You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Omertà Report Post Primary Edition

We are sorry we haven't posted for awhile and that we didn't endorse in the Democratic primary for Surrogate court, our feeling at the end of the day was that it would send mixed messages to people about who we support and  we want to be very clear we are supporting Peter Matera to be the next Surrogate Court Judge, he's by far the most qualified and ready to do the job, even though as a former assistant District Attorney Matera assisted in putting away some 'friends of ours' but hey, we are all on borrowed time in the profession we have chosen.  For the record we would have endorsed Graff to be the Dem nominee for those wondering.

Speaking of wondering, we have spent the past week wondering what will happen now with Sharon Graff's candidacy and how her defeat in the Democratic primary will effect the outcome of the race in November. Don't forget, Graff still has THREE LINES going into the November election, ( wfp, woman's equality, Green). There will be a lot of pressure for Graff to get off those lines and support McGinty especially being that Graff was helped and backed by the Democrat party and lost, she sorta owes them to do the right thing. However, she sorta owes the other three political party's that backed her too. As a lawyer she is in a unique position to get off the minor lines and run for a Judgeship in a different area, to free up the lines for McGinty. Or Graff could move out of the county but traditionally the party will meet with her and the minor party bosses and get her to run for an obscure Judgeship in Watertown or something. Here's the thing, we know the Green party is not doing that, whether Graff runs or not she will appear on their line in November and the Green party has a really good placement on the ballot, they are Row c I believe. The Working Families Party shockingly we hear are snubbing McGinty and sticking w Graff as well. The Woman's Equality Party is controlled by Gov. Cuomo who is the Don of Democratic party in our state, so it's safe to say should Graff drop out McGinty would get that line, which would give her two lines, the WEP is a brand new party created by Cuomo to discredit WFP, and are on row h ofthe ballot, so it really is pointless to have that line anyway. Although we have witnessed county wide races come down to less than two hundred votes and in a potential three way race who knows, that line could be influential in this years outcome.  Graff could run a crediable campaign with three lines and take her message to the entire electorate and let them decide and not meet with any party bosses behind closed doors, we encourage her to do that, its a big county and she has the qualifications to do the job, let the entire electorate decide. Regardless though Graff's name will still appear on at least two lines in November and that's good news for Peter Matera who will appear on the Republican and Independence lines in November.

In conclusion this race from the start was thought to be won by whoever emerged victorious from the Democratic primary for the simple reason that in a Presidential year you have thousands of additional Democrats and non enrolled leaning Dems that vote for President and vote down the line for the local candidates. However, we hear there is a coordinated effort in the works to stop McGinty. We hear some legal indiscretions from her past and some of  her petitions to get on the ballot will be used to discredit her in the coming months. You couple those potential controversies with a three way race whether Graff activily campaigns or not she will take away votes from McGinty and all that could be enough to provide Matera the win. We were surprised McGinty and Graff didn't try to primary for the Independence line, it was up for grabs and they just let Matera have it. Another big benefit for Matera is he has Manetti, Manetti and O' Connor supporting his candidacy which traditionally at least in the last ten years have backed Democrats almost exclusively with the exception of Judge Kavanagh who is an example of a popular qualified Republican that was hit by the Democratic presidential tsunami that hits this area every four years since 9/11  Anyway, Manatti Mannati and O'Connor are the top law firm in Kingston and Ulster County as far as we are concerned and a well respected group of guys, Matera is in good company. On to November!

In other local primaries, Elen DiFalco lost her bid to get on the City of Kingston Democratic committee losing to Brad Will and former Mayor Jim Sottile. We laugh at the people that point out to us that Brad Will got more votes than Sottile.... Yes, he did I think he got six more than Sottile. However what people fail to realize is  Brad Will went door to door made phone calls and Sottile agreed to have his name put on the ballot and that was the extent of his campaigning. Sottile was leader of the party as Mayor for ten years, and active as a committeeman and Alderman at Large for many years before that, he's not out there knocking on doors for a fucking committee seat, are you kidding me? Had he lifted a finger he would of been the top vote getter that I gaurentee you. They were not running against each other either, it's two seats per district, Sottile and Will were nominated, DiFalco Primaried and Sottile and Will defeated her.

