This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Omerta Report Redux
We forgot to mention a few things in this weeks Omerta Report.
1. We think it is crazy that Rebecca Martin and her gang of liberal bobble heads are praising the fact that Niagara Water plant did not get funding from the state. We think it's sick that there are actually people that oppose this. She's not a businessman like Quigley. Quigs is looking at getting maximum value out of this, he gets the big picture. This company will pay for old pipes that the town would have to pay and update the system saving millions. It also would provide a lot of local jobs to the area. Frankly we think Ms. Martin is nothing more than a malignant cunt that needs to get laid.
2. Brian Seche said in the Daily Freeman today that the form department heads and Aldermen are asked to fill out under the newly adopted Ethics law is too much and needs to be modified. That is until Andy Zweben's broken ribs heal and our Kingston Capo sends his attack poodle to cuts off Seche's balls again. Furthermore even though we have chosen this life and are just a bunch of gangters in nice Brioni suits, we support the ethics law. We believe that an elected official should serve his position out of love and passion for the job and the people they represent. Especially on a local level, you should not have law makers making money off of business dealings they have by selling their votes or blindly supporting companies or non profits they have a vested interested in, even if its not necessarily monetary gain. That goes for employees too, they should go to work do there job and that's it. When you work for local government, you have an obligation to be honest and do the right thing. What you do on your time is your business, hey we gotta eat and times are tough but don't fuck over the public that put their trust in you.
The ethics law is a good thing and if anything it does not go far enough. Kudos to Mayor Gallo for filling his disclosure, the other members of the city council and department heads should follow suit. I'm shocked that dept heads have not all done this. Where do they get their balls from? When the boss asks or even suggests you to do something, you do it. Back in the day if the boss had to ask you a second time usually it's a whisper in your ear before he puts one in the back of your head.
3. We were thinking earlier that Kevin Cahill would make a great Mayor. Now I know you'll say it's a step down but it's not. Mike Spano did it four years ago. Kevin is a legislator in the state assembly, the office of Mayor is an executive position. Cahill has the experience through his successful management of WellCare under his tenure. He knows the issues and is mayoral...which our current Kingston Capo lacks. In 2016 the job of mayor will pay $100k it looks like. Kevin is a powerful Assemblyman and after his $74k base salary he makes more than 100k with the committees he serves on, I am sure but no more driving to Albany. Cahill can be closer to his family and be the King of the City he loves. Kevin Cahill won every ward and every district in the city of Kingston in November. That's very impressive. Gallo deserves to be beat and Kingston deserves Cahill's leadership.
That's all for now.
1. We think it is crazy that Rebecca Martin and her gang of liberal bobble heads are praising the fact that Niagara Water plant did not get funding from the state. We think it's sick that there are actually people that oppose this. She's not a businessman like Quigley. Quigs is looking at getting maximum value out of this, he gets the big picture. This company will pay for old pipes that the town would have to pay and update the system saving millions. It also would provide a lot of local jobs to the area. Frankly we think Ms. Martin is nothing more than a malignant cunt that needs to get laid.
2. Brian Seche said in the Daily Freeman today that the form department heads and Aldermen are asked to fill out under the newly adopted Ethics law is too much and needs to be modified. That is until Andy Zweben's broken ribs heal and our Kingston Capo sends his attack poodle to cuts off Seche's balls again. Furthermore even though we have chosen this life and are just a bunch of gangters in nice Brioni suits, we support the ethics law. We believe that an elected official should serve his position out of love and passion for the job and the people they represent. Especially on a local level, you should not have law makers making money off of business dealings they have by selling their votes or blindly supporting companies or non profits they have a vested interested in, even if its not necessarily monetary gain. That goes for employees too, they should go to work do there job and that's it. When you work for local government, you have an obligation to be honest and do the right thing. What you do on your time is your business, hey we gotta eat and times are tough but don't fuck over the public that put their trust in you.
The ethics law is a good thing and if anything it does not go far enough. Kudos to Mayor Gallo for filling his disclosure, the other members of the city council and department heads should follow suit. I'm shocked that dept heads have not all done this. Where do they get their balls from? When the boss asks or even suggests you to do something, you do it. Back in the day if the boss had to ask you a second time usually it's a whisper in your ear before he puts one in the back of your head.
