This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Council Regects Their Own Lawyer ---- Seche Sells Out
" Mayor Gallo sure, I'll vote against my own proposal, how would you like my stugots, medium rare? Will you be sharing them with our corporation Council Andrew Zweben, we hear he's a fan of all different types of stugots. "
-Alderman Brian Seche 12/2/14 6:30pm
The council voted against what was in their best interests again tonight. Voting against having their own part time lawyer to advise them on legal matters, opting to trust Gallo's attack poodle instead. How many times will they put their hand on the stove before they learn? Trusting Gallo is always a gamble, trusting Zweben? Let's just say if I was an African American in Ferguson Missouri, I would trust Officer Darren Wilson before I would Andrew Zweben. The guy has no character or morals, he's a snake.
We posted earlier today that we were pleasantly surprised that Alderman Seche proposed this idea, as his lips rent space on Shayne Gallo's ass. We spoke too soon, Alderman Seche tonight voted against his own proposal saying it had become too political. LMFAO!! Brian Seche has NO BALLS!! Plain and simple, Mayor Gallo convinced this man to vote against his own proposal, you have to laugh because it's so absurd. Does he realize what a pussy that makes him look like? Separate from having no stugots, he voted against something he truly believes is best for the City of Kingston. Who gives a fuck what people think?? If it's the right thing to do and you believe in it than support it Seche. Ward two constituents should be appalled, this guy lost any credibility or political capital he had with this reversal. Mind you this is the same Brian Seche we hear that applied for a job with Chris Gibson three years ago only to withdraw his name from consideration after Mayor Gallo told him Carrie Ross Jones had also applied, who at the time the Mayor was dating.
Those in favor of adding 25k for the council to have their own legal representation separate from Gallo's attack poodle Zweben: Alderman Dunn, Alderman Will, Alderman Carey, Alderman Schabot
Those Opposed: Alderman No Stugots, Alderman Dawson, Alderman Ball, Alderman Brown, alderman Mills.
Resolution failed by one vote. Interesting side note, the fact that Alderwoman Ball voted against this makes us think this raise is a calculated behind the scenes move on part of Gallo, Ball and Zweben. Zweb is the new brain trust of Gallo's 2015 campaign we hear w Fuentes and Blabber gone. Well played Gallo, well played.
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If that's a pic of Sech's treaties they must be enlarged for sake of this web page. I can't imagine he had balls that size.
ReplyDeleteThis is the dumbest thing the Council has done this year. Take note of who voted against it and remember the next time Gallo sends Zweben after them or goes against their opinion.
ReplyDeleteUr saying Shayne is vindictive?
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ReplyDeleteZweben would not make it out of the city committee for any position. He could not beat Rich Cahill let alone Kevin Cahill even if he did make it on the ballot. He would also not open himself up for real public scrutiny, it would not be pretty.
ReplyDeletePlease correct the typo in the title of this post, regects is not a word.
Kingston is just overfilled with retarded, or those who aspire to be retarded people. For example, Christmas is coming,and the Police will round up the same ol' 20 or so crackheads from the hood and parade the lowlifes across the front page of the Freedman with the title "Operation Snow Removal".
ReplyDeleteAs my skiing idol Sonny Bono once said...And the Beat goes on..
RIP Heshy.. Now we'll never find poor old 3 Fingers! There is a rumor that 3 Fingers is buried under the parking lot of Skate Time? The
DeleteThe Ghost of Jimmy Hoffa
You never know what's under the concrete, now do you?
DeleteSue K. Cox
When the Singe finds out who authors this propaganda of mob want-abees, you'll be taken for a ride....
ReplyDeleteWho paid for this trip? The county, Hein's campaign or did Cardinale use the slush fund?
ReplyDeleteLooks like we gotta start dragging lakes and rivers for the owner of this blog...........
ReplyDeletetry the long term parking lots its a favored spot for the Singe...