My favorite primary victory was the wacky Bernie broad that beat Karen MArkesinis for her Democratic state committee seat. Now nothing against Karen but you may remember we did a story about how Hein and Cardinale tried to push out Judy Hakeem who spoke out against Cardinale for his money laundering scheme that the Manhattan DA's office is investigating where in a nut shell, Ulster Dem committee accepted 100k contribution from special interests groups and transferred it to Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk to circumvent election law campaign contributions.  It's still on going the investigation and multiple Democratic county committees did this knowingly breaking the law not just Frank Cardinale to be fair. Anyway, Judy Hakeem was a state committeewoman, for years this woman ran the coordinated campaign for the party, worked her ass off for local Demcorats. She's annoying and whiny and happens to be a therapist, thank God not mine or I'd slit my wrists but in small doses she's a great person to talk to and a damn hard worker.  As a state committeeman she has a seat on the Ulster County Democratic Executive committee, which is run obviously by Cardinale and made up of local town chairs. There comes a point that Judy at an executive committee meeting busts Cardinale's balls about the money laundering to Senator Tkazyk and they have a fight. At the Democratc convention Cardinale with the blessing of Hein attempts to replace her for Karen Markasenis who they feel they can control better. Cardinale calls Markasinis the preferred candidate of the party to convention goers before a vote is even taken and Karen wins the party's designation. The Parete's and Assemblyman Cahill to their credit defend Judy Hakeem to Cardinale after the convention. Judy decides not to primary Karen who has been vice chair of the party for almost ten years.  Some crazy Bernie Sanders broad that no one knows, I don't even know her name comes out of no where and  goes out and gets signatures to primary Karen and ends up beating her by a two to one margin. That state committee primary was a referendum on Cardinale and in our opinion with the loss of  Graff, the nominee of the party for Surrogate and the loss of Markasinis, which was a direct vote on his leadership, the Deocratic rank and file have sent a clear message, that Frank Cardinale needs to resign as Chair of the Dem party. Besides this recent primary, Dems are losing county wide races consistently since Cardinale has been chair and the GOP has the legislature despite the Dems being the Majority party in this county. It's not like the GOP has a great mind running the show, the Dems despite have a 5k + registration advantage and Roger Rascoe and Kevin Costello running the Republican party still keep losing. I'm  not saying Rascoe and Costello are retarted or anything but it's not Lee Atwater and Karl Rove running the Ulster GOP that's for sure. Bottom line though it doesn't matter, as long as Cardinale is Chairman of the Democratic committee, Democrats will continue to lose elections because the only thing worse then a GOP party run by two Fieble minded know it alls is Democratic party run by a curupt aroogant Napolian.

I hate to have to do this but I have to say Ellen DiFalco was 100% correct in the paper a week or so ago regarding the lease of the old King's Inn site to a private group for $1 and here is the kicker and something DiFlaco brought to light, should the city sell this property during the course of this lease, they are intiteled to 3% of the sale. Is that not the most outrageous thing you have ever heard? We're wise guys and think that's a crazy type vig for them to get. They are getting the use of the property for $1.  What happens when we give that away is we lose municipal parking spots, UPAC which is an established fixture of Midtown loses parking for its special events and this organization is getting free snow removal, garbage pick up and all other essential services that his neighbors, the tax paying businesses next to him are paying an arm and a leg for struggling to stay in business. How do you think they feel? It's absolute bullshit and kudos to DiFalco for shedding light on it.

Mayor Greenpants hired some new DPW chief and I have to say Boyle or someone from within the department, Bruce Winchell even should have gotten the job not the person he hired. I give Noble some credit because the individual is a resident of the City of Kingston and we do feel that Department Heads should live in Kingston but lets be honest, the guy was only given the job because he has a degree in being a pussy. I mean a degree in environmental education, same difference. Is every hire now going to be someone thats a Vegan, tree hugging environmentalist?  There were better qualified candidates from within and Mayor Polacco would have hired from within.

We realize this is three weeks late but we would like to offer our condolences to Joanie Brandt, a long time employee of the City of Kingston that spoke her mind and wasn't afraid to tell it like it was. Joanie just recently retired from the City and was very young and died suddenly, very sad and she will be missed.


  1. Rumor has it that Sottile no longer resides in Kingston..Sold house and moved to another county? So how can he be a democratic committeeman for city of Kingston? You had such stellar candidates...what a joke...Brad Will? Will you please go away?? Sottile pulling the same crap that Senor did by living outside of Kingston while he was an alderman. Is this typical M.O. for democraps? Cheating, lying and disregard of election laws? No Rules for them?? Ethically challenged individuals.?

  2. I noticed that too, the BPW chief has the same degree as Noble. Steve is closed minded.

  3. It's Mayor Greenjeans, NOT Greenpants, the only pants in this family are the ones WORN by the wife.

    1. So true that it is scary.. They both only hire people they identify with.... Close minded and socially inept.

  4. Sottile does not live in the City anymore so how did this happen and Will is a piece of shit and greenjeans who knows.

  5. Even if Sottile moved, you only have to be a resident of the Assembly district, not the Ward or City of Kingston.

  6. Key word assembly district

  7. That's what it sounds like maybe using a fake address now.

  8. He's not using a fake address for their time being. He's living in a condo in the ward. When he moves to the state of Florida that's another story.

  9. Rumor has it Sottile resides in Albany area and this City address is a dubious residence with Quite a few people having the same commune?? lol

    1. Maybe its where he goes to rendezvous when he needs "relief"

  10. I don't understand why the city of Kingston hired a superintendent of dpw needing an engineers license, when they're already paying an engineer and a engineer aide,and still hired and engineering firm to check out the firehouse,that Hendricks hire a constant to tell them what the staff engineers should be able to tell them.
    No wonder why most businesses and home owners are moving out of Kingston.
    But the Mayor was able to give his wife and close friends raises.

    1. These talks of raises are very disconcerting... Hopefully the common council will be carefully looking at the proposed budget to cut waste and check out salaries. I think somewhere in his campaign babble he assured the residents that no one would get "favors, all things would be transparent.( "applications" for jobs at city hall who just happened to be friends and campaign workers) hardly transparent or fair. Ya' know what Mayor?? you should lead by example even if there is a questionable reason for your family to abscond with the monies. Why don't YOU donate personally to your special interests such as electric cars, charging stations, clean ups on the proposed linear parks and etc.( part of the controversial sales tax agreement),..If the rumors are true it makes it appear that your family and special "friends" are using city hall for your own personal bank and ignoring the hard working employees who have been there for years. Shame on me for giving you that chance. I am sorely disappointed in my vote. I questioned the temperament of Gallo but now I am concerned in your inexperience to run this city with your partisan , single minded "vision" as you like to state with no regard for the taxpayers who has to bear the brunt of your initiatives.

