This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, October 29, 2015
Noble in secret Meeting w Hein on Bike Lane: bike lane will 'whiten Broadway'
We hear at a secret meeting w Hein and team Noble, The Noble's discussed the bike lane is essential to whiten Broadway Kingston which will help buisnesses. Some Democrat!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The Omerta Report
Polacco Wins First Debate-
Ron Polacco came out of the first debate at the chamber as the clear winner. Polacco made his case to the Chamber as to why Kingston hasn't progressed in the last 21 years saying:" we've had the same leadership and that the status quo is not enough anymore". Now he did not say Democrats were the problem and that's interesting. A person asked me earlier in the day he obviously meant Democrats because we've had Democrats for the last 21 years in the Mayor's office, which is true but I don't think he was talking about Democrats specifically, there are a lot of Democrats that are supporting Polacco. In my opinion as a political pundit and the Godfather of politics in this County, Polacco was talking about political dynasties in Kingston for the last 21 years. This City elects candidates based on who they drank with in high school and they elect candidates based on their last name, lets be real if Steve Noble was Steve Smith, he would have a hard time being taken seriously as a candidate for Alderman let alone the Democratic nominee for Mayor of the City of Kingston. He's an effeminate zoo keeper at parks and rec that got his job through Nepotism, he is the very definition of a crony. Back in 2007-2009 around that time both him and his wife were part time, they held Mayor Sottile hostage to make them full time, they were telling the schools to call the Mayor and pretty much were blaming him for them leaving and accusing him of firing them. In any other job they would have been shown the door, they were literally giving the council an ultimatum, give us more money or benefits or we will leave and you will lose all these programs because we are not replaceable You can do that in the private sector if you're worth it you get the raise but you don't do that in the public sector, they barley had the job a few years and the job was created specifically for them because of who Steve's Uncle is, for them it was and never has been about public service its been public entitlement, Im a Noble Im entitled to be Mayor you know who my Uncle is . Sottile was furious with them over there power grab than btw, he and Uncle Jimmy battled it and in the end the counsel amended the budget and caved to them, why because they were the Noble family a political dynasty in this City.
During the entire Democratic primary between all we heard was which family should lead this city the Gambinos or the Westies. The Gallos or the Noble's. Whity Buldger won. Not once in the primary did we hear their ideas because they don't care about the City they care about power it was about who had the bigger Dick, and what faction of the Democratic party would run the city, no ideas were offered just attacks on both sides that left a lot to be desired for both of them. In my opinion Polacco was saying It's enough of the Gallo's and the Noble's and the political dynasties that have ruled Kingston for 21 yrs that have taken for granted and abused the enrollment advantage they have knowing that they could do whatever the hell they wanted and they'd still win. For the last 21 years these political families that are no different than the mafia in the way they rule, have had a big party and now we are stuck with the hang over. Mayor Gallo in his concession speech said this election wasn't about me it was about we. Now it very much was about him and Noble and not about we the electorate but it's about time it is about us and about electing a person that's running because they love Kingston, love public service and have had a passion to do this their entire life not because they were born with a certain last name and think it's their birth right.
Kingston also need a leader and Ron Polacco is that leader he has given answers on positions such as that he supports the Catskill Mountain Railroad, that he's against the Rupco Project on Cedar st, that he's against the bike lane on Broadway, he's promised to lower taxes and bring in jobs, you know where he stands.. Noble wont tell you were he stands, like Polacco said with Noble you get the status quo he wont give you an answer on any of these issues, he says well maybe we don't need a bike lane now, but maybe it could be phased in, maybe Rupco can build but I don't support it because Gallo does and of course I gotta check with Uncle Jimmy and my 110k a year assistant first. Polacco is clear on his positions that we need a pro jobs Mayor that his administration will focus on economic development, that he will bring in tourism and cut taxes and say no to certain things. The most important thing to why this City must elect Ron Polacco is that he is telling people the truth, not just telling people what they want to hear, he's choosing integrity over popularity and that my friends is leadership and the qualities you want in a Mayor.
Some will say how will he do it? Well Id rather have someone that has the passion to attempt to do it then someone running because they think they are entitled to elected office. To paraphrase 50 Cent, Polacco will bring Kingston back to prosperity or die tryin' and that's good enough for me. The guy has a background in finance was a city Alderman in a Ward where Democrats outnumber Republicans at least 2:1, and he was responsive approachable, he'll answer your calls and genuinely cares. Having a Republican Mayor will force City government to work for the people, Polacco will have a Democratic majority that will be veto proof, so the only way any of them will get things done will be to listen to one another and compromise on certain issues and that benefits us because that's how government is supposed to be run. Our other alternative is a nephew running the Executive branch of government and his Uncle running the legislative and they are both Democrats with a huge majority on the council. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. With Noble you will get more of the same, higher taxes, the only people that will benefit are the Noble's. This is a no brainer!
