You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Trump Elected President, DicKtator Hein Still Voted By World as Biggest Asshole

Since our last post Donald Trump has been elected the 45th President of The United States!! Truly a miracle of epic magnitude. This guy our President elect is so bad ass ad we love him and support him and look forward to being in Washington on Jan 20th, like we were at the Hilton at 3am in election night to witness history, when Trump took the stage declaring victory the energy in that room was really electric. It was a cash bar all night and I'm talking a soda was $9, we don't like the taste of alcohol so paying $9 for a soda was insane even in Mahattan. Anyway at 230 am the bar was free, I think the bastard thought he was gunna lose and after he won he decided to spend a few extra dollars. It was a great night, after spending the night in Brooklyn we ran into some crazy liberals in Manhattan at 10 am already protesting as we caught a ride back to Ulster County, they were so angry and I couldn't stop from laughing at them just because I was so happy for Trump!

Elliott Auerbach has had his budget cut and it looks like Dan Torres is out of a job, I mean what kind of assshole do you have to be to fire Dan Torres. The New Paltz Councilman may not be the brightest but is a hard worker and at the very least a nice guy, who is he bothering?! It's as much a cut against Auerbach's budget as it is to Hein's complete lack of respect and loyalty to those that helped him so much over the years and two of those people (in a long list of people) is Auerbach and Torress. The both of them have been there for Hein when it mattered maybe not on 100% but always there when you needed him. I honestly thought Toress had a pic of Hein under his pillow, We didn't know he upset his majesty Hein in anyway. 

We just feel the legislature should restore the job, don't mess with someone's livelihood, there is no doubt that Dan is a hard worker and puts in a lot of time into his job just out of love to the job and his boss Auerbach who he interned for, before receiving a job w him a year or so ago. Hein arrogantly stated that he did not see reason for the Comptroller's office at all being he had a finance dept that knew what they were doing. Hein has no respect for the charter and should not be allowed to mess w another independently elected officials budget and staff. It's not right, I'm not best friends w Toress I barely know the kid but it sets a bad message. I gotta say I think Hein will regret this move, you could see Auerbach take him on in two years and a very unpredictable county Dem party go w Auerbach, who is way more popular than Hein amoung average voters and the Democratic Party. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Omertà Report Post Primary Edition

We are sorry we haven't posted for awhile and that we didn't endorse in the Democratic primary for Surrogate court, our feeling at the end of the day was that it would send mixed messages to people about who we support and  we want to be very clear we are supporting Peter Matera to be the next Surrogate Court Judge, he's by far the most qualified and ready to do the job, even though as a former assistant District Attorney Matera assisted in putting away some 'friends of ours' but hey, we are all on borrowed time in the profession we have chosen.  For the record we would have endorsed Graff to be the Dem nominee for those wondering.

Speaking of wondering, we have spent the past week wondering what will happen now with Sharon Graff's candidacy and how her defeat in the Democratic primary will effect the outcome of the race in November. Don't forget, Graff still has THREE LINES going into the November election, ( wfp, woman's equality, Green). There will be a lot of pressure for Graff to get off those lines and support McGinty especially being that Graff was helped and backed by the Democrat party and lost, she sorta owes them to do the right thing. However, she sorta owes the other three political party's that backed her too. As a lawyer she is in a unique position to get off the minor lines and run for a Judgeship in a different area, to free up the lines for McGinty. Or Graff could move out of the county but traditionally the party will meet with her and the minor party bosses and get her to run for an obscure Judgeship in Watertown or something. Here's the thing, we know the Green party is not doing that, whether Graff runs or not she will appear on their line in November and the Green party has a really good placement on the ballot, they are Row c I believe. The Working Families Party shockingly we hear are snubbing McGinty and sticking w Graff as well. The Woman's Equality Party is controlled by Gov. Cuomo who is the Don of Democratic party in our state, so it's safe to say should Graff drop out McGinty would get that line, which would give her two lines, the WEP is a brand new party created by Cuomo to discredit WFP, and are on row h ofthe ballot, so it really is pointless to have that line anyway. Although we have witnessed county wide races come down to less than two hundred votes and in a potential three way race who knows, that line could be influential in this years outcome.  Graff could run a crediable campaign with three lines and take her message to the entire electorate and let them decide and not meet with any party bosses behind closed doors, we encourage her to do that, its a big county and she has the qualifications to do the job, let the entire electorate decide. Regardless though Graff's name will still appear on at least two lines in November and that's good news for Peter Matera who will appear on the Republican and Independence lines in November.

In conclusion this race from the start was thought to be won by whoever emerged victorious from the Democratic primary for the simple reason that in a Presidential year you have thousands of additional Democrats and non enrolled leaning Dems that vote for President and vote down the line for the local candidates. However, we hear there is a coordinated effort in the works to stop McGinty. We hear some legal indiscretions from her past and some of  her petitions to get on the ballot will be used to discredit her in the coming months. You couple those potential controversies with a three way race whether Graff activily campaigns or not she will take away votes from McGinty and all that could be enough to provide Matera the win. We were surprised McGinty and Graff didn't try to primary for the Independence line, it was up for grabs and they just let Matera have it. Another big benefit for Matera is he has Manetti, Manetti and O' Connor supporting his candidacy which traditionally at least in the last ten years have backed Democrats almost exclusively with the exception of Judge Kavanagh who is an example of a popular qualified Republican that was hit by the Democratic presidential tsunami that hits this area every four years since 9/11  Anyway, Manatti Mannati and O'Connor are the top law firm in Kingston and Ulster County as far as we are concerned and a well respected group of guys, Matera is in good company. On to November!

In other local primaries, Elen DiFalco lost her bid to get on the City of Kingston Democratic committee losing to Brad Will and former Mayor Jim Sottile. We laugh at the people that point out to us that Brad Will got more votes than Sottile.... Yes, he did I think he got six more than Sottile. However what people fail to realize is  Brad Will went door to door made phone calls and Sottile agreed to have his name put on the ballot and that was the extent of his campaigning. Sottile was leader of the party as Mayor for ten years, and active as a committeeman and Alderman at Large for many years before that, he's not out there knocking on doors for a fucking committee seat, are you kidding me? Had he lifted a finger he would of been the top vote getter that I gaurentee you. They were not running against each other either, it's two seats per district, Sottile and Will were nominated, DiFalco Primaried and Sottile and Will defeated her.

My favorite primary victory was the wacky Bernie broad that beat Karen MArkesinis for her Democratic state committee seat. Now nothing against Karen but you may remember we did a story about how Hein and Cardinale tried to push out Judy Hakeem who spoke out against Cardinale for his money laundering scheme that the Manhattan DA's office is investigating where in a nut shell, Ulster Dem committee accepted 100k contribution from special interests groups and transferred it to Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk to circumvent election law campaign contributions.  It's still on going the investigation and multiple Democratic county committees did this knowingly breaking the law not just Frank Cardinale to be fair. Anyway, Judy Hakeem was a state committeewoman, for years this woman ran the coordinated campaign for the party, worked her ass off for local Demcorats. She's annoying and whiny and happens to be a therapist, thank God not mine or I'd slit my wrists but in small doses she's a great person to talk to and a damn hard worker.  As a state committeeman she has a seat on the Ulster County Democratic Executive committee, which is run obviously by Cardinale and made up of local town chairs. There comes a point that Judy at an executive committee meeting busts Cardinale's balls about the money laundering to Senator Tkazyk and they have a fight. At the Democratc convention Cardinale with the blessing of Hein attempts to replace her for Karen Markasenis who they feel they can control better. Cardinale calls Markasinis the preferred candidate of the party to convention goers before a vote is even taken and Karen wins the party's designation. The Parete's and Assemblyman Cahill to their credit defend Judy Hakeem to Cardinale after the convention. Judy decides not to primary Karen who has been vice chair of the party for almost ten years.  Some crazy Bernie Sanders broad that no one knows, I don't even know her name comes out of no where and  goes out and gets signatures to primary Karen and ends up beating her by a two to one margin. That state committee primary was a referendum on Cardinale and in our opinion with the loss of  Graff, the nominee of the party for Surrogate and the loss of Markasinis, which was a direct vote on his leadership, the Deocratic rank and file have sent a clear message, that Frank Cardinale needs to resign as Chair of the Dem party. Besides this recent primary, Dems are losing county wide races consistently since Cardinale has been chair and the GOP has the legislature despite the Dems being the Majority party in this county. It's not like the GOP has a great mind running the show, the Dems despite have a 5k + registration advantage and Roger Rascoe and Kevin Costello running the Republican party still keep losing. I'm  not saying Rascoe and Costello are retarted or anything but it's not Lee Atwater and Karl Rove running the Ulster GOP that's for sure. Bottom line though it doesn't matter, as long as Cardinale is Chairman of the Democratic committee, Democrats will continue to lose elections because the only thing worse then a GOP party run by two Fieble minded know it alls is Democratic party run by a curupt aroogant Napolian.