  11. 7:56. Thank you for admitting you may have wrong with the candidate you voted for. Gallo's temperament was grossly exaggerated by the friends and family of Sottile/ Noble because they weren't getting their usual special treatment. Many like yourself were duped into voting for Noble and our City will suffer. I doubt Gallo will come back but let's pray that he does to clean up this mess.

    The voters who realized they messed up really need to step up. Be a presences at City Hall. Voice your concerns and fight.

    1. The best way to fight is to vote. The progs who got Noble elected know that people aren't happy with them and will organize a get-out-the-vote campaign, registering anything that breathes and "educating"them on whom to vote for. Watch for them registering new voters outside the detox clinic and on church lines where people get bags of stale bakery items.

    2. Gallo was a bi-polar idiot. He flipped like a switch.

    3. Hey 10:12 are you happy with Noble? The media made Gallo out to be that way. He did a good job look at the numbers- the budget and credit rating!

    4. Yea, it was just the people he treated like shit. The media just reported it. Elmer Fudd could be Mayor and I would be happy it's not Gallo...

    5. if you are a city of Kingston resident lets see how happy you will be with the current Mayor after the budget is presented next month. Pile that on with the school taxes and the school board who are supporters of Noble's agenda. Then post who you prefer to be Mayor... Guess you don't have any fear of higher taxes..

    6. I am a CoK resident. My taxes are already high. Main reason is not this Mayor but Mayors of the past. Which includes Gallo. Biggest problem in the CoK is the 3 unions that are bleeding the City dry. Your beef should be with them, not Noble about taxes. 75% of the Cities budget is for employees and their benefits. That's why your taxes are high. Blame them.

    7. well Noble is now contributing to the city debt with his initiatives. Perhaps if he had taken a look at the fire and police dept budgets he might have pulled back on his spending spree. All mayors know of the budget concerns in CSEA, KPD & KFD and you plan and spend accordingly. a lot of them are non negotiable from Unions. He cannot plead ignorance as he was a CSEA city employee too. and reaped those benefits along with his wife.

  12. Can't wait to see this upcoming budget?

    1. Don't worry. Everything will be paid for with grants.

    2. Grant money that is dunned from NYS taxpayer's money & salaries....He seems to forget that. Even that will run out....

    3. be very afraid as this administration has been spending money without keeping an eye on the bottom line. The hiring frenzy is done without any type of thorough financial review...Keep an eye on the grants manager as she is probably struggling to write and service the grants....hard to keep track of them.. She is out of her element..Cornell Cooperate Ext. was not in the same realm of city hall funding. City needs those grants as the Mayor does not have his eye on expenses...gungho on environmental issues that Kingston cannot afford all at one time. As a senior citizen resident I can get a small tax break but young families are going to be hurting along with social security only dependent seniors who still live in their homes. Mind the tax cap!!!

  13. Spending that is greenpants moto

  14. Cardinale reelected Dem Chairman Wow he and Hein should be in jail


    1. I said, calling his bluff

    2. Joe goes to the diner you can be sure that he's ordering plus now buying dinner for the reporter ..Rob, nice story

    3. we will find out tonight on chairman

    4. Kingston Goodfellas at 1:43 PM well who:s the chairman?

  16. Almost budget time should be interesting

    1. Council is going to have to undo what Mayor Noble has spent or hired and it has only been 9 months.. The last time there was a layoff from City Hall it was due to democratic administrations before Gallo. Guess Noble thinks the green stuff on the trees is money and not leaves...

  17. Noble could save millions at the OVER STAFFED and OVER PAID Kingston Fire Department.

  18. when is the cok budget being released?

    1. I think in about 2 weeks it will be released. should be an interesting read.....

    2. I understand that a bi-partisan group from the entire 3rd judicial district has found Sara McGinty UNQUALIFIED Thats bad

    3. Matera is going to clean Mcginty's clock! She can't personally make excuses to 40,000 voters about this unqualfiied rating or her past problems.

  19. Kingston gave away the kings Inn site for 1 dollar now I see city employees doing work at the site. They have 3 supervisor with about 5 employees there.
    And you wonder why taxes are so much.
    Stop wasting our tax money.

  20. Where is the new super?

  21. Yup they gave it away and doing work at it now why?

    1. Per "green jeans" joke of mayor's instructions ON CITY TAXPAYERS' DIME...I will bet Airhart is not contributing anything toward this improvement. Paving a parking lot for his benefit.

  22. Middletown gets a $500K grant to hire 4 cops. Where is Kingston's grant writer on this one?

    1. Grant money is not easily obtained from the government. There is keen competition with far more applicants than money made available. And grants do come with stipulations as well. As far as public safety hiring is concerned; after a period of time, usually three to four years--the municipality MUST completely fund the new hires out of their own pocket.

  23. Kingston's grant writer is a joke! She doesn't know what to do. It's just a huge blame game! Aside from the police promotion rescinding mess the next worst decision Noble made was to let Greg Swanzey go.

    1. Amen to that 7:26!!! No time to learn on the job! We can lose out if grant writing not done appropriately or in a timely manner. Then they have to be serviced (correct disbursements....also in timely manner. Who can she call for advice or help? Certainly not Swanzey...I wouldn't answer her or Noble's phone calls if I was him...

    2. Ask the brainiacs how much they brought in so far this year from grants. They can't include the grants that Swanzey worked on either before his departure. This time last year we were bring in millions.

