This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Alderwoman Ball Requests Pay Raise for Mayor in 2016.. Good Idea but Why?
We find a few things interesting about a story that appeared in the Daily Freeman about raising the salary of the office of Mayor. The first thing and most interesting is that the pay raise would take effect in 2016. In short we support this but there are a lot of speculation that can be made from this proposal.
It's hard to keep track as to the relationship between Mayor Gallo and Alderwoman Ball because it changes by the day. Ball who supported Clement over Gallo in the last Democratic primary for Mayor has had a difficult relationship with the City's Chief Executive since he has taken office but a lot of that is Mayor Gallo's fault not Alderwoman Ball's. After the primary Elisa supported Gallo strongly and after all the bad blood between Gallo and Judge Ball you can't really blame her for supporting her colegue Clement who was the party's nominee over Gallo who has never been very nice to her.
We thought about this this morning over our tea and a few thoughts came to mind
* Gallo did defend Alderwoman Ball over the last few months, we don't feel need to get into specifics and we don't put it past Gallo to ask her to make this proposal. The fact that it takes effect in 2016 makes us think that's not the case, if Gallo is using a surrogate to make the proposal, why have the stipulation that pay raise take effect in 2016? However, she constituently is quoted in the Freeman article today saying that Mayor Gallo is under paid vs. the position of Mayor itself so who knows?!
* Elisa Ball may be reconsidering her departure from Kingston politics and with Hillary as the likely 2016 Democratic Nominee, maybe this is her chance to run for the seat herself? Again, we also think this is unlikely but not for reasons you may think. We firmly believe Elisa Ball is a very bright woman and could easily become Kingston's first woman Mayor.
* The Democratic committee knowing Elisa may not run again for reelection and confident they can beat Gallo next year is making the proposal now and using a safe person to propose it that won't lose any political capital from angry Kingstonian's who's median income is in the mid $30k range
* We also feel that by raising the salary now to say $100,000 which is about what the salary would probably be at the end of the day after talking with some friends of ours, that it would attract quality candidates to run against Gallo and for the office of Mayor no matter who the candidate is. Businessmen and other professionals that wouldn't normally run because it's just not worth it for them at $75k a year.
We personally feel it's a combination of the last two but whatever the reason and whoever the mayor is in 2016 this is the right proposal. The people of this city elected Shayne Gallo to be Mayor for four years at a pay rate of $75,000 a year and they should get just that. Raising the salary starting January 1, 2016 to six figures, whether it be by design or not, it will attract a better field of candidates to run for Mayor. Whether it be Majority Leader Dunn or a businessman that is not political per say, they are more likely to run if they feel they will be appropriately compensated for their work. The current Mayor Shayne Gallo is absolutely under paid but he knew going into the election what the salary was for the Mayor and how long the term was. If he is to be reelected though, he also deserves a pay raise. Say what you want about Gallo but he's smart dedicated and hard working, no one can take that away from him.
When voters approved the strong Mayor form of government, it gave the mayor a tremendous amount of power and responsibility. No longer is it the role of the Mayor of Kingston to just go to chamber breakfasts and cut a ribbon every time a new business opens up. In many ways it's a thankless 24/7 365 day a year job that requires very long hours, constant phone calls from angry constituents and having deal with nine different personalities that sit on the council that have their own gripes and complaints that need answering. Not to mention the mayor sits as president to every board in city government from Fire, Police to dpw. The job should pay substantially more than it does and we support Elisa Ball's proposal and the timeline of her proposal.
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No raise for Gallo. Maybe his lawyer can help him get a few extra bucks if he needs it.
ReplyDeleteElissa Ball's popularity ended when she shacked up with the KPD Chief. She may not even win an alderman election next time out. People in Kingston know, respect and care for the Ball family. She is damaged goods who has no future
That's up for debate, she could certainly win reelection and I firmly believe Deocratic nod for Mayor. Please be respectful with the comments and keep it to topic at hand. ms.Ball has children and we will not allow crazy comments. You can't help who you fall in love with and it's noones fucking buisness. Capese?!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteYou blow your father with that mouth? I'm not posting comments about this WOMAN's private life. Especially comments that are unsubstantiated rumors at best. Be a gentleman or a lady when posting ok, I don't care if comments are critical of Ball, she is a public figure and a strong woman that can defend herself but leave her family out of it. All people you mention have kids and I'll just delete them. It's noones buisness, it can happen to anyone and it's enough. I don't want to hear it. Stick to the topic at hand or shut your mouth.
DeleteShe has a reputation for being a train wreck. Her political career is over. No, you can't help who you fall in love with. But you can certainly help how you handle yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou know I don't even know why I'm defending Elisa like this but what kind of person says such things about a woman? A train wreck, really? She's been elected twice in a Ward that was held by Republicans for six years before she took office. One of the commenters that I deleted earlier pointed out her slim margin of victory, did she really even campaign? Come on, she would have destroyed Corchran and ran a dirty campaign against the guy because I am sure she is aware of certain things that would of made him look bad. Ball took the high road and didn't go negative, that says a lot about a persons character. And whether she won by 50 or 500 she won. A good friend mine said to me, you know what you call a Dr., with a C average? You call him Doctor and you call Elisa Ball, Alderwoman of Ward 6. Outgoing NY Senator CC T., who we have said publicly we don't support, won her first election by 18 votes and Elisa was very much responsible for her first victory. Elisa Ball also holds monthly ward meetings, we've attended them and they are well attended meetings that are informative with regular people that go to them not just the usual suspects: Bernie, Joe and Ellen, this Alderwoman engages with regular citizens and gets them to give up some of their Saturday morning, anyone in this life will tell you that is no easy feat but they like the job that she is doing. At quick check she had guests that spoke to specific issues going on in the Ward and city. Last year she helped tile w the Judge a firehouse in Kingston. She goes above and beyond the call of duty of an Alderman. If you want to criticize her fine, I'm not thrilled she voted against the common council having its own lawyer, I think it was a stupid vote to be honest, but lets stick the issues and topics at hand. This is the last comment I'm posting about this, as the Godfather of this blog, no comments going after her family or personal life will be published or anyone's family or personal life for that matter. This blog is not a democracy and there is no freedom of speech. I am the only one that has freedom of speech on this blog, the rest of you may not like that but you damn sure will respect it! I will start blocking IP addresses and any comment posted that is of a personal nature will be deleted in short order so you're wasting your time.
ReplyDeleteShe is a phoney and now everyone knows it. She was out for herself from day one, even putting herself above her own family. Publish this or not, but that it the cold, hard truth.
ReplyDeleteSe should have voted for city attorney, I agree let's leave families out of it. I have children too that are old enough to read but on this issues she's wrong. She knows how Zweben is. Wanna give credit to someone let's give credit to Steve Schabot!
ReplyDeleteI like Elisa Ball and think the commenters just are jealous. As for her sidding with Gallo, maybe she supports Gallo when she feels he is right and opposes him when she feels he is wrong. That's what I think is more likely as her record reflects that. She's not like Dunn or Will that blindly vote against or Dawson or Mills who blindly vote in favor. Her and Shabot are good people.