I hate to have to do this but I have to say Ellen DiFalco was 100% correct in the paper a week or so ago regarding the lease of the old King's Inn site to a private group for $1 and here is the kicker and something DiFlaco brought to light, should the city sell this property during the course of this lease, they are intiteled to 3% of the sale. Is that not the most outrageous thing you have ever heard? We're wise guys and think that's a crazy type vig for them to get. They are getting the use of the property for $1.  What happens when we give that away is we lose municipal parking spots, UPAC which is an established fixture of Midtown loses parking for its special events and this organization is getting free snow removal, garbage pick up and all other essential services that his neighbors, the tax paying businesses next to him are paying an arm and a leg for struggling to stay in business. How do you think they feel? It's absolute bullshit and kudos to DiFalco for shedding light on it.

Mayor Greenpants hired some new DPW chief and I have to say Boyle or someone from within the department, Bruce Winchell even should have gotten the job not the person he hired. I give Noble some credit because the individual is a resident of the City of Kingston and we do feel that Department Heads should live in Kingston but lets be honest, the guy was only given the job because he has a degree in being a pussy. I mean a degree in environmental education, same difference. Is every hire now going to be someone thats a Vegan, tree hugging environmentalist?  There were better qualified candidates from within and Mayor Polacco would have hired from within.

We realize this is three weeks late but we would like to offer our condolences to Joanie Brandt, a long time employee of the City of Kingston that spoke her mind and wasn't afraid to tell it like it was. Joanie just recently retired from the City and was very young and died suddenly, very sad and she will be missed.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Rip Kingston Radio Icon Walter Maxwell

Wghq boss Walter Maxwell died last night .. Calling hours 3-7 on Monday at Simpson Gaus

More later

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Omertà Report: McGinty May Be Off Dem Line, Noble loses 10 Million for Kingston

Surrogate Court Race: The race for the Democratic primary for Surrogate Court may be over before it starts. We hear that Sara McGinty turned in about 1200 signatures to get her name on the ballot after losing her party's nomination  in June. That number is very low, the minimum requirement for county wide office is 1000 signatures, so 280 is not exactly a safe cushion. Especially when you know you have the entire Democratic party looking through them with a fine tooth comb to stop her.  With that being said the Graff campaign has found enough signatures or fatal errors on McGinty's petitions to knock her off the ballot they believe. Officially the board of elections will have to make a determination on Graff's challenge probably sometime next week and after that, most likely a Judge will make the final determination. Some of the issues w McGinty's petitions  we hear are Brooklyn residents that have signed that dont live in the county and some issues w the witnessing on a number of the petitions by people that carried for the McGinty campaign. Ironically these are witness mistakes that her attorney Andrew Zweben allegedly messed up and missed, how ironic is it that this guy may be responsible for destroying or doing catistrophic damage to the careers of two political heavyweights in just two years. Unbelievable, Karma at its best, Zweben's days in Ulster County politics are over but apparently no one has sent him the memo.

I think Sara McGinty should be allowed to primary, Sara is a loyal Democrat, she's qualified and smart but if she is knocked of the ballot it's her own fault. McGinty was the odds on favorite to win this entire election. She was widely seen as a lock for the Democratic nomination and with Hillary leading the ticket in a presidential year in a liberal county like Ulster,  she was viewed as a lock to win the general election. In addition to that Sara is also the wife of  Anthony McGinty, a well respected, kick ass Family Court Judge and her biggest advocate,  Sara McGinty has huge name recognition that will be very helpful to her in both the primary and general elections. First if you are the favorite in an election that right there should give you pause, at least in this county. Time after time, year after year, we have seen the early favorite in an election go down in flames. So if you are the favorite, you gotta work twice as hard and make sure you stay the favorite. Secondly after losing the Democratic and WFP nominations  that should have been a wake up call that it's time to get serious. McGinty's recent filing of 1280 signatures almost the bare minimum does not show that she received that message.  By comparison when Vince Bradley lost the nomination for DA in 2007 he got over 2500 signatures to try and force a primary.  Sharon who had the help of the Dem committee turned in over 3,500.

Will McGinty Find her Heart?

We have said before Sharon Graff while a political new comer has demonstrated that she has got it going on. Graff is disciplined, well organized and has a staff that knows what they are doing. We think Graff picking up Debbie Robbins early on was a move she will not regret and probably a big reason she's done so well and was particularly probably a hire that helped her win the nomination of the party. Robbins who just graduated from law school is a Cahill alumni and a political consultant in Ulster County that is top notch and on the rise and like Graff sexy AF.  Whoever McGinty has hired should be fired. If Sara makes it to the primary at this point it's by luck. McGinty needs to take that luck and fire whoever she has working for her and consider calling Josh Sommers at Focus Media and really get serious if she wants to have a chance at winning, she has a lot of catching up to do but don't get us wrong she can still win. We don't underestimate Sara for a second, we are really surprised she's being schooled like this because she's not just the wife of a Judge looking to get herself a position. McGinty is accomplished in her own right a former Judge herself and anyone that was around when her husband Tony ran for family court in 2005, would tell you it was Sara that won her husband the Democratic nomination in a crowded field of great candidates. Sara has passion and smarts and it makes us wonder is her heart in this race?

Ulster GOP Fucks over Conservative Party

Jack Hayes a former Ulster County legislator is challenging Kevin Cahill for Assembly and is a registered Conservative because he is not a member of the Republican party he needs a Wilson Pakula authorization filled with the board of election by the Republican party to run on their line. There was a pissing match several weeks ago when the Conservative party threatened to withhold endorsements of some veteran GOP Senators because they were unhappy with their legislative records. Conservative  party members felt their votes did not represent the party's platform, one those legislator's was Senator John Bonacic. This pissed off Ulster Party Boss Roger Rasquoe, part of Bonacic's district is in Ulster County and Rogers's wife works for the Senator.  So Roger says to the Conservatives, go fuck yourselves if you don't endorse our people I won't sign the Wilson for Jack Hayes to run for Assembly. I think a deal was made I'm not exactly sure but maybe Bonacic was given the Conservative line and they just didn't endorse Larkin, not sure details but something was worked out and Jake Hayes was expecting to get the GOP line and was endorsed by the party at their convention.

