Gallo facing early trouble as reelection campaign begins. |
As we predicted Ron Polacco has secured the Republican nomination by a vote of 18-0. Mr. DiMicco who saw the writing on the wall didn't even bother to show up at the GOP's City convention last week. DiMicco who was nominated for Alderman at Large will definitely help Polacco's ticket, DiMicco is well liked and he's the first strong candidate that the GOP has put up for Alderman at Large in at least a dozen years. Ron Polacco's chances of becoming Mayor are getting better by the day. Cahill gave him a wilson Pakula for the Conservative line and Polacco probably will have one for the Independence as well. While Gallo will have ballot access for both the Conservative and Independence as well, he has a big primary to battle against Steve Noble, or as he calls him "Stevie Wonder", Polacco on the other hand has all summer to talk to every Independence and Conservative voter at least three times. As we stated before it's our counsel to Polacco that he just let Gallo have the Conservative line. Polacco's best and only chance of overcoming the 3:1 Democratic enrollment in this city is a three way race for Mayor.
We hear the Working Families Party is staying out of the Kingston Mayor's race, that's a big blow to Gallo. Gallo got elected with the help of WFP in the primary four years ago and has been telling everyone that will listen for the past three months that he had the WFP line all locked up. Our advice to the Kingston Capo is that maybe he just shut his mouth sometimes, it's better to be thought of as a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt. While we love John Gotti, Don Carlo, the former head of the Gambino family that bares his name to this day would play the quite old grandfather card to the tee, never letting arrogance get in his way or the need to be flashy or the need to have people think that he was right all the time, it was good enough for him to know he had the power and was in control. Carlo Gambino was boss for over thirty years, never serving a day in jail, dying of a heart attack home in his bed in his seventies. Don Gotti, who reminds us of Gallo, was the opposite, he wore $3k Baroni suits, had an awful temper, needed everyone to know just what he did for a living and craved attention, he was boss just eight years, dying alone in jail...Sad because pound for pound he was a better man than Gambino, stronger more ambitious, had balls but like Gallo obviously had "daddy issues", and needed that constant recognition. It was Gotti's ego that brought this borgotta down and Gallo will meet the same fate.
A good example is his stuberness to settle the Chris Rea case, which a Judge did for him, Gallo's ego and stuberness will cost taxpaers well over $240k. Another example of how temperament is an issue in this campaign. Gallo's poor choices and anger issues are effecting his ability to serve this city and taxpayers are paying for his anger management or lack there of when they get their tax bill this year.
Word on the street is Gallo is not off to the best start with petitions either, we hear Noble already has hundreds of more Democratic signatures than Gallo and that Gallo's supporters are having a tough time getting his "lunch bucket" crowd to sign on to their Capo's reelection campaign.
We hear rumors that Jim Quigley will run again for Ulster Town Supervisor, we will report more info as it becomes available. Of course he's gunna run, talk about a guy that needs attention.
i find it disconcerting that Steve Noble injected his comments into a legal issue regarding Chief Rea in recent Kingston Times article. Noble is an employee and really needs to keep his thoughts on the matter to himself. Not an issue to politicize... So this is how you run a "gentlemanly" campaign? Knew it was just a bunch of "hooey" when he first made his sound bites..
ReplyDeleteif you want to talk about Mayors who cost the city taxpayers money you also have to mention the former Mayor Sottile. His handling of the sexual harrassment case in the DPW was a debacle to the taxpayers. You fire the victim who voiced the complaints and you leave the perpertrators employed while the victim was let go? Check out how much that cost the city?? legal fees and reinstatement of back salaries? Maybe it was time for a mayor like Gallo to clean up "the good ole' boy network" in all departments. I for one don't see it as a vendetta but rather a long overdue action to clean up the crap and corruption in city government and its departments.
ReplyDeleteI agree, mayor Gallo is trying to clean up employees who abuse the system and there is a lot of this going on. Sottile temper makes Shayne seem pretty atme, why he wants to be in the spotlight again is beyond me. He was a bully and was in hiding the last yr as Mayor. People have short memories
ReplyDeletehow about the Sottile leadership of the KLDC? A lot of loans were issued under Sottile's administration which are now in default. One glaring example is the former Rosita's restaurant...major loss to the KLDC and city taxpayers. Rumour has it that there are also several other businesses in the city who were given loans under the Sottile rule which are in arrears on their payments or have folded. So Sottile endorsed Steve Noble? Can't see any good reforms coming if Noble is elected. Same old comaraderie coming back.... scarey! S.Noble for Mayor, Jim Noble for alderman at large (basically second in command) and wife Julie..Parks and Rec. Wow! Way too much family... Way too much on the city hall payroll..Way too much taxpayers have to pay in benefits for them.
DeleteJim Sottile Here. I publish comments under my name and do not hide. If your going to criticize please get your facts straight. The Rosita's loan was authorized and approved by Gallo. T.R. Gallo. I certainly take responsibility for what occurred during my administration but please don't place false blame when you don't have your facts correct.
I love how the commenters, probably the same person always tries to deflect the subject of Gallo's inadequacies on someone who is not running for office. This week it is Sottile, last week it was Hoffay.
ReplyDeleteboth Gallo and Noble are in closet. Gallo is definitely bisexual.
DeleteAnd what does that have to do with anything?
