Economic Development dept head Gregg SwanZy walked out of a budget hearing before the common counsel last week when he was begging them to restore the salary that was cut in Gallo's budget last year saying they didn't know what Kingston Capo Steve Noble wanted to do with the office but put in contingency money of about 80 boxes of ziti ear marked for that office as just in case money. Just in case Steve Noble gets rid of SwanZy he can raise the salary but if it's still Seanzy get the fuck outtaaa here withe that shit Greg... Is basically what Seanzy was told.
Two things : one I applaud what they did but not their reasonings. Capo Noble should without question fire Seanzy, the two of them started the Land trust and who knows maybe they were former fuck buddies but Swanzy fucked Noble in the ass repeatedly and without consent this time, blasting Noble about his grants and throwing out lies about Our new Boss that went well beyond politics. When SwanZy is making attacks on Facebook or the freeman online comments that's one thing but when he's sending out false stats and misleading information on Noble in his official capacity as economic development boss that gives it credibility, people belive it to be fact and SwanZy tried to ruin his 'friends' political career to save his own. The art of war says when your enemy has been struck or weakened you do not back down, you crush them or they will get stronger and come for you. Noble needs new loyal blood. And not another envirmentalist, we already have one as the head of the City, we need a pro buisness leader like a Len Bernardo. Say what you want yea Bernardo didn't support Noble but he didn't attack him either and the guy is a self made millionaire that can produce results and it gets Noble a show in to the Independence line for his reelection bid.
Secondly the common counsel never gave a ick as to what Mayor Gallo wanted in his budgets but now all a sudden they should for the Mayor elect who hasn't yet served a day in office. Why is Steve Noble not talking w the committee and leaders about his transition anyway. So far we hear Sleazy is gunna stay as economic development boss , Carly is staying as clerk, and Katie cooks husband will be corporation counsel, we support that he did a good job as assist corp council under Sottile as for Carly we say salute we like her but feel she has no loyalty and swings in any direction wind blows but nonetheless she's a good person and wish her the best.
Speaking if Sottile, he's telling everyone that will listen that he doesn't want a job in city government we call bullshit on that he's itching to be back in politics but as a former Mayor I can see how he may not want to play second fiddle to his former running mates 33 yr old cousin and who could blame him. Sottile would make an excellent Comptroller, he's smart knows the city budget probably would have been comptroller under Polacco had he won if he was so inclined. Someone like Steve who's never worked on a budget or been an executive, would be wise to put in a former Mayor that's done ten of them. Running a 33 million dollar budget is a big fucking deal, Sottile would be a good advisor and is worth considering. The current comptroller John Tuey is plain has no balls, does not have the backs of his employees or their respect and is nothing more than a pencil pusher. Nice guy, smart guy, his time has come and gone.
There are rumors Alcoa may be pulling out of the buisness park on Delware Ave, the would mean that there are no member left in the buisness park that TR Gallo built and we are not attacking TR Gallo he should have built it but we need a good strong economic development chief to market and intise new developers even if it means the Mayor going directly to them instead of us waiting for them to come to us.
Blaber for Republican Chairman? that's not our family so we offer no comment on his candidacy but rumor is Blaber who worked on the Polacco campaign is telling anyone who will listen that he plans to take the reigns of the City Republican comittee after Sinagra's dismal performance. Blaber who's been a Republican for less than a few months can't be worse than Sinagra a life long Republican that actively worked against his own Mayoral candidate and failed to put up any candidates for legislature and three candidates for common counsel all of who lost with no committee support. Debbie Brown got elected despite the GOP committees help not because of it. Blaber has the experiance and knows the process and people are entitled to second chances, the thing is what will he do if he gets it? It's tough for a Republican to win Cuty wide but fresh blood and a ruthless guy at the helm that will do anything to win may be what they need. If not Blaber J
This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
It's Already Starting..
It was reported that Brad Will listed an address in Woodstock as his primary residence on bankruptcy fillings, it's clear the guy lives in the Ward so listing the address in Woodstock was to benefit him in someway with his legal case rather than him residing in Woodstock. Whatever the reason it's not very ethical...
Speaking of ethics, Will has yet to pay the $1,000 he was fined by the Kingston ethics committee and Uncle Jimmy has yet to reprimand him as directed by the committee. Instead Uncle Jimmy defended Will saying the City should represent him on the matter.
What motivation does Uncle Jimmy have to reprimand him? His nephew is the Mayor elect and Will is a loyal Jim Jones kool aid drinker to whatever the Noble Family Dynasty wants. Alderman Will is still the odds on favorite to be Majority Leader of the common counsel are you kidding me?!
