Where's my binkie?!
Rich Cahill is such an old yenta, we like to gossip and report the facts but we do just that report the facts. Cahill's blog is full of misinformation, obits of people no one even knows and he censors comments from the few readers that he has left, the guy has lost 90% of his audience to this blog, so we thank him for the ten people he's given us. No wonder no one reads his blog. The other day Cahill posted on his blog an outright falsehood stating that Sinagra resigned as Chair of GOP committee, now he probably did hear from someone that told him that, instead of fact checking, the impulsive bitter Cahill just threw it up on his website as fact. Needless to say Sinagra did not resign we talked to former Kingston Capo Anthony "smurf" Sinagra himself today who confirmed to us that he is still Chair of the City's Republican committee. Sinagra and I go way back to his days on the common council, he's an old school gangster we have a lot of respect for the old mustach. An old mustach, is the term we use for old school members of the life. Anyway because he's proved to be a man of respect, he is still allowed to earn a bit as long as he pays his tribute to the family and doesn't make waves. Tony is mostly retired and takes orders from the boss and our current captains, he still has the title as Capo but even as GOP chair he doesn't run a crew and is given limited responsibility. Sinagra was allowed back in as Chair because the former chair was considered to have one too many drinks in public on a nightly basis but hey we think he did a good job and we worry about ourselves in that regard, we have no room to talk and don't judge. We are certianly more Conservative however on the drug policy, there are certain things the Feds will tolerate not drugs, we strictly in force the policy made by Carlo Gambino in 1950 that says you deal, you die! That covers using as well, the Feds get a weak sniffling addict in bad condition who knows what they might say to save their skin, betting on a garbage pail ?! That's the worst kinda gamble. Anyway we digress. The fact is Sinagra is the Chairman and will remain the chairman until we say otherwise. Cahill is still bitter that Sinagra didn't back him for Mayor in 2008. He tells that to anyone that will listen, what he doesn't tell them is the Republican Party voters rejected him in a bigger way than Sinagra ever could. Cahill went in as the standard barrier of the GOP party, running against Sottile in 2007, he was by far considered by pundits to have the upper hand in the primary but in a similar fashion to the way Sottile cleaned Cahill's clock in 07, Andi Turco Levin and the winner of the GOP primary Ron Polacco did the same in '10. Cahill finished a distant third getting a few more votes than Jean Jacobs. Cahill has no right to be mad, the GOP should be mad at Cahill after Cahill lost and lost badly he stayed in on the Conservative line instead of being a man and supporting the party's nominee Polacco.
Cahill has since been marginalized to being Chair of the Conservative party and to be fair he firmly wears the panties in that party, he's the boss. Cahill is obsessed with our blog because we spend little to no time on it and have ten times the readership, we average about 600-750 hits a day and 6500-7000 a month. We have that readership because we are not boring and don't censor comments simply because we don't agree with a desenting opinion. All voices are heard on this blog, we even allow the pro Cahill comments he writes in his den w his cat.
We hear Ron Polacco was the only candidate that showed for the endorsement interview for the Conservative nod for Mayor. Gallo obviously was excused, he doesn't have time for that bullshit, he was home drinking a nice bottle of Chianti watching The Bachelorette, yelling at Cara for not giving Mario a rose. Why bother showing up? Cahill will hand Shayne the line when Uncle Shayne is good and ready to accept it, like a fucking boss!! Gallo is a tough Capo, I'll give him that. We are surprised though that DiMicco didn't show? Anyway we personally feel that Polacco or DiMicco whoever wins primary should not seek Conservative line. The GOP's shot at winning the Mayors race is pretty good should Noble win the primary, especially if Gallo has the Conservative line because he will run as a spoiler and he will get probably 12-1500 votes. That amount will be enough to give the election to the first GOP Mayor in twenty years. Why is Conservative line critical for Gallo to have and why should the GOP candidates want Gallo to have that line vs Just staying in on the Independence line should he lose the Dem primary??!! BALLOT PLACEMENT!
The Conservative party is now Row C on the ballot so if Gallo has the Conservative line it would be a true three way race, theoretically Gallo could still win at that point but more likely he will take a ton votes from Noble and give election to GOP.
Sample Ballot under our scenario:
Row A Steve Noble
Row B Ron Polacco
Row C. Shayne Gallo
That will make this the best general election for Mayor and most interesting race this City has ever witnessed. Bradley/ Sennett comes to mind.
Tomorrow night is the GOP convention we will find out who will be the GOP nominee, word on street is Polacco has secured the votes. We have yet to confirm that with him but multiple people have told us this.
Makes sense, how do you know ballot placements? How are they determined by drawing a number right
ReplyDeleteNo it's determined by the amount of votes a candidate for governor gets on each respective line. That's why party's like WFP and Conservative will encourage dems and GOP members to vote for their respective candidate on their minor party line in a gubernatorial election. That placement is good for four yrs until the next gubernatorial race. There was a time wfp was on row H than they moved to row e n are now on row D. That's how they do it.
ReplyDeleteWe'll looks like Polacco won the nomination and Sinagra is still Chair. Cahole says what?
ReplyDeleteIt seems you like to make rich cahill your punching bag..in the smarts dept he is head and shoulders above the people who own up to this blog. He knows election laws and procedures. You don't have to like him but at least give him credit for what he knows.
ReplyDeleteTo get respect you must give respect.