    3. Noble didn't let Swanzey go - he actually offered him to stay. But Gallo slashed his salary in the budget from over $70K to $50K to screw Noble. Gallo was sure that Noble was going to let Swanzey go. Swanzey, who was hired by Gallo at $50K, got a $20K raise to be director of Community Development as well as Econ Development. When Swanzey couldn't hack being dept. head of 2 depts., Gallo gave Comm Development to Brenda Robinson. So, even though Swanzey now was back to only having one department, he still kept his $20K raise.

      And, since you're singing Swanzey's praises, how much money did he bring in? I know Swanzey says he brought in $8M, but I know what really happened. Swanzey is FOS. He did very little - and screwed over the city because he couldn't add; the council had to dip in to their contingency fund to pay a $125K bill that Swanzey told Gallo was paid for by a grant. When they called Swanzey to get an explanation (on the off chance that they were wrong), he refused to tell them. It's because he was counting on money from the UCTC that was never promised. He was an idiot.

  24. Why is DPW working on the Kings Inn Site, thought it was sold?

  25. This is typical of greenpants, gives himself a buy out which was illegal and nothing done about it and gives his wife a big raise also all against the contract what is gong on here

  26. And he vetos selling a house to an employee because lazy Kevin Bryant finally looked into the law. What about the other illegal actions? Did the Kings Inn go through the bidding process? NO!

    Business as usually is back at City Hall for friends and family only!

  27. OF course no bidding on kings inn property was a friend and Bryant is in over his head.

  28. This Irish center is way to big for this parcel. I even think the state grant has already been lost. This will require competitive bidding

  29. Looks like Auerbach and Hein are at it over the elimination of 2 position in Auerbach's dept. let the games start

  30. has anybody seen or heard from new DPW Superintendant? I hear he resembles the Mayor in demeanor..should be interesting how he can control DPW's discontent. I am surprised no comments on this blog from DPW employees about the new hire. They had a lot to say about the former Super...

  31. When does the COK budget come out?

  32. CSEA President Mike Cimorelli resigned yesterday. Wonder what kind of deal he cut for himself with Hein.

    1. Yes. Him and his vps all quit because they could not go to Washington for meeting. Cimorelli's gone to the last three without a problem. Now he's whining. More to this story.

  33. Huge gain for county CSEA members. That executive board did nothing for its members. One was leaving anyway moving up north. Another retiring. The members finally have a real voice for them. Not one that was run by Mike Hein.

  34. CSEA is a weak Union no matter who the President is at the local. There needs to be new members elected to the local board.

  35. Ok the budget is out. Where is the huge tax increase?

  36. Got to look at the sources of revenues vs.future expenses ... replacing street meters in order to gain more revenue as an example.?? Free municipal parking is going to gradually disappear. Didn't give the figures that city might have to pay (retro pay) for the unions depending on when the contracts are signed. Doesn't look like negotiations will happen this year. Also need to factor in retirement pay outs which will happen next year...
    Some Homes have a raise in assessed values which means depending on the assessed value of your home your taxes will increase. Small little things that add up. Hopefully city won't run out of money mid year of 2017.... Always an infrastructure collapse away from financial chaos at city hall.Curious to see what the common council will dig out once the budget process starts...

  37. This budget is a joke. What is in contingency to pay for the raises in 3 contracts? etc etc.

  38. The budget doesn't show total salaries since many department heads and the mayor are also paid out of other funds. The Freeman doesn't pick up on this. It may look like $60,000 until you notice that is only 80% of it and the $15,000 is out of the sewer fund. What about the community development office funding? Or Empire Zone funds? KLDC funds to pay city hall employees? Transparent? No way.

  39. There is NO TRANSPAENCY with this Mayor and they though Gallo was bad.

  40. Did anyone know there was a public hearing last night in regard to the 2017 COK budget and this is transparency think not

    1. I hear it was well attended...NOT!

  41. Once again another business going to locate in the town of ulster way to go mr greenpants

    1. Looks like Town of Ulster made a good decision. Pleased that Dr.Soyer can have an even bigger facility along with good paying jobs. Wishing him success. Ulster will now reap the benefits of sales tax, commercial property taxes and federal excise taxes. Thanks nay sayers in Kingston for giving us in the Town of Ulster a unique business that will draw people to our town and frequent businesses in the surrounding areas. You lose,again, Kingston!! Hopefully the persons who will purchase Dr.Soyers property in Kingston will not be a tax exempt property which is so prevalent in your city.

    2. I wish there were a way to stop Kingston from getting any of the tax money,since they rejected this business from operating within their borders!

    3. Have no fear.. somewhere in the near future Hein is going to snatch it away from Kingston via a bigger wedge of sales taxes......:) right along with any taxes generated from the Alms House affordable living complex. can you say possible PILOTS?

  42. Yup COK keeps rejecting good businesses

  43. Hein has already screwed the COK with the sales tax. Mr. greenpants didn't have a clue, it will only get worse for the COK

  44. I guess residents and visitors do not go to other cities as they all charge for parking. Why should it be free? Oh so employees can park right outside of these business like la cardnard and ecca terra uptown and many more business like chops also. I agree with this proposal, which is good for all of Kingston.