Gallo's Budget
Gallo made some interesting changes to this years City budget, he cut the City Clerks salary by 8k, he cut the City Clerk's assistant who is related to Justice Gilpatric to half time. Gallo who once called Justice Gilpatric a little Cunt at Sea Deli feels that the family supported the Noble's and this is his revenge. He also feels the City Clerk was not loyal to him so that was his retribution on her. However, Mayor Gallo set up a very interesting dynamic in the City Budget that will fuck over the Democratic party if Polacco is successful in November and we are confident that he will be, he cut out Noble's job, so while Noble won the battle, Mayor Gallo may still win the war. When Polacco becomes Mayor, Noble will be out of a job and Gallo will be vindicated that the party put up a weak candidate with no record that is not ready for prime time and cost their party the biggest office in the City. Simply put Gallo in his budget is saying to the City Democratic committee, go fuck yourself. Noble will lose his job and the City Dems will lose the front office that they have taken for granted and abused for over 21 years. The City Democratic Committee will be held responsible and Gallo will walk away with vindication. The man has his flaws and is a nutcase but he is fucking brilliant.
One person that benefited was Police Chief Tinti, as a gangster you wont hear me say a bad word about cops or Judges but he's a smooth cat he played Gallo and I think he's smart in a Machavalian type way. I give him credit, no way Tinti didn't know how crazy Gallo was but he had Gallo convinced he was a great Mayor and Gallo fell hook line and sinker for the good cop bad cop move Tinti laid on him. Hey more power to Tinti, he also has a contract so his job is safe under new leadership. Tinti emerged as the big winner in the Gallo budget.
On a side note Gallo cut Steve Noble out of the budget but he left Julie Noble's job in place that was nice of him, he could have easily slashed both but he probably recognizes Julie is the bread winner and wear the pants and he doesn't want Stevie Wonder to go hungry. Speaking of Julie Noble she didn't disappoint at this morning's debate, I got some heat for saying this before but damn she is sexy, she's got a body that don't quit. Julie was wearing this cute little sweater dress that was adorable with the cute boots to match...marrrone.
The race for County Executive
Terry Bernardo is gaining ground on Hein every day we hear that Hein is nervous, he wont go to public events has refused to debate but will do a debate with the Freeman that practically blows him if he sneezes. This is Terry's time to shine and I predict he will clean his clock because he will be forced to answer real questions. How can you claim you want Ulster County to be the healthiest county in NYS when you cut mental heath services that has lead to a drug epidemic in this county and the smoke and mirrors of all his failed plans and promises. Thursday is Terry's day.
Ron Polacco came out of the first debate at the chamber as the clear winner. Polacco made his case to the Chamber as to why Kingston hasn't progressed in the last 21 years saying:" we've had the same leadership and that the status quo is not enough anymore". Now he did not say Democrats were the problem and that's interesting. A person asked me earlier in the day he obviously meant Democrats because we've had Democrats for the last 21 years in the Mayor's office, which is true but I don't think he was talking about Democrats specifically, there are a lot of Democrats that are supporting Polacco. In my opinion as a political pundit and the Godfather of politics in this County, Polacco was talking about political dynasties in Kingston for the last 21 years. This City elects candidates based on who they drank with in high school and they elect candidates based on their last name, lets be real if Steve Noble was Steve Smith, he would have a hard time being taken seriously as a candidate for Alderman let alone the Democratic nominee for Mayor of the City of Kingston. He's an effeminate zoo keeper at parks and rec that got his job through Nepotism, he is the very definition of a crony. Back in 2007-2009 around that time both him and his wife were part time, they held Mayor Sottile hostage to make them full time, they were telling the schools to call the Mayor and pretty much were blaming him for them leaving and accusing him of firing them. In any other job they would have been shown the door, they were literally giving the council an ultimatum, give us more money or benefits or we will leave and you will lose all these programs because we are not replaceable You can do that in the private sector if you're worth it you get the raise but you don't do that in the public sector, they barley had the job a few years and the job was created specifically for them because of who Steve's Uncle is, for them it was and never has been about public service its been public entitlement, Im a Noble Im entitled to be Mayor you know who my Uncle is . Sottile was furious with them over there power grab than btw, he and Uncle Jimmy battled it and in the end the counsel amended the budget and caved to them, why because they were the Noble family a political dynasty in this City.
