You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Sunday, October 18, 2015


We apologize its been so long since our last post, we've been busy it is an election season after all!!

First lets talk about the race for County Executive Terry Bernardo is everywhere making ground on the Mighty Heiny who is no where to be seen, yes he's all over billboards but he's not wearing out the shoe leather like Bernardo. Thus far he has skipped two debates and a meet the candidate night last night at the Birches in Esopus. He's the Where's Waldo of Ulster County. Maybe he's just busy juggling his two separate lives.

On the race for Kingston Mayor Ron Polacco is every where, he really is working hard, we see him at least three times a week out there with his clipboard talking with voters. Polacco is the only choice for Mayor as far as we are concerned. You cant have one family running both branches of government, maybe next year his wife will run for City Judge and than they can control all three branches. If Steve Noble's last name was Smith he wouldn't even be a candidate for dog catcher lets get real. With Steve Noble we will get high taxes, bike lanes, composting (which causes rats), and more of the same that we have gotten for the last 21 years.

The Noble campaign is spreading a campaign of lies and hate telling anyone who will listen that deals have been cut to give Gallo and Zweben jobs if Polacco wins, which couldn't be further from the truth. Polacco has the experience to handle the job on day one, he's ready to lead. Polacco's focus will be to bring in jobs and cut wasteful spending. Steve Noble wants to hire a 110k "assistant" to do the job he's not qualified to do. Being Mayor is about leadership doing the job you are elected to do, it's not just shaking hands and cutting ribbons, if Steve Noble wants that type job he should petition to amend the charter and change the job as Mayor from a strong Mayor form of government to having a City Manager form, which is pretty much what he is proposing now. Which is why a lot of Democrats are supporting Polacco because they know Noble is in over his head.

On election day we encourage all to vote for Ron Polacco and Jeannette Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at large respectively.

Updates will now be regular and we will have something on the council races tomorrow.

On a side note recently the "Ethics" committee which was formed in the most unethical manner found Brad Will guilty of ethics violations in regards to Pike plan, it's complete bullshit and revenge by a lame duck Mayor and I have to say it really pisses me off. Jean Jacobs should be ashamed of herself and Andy Champ Doran who got crushed in the primary against Will thinks this will help him? Forrrrgettttabouuutttit! A wise Kingston Alderman Anthony Crispino, may he rest in peace, used to say : The people arnt as stupid as we think. This is pure bullshit!!!


  1. You are forgetting that the Pike Plan commission also initiated the ethics hearing? Business owners got screwed with the Pike Plan construction and design and guess who signed the design documents??? The very same Mr Will. and what administration shoved the Plan down their throats? Hmmmm... Long before Gallo administration. Take a bow, Mr.Hoffay and several others. It was just one incident after another. Proverbial train wreck. They should have let the canopy fall and have just the store fronts visible with its magnificent architecture. Now somebody has to pay and all involved should be exposed. The business owners who pay the taxes that support this city are left in a lurch.

  2. That was not much of a post. 25% your opinion and 75% bullshit. Maybe they are one in the same. 1) no 100k assistant, you must be thinking of Hein 2) Polacco is not ready to run anything, let alone a city. Has he even ever supervised anything more than hid Father's dinner table? 3) When Noble and Noble are elected, you will see how 2 branches of government work in unison for the taxpayers and not on personal agendas. 4) Brad Will got what he deserved. If he didn't know he should have, if he did know, he should have been punished more.

  3. we will have a more detailed post tomorrow

    -Kingston Goodfellas

  4. What's up in Town of Ulster?

  5. When Pollaco came to my door he promised lower taxes. When I asked him how he was going to do that, he stated he was going to lure in business and home owners to Kingston by making phone calls....He is just like the countless telemarketers that I hang up on every day...hmmm I wonder if I hung up on him yesterday....all bullshit but no plan. Look at all the realtor signs on every street. People don't want to live here..a city with no industry or jobs..high taxes and city services that suck....

    1. Honestly, what do you expect from Polacco? He is not very bright and his work experience is in government and it is minimal at that. He is a vanity candidate and that is about it.

  6. Here we go!! The Noble family and supporters do what they do best---slash and burn politics. Polacco plan is a hell of a lot better tha Noble. Nobles want to hire Deputy Mayor, new departments galore. Their mantra is spend, spend and spend some more.. Taxpayers money never runs out. Voters pay attention! Break the family rule, nobles? Vote no!!

    1. Noble or Polacco...either way is a no win situation for the people of Kingston...we are all doomed and the next realtor sign will be on my lawn come November

    2. Polacco does not have a plan. Who are you trying to kid? Where is it written? Where can we read it? Who wrote it? Nobles have not said any of the things you are accusing them of. Typical Gallo/Provenzano sore losers, make shit up as they go. Someone said Polacco is a vanity candidate, couldn't agree more.