3. We were thinking earlier that Kevin Cahill would make a great Mayor. Now I know you'll say it's a step down but it's not. Mike Spano did it four years ago. Kevin is a legislator in the state assembly, the office of Mayor is an executive position. Cahill has the experience through his successful management of WellCare under his tenure. He knows the issues and is mayoral...which our current Kingston Capo lacks. In 2016 the job of mayor will pay $100k it looks like. Kevin is a powerful Assemblyman and after his $74k base salary he makes more than 100k with the committees he serves on, I am sure but no more driving to Albany. Cahill can be closer to his family and be the King of the City he loves. Kevin Cahill won every ward and every district in the city of Kingston in November. That's very impressive. Gallo deserves to be beat and Kingston deserves Cahill's leadership.
That's all for now.
Monday, December 15, 2014
The Omerta Report
Our boss Mike Hein received an award he nominated himself for in D.C. last week recognizing him for being one of the best local elected officials in the Country. That photo represents the Executive crew, the inner sanctum of Hein's administration. Hein speaks only through Adele and information is given to the other captain's and buttons. Hein is very guarded and smart in that respect, he operates in a way that a boss should.
Senator C.C. Tkacyk gave one final parting shot to Assemblyman Kevin Cahill the other day, it was reported in the Record that C.C. wanted it known that our party should work together to support Mike Hein in his reelection next year. In a letter to supporters she wrote this:
"Next year’s local elections include races for the County Executive and County Legislature in addition to judicial races," she wrote. "It is my hope that we will stand as one with County Executive Mike Hein and our other Democratic candidates to ensure that there are sweeping Democratic victories in 2015 on the local level."
Senator Tkacyk do us a favor and stay out of Ulster County politics, if we want your opinion on who to support for Executive we'll ask, until than butt out sweetheart and enjoy your retirement. The Senator's endorsement was a shot at Kevin Cahill in our humble opinion, C.C., took Hein's side during the sales tax fight and we never understood why. I'm sure she's bitter and a little bit jealous that Kevin Cahill will be returning to Albany, while she will be stuck milking goats in Doonsbury. Kevin Cahill really gained a lot of political capital this past year and can write his own ticket in our opinion.
We hear Corporation Counsel Andrew Zweben took a nasty fall slipping on some ice outside his West Chester mansion, breaking a few ribs. Rumor has it he slipped on bourbon ice cubes that dropped out of his glass. We don't want to appear soft but we wish Andrew a full recovery but he should take as much time off as he needs to recover. Really you gotta be careful Zweb, stay out of city hall as long as humanly possible.
Kingston Capo Shayne "brother" Gallo was rumored to be on the outs with the Don over the last few weeks over the Catskill Mountain Railroad. Gallo had backed himself into a corner supporting Hein blindly on the issue. The polar express has been a huge success selling out every ride they have put together and tickets are not cheap, we believe they go for $35 a piece. Gallo has become increasingly upset that he can't take credit and him and Hein had a fight over it when Gallo hinted that he might be changing his tune. The Kingston Capo has no choice, Hudson Coffee Traders sold 10,000 cups of hot chocolate and Designs Bakery sold over 15,000 cookies...there is no question that this is a major tourist attraction here in Kingston.
Gallo and Hein have since made up and are now offering up a compromise to allow a rail and trail for about two in a half miles in Kingston. The railroad is against it saying they need the tracks to do other adult themed rides. Hein should back off and really he can save face on all of this. The boss could take credit for getting the Catskill Mountain Railroad off its ass and doing something because we all know before Hein proposed removing the tracks, they did little to nothing. Hein deserves some credit he really does. Give the Devil his due.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Council Regects Their Own Lawyer ---- Seche Sells Out
" Mayor Gallo sure, I'll vote against my own proposal, how would you like my stugots, medium rare? Will you be sharing them with our corporation Council Andrew Zweben, we hear he's a fan of all different types of stugots. "
-Alderman Brian Seche 12/2/14 6:30pm
The council voted against what was in their best interests again tonight. Voting against having their own part time lawyer to advise them on legal matters, opting to trust Gallo's attack poodle instead. How many times will they put their hand on the stove before they learn? Trusting Gallo is always a gamble, trusting Zweben? Let's just say if I was an African American in Ferguson Missouri, I would trust Officer Darren Wilson before I would Andrew Zweben. The guy has no character or morals, he's a snake.