Turns out though last week Roger did not sign the Wilson. So now Hayes who never had a shot at beating Kevin Cahill anyway is off the Republican line and still has no shot at beating Kevin Cahill. Lol, it's a dick move on Roger's part because as a party boss you should keep your word but I gotta say besides the fact we support Cahill, we really are glad this happened because we hate Jake Hayes. The guy is an old mustach and has no idea that we are living in 2016 not 1916, he's out of touch extremely partisan and just rubs us the wrong way. Speaking of Roger Rascoe we saw him and that bafoon Kevin Costello at the GOP convention front and center as Donald Trump accepted the nomination to be our next President and Roger was wearing his signature 1970's silver blazer, I think it's the only sports coat the guy owns, really, I've seen this guy a few hundred times and always the same jacket.  Maybe Roger can cash in on some of the political capital he just earned w Bonacic and get himself a new suit, your representing Ulster County baby what were you thinking?!  Go see Patsi and tell him we sent you Roger he'll hook you up with some thing nice.  Gotti an impeccable dresser would wear these gorgeous custom made Brioni suits, Roger check it out here:  Maybe Costello will front you the money at 5 points a week, if you were nicer to Party Boss Quigley you'd have a bigger clothing allowance Hun.

Kingston loses another business: Rebecca Martin has successfully driven another business out of Kingston. It is remarkable that we allow these left wing nuts to dictate policy like this, the property that was proposed to be a shooting range is now on the market for $400k, I'm sure a great non profit will come and buy it.  Maybe Rebacca Martin can buy it and open it up as Kingston citizen's against economic development. It drives us insane to see this again and we apologize to the Doctor who tried to open this and to the neighboring towns and cities that laugh at us. We are the silent majority, we support you.  Niagra botteling was chased out last year due to concerns about adauqate water levels and some other nonsense, they left taking a potential 100 jobs with them and it was reported in Freeman last week that Kingston's water supply is at an excess. When are we going to wake up?

Kingston Mayor Steve Noble lost a $10 million dollar grant last week and said in the paper that it was a great experience.  Yea losing ten million dollars of grant money for your city because you hire your unqualified friend to be in charge of grant writing is a great experience. It's actually a great history lesson if you ask me Gallo warned us all how awful Noble was at writing grants and we now are suffering the consequences of voting on emotion instead of voting with our brains.

Ellen DiFalco Primaries Charlie Landi for Dem Committee Seat

Ellen DiFalco the secretary to former Mayor Shayne Gallo has filled petitions for a seat on the Democratic committee, in Kingston's Third Ward in a district held by former Alderman Charlie Landi for a very long time. Landi supported Mayor Steve Noble in the Democratic primary and was recently rewarded by Noble w a seat on the Kingston Police commission. Landi was particularly nasty and aggressive against Gallo during that primary and has a long history of fighting w the Gallo family. Landi butted heads w T.R. Gallo when he was Mayor but T.R. Won every battle against Landi. It got so bad that T.R. Broke ranks with his party and endorsed and walked the Third ward w Landi's Republican opponent in a largely Democratic Ward. T.R.'s candidate won retiring Landi from city politics for almost a decade.  Charlie has a good shot at holding onto his seat though and we do wish him well. Landi had personal issues with Shayne but he gave him a fair shake, he stood in the parking lot of the King's Inn w Shayne despite his issues w TR in 2011 when Gallo first announced. Landi isn't a bad guy and Ellen is fucking evil.  Furthermore, Landi has been involved on the committee forever and  has helped many Democrats get elected serving in several different positions within the party and has volunteered to help out with certain party positions when they were vacant. Landi deserves to stay.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Almost there

Yeaterday we broke 900, today is the day. We have breaking news we'd love to share once we breaks 1000 hits in a day

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Don is Not Happy

We understand that we didn't post much last month but less than 10,000 hits in a month and under 800 hits in a day is not acceptable, please share with your friends and get our numbers back up where they belong. The Kingston Times gets more hits than this, its pathetic. If my numbers don't go up, you will all be banned from the blog, Im not writing all of this to talk to myself here, Capeesh?!?! There will be no new posts till we hit 1,000 hits in a day, that is all.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Omertà Mini

Mayor Steve Noble a few months back disbanded the ethics commission saying that he did so because there need to be revisions in the process of the board and pretty much said the board currently was insufficiently set up.  We hear the real reason he disbanded the board was because an ethics complaint into Noble giving his friend Kristin Wilson a salary out of her pay grade was days from being filled with the board and Noble wanted to put a stop to it. Anyway, Joe DiFaco has filed a complaint against his administration and it's handling of Alderman Will and Steve Noble in response appoints the same board to investigate, the only difference is he appointed all new people.

Why did he do this? How can he think we won't realize what this little twerp is doing ? Noble disbands the board says publicly that the reason he is doing it is because the board  needs to be more practable and enforceable and that the members of the board he disbanded based their determinations on a well-documented and thoughtful process.

The only thing that has changed are the members of the board, nothing procedurally has been changed no revisions have been made. So what is Noble saying? He wants the complaint against him to be handled in a way that is not practable or enforceable ?!

All the Mayor had to do is grow a set of balls and say that he's the motherfucking boss and he wants his people on the board. Noble should have simply asked for their resignations, as in any new administration, the board members and department heads if they had any respect for their Mayor should have offered their resignations and allowed Nobes to pick who he wanted to stay. Instead he makes himself look like a shady little pussy that thinks he's smarter than everyone else and the people see right through it.

As for the complaint itself it was not written by Joe DiFalco, Joe can barely write his name let alone that complaint, it was either Ellen or Andrew Zweben in our opinion that wrote that but we can say for sure it did not come from the mind of Joey DiFalco. Joe is a shoe shiner, he walks around with his little shine box and takes orders, he's not working with much brain power. Secondly the complaints against Kevin Bryant are completely bogas. Kevin Bryant is one of the few people in City Hall that has integrity and is honest.

The board should not handle this matter because based on Noble's comments the boards powers are not practical or enforceable. They are being used as pawns and I like Al Nace a lot one of the new appointees but it's simply wrong,

A good ethics board should be diverse in how they are appointed, I agree some changes should be made epically to the appointment process of the board. The members should have terms and not serve at the pleasure of anyone to prevent the appearance of imperpriaty and to ensure the board members feel safe in issuing fair opinions even if it effects the people that appointed them. The appointments should not all be from the Mayor. The Mayor should appoint three, the Majoirty leader and Minority leader should each appoint two respectively. Changes are fine but don't tell us you are making these changes to an ethics board to make it more ethical and than fire the board and replace them with your friends, that's not just and it's unacceptable.

Speaking of unacceptable we were not happy to learn that former Alderman Charlie Landi got a seat on the police commission, it's undeserved.

Another business has been whacked by Kingston Common Council and Kingston, Rebecca Martin is probably doing cartwheels on her broom celebrating another victory in the destruction of business in Kingston. Good job hun, I'm sure the counsel will give you another Pride of the City award.

What the fuck is with Matt Dunn pushing this dolt that wants to change the design of the City's flag. It's a non starter it's not gunna happen. These newbies come in our community and try to take it over and it's disgusting. kudos to people like Sottile and Elisa Ball, and everyone else that has come out against this ridiqulous proposal. Our Mayor unfortunately has been silent on the issue.

We were sorry to learn of the death of Ray Hull and we think that Mayor Noble and Parks and Rec Sup. Kevin Gilfether handled themselves great in the paer today. Ray was a good guy and dedicated employee, Mayor Noble sent a nice email out to all employees this morning as well and he did a good job.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Omertà Report

The primary for Congress is over and we endorse and stand behind John Faso, he's the only candidate that's qualified to represent us in Washington. His opponent is a carpet bagger and makes Bernie Sanders look like Sean Hannity. We can't afford two years of Zepher Teachout.  She has no qualifications and is an opertunist and the 19th will not elect her.