    1. I am trying to remember the last place I visited outside of Kingston where there was free parking...cannot come up with any place ... Look at all the free parking at the sure didn't help them. That used to be the argument for not having paid parking in Kingston as the shopping public would go to the Malls. Paid parking would help maintain our parking lots especially in the winter when plowing & deicing is needed. Cuts down on overnight parking in the lower lots on Schwenk Drive. Now they will have to pay and that can get expensive for the longterm overnighters . Maybe move them along... parking permits from the city are available for.i.e. Residents who have no driveways or no availability of parking on the streets

  45. The article in today's Freeman about Noble is a joke. Does he ever speak or only his wife.

    1. Well, it is now official...Mayor Noble is officially Mr. Greenjeans... The Daily Freeman has decreed it so.. Maybe they don't need any increases in their city hall salaries as they are saving bunches of witnessed in the growth behind them in their picture.

    2. What's the matter. The kid kicking your ass. Who cares that his wife does most of the talking. Who's wife doesn't? The COK is much better off without the last two loud mouths mayors who put us in this predicament. GO STEVIE GO.

    3. This was a story about his house and solar panels. Nice, but simply fluff. What the press is not doing is holding feet to the fire on things like the $Millions in grants that were awarded but now stalled. No action on awarded grants at all this year. There should have been some shovels in the ground to transform the Broadway corridor, next steps to implement a microgrid in partnership with Health Alliance and the High School, construct the Kingston Point Rail Trail, build tennis courts, etc. He continues to get off easy. Why is that?

    4. Yes, and what about the Rondout? I thought there was a grant for design of bulkheads from the Maritime Museum out past the Cornell building. And what about the administration's position on the Irish Cultural Center project? The Noble administration could be looking for funds to implement the findings of the parking garage study that identified three sites. The Gallo administration was able to secure some additional parking along dock street at least. Lots is in place but it is stalled out. Maybe they will get it together and hopefully none of the grants will expire. Meantime we get fluff articles from the Freeman....

    5. 8:15 - Swanzey applied for $1M and did such a shitty job writing it he only got $60K. The new grants manager re-applied for $1M and hasn't heard yet. The jury is still out to see how good of a grant writer she is. I would hope, if she's as shitty as Swanzey, that Noble will send her packing.

    6. What is the match on that $1M grant? $1M? So are they going to the Council again for bonding to cover the match?

    7. The freeman documented that Swanzey wrote & was awarded over $10 million in his time at city hall. This is admin so far has recieved less than $100,000 in the first year. We'll see how it plays out in thenext 3 yrs...I doubt they'll catch up.

    8. The freeman documented that Swanzey wrote & was awarded over $10 million in his time at city hall. This is admin so far has recieved less than $100,000 in the first year. We'll see how it plays out in thenext 3 yrs...I doubt they'll catch up.

    9. 4:34. that is correct. The current grants manager,while a nice individual , is totally out of her realm in writing significant grants and she seems to be always on the cusp of deadlines. And to 7:10, Mr. Swanzey was also cleaning up grants that laid idle in the Sottile administration. Luckily he was able to resurrect a grant before we, the city ,lost it and also wrote current grants that should be coming to fruition if the current administration can administer them properly and in a timely manner. He was removed by the current Mayor due to bad blood between them. Was not in the best interest for the city to do so. Ms. Wilson had nobody to properly train or advise her.

    10. I believe Swanzey quit. The mayor didn't fire him. Grants usually take 6 months to a year before they get approved. Start telling the truth.

    11. well then, 2017 should be very telling if the grant funds arrive..if not....??? back to the drawing board....
      what about the grants that were written in mid 2015? any follow ups or status?

    12. Time will tell1:59. Sure everyone is working double to get the money. It's really not rocket science.

    13. I'd say 50% of the comments on this blog are Swanzey, Gallo, Zweben and Woltman astroturfing about the amazing job they did and were planning on doing.

    14. Sounds like there are some city hall economic office staff playing defense, too. Hope it isn't on company time!

    15. 8:06 - it isn't difficult to determine if blog posts are submitted on city time. Look at the dates and times!

      (And, in that vein, Swanzey used to comment on the Freeman website on city time.)

  46. Has anyone seen or heard from the new DPW Super?

  47. How did the 1st budget hearing go last night as Freeman has reported nothing as usual.

  48. Once again has anyone seen this new DPW Super?

    1. No need to see him. Department running better than ever.

    2. Probably backed into a corner listening to Sweeney spew his bullshit.I I I I I

  49. Oh out of site out of the way

    1. cryptic comment......alluding to being ineffective? or bullied?

  50. Why hasn't Blaber update this blog?

  51. so how is the budget review going with the alderman?

  52. green pants signs a zombie law?

  53. Kevin Cahill has been caught double dipping. Time for him to go away with his friend Shelly

    1. Double dipping into what pool of money? Now more than ever we need Jack Hayes.... If ALL politicians would self term themselves...Wishful thinking!

    2. Doesn't sound like they say he is running away from it or even saying he purposely did this. It sounds much more like poor book keeping than anything. ---- his staff was supposed to track expenses, reimbursements and travel, but had not. "They were, of course, supposed to notify me when a state reimbursement check was to cover expenses for something previously paid by the campaign," he said, "but that didn’t happen either." Cahill said he intends to open his checkbook to rectify the situation. "I am preparing to send a payment to the campaign from my personal funds for a portion of what we identified already," he said in the email, "and will reimburse any remaining amounts after we get clarification of what is due and not due."

  54. Are you kidding me he needs to blame someone

    1. He took responsibility, he was explaining how it happened. "The 10-term legislator from Kingston, who chairs the Assembly’s powerful Insurance Committee, said the responsibility for the mistakes is, in the end, his. He said he is revising and buttressing his campaign-finance operations."