Delete6:08....tell us what Steve Noble brings to the table.... definitely not any life experience at the age of 33?? What can he do especially when his whole career has been in Parks and Rec with an environmental degree? Management? What is his plan & does this help the city economically? No where have I read what his agenda and plans for moving Kingston ahead. Needs to Stop yaking on Facebook and get his message to the taxpayers.. Don't see the gumption or leadership ability that is needed. I agree with 10:49 about Noble keeping his trap don't render an opinion when you are an employee. In the private sector you would be let go immediately. Now have I talked about Sottile or Hoffay??? hmmmmm? IMHO...
ReplyDeleteGo home Gerald Berke
DeleteYou're not going to really compare the temper of Gallo's to Sottile's, they are not even close, ones a guy with a temper and one is a mad man. Noble as a candidate for Mayor has every right to give his opinion on legal matters or any other issue regarding the Mayors race. Gallo sends out a letter criticizing Noble's skills as a grant writer and then appoints Gregg Swanzi?! Wait till we post some of the embarrassing grant requests he's sent, that look like a toddler wrote them.
ReplyDeletewell if Gregg Swanzey is writing like a child it must be a child genius as he has gotten quite a few for the City Of Kingston. He writes for all depts in the city. I believe Park and Rec only writes for Park and Rec. and one individual who only is tasked for that can't even do it thru completion.......seems he has no problem writing a grant for his salary as his position for environmental specialist.
ReplyDeletewait and see. Ill have it updated by end of the week. I'm sure Swanzi has had successful grants, as has Noble but hes also had some grants that were denied and awarded far below what he was seeking due to his errors and incompetence.
ReplyDeleteI think Swanzey has been cleaning up some grants that date prior to him coming into the job.
ReplyDeleteas to the candidates I would like to see a public debate, on the floor, between Steve Noble and Gallo. Fair enough? Not a Freeman online debate but an actual persn to person debate in a public venue! This way the public can see the true qualifications of the candidates. and how they would respond to any crisis and the day to day operations of the Mayor . Also address future economic development and vision for the city and how to achieve. People don't read the Freeman much anymore but I have a feeling they would come out to a debate at City Hall ! Could have it moderated by the League of Women Voters.
A debate between the two should be intresting. If I'm Noble, I'd call for many debates, so you're right he needs to do them and he better be ready. Gallo is smart but not a good public speaker so I'm not sure who wins those debates yet. As for Swanzi, please, he is no comparison to Steve Finkle the man brought in millions and did things Gregg could only dream of. I hear the guy spends half his day working on Kingston land trust projects and got his car fixed on city time, I could go on and on please don't compare him to Steve Finkle it's not even close.
ReplyDeleteFinkle wasn't the best either.
ReplyDeleteIf Swanzey is working with kingston Land Trust it is most likely in partnership with the Kingston Greenline and the grant process which benefits us all. They have taken the lead on the Greenline.
ReplyDeleteas to debates it might be good for Noble as he comes across as being a bit shy and unsure of himself. Needs to project confidence and right now that is not showing and not inspiring to the citizens. An orator he is not.....Consequently he is not on my radar for my vote. Don't see any mojo.....
11:42 - if Swanzey is working with the KLT, then he should be doing that on his own time, not the city's. He's a volunteer with KLT and he's on the city payroll - are the taxpayers OK with him doing volunteer work on city time (and getting his car fixed)? As a city taxpayer, I think he's useless. He lost the lead grant ($2M twice), got less than half for what he asked for the Hudson Landing Promenade, and $60K when he asked for $1M on the bulkhead.
ReplyDelete7:20 AM - what grants has Swanzey gotten and what work is being done on them? I see nothing coming out of office other than Freeman comments. I see bi economic development.
Steve Finkle got the Pike Plan, restoration of City Hall, the promenade (named after Hinchey), the median on lower Broadway, paving of Abeel St., sewer treatment plan upgrade, Kingston Business Park, etc. Finkle got well over $30M for the city (granted, he was there longer), but please tell us what Swanzey as accomplished, other than pulling up rails for his beloved rail trail.
And we all know how wonderful the pike plan is.....Great job...NOT! It is falling apart.. That was previous to Swanzey. The Business park...yea that is doing a booming business....NOT! Two businesses came in,,,one went bust and never actually moved in..( Before Swanzey ) Just because you apply for a grant of a certain amount it doesn't mean you are going to get what you want or anything at all...Read up on Grants before you yack away. In recent years grants are very competitive. Maybe you should check and see how Steve Noble's grants are faring. ... NOT!... Swanzey just got the city a multi million dollar grant for work about the City of Kingston. why don't you call City Hall and get the facts from the Economic dept. I am sure they would enlighten you as to what monies have come into the city, Might have to choke on your comments..
ReplyDeleteThe pike plan isn't "falling apart" - I know there are leaks and some problems with the work. It IS previous to Swanzey - Finkle got that grant through Hinchey. The business park was done to keep Huck and its 200 jobs in Kingston.
ReplyDeleteSwanzey got a the city a multi-million dollar grant for "work about the city of Kingston"? How much is "multi-million" and what is the work for?
What else has Swanzey done in the past 3 1/2 years? You're defending him, but haven't offered any concrete evidence of any of his accomplishments.
BTW - I also know for a fact that Swanzey has been fired from at least two not-for-profits because he wasn't successful at getting grants for those organizations. Why else would he leave as Executive Director of Clearwater where he was making more money? He almost bankrupted them!
Maybe you're choking on Swanzey's $%*. Nobody else other than you and Gallo has anything good to say about him.