach him. Almost aloof..
DeleteI too go to many events around the city and always see him. Recently he was at Make A Difference Day, the Diversity Day parade / Lets Move, flag day at the Elks lodge, and this stick ball tournament and he is always talking to people.
DeleteWhats your next excuse for not wanting to vote for him? Has he not wrongly fired enough fire chiefs?
We saw Noble out giving his son a bike ride in his neighborhood a few days ago. Seemed like a nice guy, accessible friendly, we have nothing against him.
DeleteSnarky comment....I dont feel Noble has enough management skills to handle running a city. Should try being an alderman first to get a handle on what is involved. Being an environmental specialist has limitations in what is involved in running a city. What has he managed? not too long ago he was almost part time in parks and rec?? What is his interaction with fellow employees or dept heads? Yes,Gallo has a temper and can be sometimes a bully but the demeanor of Noble is almost blaise...two candidates with 2 distinct personalities.... Watching him for any glimmer of leadership.. My mind not made up...
ReplyDeleteI am the only one who smells the fear coming from the Gallo supporters? It is palpable in my opinion.
ReplyDeletePolacco supporter....gotcha! You must be sniffing something else..