During the entire Democratic primary between all we heard was which family should lead this city the Gambinos or the Westies. The Gallos or the Noble's. Whity Buldger won. Not once in the primary did we hear their ideas because they don't care about the City they care about power it was about who had the bigger Dick, and what faction of the Democratic party would run the city, no ideas were offered just attacks on both sides that left a lot to be desired for both of them. In my opinion Polacco was saying It's enough of the Gallo's and the Noble's and the political dynasties that have ruled Kingston for 21 yrs that have taken for granted and abused the enrollment advantage they have knowing that they could do whatever the hell they wanted and they'd still win. For the last 21 years these political families that are no different than the mafia in the way they rule, have had a big party and now we are stuck with the hang over. Mayor Gallo in his concession speech said this election wasn't about me it was about we. Now it very much was about him and Noble and not about we the electorate but it's about time it is about us and about electing a person that's running because they love Kingston, love public service and have had a passion to do this their entire life not because they were born with a certain last name and think it's their birth right.
Kingston also need a leader and Ron Polacco is that leader he has given answers on positions such as that he supports the Catskill Mountain Railroad, that he's against the Rupco Project on Cedar st, that he's against the bike lane on Broadway, he's promised to lower taxes and bring in jobs, you know where he stands.. Noble wont tell you were he stands, like Polacco said with Noble you get the status quo he wont give you an answer on any of these issues, he says well maybe we don't need a bike lane now, but maybe it could be phased in, maybe Rupco can build but I don't support it because Gallo does and of course I gotta check with Uncle Jimmy and my 110k a year assistant first. Polacco is clear on his positions that we need a pro jobs Mayor that his administration will focus on economic development, that he will bring in tourism and cut taxes and say no to certain things. The most important thing to why this City must elect Ron Polacco is that he is telling people the truth, not just telling people what they want to hear, he's choosing integrity over popularity and that my friends is leadership and the qualities you want in a Mayor.
Some will say how will he do it? Well Id rather have someone that has the passion to attempt to do it then someone running because they think they are entitled to elected office. To paraphrase 50 Cent, Polacco will bring Kingston back to prosperity or die tryin' and that's good enough for me. The guy has a background in finance was a city Alderman in a Ward where Democrats outnumber Republicans at least 2:1, and he was responsive approachable, he'll answer your calls and genuinely cares. Having a Republican Mayor will force City government to work for the people, Polacco will have a Democratic majority that will be veto proof, so the only way any of them will get things done will be to listen to one another and compromise on certain issues and that benefits us because that's how government is supposed to be run. Our other alternative is a nephew running the Executive branch of government and his Uncle running the legislative and they are both Democrats with a huge majority on the council. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. With Noble you will get more of the same, higher taxes, the only people that will benefit are the Noble's. This is a no brainer!
Gallo's Budget
Gallo made some interesting changes to this years City budget, he cut the City Clerks salary by 8k, he cut the City Clerk's assistant who is related to Justice Gilpatric to half time. Gallo who once called Justice Gilpatric a little Cunt at Sea Deli feels that the family supported the Noble's and this is his revenge. He also feels the City Clerk was not loyal to him so that was his retribution on her. However, Mayor Gallo set up a very interesting dynamic in the City Budget that will fuck over the Democratic party if Polacco is successful in November and we are confident that he will be, he cut out Noble's job, so while Noble won the battle, Mayor Gallo may still win the war. When Polacco becomes Mayor, Noble will be out of a job and Gallo will be vindicated that the party put up a weak candidate with no record that is not ready for prime time and cost their party the biggest office in the City. Simply put Gallo in his budget is saying to the City Democratic committee, go fuck yourself. Noble will lose his job and the City Dems will lose the front office that they have taken for granted and abused for over 21 years. The City Democratic Committee will be held responsible and Gallo will walk away with vindication. The man has his flaws and is a nutcase but he is fucking brilliant.
One person that benefited was Police Chief Tinti, as a gangster you wont hear me say a bad word about cops or Judges but he's a smooth cat he played Gallo and I think he's smart in a Machavalian type way. I give him credit, no way Tinti didn't know how crazy Gallo was but he had Gallo convinced he was a great Mayor and Gallo fell hook line and sinker for the good cop bad cop move Tinti laid on him. Hey more power to Tinti, he also has a contract so his job is safe under new leadership. Tinti emerged as the big winner in the Gallo budget.
On a side note Gallo cut Steve Noble out of the budget but he left Julie Noble's job in place that was nice of him, he could have easily slashed both but he probably recognizes Julie is the bread winner and wear the pants and he doesn't want Stevie Wonder to go hungry. Speaking of Julie Noble she didn't disappoint at this morning's debate, I got some heat for saying this before but damn she is sexy, she's got a body that don't quit. Julie was wearing this cute little sweater dress that was adorable with the cute boots to match...marrrone.
The race for County Executive
Terry Bernardo is gaining ground on Hein every day we hear that Hein is nervous, he wont go to public events has refused to debate but will do a debate with the Freeman that practically blows him if he sneezes. This is Terry's time to shine and I predict he will clean his clock because he will be forced to answer real questions. How can you claim you want Ulster County to be the healthiest county in NYS when you cut mental heath services that has lead to a drug epidemic in this county and the smoke and mirrors of all his failed plans and promises. Thursday is Terry's day.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
We apologize its been so long since our last post, we've been busy it is an election season after all!!