We posted earlier today that we were pleasantly surprised that Alderman Seche proposed this idea, as his lips rent space on Shayne Gallo's ass. We spoke too soon, Alderman Seche tonight voted against his own proposal saying it had become too political. LMFAO!! Brian Seche has NO BALLS!! Plain and simple, Mayor Gallo convinced this man to vote against his own proposal, you have to laugh because it's so absurd. Does he realize what a pussy that makes him look like? Separate from having no stugots, he voted against something he truly believes is best for the City of Kingston. Who gives a fuck what people think?? If it's the right thing to do and you believe in it than support it Seche. Ward two constituents should be appalled, this guy lost any credibility or political capital he had with this reversal. Mind you this is the same Brian Seche we hear that applied for a job with Chris Gibson three years ago only to withdraw his name from consideration after Mayor Gallo told him Carrie Ross Jones had also applied, who at the time the Mayor was dating.
Those in favor of adding 25k for the council to have their own legal representation separate from Gallo's attack poodle Zweben: Alderman Dunn, Alderman Will, Alderman Carey, Alderman Schabot
Those Opposed: Alderman No Stugots, Alderman Dawson, Alderman Ball, Alderman Brown, alderman Mills.
Resolution failed by one vote. Interesting side note, the fact that Alderwoman Ball voted against this makes us think this raise is a calculated behind the scenes move on part of Gallo, Ball and Zweben. Zweb is the new brain trust of Gallo's 2015 campaign we hear w Fuentes and Blabber gone. Well played Gallo, well played.
Alderwoman Ball Requests Pay Raise for Mayor in 2016.. Good Idea but Why?
We find a few things interesting about a story that appeared in the Daily Freeman about raising the salary of the office of Mayor. The first thing and most interesting is that the pay raise would take effect in 2016. In short we support this but there are a lot of speculation that can be made from this proposal.
It's hard to keep track as to the relationship between Mayor Gallo and Alderwoman Ball because it changes by the day. Ball who supported Clement over Gallo in the last Democratic primary for Mayor has had a difficult relationship with the City's Chief Executive since he has taken office but a lot of that is Mayor Gallo's fault not Alderwoman Ball's. After the primary Elisa supported Gallo strongly and after all the bad blood between Gallo and Judge Ball you can't really blame her for supporting her colegue Clement who was the party's nominee over Gallo who has never been very nice to her.
We thought about this this morning over our tea and a few thoughts came to mind
* Gallo did defend Alderwoman Ball over the last few months, we don't feel need to get into specifics and we don't put it past Gallo to ask her to make this proposal. The fact that it takes effect in 2016 makes us think that's not the case, if Gallo is using a surrogate to make the proposal, why have the stipulation that pay raise take effect in 2016? However, she constituently is quoted in the Freeman article today saying that Mayor Gallo is under paid vs. the position of Mayor itself so who knows?!
* Elisa Ball may be reconsidering her departure from Kingston politics and with Hillary as the likely 2016 Democratic Nominee, maybe this is her chance to run for the seat herself? Again, we also think this is unlikely but not for reasons you may think. We firmly believe Elisa Ball is a very bright woman and could easily become Kingston's first woman Mayor.
* The Democratic committee knowing Elisa may not run again for reelection and confident they can beat Gallo next year is making the proposal now and using a safe person to propose it that won't lose any political capital from angry Kingstonian's who's median income is in the mid $30k range
* We also feel that by raising the salary now to say $100,000 which is about what the salary would probably be at the end of the day after talking with some friends of ours, that it would attract quality candidates to run against Gallo and for the office of Mayor no matter who the candidate is. Businessmen and other professionals that wouldn't normally run because it's just not worth it for them at $75k a year.