  55. I have known Kevin for over 40 years. He is not the kind of person who would knowingly take money that was not his. Not from his campaign or anywhere else. If there is a problem here, it is his inattention to the details of his campaign finances. From reading the article, it sounds like he has taken the appropriate actions to get it squared away and prevent it from happening again. I think it is obvious that it was not malicious.

    1. I'm with you. Kevin is a stand up guy and always has been a stand up guy. If he says it was an oversight, I have no reason to not believe him.

    2. True. I like Kevin, too. But he may not be listening like he should.

  56. He obviously knew what he was doing just like Shelly and Sekos.

    1. I would not compare book keeping errors to stealing millions, getting no show jobs for your kids and lying about it under oath which is what Skelos and Silver did. Cahill took responsibility for the oversights and took actions to fix the problem. Huge difference there my friend.

    2. Took responsibility? He blamed his staff and his accountant. Get real.

    3. He didn't blame them, he explained how it happened and said he was was responsible. The quote from the paper is "The 10-term legislator from Kingston, who chairs the Assembly’s powerful Insurance Committee, said the responsibility for the mistakes is, in the end, his. He said he is revising and buttressing his campaign-finance operations." In what world is that not taking responsibility?

    4. "They were, of course, supposed to notify me when a state reimbursement check was to cover expenses for something previously paid by the campaign," he said, "but that didn’t happen either."

      Really taking responsibility there, buddy. Those bumps you felt were the bodies of staff being thrown under the bus.

    5. He was explaining his office procedure to ensure money was reimbursed as it has been for 20 years. When he says in the end, the responsibility is his, how is not taking responsibility?

    6. 7:49. But wasn't Cahill learning the ropes with friend Shelly's tutelage? Didn't see a big outcry from Cahill when sexual harassed female employee was paid off with questionable funds from Silver to help out a fellow assemblyman.

  57. Charging "constituent services" at a restaurant in Little Rock? Taken up the practice of using campaign funds to avoid the embarrassment of bill splitting? Please.

    I wonder how many of his nights out at the bars and restaurants in Kingston he's been billing to his campaign. That can't be legal. A donation to his campaign more likely contributed to liver cirrhosis and not re-election.

  58. He took responsibility really?

    1. "The 10-term legislator from Kingston, who chairs the Assembly’s powerful Insurance Committee, said the responsibility for the mistakes is, in the end, his. He said he is revising and buttressing his campaign-finance operations." In what world is that not taking responsibility?

    2. In the world where, in the same breath, he says that his staff is supposed to do this for him. If he was taking responsibility then his staff should have never been mentioned.

      But how could his staff processing STATE reimbursements possibly alert him that he had already been reimbursed for something by his POLITICAL account unless the same staff processed both? Hmmmm I wonder.....

    3. Maybe Cahill used his campaign account to pay upfront? That way he would not be reimbursed from the campaign account. Listen, anyone that knows Kevin knows he would never do this no matter how much some of the haters wish it was on purpose or for personal gain. It is not in his DNA.

  59. Dont worry Kev I bet you look good in orange

  60. He should look really nice in orange with Shelly and Seklos.

    Hein must be laughing at all of this.

  61. SO, sounds like his staff is in deep dodo...but then again being a 10 term legislator how could he be in the dark about all of this??? Would like to see the exact amount he is reimbursing the state? Invoices please?? Didn't see this article making front page in the Freeman?! Oh, is an election year and protecting him?? I imagine Silver started small in deception and then went for the golden rings.... Got to start somewhere! Time to go...getting too ingrained in the Albany culture.

    1. So does this mean Tom Hoffay is out of there? That could work.

    2. OMG...never thought about that..could be all good!! What exactly does he do? Hopefully overseeing travel expenses...??

  62. He is not in the dark and knew what was going on just hoping no one found out well they did time for him to resign.

  63. Someone had to tell the Record where to look and what to look for. Someone who wants to make sure Kevin does what this other person expects him to do, no more hostage situations, and that person is ??? more to come

    1. So it may be time for Kevin to move on. It does seem he is so entrenched in the politics. For example, Kevin keeps seemingly to give out these so-called DASNY grants for projects but they turn out to be so difficult to administer. Why is that? Example: Kinderland II in Kingston at Forsythe Park. Should be a no-brainer. It is done. Can he help get that process to move forward so the Junior League can be reimbursed?nI think he was there at the inception. Anyway, just asking what you think.

    2. If Cahill is given the boot this election who is going to give "funds or grants" to the ICC on the Rondout? I hear he is holding the purse strings of this project.

    3. Wait the Junior League didn't get the money from Cahill? The playground is built. Cahill or Hoffay went to the media about playground politics.

  64. Really cool how the Heinbots and Gallocrats are jumping on this.
    Bottom line Cahill is re-elected next week. Pays back the oversight and stays in office for as long as he likes.
    No brainer here. Just muddying the waters before Election Day. Can't wait for the retaliation.

    1. 5:52: Just what we need ..retaliation. How does that affect or help us taxpayers.? The question to ask is, Is he truly in it for altruistic reasons? or will he go on an ego and power trip if he is re elected.?

    2. You can't swing a cat in Cahill's district without touching something that he has helped with, brought money home for or did himself. As for being altruistic, I think that Cahill has always been that. He has helped hundreds if not thousands of individuals throughout his tenure. That is evidenced by his wide re-election margins and will be proven again this year. Even with this bump in the road, he will win in a walk and it isn't because the voters are stupid, it is because they are smart enough to know what is best for them. If Hein or anyone else thought it would be that easy to get rid of Kevin they are dreaming.