Peter Matera is gunna need help to get elected our next Surragate Court Judge, with Hillary leading the ticket the Democratic nominee is going to benefit from her coat tails and the influx of Democratic voters that only vote on Presidential elections. Please go on his website and donate to the guys campaign he's a good guy.

I will say Sharon Graff is doing a great job with her campaign and is schooling the McGinty team, I must say I am very surprised. Sharon Graff is a hard worker and has shown strength, organization and  discipline in her race for the Democratic nomination for Surragate court and we wish her well. She's sexy too, we never saw her as anything special in the past but we were looking at pix of her on the campaign trail and she has some body on her.

Mike Hein and Kevin Cahill are still at war this time over a state committee seat. There were fireworks at the Ulster Democratic convention last month when Chairman Frank Cardinale called Karen Markisinis the preferred candidate during the nomination process over incumbent Judy Hakeem. Judy is seen as a Cahill loyalist.  John Parete  and Rob Parete went up to Cardinale  and got into a heated argument with him defending Judy. We hear Parete almost knocked out Chairman Cardinale and asked him to resign. Where does Frank Cardinale get the balls to call Markesinis the preferred candidate before the vote? I think it's safe to say Cardinale is going through a way bigger than Naploian complex.  We still don't understand why Cardinale carries Hein's jock strap, this is the guy that fired  Cardinale's wife from her cushy gig at the office of the aging.

We hear Noble called in former Economic development director Gregg Swanzy to help him with a city grant that the current office had no clue on. Swanzy came to city hall sat in a meeting with Noble and his crack pot team and offered no help instead he said to Noble:  I just wanna come here in person and tell you to go fuck yourself....dropped the Mic and walked out, like a boss.  Good for Swanzy.

We hear John Tuey at a department head meeting a few months back was going over the budget and it was reported that former Mayor Shayne Gallo left the City with a ONE MILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS. Bill Clinton was elected the youngest Governor in the history of Arkansas and because of his attitude and raising the fee on driver's licenses he was voted out after one term. Clinton licked his wounds learned his lesson and four years later was elected Governor again, serving for three more consecutive terms before becoming President. Shayne Gallo is definitely licking his wounds, could he be the next to be called the come back kid? It wouldn't take much for him beat Noble if he showed a little humility and sanity, no doubt voters will give him another chance.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Faso Had Constituents Arrested as Assemblyman for Asking Him for Help

Look how Congressional candidate John Faso treats his constituents. John Faso who got just 19% of the vote state-wide when he ran for Governor is now running to be our next Congressman.  Is Holly Carnright going to handle his constituent services department in Ulster County? Who would vote for a guy that treats his constituents this way??

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Breaking: Second Upset In Surrogate Court Race Dems Nominate Graff Over MCGinty

Last week Peter Matera rocked the GOP establishment beating out Eaopus GOP Chairman Kyle Barnett for the Surrogate Court nomination and this week the Dems had an upset of their own that Kingston Goodfellas predicted that very night. Sharon Graff a Kingston lawyer who up until recently was a registered Republican defeated Sara McGinty a former town Justice Rosendale, who also chaired the Rosendale Dem commitee at one point and is the wife of family court Judge Anthony McGinty. McGinty was def the favorite in this race and I am sure will primary for the seat this fall. Republican Peter Matera may be luckier, rumor has it Barnett will not primary Matera for the Republican nomination. McGinty still has enough support and her " life long Democrat" card to play in a primary.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Matera Pulls Upset Wins GOP Nod for Surrogate Court

Peter Matera is the GOP nominee for Surrogate Court beating Esopus town Chair Kyle Barnett at the Ulster County Republican convention Barnett was considered the odds on favorite. Sara McGinty must be very nervous. McGinty who also is favored to win in a landslide the Ulster County Democratic Convention in recent weeks has been losing ground to newcomer Sarah Graff who recently became a Democratic but widely respected in the legal community and considered the most qualified among the two. Could be the year of the upsets. Barnett must be eating crow, him and Matera had a heated convention at Ol' Savana last month were Barnett encouraged Matera not to primary and to support the GOP nominee. Will Barnett now drop out?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Is Noble Losing Control Of Sales Tax Fight?

That and more we will cover tomorrow... We are sorry for no updates we are busy with Trump's Veep search. We will update the legislature's recent approval of the sales tax pact and the Kingston Common Council's recent rejection of it, what now?!

Why can't Mayor Noble get his Uncle and liberal pals on the council in order? Mayor Noble or Julie needs to close the deal on this, it makes them both look weak, it's their plan. Interestingly enough, it's the Noble's own soldiers fucking the first family over, will the Kingston Capo put his foot down and win this battle or do what he does best and bend over for them?

Also we will update you on the gun debate and showcase an interesting KHS Club that existed in the 1940's that practiced in the basement of Mayor Noble's old office at the Andy Murphy Center.

All that and more interesting political news and gossip that you will only find here including an update on the KPD lawsuit regarding promotions. Anonimity is always protected but here is a teaser on the text of an email we got yesterday:

"Here's a copy of the lawsuit to show the corrupt actions of the new mayor, police chief, and commissioners. I request that this gets its own topic on the board also if there is any personal information of the poor guys involved in this please black out, out of fairness to their privacy.   It seams like a big deal in the messed up world of kingston.  Enjoy!"

We will have the info and a scribe of the suit on here in short order when we can black out certian info on names to protect the officers as requested. These officers should never of ha these promotions taken away, they were told close to the holiday last year, they told their families and friends, had promotional parties thought they were getting increases in pay and than suffered an incredible injustice, one that needs correcting. We don't think the Chief of police is corrupt but what he did was wrong, he should of stood up to Mayor Noble for his men. Mayor Gallo per the City Charter had authority to make those appointments without question.  More to follow, thanks for reading!

- Kingston Goodfellas

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bob Bishop Involved In Campaign Fraud, Faso Silent on Issue

Bob Bishop candidate for US Congress has some shady petitions to say the least. The candidates petitions are riddled with fraud and his campaign is due in court on the charges in Dutchess soon. 

We know his campaign forged the signatures of several people including Jean Jacobs. 

John Faso has remained silent on the issue unlike Andrew Heaney who has called out Bishop on this. Faso cares more about his own race and winning a split primary then the integrity of the process. Faso is looking to run to represent us in the house and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this? 

Look at the detailed info below. Kudos to Andrew Heaney for standing up on his principles and showing that he is a man of integrity. Mr. Bishop should bow out of the race now and apologize to Andrew Heaney.

If you see that your name was forged, say something

link to the court date this Friday, May 13, 2016

Jean Jacobs, above, line 2

Jean Jacobs, below, line 1

above, line 6, Antoinette Babb
Saugerties GOP Committeewoman
carried petitions for John Faso

below, Antoinette Babb's real signature

page 95, line 3 - Janet Timer

page 154, line 7 - Janet Timer

Ernestine Kilpatrick - mother of Joyce Bishop, Bob Bishop's wife

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Breaking: John Parete, former Ulster County Party Boss and Legislative Chairman Calls on Cardinale to Step Down as Dem Boss

County Legislator John Parete who chaired the Ulster County Dem committee for over ten years, when the party was still winning elections, called on embattled Party Boss Frank Cardinale to step down as Chairman. It's been close to a week since Cardinale has been seen, what is he in Witness Protection over here or what?! More later!

City to Merge Bus System w Ulster as part of Sales Tax Agreement

A more detailed story later. We are happy that Mayor Noble is agreeing to a plan that we presented on this blog two months ago. This merger will be a huge savings to city taxpayers. More later.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

NY Times Picks up story Kingston Goodfellas Broke in 2014!!! Ulster County Democratic Committee In Hot Water-- Cardinale and Hayes Clement on Hot Seat, Must Stand Down and Resign in Short Order

Frank Cardinale circumvents election law with his pal Hayes Clement to try and secure a win for Senator Tkazck

First read this article by the NY Times just click this sentence.