  7. I am seriously concerned about these candidates. For the first time ever this is a race where neither candidate is good for the city. In the past some of them had redeeming qualifications but this time..... Seems as if Gallo might be right and I was not a big fan but mostly because of his personality. He did get the jobs done. Democrats have to take most of the responsibility for this situation. You primary an incumbent with a boy.?? At the very least the Republicans should have endorsed the current Mayor when they knew they didn't have a qualified candidate. Tomorrows Chamber Breakfast will be very telling... Who is the less of the booby prize for the city.

  8. Was at debate this morning, Polacco out bested Noble. Noble getting rid of department heads, putting in hid own people. Polacco talked about his degree in business., would work across party lines.

    1. I was there too. Polacco said he would lean on Albany to solve the tax problem in Kingston. Noble much more realistically, said he would tackle them here in Kingston. Noble said some department heads may not like his style so he may be replacing them. Noble seemed to have his ideas ready to go was pretty specific whereas Polacco talked in generalities, never raised taxes, would stay under the tax cap (as if he had a choice), he has a business degree, would add businesses to boards. Obviously trying to cater to the audience who he should understand are smarter than he is and have heard it a hundred times from a hundred different candidates. Polaccao is a hollow candidate with nothing new to offer.

  9. Noble won it. No contest. Polacco had no answers and didn't sound like he has read a local newspaper in years. No clue as to what is happening now. Kinda scary actually

  10. Polacco's speech was entirely platitudes with zero substance. "I'll keep taxes low" (didn't say how). "We need outside the box thinking" (for example?). "I'll give police the tools they need" (without raising taxes?) He just recited the same lines from his stump speech in response to every question. At least Noble offered a few actual ideas about how he would run the city.

  11. Two candidates not capable of running the city, all the fault of a vendetta by leaders of the City Democratic committee. Congratulations.

    1. The fault lies in the Mayors office and nowhere else. He did it to himself. Steve Noble is as capable, and many say more capable than Gallo to run the city.

    2. ha ha ha....surely you jest... But then Steve Noble is used to running a zoo which is exactly what the City of Kingston will be under his lack of leadership. All the animals from the past will come out to roost.....and you know who they are!

  12. Write in for Mayor Gallo. The city is looking great, thank you. And vote Provenzano, so she can watch out for all of us

    1. Desperation knows no bounds to these two. The people have spoken. In case you did not hear them, they said go away, both of you, forever.

    2. A very small number of voters of Kingston voted in the Democratic primary...don't forget that. Polacco could very well walk away with this whole thing & the democrats will deserve the beating because of the way their city committee operates.

  13. if two idiot lawyers who can't even mail a letter on time can run this City any jack ass can.
    Stop the sour grapes Gallocrats. You guys lost because of your incompetence. You are leaving this City in a poor financial situation. Your vendettas and lawsuits will cripple this City next year. Not to mention this piss poor budget you've thrown together.
    The Nobles will lead the City out of this mess you created.

    1. See, that is the problem..The Nobles will do this...The Nobles will do that.... Always about the NOBLES...Really tired of hearing their name as the problem solvers. Jim Noble, what problems has he solved in all of his years on the city council? That was evident when he let Brad Will vote on the consultant issue even if it did not make a difference in the final outcome of the vote. Jim should have been aware of what was up with Pike Plan, advised the alderman and then asked for clarification when Mr. Will finally abstained from the vote. Totally disregarding protocol... so for you all to think that Jim along with Steve will be good for the city is totally laughable. They will cover each other's butt. That was evident in the notorious video of the Finance and Economic Committee discussion of the grants debacle. Jim Noble hemmed and hawed about the whole situation when it came to Steve and shutting down Dunn's tirade. Recently, Jim made a disjointed statement to the press regarding the Bringing Back Broadway which was false. The same misleading information was perpetuated at the Chamber breakfast by Steve Noble. Isn't anybody doing their research into issues? As Polacco said..status quo. That is evident. To tell you the truth I am having a hard time voting for either one of them.(Polacco, Noble and Noble) Actually might vote for the 3rd party candidate.(whatever happened to him?)...At least he has no ties to city hall and definitely no agenda....Let the dept. heads who are in place run the city. They don't do their job along party lines but for all the citizens. As a resident I found the employees to be helpful and knowledgeable and if they are unsure of the answer they have checked and have gotten back to me.

    2. You see, be it now or be it a hundred years from now it'll be La Cosa Nostra, baby. Nobility feeds on Nobleness, but is more ignoble than anything. Raggedy and dumbass Kingston merely continues to be itself.
      Look for the Gallo-Provenzano flower nursery to appear in Woodstock, and look to Jamie Sottile managing it. Democrats in business together, per the advanced educational degree ethic. Sottile will be the deputy Mayor and this will be like Dick Cheney driving the policies of George W. Bush. WHEN do we get to smacka allah offa demma uppa sideuh dah headuh?

  14. Why hasn't Jim Noble issued the penalty?

    1. Waiting to combine the reprimands with this new allegation against Alderman Will for ethics violation. The man seems to be a slow study.....Duh!

  15. Another sad chapter in a series of sad chapters in Kingston after the demise of IBM. Nothing more to be said. Grand nepotism has been sold;grand nepotism is what will spring forth. Whether any of that benefits anyone or anything is the question. Kingston remains DOOMED.