  65. When this is all sorted out, I predict there will be people gone from his office who caused it. Kevin is a decent guy and it is a shame that this has been blown out of proportion the way it has. Kevin is one of the good people in politics around here. He stands up to the fucking assholes like Hein and Gallo with much more to lose than most. I know Kevin and he will come out of this on top and continue on with his stellar career. And to you haters? I would love to see how you would feel if after 30 years in public service with a spotless reputation some reporter makes a mountain out a mole hill at your expense. It is obvious it is a clerical error with no ill intent.

  66. No mountain out of a mole hill...just that it is time for him to leave office before he is incriminated with the clean up of Albany..Do you think Bhara(US Attorney) is giving up? Cahill has done his service..time for another public servant to be elected. Less chance of having the feeling that one is entitled to the spoils and power of Albany. I am tired of people saying that elections clean up the cesspool by voting the incumbent it doesn't because of the war chests that these politicians build up over the years makes it very hard for a new person to run for office and in trying to get the campaign funds to run.. to 9:57: there are rumors that his employee turn overs are like a revolving door.. why is that? Are they not good in covering up some "details" ? Or does he truly demand perfection? Just askin'..... Ever since I moved here about 20 years ago seems to be the same person running..unopposed in some cases. Not a hater! Just an observation.

    1. Why not ask the people you are talking about? If you are going to make statements like that you should have the decency to at least make an attempt to find out first.

  67. Hoffay will not be gone he is to close to Cahill

  68. Why hasn't the Freeman run this story?

    1. Gee, take a guess why..... Cahill is a democrat who is untouchable. Anybody with a (D) before their name is given a pass . Maybe afraid of the comments that would come up on the Freeman Blog regarding this slap on the wrist.

    2. The Freeman hates Cahill, remember how badly they killed him with the sales tax stuff? Tony Adamis, the captain of the sinking ship has had a hard on for Cahill for a long time.

  69. The Freeman did reporting it. They cited the Record's article. The Freeman is a joke. They don't know what the meaning of investigative reporting is. The journalist at the Record did an investigation and reported in their findings. The Freeman doesn't have anyone on staff capable of that.

    1. That is sad. No more investigative journalism..Told to print the company line.. get the feeling that some stories are spoon fed. No Pulitzers coming anytime soon from the Freeman..

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This isn't even a question at this point. With Graff campaigning and McGinty's unqualified rating, Matera is a shoe in. Another County wide loss for Frank Cardinale's Democrats who have a 12,000 voter enrollment advantage.

    2. Graff will pull 4 to 5 thousand votes easy.

  71. Matera will win and Cardinale should go

    1. In Ulster County, voter rolls grew by 4,419 from April 1 to Nov. 1, with Democrats adding 2,091 voters, while Republicans added 677. That gave Democrats an enrollment edge of 13,603 countywide. There is no way in hell Democrats should lose any county wide race. If any Democrat running in Ulster County does not win, Cardinale should resign on Wednesday morning.

    2. This is a valid point but keep in mind a higher percentage of Republicans will vote than Democrats in any given election. Then you will have Democrats who will only vote ONCE in every four years for U.S. President only; they will skip the rest of the ballot and not circle any other candidates on Row A. Non enrolled voters comprise of 1/3 of the total electorate in Ulster County. Will Clinton, Schumer, Cahill carry Ulster County in November? Yes, but Democratic Surrogate Judge candidate McGinty is in a three man race and Graff, the WFP & Green Party candidate is sure to pull 4 to 5 thousand votes away from her. Republican candidate Matera has a better than average chance of being elected on Tuesday.

    3. 2:00, given the fact that in NYC the total democratic party enrollment consists of 80% of the TOTAL voter enrollment, a 4 to 1 advantage. Why is it that two Republican mayors have been elected over the past 25 years--Bloomberg and Guilini?

  72. McGinty is no good

  73. Ulster DA is investigating and the Freeman still has not published an article on this why.

  74. Why would Ulster DA be investigating? Is this where it starts? Thought it would be a state entity conducting the investigation for Cahill.

  75. As reported in the Freeman on Friday, the DA will review and then if they see anything that they think needs a second look or if they want to play politics, they will send it to Albany. This "investigation" is simply a news report. Any other characterization is a wrong. The Record is saying that there "could be" a charge for filing a false instrument. That does not mean "will be" or "should be". It means that if there is proof that Cahill did this maliciously, someone either Carnight or someone in Albany could file a charge.

  76. looks as if employees of cahill are responding.

  77. Or maybe it is just people like me who know Kevin and want to make sure inaccuracies in these comments do not go unchecked? If you know Kevin like do, you know he would never ask or allow his staff members to comment, especially on work time.

  78. I'm sure the DA will find something wrong here.

  79. I am baffled as to why he did what he did knowing the rules. he has been an assemblyman for MANY years so why now a brain fart? Has he been doing it wrong all along and finally it caught up to him? I also question why pay back the campaign funds? Pay back the money that came from taxpayers and deal with campaign issue secondly... And any fines due to this faux pas pays out of his own money.?. It hurts when it is your " own" money/wallet rather than with "donated" money as in campaign funds. I also question why a reporter decided to investigate , perhaps a tip?? or questionable email? Glad reporter checked it out. Nip it in the bud before it goes any further into questionable practices... I have voted for Cahill in the past but I am now getting concerned with hands being in the cookie jar & senses of entitlements. Perhaps he is staying too long at the fair...