Than click this sentence from 2014 a post our blog did on this almost two years ago!

Excerpts from NY TIMES:

The inquiry into the 2014 donations is based on a state ban on contributions to a party committee if they are given or solicited for a particular candidate, with an intent to evade individual contribution limits. Party committees can receive contributions of up to $102,300, far more than the $11,000 general-election maximum from individuals directly to for State Senate candidates. And the committees are not restricted in how much they can transfer to candidates.

In all, the Democratic committees in Putnam, Ulster and Monroe Counties raised at least $1.2 million in large donations from union political action committees, private companies and individual donors, state records show, and sent money to four Senate candidates in close races.

 Cecilia Tkaczyk, who received money in October 2014 from the Ulster County committee during her unsuccessful re-election campaign, said the state party’s efforts, which included fliers attacking her opponent, ended up working against her. She declined to comment on whether she had gotten a subpoena from state prosecutors, which people familiar with the investigation said had gone to some candidates in tight races that year.

NY DAILY NEWS excerpt:

The News previously reported the Ulster County Democratic Committee on Oct. 14, 2014, took in $364,000 from four labor unions and a Manhattan-based corporation. Days later, the committee turned around and sent the money to the campaign of Tkaczyk.

“Unions like the powerful Service Employees International Union Local 1199, SEIU 32BJ, the state Nurse’s Association, and the Communications Workers of America were among those who gave big amounts to the county committees though they never had before,” The News reported.

 The News reports that an email shows that Tkaczyk’s campaign manager Matthew Lerch contacted Hayes Clement, the treasurer of the Ulster County Democratic Committee, to find out if a $60,000 check from the state Nurse’s Association had cleared. “Below is our banking info, we need the 60 transferred over ASAP please,” Lerch wrote in the email, according to The News.

 Tkaczyk received a total of $330,000 from the Ulster County committee, The News said.

It's very clear that the Ulster County Democratic committee broke the law in a big way, it's a felony to give money to a party committee with the purpose of circumventing individual campaign contribution limits. That's exactly what happened! The committee under Dem Chairman Frank Cardinale accepted 330k to his committee and every penny of it was transferred to Senator Tkaczyk's campaign days later.

Hayes Clement was the treasure, he did what Cardinale told him to do, he owed Frank, Frank as City Chairman put his neck on the line for him in his unsuccessful run for Mayor. Cardinale asked Hayes to return the favor and he did. I feel bad for Hayes because a scum like Cardinale will have Hayes Clement take the fall, he's the treasure, he wrote the check!  It's so funny now to watch becasue when Hayes Clement ran for Mayor he ran saying he was this buisness leader with zero ties to the good ol' boy network and it was a lie all along. Shayne Gallo knew it and so did his supporters. Cardinale and Clement need to resign immediatly from their committee seats and executive postions. No one has given the Democrtatic Party in Ulster County a black eye the way these two have. People like John Parete and Shayne Gallo are vindicated more every day. Gallo may be a crazy psychopath but he's our crazy psychopath and more importantly say what you will about him, he's honest and above any of this shit here.

I don't get why Cardinale and Clement thought it was cool, they reported it as if they did nothing wrong. It would have been smarter if they gave the money in cash in a Macy's bag. If you're gunna break the law why leave a clear trail back to you. That's Cardinale's fault for firing Andrew Zweeben as the party's attorney. Not only would of Zweben advised against reporting this, he would have delivered the bag of cash to Senator Tkaczyk and there would be no proof.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Omerta Report

What is going on with the sales tax agreement?! We have not heard anything since Hein and Noble said they were communicating and reaching a deal, what's up with that?

Speaking of Hein he will have to cancle his reservations at the Mayflower hotel in D.C. this fall because he wont be going to the convention for Hillary Clinton after Sanders and his delegates destroyed Clinton in upstate and across NY, if you look at the numbers Sanders won 51 of 62 counties in New York State,  Hillary should thank her lucky stars for NYC. We voted for Hillary and even Hein on Tuesday because Sanders would be a disaster as President and Hillary at least knows what she is talking about God forbid Trump is not elected President.

Mayor Noble's appointment of Rennie Scott-Childress has to be the worst decision Noble has made thus far. Scott-Childress will be a one term Alderman without question. Mr. Childress is probably more liberal than even Brad Will was, he may be more liberal than Mayor Noble and that Ward is pretty moderate. First off he takes his wife's name as part of his own  Scott is his wife's name and Childress his own...If your gunnna do that you might as well put on your driver's license: Im a big fucking pussy,really what guy does that? Mr.Childress also is a new resident to the Ward,  in 2010 or so Rennee's wife ran for Alderman while they were living in Ward one, narrowly losing to Andi Turco Levin. Mrs. Childress probably would have won the election but thought lawn signs were not good for the envirnment or some shit and lost by less than twenty votes to Andi Turco Levin who was widely favored to win by a big margin after taking the GOP nomination practically by force from incumbent Alderman and Minority Leader Al Teetsil.

So with that being said it's a bad choice, besides being a left wing socialist and being new to the ward he has no experience in government but than again neither does our current Mayor who appointed him. I expect that Ward 3 will be a Republican pick up next year and that will be on Noble's hands.

The Kingston Common Counsel Laws and Rules committee recommended not to change the draconian 1978  law that is keeping Dr. Soyers from building his private gun range in Kingston. Ms. Martin and her kool aid drinkers were in full force at the laws and rules committee which drew a crowd of about 200, evenly divided among supporters and the Martin fringe group KingstonCitizen' I found it funny that members of Martin's group gasped when a guy spoke out that was from Hurley because he was not a Kingston resident. Is this not the same group that Martin runs that had half of Woodstock come and protest the Niagara Water company? So it's only ok for people trying to stop business in Kingston from speaking up but not those that support bringing business in???. What the fuck are we dealing with? Its such a backwards logic, when people from other communities come to speak out against a buisness there opinion should be taken with a grain of salt beecause they have no stake in what happens but they have the right to express their opinion nonetheless. However when residents from other communities comes in to speak in favor of a proposed business in our community it should be welcomed with open arms, IT'S CALLED TOURISM. Which in a bedroom community like Kingston, tourism has to be a number one priority in building as far as job creation is concerned. These people are saying, we will come and patronize this business if it is built and while we are here we will shop at your other local businesses in our community. That's what we want, that's what the common counsel should look at, not their leftest philosophical beliefs.

However Mayor Noble and his veto proof counsel will vote to adopt the laws and rules' recommendation not to change the law when it goes to the full counsel for a vote next month. Remember who the Aldermen were that voted against it and also remember the other two, Alderwoman Mills and Alderwoman Brown that pushed to try to bring business in the city. Say what you want about Mayor Gallo but he was not anti business Mayor by any means.

Mayor Noble gave his wife Julie a raise recently that she should have gotten years ago but did not under the Gallo administration, and while a lot of anti Noble people were pushing this story myself included, it ended up being less than $400 a year for significant more work than what she had been doing prior. We were wrong to assume that she was getting something she was not entitled to. Our apologizes to the Mayor and first lady.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Alderman Will Resigns In Ward Three

Alderman Brad Will the controversial Alderman of Ward Three resigned today. Wow! We have to wonder why he resigned. Alderman Will fought tooth and nail to keep his seat on the council even after he was found guilty by a Kingston panel for ethics violations in regards to voting on matters he had a vested interest in. Alderman Will settled the matter last year by paying a $1,000 fine. There was also residency questions surrounding Will, in court fillings Alderman Will claimed his primary residence was different than the Ward he represented although there was little question in anyone's mind that Will did in fact live in Ward three.