First lets talk about the race for County Executive Terry Bernardo is everywhere making ground on the Mighty Heiny who is no where to be seen, yes he's all over billboards but he's not wearing out the shoe leather like Bernardo. Thus far he has skipped two debates and a meet the candidate night last night at the Birches in Esopus. He's the Where's Waldo of Ulster County. Maybe he's just busy juggling his two separate lives.
On the race for Kingston Mayor Ron Polacco is every where, he really is working hard, we see him at least three times a week out there with his clipboard talking with voters. Polacco is the only choice for Mayor as far as we are concerned. You cant have one family running both branches of government, maybe next year his wife will run for City Judge and than they can control all three branches. If Steve Noble's last name was Smith he wouldn't even be a candidate for dog catcher lets get real. With Steve Noble we will get high taxes, bike lanes, composting (which causes rats), and more of the same that we have gotten for the last 21 years.
The Noble campaign is spreading a campaign of lies and hate telling anyone who will listen that deals have been cut to give Gallo and Zweben jobs if Polacco wins, which couldn't be further from the truth. Polacco has the experience to handle the job on day one, he's ready to lead. Polacco's focus will be to bring in jobs and cut wasteful spending. Steve Noble wants to hire a 110k "assistant" to do the job he's not qualified to do. Being Mayor is about leadership doing the job you are elected to do, it's not just shaking hands and cutting ribbons, if Steve Noble wants that type job he should petition to amend the charter and change the job as Mayor from a strong Mayor form of government to having a City Manager form, which is pretty much what he is proposing now. Which is why a lot of Democrats are supporting Polacco because they know Noble is in over his head.
On election day we encourage all to vote for Ron Polacco and Jeannette Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at large respectively.
Updates will now be regular and we will have something on the council races tomorrow.
On a side note recently the "Ethics" committee which was formed in the most unethical manner found Brad Will guilty of ethics violations in regards to Pike plan, it's complete bullshit and revenge by a lame duck Mayor and I have to say it really pisses me off. Jean Jacobs should be ashamed of herself and Andy Champ Doran who got crushed in the primary against Will thinks this will help him? Forrrrgettttabouuutttit! A wise Kingston Alderman Anthony Crispino, may he rest in peace, used to say : The people arnt as stupid as we think. This is pure bullshit!!!
First lets talk about the race for County Executive Terry Bernardo is everywhere making ground on the Mighty Heiny who is no where to be seen, yes he's all over billboards but he's not wearing out the shoe leather like Bernardo. Thus far he has skipped two debates and a meet the candidate night last night at the Birches in Esopus. He's the Where's Waldo of Ulster County. Maybe he's just busy juggling his two separate lives.
On the race for Kingston Mayor Ron Polacco is every where, he really is working hard, we see him at least three times a week out there with his clipboard talking with voters. Polacco is the only choice for Mayor as far as we are concerned. You cant have one family running both branches of government, maybe next year his wife will run for City Judge and than they can control all three branches. If Steve Noble's last name was Smith he wouldn't even be a candidate for dog catcher lets get real. With Steve Noble we will get high taxes, bike lanes, composting (which causes rats), and more of the same that we have gotten for the last 21 years.
The Noble campaign is spreading a campaign of lies and hate telling anyone who will listen that deals have been cut to give Gallo and Zweben jobs if Polacco wins, which couldn't be further from the truth. Polacco has the experience to handle the job on day one, he's ready to lead. Polacco's focus will be to bring in jobs and cut wasteful spending. Steve Noble wants to hire a 110k "assistant" to do the job he's not qualified to do. Being Mayor is about leadership doing the job you are elected to do, it's not just shaking hands and cutting ribbons, if Steve Noble wants that type job he should petition to amend the charter and change the job as Mayor from a strong Mayor form of government to having a City Manager form, which is pretty much what he is proposing now. Which is why a lot of Democrats are supporting Polacco because they know Noble is in over his head.
On election day we encourage all to vote for Ron Polacco and Jeannette Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at large respectively.
Updates will now be regular and we will have something on the council races tomorrow.
On a side note recently the "Ethics" committee which was formed in the most unethical manner found Brad Will guilty of ethics violations in regards to Pike plan, it's complete bullshit and revenge by a lame duck Mayor and I have to say it really pisses me off. Jean Jacobs should be ashamed of herself and Andy Champ Doran who got crushed in the primary against Will thinks this will help him? Forrrrgettttabouuutttit! A wise Kingston Alderman Anthony Crispino, may he rest in peace, used to say : The people arnt as stupid as we think. This is pure bullshit!!!
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