  80. Common sense Kevin supporterNovember 1, 2016 at 2:16 PM

    TO 11:26 What makes you so sure the DA will find something?

    TO 11:36 Whether you realize it or not, I think you are seeing the forest through the trees here. Of course he would not have done something like this on purpose. I am sure Kevin has been, and continues to follows the rules. The questions you are raising are because the news report is really a hatchet job meant to make Kevin look bad and obviously incomplete if you and I still have questions. None of us know those answers yet. For example, who says he owes the state or the taxpayers anything at all? Who says there is, or will be a fine? Who said he will not use his own money to rectify the imbalance? Don't forget, Kevin took heat for saying things were in place to take care of this but they were not done by his staff. He took responsibility as the boss, said he would find out what was owed and pay it. The information is 100% public record so it would have been pretty easy to get it and pretty stupid to try and do something wrong. One thing Kevin is not, is stupid. I am of the school that says, lets at least hear the other side of the story before I pass judgement. So, until I hear everything, I will assume, and with very good reason that Kevin is as honest, trustworthy and forthcoming has he has been his entire career.

  81. Looks like the staff continues to support Cahill on here with there comments

    1. Not staff, just a loyal supporter who has not forgotten all the good things Kevin has done and is realizing more and more as each day passes what a terrible job the TH Record did with this non news story.

    2. 2:04 keep drinking Kool-Aid

    3. 2:04 It seems as if there is a whole lot of nothing happening on this. The THR initial stories, then the freeman reports on their story with a slight twist, then the THR reports on the freeman's twist. Nothing but local newspapers reporting on each other hoping to stir something up that does not exist as far as I can see.

  82. Blacihman buys another building in Kingston and once again he will do nothing just like the Noah property Bank on Broadway an dnow this building uptown. Does he have the funds to do this project or is he looking for government grants to fund this project.

    1. Good question 5:29. One of the reasons his Noah project failed was a gap in funding and a serious lack of money...If he messes this up it will have a more visible presence in the Uptown area. No woody area or a river to disguise an incomplete project.

  83. This blog is done take in down Blaber

  84. Must vote NO on the Family Court move

  85. Vote yes on the Family Court move!
    Most businesses are relocating to the Town of Ulster,let Kingston be a residential artist City, that is all the Council and residents want.

    1. Ridiculous. How many PROFESSIONAL offices are moving to the town of Ulster? Lawyers, accountants, bankers, insurance? None. Kingston is the county seat and where the courts should be located. Hein and his staff are trying to pull a fast one. Check out Brad Will's analysis, he has the facts.

    2. Most are voting "yes"

    3. The County Building and County Court should move to the old IBM site. Plenty of parking.
      Make the business friendly Town of Ulster the new County Seat!

  86. Where is Will's analysis?

    Greenpants does not want business in the COK

    1. I believe I saw Brad Will's report in the letter to editor column of Kingston Times?. Don't usually agree with Mr. will but this time I agree with his written argument in the paper. This is a bad deal for COK. Vote NO on Nov 8. Don't forget to turn the ballot over for this issue. Even Mayor greenjeans is against this issue. Besides, I have not seen any clear reports as to how much this project at BRC will cost. Starting to sound like the Jail fiasco a few decades ago. Major cost overruns...blank checks running rampant.

  87. Another bad deal for the COK to go along with the sales tax agreement.

  88. Hein does a mailing for Family Court using County funds? What is this?

  89. Why is Hein allowed to use taxpayers dollars for the family court vote?

  90. Why is Dave Donaldson allowed to put vote NO signs on public property? Oh that's right he feels he is above the law to.

    1. Same reason Hein is allowed to spend $40k of taxpayer money for a postcard to tell people how they should vote.

    2. Exactly 12:02. I believe Donaldson paid for his own signs . Hear they are on Rt. 28 too...go Dave! VOTE NO! And to 7:07..Hein feels HE is the law! Big difference.

  91. COK in big trouble once again

  92. Yahoo. This white college educated female voted for Trump. So poop on the pollsters and naysayers! Pollsters need to find another job or purpose. Bam! Media needs to stop offering opinions and just report the information.

    1. Yay! Enjoy your white privilege, asshole. As they say in the corporate world, even C students go to college. Doesn't mean you're smart.

    2. 8:28 I'm a college-educated-Trump-voting-white-privileged-female-asshole too!


    3. 8:28 When they're angry or afraid, Liberals get bitter and cling to their race-baiting or failure-enabling concepts or antipathy toward people who aren't like them to explain their frustrations.

    4. This is the beginning of the end to the middle class. No public sector unions. No women right to choose. No gay rights. We are going back to the Stone Age. BUT WE WILL STILL HAVE OUR GUNS.

    5. And yet it's the middle class who voted him into office after voting for Obama twice. Is it because they're uneducated and deplorable or because they know bullshit when hear/see it?

  93. 12:31: Do you need to go to a "safe room" to be consoled and counseled? I am pegging you to be a liberal who has some anger issues with Trump winning?

  94. I think the County Building on Fair St will make a good artist loft!

  95. It will when they move out of it. I'm sure RUPCO would like to develope that building to. Thats all we do in COK.

    Oh we are doubling parking fees to.

  96. No pay raises for Cahill and the rest of his cronies in Albany

  97. why should they get one? They are paid one of the highest in the country. Don't like the pay? then don't run again.

  98. This project at the Alms House with RUPCO must not be allowed the zoning board has to decline this. This is not in the best interest of the COK. Someone should investigate all of RUPCO, they are out of CONTROL.