Alderman Will was a staunch supporter of Mayor Steve Noble's campaign and frequently was at odds with Mayor Gallo's administration. Mayor Gallo twice unsuccessfully ran Andrew Champ Doran in Ward three in an effort to unseat Will. Champ Doran who was destroyed in last years Democratic primary came very close in the general election, running on just the Independence party line, Doran came within single digits of unseating incumbent Brad Will who at the time was plagued by the ethics violations surrounding his votes on the Pike plan.

With all that being said, this is a shock, you don't go through a tough primary, an even tougher general election and fight scandal after scandal being thrown your way and than resign months later out of the blue. It had seemed Alderman Will had prevailed in all of the issues and criticism he faced last fall.  He got a slap on the wrist by the ethics panel, and Council President Jim Noble had to be practically forced to enforce a censure and fine on Will. Brad Will clearly had the support of the council and this new administration and big things had been planned that he was very much going to be a part of. It had looked like the only loss Will took on the chin was not becoming Majority Leader, in the months leading to the priamry election last year he was viewed as the odds on favorite to replace outgoing Majority Leader Matt Dunn who chose not to seek reelection.

Bill Carey the Alderman in Ward 5, who at the end of the day was elected Majority Leader for the current session, also expressed shock, Carey went on to say: ''but I understand why". That's nice that Majority Leader Carey understands why but the general public and the residents of Ward 3 would like to understand why too! Alderman Will made no reference as to why he was resigning in his letter to Mayor Noble and we deserve answers. Alderman Will blasted Gallo for two years for having a lack of transparency and than resigns with zero explanation? We respectfully request that Alderman Will abide by those same standards of transparency he demanded in others, and extend those standards to himself and the office that he represented.  We don't think he did anything wrong or are we suggesting that, this is probably related to his work as an Architect, could he be involved with the restoration of the Booth House, which he recently convinced Mayor Noble and the council to give a sweet heart deal to?!  Whatever the reason the public should know and if it is about his job it's very comical. He attacked Gallo and Champ Doran the entire campaign saying there were no conflicts.

There has been no official word on who Mayor Noble will pick to replace Brad Will, some of the names I would assume that are being floated by Party Boss Joe Donaldson  include former Alderman Charlie Landi, who launched a jihad against Gallo to elect Steve Noble. I would also be willing to bet that Andrew Champ Doran will express interest to Noble, after all, the residents of that ward know the guy, where he stands on the issues and the Ward came within five or so votes of electing him as their Alderman less than six months ago. It would be wise of Mayor Noble to reach out to former Mayor Jim Sottile who lives in the Ward and ask that he consider filling the vacancy. Mayor Sottile brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to both the new administration and the new common council that are mostly freshman and appointing Sottile would guarantee that Ward three remain a Democratic seat. Which is no sure thing, Republicans like Jancowski and Nate Horowitz have held that seat, it very much is a seat the gop could pick up.

 Two other names that should be strongly considered by the Mayor both live on the same street in Ward three, on Delta Place off Linderman Ave. The first is Al Nace, who works for Kingston Hospital in an executive position and has strong ties to the civics of our community here in Kingston. Nace has worked hard to promote the Kingston Police Athletic league and donated countless hours to the cause and a lot good positive results have come from his work at the Andy Murphy Center, Nace is also the founder of the tour de Kingston and tour de Ulster bike rides, they are both hugely successful and both were started from scratch by Nace over ten years ago. The other Delta Place resident is Kingston School Board President James Shaugnessy, who is a genius, for real he's an actual genius, he's an MIT graduate served on Mayor T.R. Gallo's technology committee and may have even been the first to run the committee, I don't remember but I believe T.R. put this committee together and had Shaugnessy run it, he also founded and ran a technology business in Uptown Kingston for several years and is a single father of another very brilliant daughter Larissa. Jim Shaunessy was also instrumental in the restoration of the Carnegie Library which is a gem in our city.  Both Nace and Shaughnessy are more civic minded than they are politically minded. In other words they would care more about the city than the politics of the City and isn't that what the voters always say they want? Either would be a breath of fresh air.

After Mayor Noble appoints a replacement, a special election will take place in November to fill the rest of Will's term. It's a pain, the person has to run this year and next year and if there are primaries forget it, it's a lot of hassle. This has happened twice before in recent memory, Shelly Zimbler was appointed by Mayor Sottile to fill the seat vacated by a Judge in Ward one when Chris Burns ran for a seat on the county legislature in a different part of the city. The appointment of Zimbler expanded the Democrats' majority on the council to 9-0 but it was short lived,  Al Teetsil defeated Zimbler in the special election later that year.  Tom Hoffay was also appointed by Mayor Sottile, Hoffay filled the vacancy of Alderwoman Jenifer Ringwood who moved out of the area shortly into her second term. Hoffay went on to win the special elected defeating Phil Cosme and went on to serve several terms and was also the councils Majority Leader.  As for people that may run in the special election that Noble would never appoint: Elen DiFalco and Lenny Walker are both residents of the Ward and we could see either of them making a go for it. Don't anyone underestimate Walker who has wom Ward three as both a Democrat and a Republican, Walker gave up his Aldermadic seat to run a suicide mission, Walker ran as Alderman at Large w Rich Cahill who ran with him for Mayor both losing badly in 2007.

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Omerta Report

We apologize that its been so long since our last update but we've been really busy...what's news?

Kudos to Minority Leader Debbie Brown and Alderwoman Maryann Mills for fighting for the opening of a shooting range in Kingston. As a made member of the family we have used our share of guns allegedly but we don't particularly like it. One minute things are well, the next a guy owes us money and commits suicide with two shoots in the back of the head but we digress. Our point is we don't like guns. This issue is not about guns, its about a draconian law Rebecca Martin and her Jim Jones followers are citing to prevent another business from coming into our city. The spirit of that law was not to prevent gun ranges to come in and well all know that. I honestly don't think Ms. Martin cares about the gun issue either, I think she just hates buisness. Let's say that it's about the guns for a second, this shooting range is not being opened up by some fringe NRA nuts, it's being opened up by two Doctors. They sign that Hypocratic oath thing to do no harm, do you really think a Dr is going to not have safe regulations and provide training for people to use their weapons safely? Who do you think knows more a wannabe artist with too much time on her hands or a medical Doctor? Hmmm.

Speaking of Ms. Martin, she is going on and on about changing the city charter to have a city manager form of government. It's moronic, a city manager would be hired by the common council and that city manager would be beholden to them. It would essentially eliminate the Executive branch of government in our city and turn it over to a pencil pusher that is afraid of their own shadow, doing whatever the council asked of him. We already have one of those in City Government he's our city comptroller John Tuey. Seriously though, this is a bad idea, and this broad has been talking about it for six years and has done nothing to get it done. She's all talk. If you are so serious about this Ms. Martin go out and get the 5% of the City to sign the petition to change the city charter. Let the people decide. Get your kool aid drinkers to get the signatures for you, she wont because the measure wouldn't even get 30% of the city electorate and she knows it. Kingstonians voted for a strong Mayor form of government and they believe in that tradition. Electing a Mayor that they know and trust. You wanna know why Ms. Martin's candidate Hayes Clement didnt beat Gallo in 2011? Because he wasn't one of us, and I am sick of these part time residents like Ms. Martin that think they will come in here and take over this city. Hayes and Noble have a lot in common obviously but the difference was that Noble is one of us, we all have one in the family it doesn't change the fact he's a Kingstonian. I'm not against outsiders coming in, we welcome you to be part of our community but don't think you're gunna come here and run our city or change our system of government.

Speaking of our flamboyant Mayor. Our City is in mourning over a tree falling in his yard this morning. Noble was in tears as he talked to the local press about the death of his beloved sycamore which perished. The first tree will lie in state at city hall this weekend. It was not all a lose, we hear First lady Julie Noble was able to make part of that tree into a beating stick for when Steve doesnt follow her orders.