We personally feel it's a combination of the last two but whatever the reason and whoever the mayor is in 2016 this is the right proposal. The people of this city elected Shayne Gallo to be Mayor for four years at a pay rate of $75,000 a year and they should get just that. Raising the salary starting January 1, 2016 to six figures, whether it be by design or not, it will attract a better field of candidates to run for Mayor. Whether it be Majority Leader Dunn or a businessman that is not political per say, they are more likely to run if they feel they will be appropriately compensated for their work. The current Mayor Shayne Gallo is absolutely under paid but he knew going into the election what the salary was for the Mayor and how long the term was. If he is to be reelected though, he also deserves a pay raise. Say what you want about Gallo but he's smart dedicated and hard working, no one can take that away from him.
When voters approved the strong Mayor form of government, it gave the mayor a tremendous amount of power and responsibility. No longer is it the role of the Mayor of Kingston to just go to chamber breakfasts and cut a ribbon every time a new business opens up. In many ways it's a thankless 24/7 365 day a year job that requires very long hours, constant phone calls from angry constituents and having deal with nine different personalities that sit on the council that have their own gripes and complaints that need answering. Not to mention the mayor sits as president to every board in city government from Fire, Police to dpw. The job should pay substantially more than it does and we support Elisa Ball's proposal and the timeline of her proposal.
Common Council Should Get Own Attorney
The Kingston common council is considering adding $25,000 to the 2015 budget to hire their own lawyer to advise them on matters, we think this is a great idea. Putting aside the fact that current Corporation Counsel Andrew Zweben has shown zero fiduciary duty to the common council but we must ask how can you blame him? He serves two masters, two completely separate forms of government: the executive, where he advises Gallo on the day to day issues of governing. And the legislative where he advises the council members as to why they should get in line with the executive branch of government.
The legislature of Ulster County does not rely on advice from County Attorney Bea Havrenak to provide them legal advice, there would be a clear conflict of interest in them doing so. Zweben being the City's lawyer and Gallo's very own attack poodle can not also represent and advise the Common Council impartially. The same conflict of interest that applies to the county applies to the City and for the same reasons obviously. The executive and legislative branches of government are separate and should have separate representation. The council as a whole in Kingston are equal to and just as powerful as the mayor, that's the way our city charter is set up. It is the council's right to have an attorney that will give them objective advice and city attorney Andrew Zweben and Mayor Shayne Gallo, both lawyers should support this measure and respect it.
Majority Leader Matt Dunn had this to say in the Freeman today:
“It is important, from time to time, for the council to get its own separate advice,” he said. “We have had a host of issues that have come up during the Gallo administration that would have been prudent to receive advice from an attorney that did not have to answer to the mayor.”
This hasn't been done in the past because for a city with 25,000 people there is a certain level of community and trust. Everyone knows the local Mayor, the majority of members of the council grew up with one another and they trust that the advice they get from the city attorney appointed by the Mayor is in the best interest of the city and that it will be fair and impartial. It never should have been that way but that is the basic reason as to why for all these years it has been that way. As observers who have followed city government for over eleven years, we can honestly say we have never witnessed a Mayor fight with members of the common council with such viciousness as the current administration and we have never witnessed a corporation counsel that has had such an adversarial relationship with the common council as Zweben has had with this one. Not to say that there have never been heated disagreements, but none not even the most contentious ones we've witnessed during the late Mayor Gallo's administration or that of Mayor Sottile's tenure come anywhere close to what we have seen the last three years. Furthermore never in the history of the city have he had a corp council this incompetent since, well, the Heitzman years ;)
The votes are there to do this, Alderman Brian Seche who proposed this law is a Gallo ally and is doing for a change what is in the best interest for his Ward and the city and we applaud him. While we despise Zweben and think he is a disaster, the common council should never set policy or pass amendments based on their like or dislike of a particular person. This amendment should have been passed years ago and to Seche's credit he talked about this when he was on the council way back when, he was right than and he is right now. Simply put, it's the right thing to do. The Gallo administration has just illuminated the reason as to why it should be done.
Post script: Is there anything at all that Alderwoman Debbie Brown won't support Mayor Gallo and Andrew Zweben on?
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