You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Trump Elected President, DicKtator Hein Still Voted By World as Biggest Asshole

Since our last post Donald Trump has been elected the 45th President of The United States!! Truly a miracle of epic magnitude. This guy our President elect is so bad ass ad we love him and support him and look forward to being in Washington on Jan 20th, like we were at the Hilton at 3am in election night to witness history, when Trump took the stage declaring victory the energy in that room was really electric. It was a cash bar all night and I'm talking a soda was $9, we don't like the taste of alcohol so paying $9 for a soda was insane even in Mahattan. Anyway at 230 am the bar was free, I think the bastard thought he was gunna lose and after he won he decided to spend a few extra dollars. It was a great night, after spending the night in Brooklyn we ran into some crazy liberals in Manhattan at 10 am already protesting as we caught a ride back to Ulster County, they were so angry and I couldn't stop from laughing at them just because I was so happy for Trump!

Elliott Auerbach has had his budget cut and it looks like Dan Torres is out of a job, I mean what kind of assshole do you have to be to fire Dan Torres. The New Paltz Councilman may not be the brightest but is a hard worker and at the very least a nice guy, who is he bothering?! It's as much a cut against Auerbach's budget as it is to Hein's complete lack of respect and loyalty to those that helped him so much over the years and two of those people (in a long list of people) is Auerbach and Torress. The both of them have been there for Hein when it mattered maybe not on 100% but always there when you needed him. I honestly thought Toress had a pic of Hein under his pillow, We didn't know he upset his majesty Hein in anyway. 

We just feel the legislature should restore the job, don't mess with someone's livelihood, there is no doubt that Dan is a hard worker and puts in a lot of time into his job just out of love to the job and his boss Auerbach who he interned for, before receiving a job w him a year or so ago. Hein arrogantly stated that he did not see reason for the Comptroller's office at all being he had a finance dept that knew what they were doing. Hein has no respect for the charter and should not be allowed to mess w another independently elected officials budget and staff. It's not right, I'm not best friends w Toress I barely know the kid but it sets a bad message. I gotta say I think Hein will regret this move, you could see Auerbach take him on in two years and a very unpredictable county Dem party go w Auerbach, who is way more popular than Hein amoung average voters and the Democratic Party.