We hear conflicting reports about a high priced truck that was being driven by DPW Superintendent Schupp to and from work, the truck was said to cost between 30-48k which is ridiculous. Last week rumors surfaced that his son was caught driving the city truck in Highland where they live and a photo was on its way to Mayor Noble. Schupp after driving the truck on a full time basis back and forth to work stopped driving it home. We wonder did Noble (who has no love for Schupp) tell him to park the truck and good for him if he did, or did Schupp stop driving under pressure of what he knew was coming. The bottom line is this is an expensive truck and he was using it to drive back and forth, we hear he had a plow on it but who is he kidding when is the last time Schupp did any grunt work like plowing?? The only grunting and plowing Schupp has going on is in the civil service office at City Hall. This was an inappropriate purchase and h did not need a vehicle that seats 6 people to get him back and forth to work. Also allowing non employees to drive the vehicle is extremely poor judgement of a Department head if that is true he should resign.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Omertà Report

We are taking a wait and see attitude on how Mayor Steve Noble is going to address the sales tax renegotiation that has been proposed by County Dictator Mike Hein. A reporter flat out asked the Mayor if he was "tough enough" to take on the Executive at a news conference according to one city hall insider. It's a more than fair question after all not only is Hein head of the family and Noble was thrown in as Capo of the Kingston crew with zero experience in politics or governing and has never run anything before in his life prior to being Mayor. Hein was an outsider when he became executive but he had worked under Lew Kirchner who was one of the only Democrats ever to win county wide before 9/11 when the county demographics shifted, Hein was also a smooth talker and was the county administrator, he created and was responsible for the budget and had political experience because before he became Dictator, the Chairman of the Legislature was basically the Executive, Hein had to make that person look good and sell the chair and the legislature his budget. They controlled his job and got all the credit for his work. Hein in many ways is very talented and unlike Noble he very much so earned his position but we digress. Hein is wrong on this issue and so far we are impressed by Mayor Noble on this issue. He's taking his time he's not rushing to Hein and letting him control the dialogue and he seems to be standing his ground. If this were to go through it would be a disaster. 80 cents of every dollar collected in taxes currently goes to personal, and every 100k makes up about one percent of the city budget. There is no way Kingston would not be looking at a huge increase in taxes to make up for this because instituting a new city run sales tax is not the answer nor would it ever happen, Noble is delusional even to suggest such a thing.

The one positive difference we have witnessed in the way Noble is governing as opposed to the way Gallo and Sottile governed is that  he's building a coalition instead of building a collision like Gallo would more so than Sottile. Noble is meeting with fellow town leaders and has them on his side in a bipartisan way but I cant some of those town supervisors  sitting at that table with Noble and taking him seriously, Im surprised  Quigley didnt tell him to get his fucking shine box.  Trust me, there  is just no way Quigley is not completly distracted in his own thoughts at those meetings thinking how Noble has no business sitting at the head of the table. However Noble is doing the right thing for his City so we are happy about that, we expected him to hide under his desk and have Julie talk to Hein. Is Stevie Wonder as tough as Hein? Not in this lifetime but there is strength in numbers and this is an approach that we don't see too often. There is a lot of distain by most town leaders of Kingston, they are fucking jealous cuz we are the best in the county and they can't handle it.  They seem to be giving Noble a fair shake and Noble is willing to bring them to the table which is great. All around so far the Mayor has handled the sales tax issue correctly.

Speaking of Noble we have to point out that the guy is modeling in a fashion show for some charity with Harley Davidson, he's gunna put his best make up on and get on the run way. Disgrazia! You believe this freaking guy, what is wrong with him??!! This is beyond embarrassing for the Capo of our family to be modeling like some broad on a run way, it makes us weak, it's not becoming of the office, it's not funny ha ha, it's more funny like he's a clown and its not the job of the Mayor to amuse us, write a check to the charity and that's that.

We were happy to see in DA Carnright's press release that the young woman will not face charges in the accident that killed four people in Saugerties last year. It's the right thing a lot of people on social media seemed outraged and angry but that anger and outrage is misplaced grief. That accident was just that an awful accident that poor young woman will live with that guilt of being the person behind the wheel that resulted in the death of her friends for the rest of her life and her going to jail will not bring those young men back. It's an unfortunate situation.

Former Governor Eliot Spitzer was investigated by NYPD this week for a demostic dispute with his girlfriend at a swanky hotel in NYC, the girl who's about 26 alleges that Spitzer chocked her when she brought up the idea of leaving him. Furthermore, turns out she was a call girl before dating Spitzer and it's likely how the two met. We believe Spitzer did what he's accused of doing and it shows were his head is at with the divorce, recent break up with his other girlfriend that ran his race for NYC Comptroller, he's out of control, we have nothing against the fact he was seeing a hooker, we don't judge, honeslty after the divorce and break up, we totally get how he would want to be with a person were no emotion or attachment exsists.  The rest of it though is really tragic, he never should put hands on a woman first off and secondly the guy is a very public figure, besides being a former Governor he owns a quarter of NYC real estate from Manhattan to Williamsberg, what is he doing being involved with a 25 year old that is younger than his kids and opening himself up to such trouble and ridicule? It erks us because the guy is so brilliant, tough, and has the ability to really make a difference. This guy would have been our first Jewish President and now he's the butt of jokes, it's so sad, there are some people that this happens to and it's like good riddance but with Spitzer it's disappointing, some of us worked hard for the guy in 2006 and really believed in him.

On a final note congrats to KPD Sargent Ricky Negron on his recent promotion.

Monday, February 8, 2016

New Hampshire Primary

In the New Hampshire primary for President we endorse Chris Christie for the Republican nomination and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. Sanders and Trump both lead significantly in their respective party primaries but New Hampshire is historically known for last minute upsets and we hope tomorrow is no different.

The Omertà Report recently has weighed in against a proposal to bring in a Shooting Range in Midtown Kingston, citing a law in the 1980's which banned the use of discharging firearms except in the case of law enforcement and for purposes of self defense. Now I would argue that a shooting range's purpose is for self defense and therefore their point is moot but that's not the issue as far as I'm concerned. My concern is not the shooting range and whether or not it's dangerous to have in the city, it's not.  Ms. Martin states on her dopey website that this is not about a position on gun ownership and I absolutely believe her, thats not the issue, this is about her attitude against private business in this city which is a sentiment that unfortunately is shared by the current administration and that my friends is far more dangerous than any shooting range could ever pose to this city. Remember that the common counsel gave Rebecca Martin an award and recognized her for her efforts to keep out Niagra Bottling plant that would have brought in hundreds of jobs to the city, Abasta!
Here you have a Doctor, a well educated individual that is looking to invest his own money to bring in a business to Kingston and once again we are saying no thanks, Kingston is closed for business. Unless you want free cbg money to plant a tree, compost or save a fish, we don't want to hear from you. It's not the job of the City to stop development, the city has no right to tell this Doctor that he can't open a gun range to teach people self defense and provide a safe place to train people on public safety with his own money, what planet are these people on?!  Ms. Martin goes further to state that the noise of the gun range will decrease the property value in the area, va fungool! We are talking about Prince st not West Chestnut sweetheart, there will be no effect in property value, you cant give homes away in that neighborhood and the reason being is because of  the anti business climate that exists in this city, which is why especially in that area you continue to see vacant store fronts increased crime and lack of opportunity. Its the job of the government to get out of the way of private business and the rest will take care of itself, we don't need people like Rebecca Martin getting awards from the city and attention for hindering buisness and creating an atmosphere that ensures the people that live in Midtown will continue to be poor and stupid.

CHANGE-  Meter collections in this city really leaves a lot to be desired. First let me be clear we are not talking about the people that write tickets or the people that collect the meter money, that process is pretty solid. After the money is collected is the issue, we hear the Comptroller's office installed cameras a few years ago, a lot of money goes through that office and it's right thing to do. However the meter money is not counted or stored in the Comptroller's office even though that department is in charge of parking enforcement. Meter money is stored with zero supervision in the bus department and clouted by bus employees, it's crazy, you are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars that go through that office with zero accountability. I'm not saying that there is any funny business going on but it's simply not appropriate for the city bus department to have anything to do with it. It's like sending the Internet guy out to collect a stray dog, it's not his job.  Mayor Noble should end this practice immediately its just common sense.

To the surprise of no one  Congressman Chris Gibson has announced that he is exploring a run for Governor of NY, I have always been a fan of Andrew Cuomo, he's one of us, he's a political animal that will cut your throat, he takes no prisoners and is just a great politician. Gibson will give him a fun for his money though in the end Andrew will come out on top.

Zepher Teachout will without question be the Democratic nominee for Congress, her early backing by the Working Families party all but assured that the party must get behind her if they want to take that seat back, there is no way a Democrat could win that district with one line, a split ticket would all but assure the GOP holds that seat.  Teachout also has shown she will be able to raise money, she raised 48k within 24 hours of her announcement and  has raised hundreds of thousands already since then. Teachout will have a tough time winning that district as an ultra liberal from Vermont, she makes Noble look like Ronald Reagan. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The race to replace Gibson

Both the Republican and Democratic committees are making back room deals to get their chosen favorite the nomination of their respective party. They are doing this at the expense of the rank and file members, who have had little to no imput in the process and they are doing this at the expense of the process itself. This congressional seat will be one of the most competitive and expensive races in the country, no exaggeration both sides will spend millions to try and win this seat. It's a swing district that leans Republican but has had Democrats such as Kirstin Gillibrand and Scott Murphy represent this district. In a presidential year in a Blue state like NY with liberal counties in the district like Ulster, we are talking 12-18 thousand more Democrats than normal that will vote for President and down the line Democrat, that coupled with it being an open seat Dems have a great shot winning this year.

First though let's talk about the Republican side, John Faso is the establishment candidate and seen by the party as the best choice to win, Faso got crushed in 2006 by record margins against Eliot Spitzer in his bid for Governor and narowly lost to Hevisi a few years before that in a bid for State Comptroller. He has served in the Assembly for many years and helped a lot of Republicans and will be able to raise decent money but he's an old wine in a new bottle, he does not have what it takes to win in the general, in my humble opinion. The guy that has the best shot for the Republican's to keep that seat is Andrew Heaney, a successful businessman in the district that will be well funded (he's already launching tv ads) and has a great story to tell. Heaney should be who the GOP is looking at but unfortunately a lot of the committee chairmen, including Under Boss Roger Rascoe is blocking Heaney from a fair shake, in favor of Faso. It's a dumb move, we encourage the boss of the family Jim Quigley to intervene on this one. Speaking of Quigley eight years ago Quigley and Auerbach ran against each other for the newly established office of County Comptroller, Auerbach won one of the closest  county wide races in our history, I can't help but think it would be entertaining to see a rematch between the two of them for Gibson's congressional seat.

Lastly on the GOP front for Congress, county chairs should take notice that Heaney probably will have the endorsement of both the Independence and Conservative party's, if Faso is the Republican nominee you might as well hand the election to whoever the Democrat is that runs.

The Democrat party is not doing much better, they originally put out a press release at the end of December with all 11 chairs supporting Hein who ended up fucking them over and declining to run after an elbarete dog and pony show. Now they issued a similar decree in favor of carpet bagger Zapher Teachout, who I love, she's a great woman, she's smart, sexy and very capable but she's not from the state, she is a NYC elitist that is running in a district she is very new to and this district does not like that, look at Republican Jim Tedisco who lived a few miles outside the district was extremely well known and favored to win the seat that was opened when Gov. Patterson appointed Gilibrand to Clinton's senate seat in 2008 and he lost to a political neophyte in Scott Murphy. We just witnessed two years ago how the district reacted to the candidacy of Democrat Sean Eldridge who despite spending a shit ton of money and being married to the co founder of freakin' Facebook, got his ass handed to

Furthermore, we are disappointed to say the least that Frank Cardinale has chosen to sign on to the candidacy of Teachout when our own County Comptroller is considering a run, it's at the very minimum disrespectful to Auerbach who has been pretty loyal to Frank, loyalty quite frankly that Cardinale doesn't deserve. I saw the poll numbers during last years Executive race, Auerbach's favorbility numbers are higher than any Democrat in this county, Hein has more name recognition but his favorbility is no where near as high as Elliott's numbers are, he is a serious contender and we can't help but think Cardinale is being pressured by a jealous Mike Hein to nip Auerbach's candidacy in the bud. Hein's philosophy is simple, if he isn't gunna be Congressman than no one from Ulster County will be either, it's that simple, that's the kind of boss he is. Lets also not forget that's the kind of boss Andrew Cuomo is too, he can't be happy that the party is entertaining Teachout's candidacy with such enthusiasm after the way she busted Cuomo's balls relentlessly during her primary election against him and Cuomo spares no prisoners as we all know, his raft makes Micheal look like a cub scout. Besides Elliott and Teachout, Julian Schreibman and Dan Ahouse have also mulled a run. Ahouse was Hinchey's right arm and was seen for sometime as the Congresman in waiting, he's knowledgeable and a force to be reckoned with, Schreibman of course ran against Gibson crushing him in Ulster County and doing better than anyone expected against a popular incumbent, an open seat on a presidential year, the Ivy league Yale graduate who was party boss for several years is more deserving than this Teachout broad and could win. After getting burned by Hein we think it's so stupid the party would again endorse publicly a candidate that has yet to announce, especially when there are other better candidates that have announced that are being ignored.

Both parties are preparing for war on two fronts, the last men/women standing of the upcoming civil war for the respective party nominations will battle it out in a bitter nasty war that will continue until November. The Dems want that seat and the GOP doesn't want to lose it. It'll be fun to watch for so long we were spoiled with HInchey that we never got to witness a good hard fought race for a house seat. This race is worth paying attention to. Overall we think Auerbach is the best person to represent us in Washington, whether or not he runs and puts himself out there with the disrespect he is being shown by Cardinale remains to be seen.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Bryant Appointment Noble's First Good Pick

We support Comrade Noble's appointment of Kevin Bryant to be the city corporation counsel, and  hope that he keeps Dan Gartenstien as assistant that would be a great team. Kevin Bryant recently put his house on the market in the town of Ulster and the rumor is he was considering a move to Kingston to run for the open seat for CIty Judge next year, this appointment may be designed to give Phil Kirschner clear sailings next year. Bryant would be a tough opponent in the family court race he killed in the primary in the City of Kingston.

Speaking of Judge races, we hear Sara McGinty will run for the seat to replace Mary Work...others need not apply, she is by far the very best choice. I dare anyone to challenge her, it won't turn out pretty.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Good Morning KIngston

I read in the Freeman yesterday that Mayor Noble's  secretary was Freeman sports person of the year twice for basketball lmfao... I challenge her to a game, 21 point one on one, I'll spot her ten shots, no way some broad is better at basketball than me. Even though is it me or is she look more like a man than our Mayor?! I'd rather fuck Ellen. I thought the story was about a person named Lawerance  Timbrouck at first glance but a hot female secretary def is not something our Mayor cares about. I'm surprised he didn't hire some little Latin guy. Omertà Reports will now be every Thursday  night starting tonight.