Kingston family boss Steve Noble and his Under Boss Uncle Jimmy are playing with a whole different set of rules, they care more about the trees and the fish than the electorate and you can bet any amount money that the only people benefiting from this administration is the Noble family dynasty. We said it before but it should be repeated, absolute power corrupts, absolutely!
Speaking of ethics, Will has yet to pay the $1,000 he was fined by the Kingston ethics committee and Uncle Jimmy has yet to reprimand him as directed by the committee. Instead Uncle Jimmy defended Will saying the City should represent him on the matter.
What motivation does Uncle Jimmy have to reprimand him? His nephew is the Mayor elect and Will is a loyal Jim Jones kool aid drinker to whatever the Noble Family Dynasty wants. Alderman Will is still the odds on favorite to be Majority Leader of the common counsel are you kidding me?!
Kingston family boss Steve Noble and his Under Boss Uncle Jimmy are playing with a whole different set of rules, they care more about the trees and the fish than the electorate and you can bet any amount money that the only people benefiting from this administration is the Noble family dynasty. We said it before but it should be repeated, absolute power corrupts, absolutely!
Friday, November 13, 2015
The Omertà Report
The Gallo Curse is no more. We thought on election night that history was going to repeat itself when Andy Champ Doran pulled out an upset victory on election night having just one minor party line in the Ward 3 race for Alderman. Alderman Will who has been a frequent critic of Gallo looked like he would be the second Democrat in Watd 3 to lose their seat at the hands of a Gallo. TR Gallo took out Charlie Landi, a let's say, ten yr incumbent in 2000 by going door to door with GOP newcomer Jankowakie. I give credit where it's due, it's very impressive Champ Doran was able to capitalize on the ethics issues Will faced last month. The committee though was nothing more than a joke, all people on committee were appointed by Gallo. The Chairwoman Jean Jacobs who is easily influenced by power was made to feel inportant by Gallo and she followed his orders. Jacobs is also BFFs w Gallo's secretary Ellen DiFalco. The two would get on their brooms a half hour before the meeting and fly up to the bell tower where DiFalco would hand Jacobs Gallo's requests. That committee did what Gallo said and Ms. DiFalco should be ashamed of herself for using Ms. Jacobs friendship for political gain. I don't blame Jean she doesn't even know she was used.
Alderman Will looked like the likely successor to Matt Dunn for Majority Leader but after winning by just 17 votes will he get it? Steve Shabbot Should be Majority Leader. Mills who could do the job and a good one, will not get it because she is preseved as a Gallocrat and Will is very snarky and arrogant. Steve Shabot in Ward 8 should be the next Majority Leader, he's very even keeled can work with every member of the Majority without infighting, plus he's a fucking rockstar. On Facebook we saw an advertisement that Shabot would be performing at Uncle Willy's with his band.. Very cool.
Gallo cut Steve Noble's job out of the budget next year and Noble is pushing for it to be put back in. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone working with my wife, if I was Steve Id say salute and move on. Julie is more than capable of doing the job by herself you don't need two people, what do one of Noble's cousins need a job? I don't get why it's neccisary to add this spot back. Steve is the Mayor- elect he won the battle and the war, let the position just go and focus on your transition because you have no fucking clue what you're about to step into son. Everyone thinks that being Mayor is easy until they sit in that chair. Mayor elect Noble however insists on putting the job back in the budget which will happen, whatever he wants he will have.
Why? Well because his last name is Noble duh! And his Uncle is counsel President Jim Noble and they are members of the Noble family dynasty. In addition to that as counsel President Noble presides over an 8-1 veto proof Democratic counsel, which is the problem. There will be zero checks and balances in city government for at least the next two years, probably four. That's not good government. Getting back to his job thou, if they wanna put it back in the budget, I'll volunteer to do the job, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'll do the job just to work w Julie, we can go on little nature walks and picnics. Also, I really would like to be Mayor one day and I know that the position of envirmental educator will give me the neccisary tools and experiance to do the job, so sign me up baby!
Mayor elect Noble is in over his head in our opinion, do you really think Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Schumer are gunna meet with this guy and take him serious? I don't see it, I see Cuomo getting in his limo and chuckling all the way back to Albany. Wtf how did this happen? I do wish him the best though, don't confuse us busting balls with us not liking Noble, we don't even know the guy to be fair. We give him the benefit of the doubt and his Uncle, who we know very well, is one of the nicest people we have ever met. We supported Polacco for Mayor and we still feel he should have won but the people have spoken and we should all give the guy a chance cuz he's gunna need it. 33yrs old and the Mayor of Kingston..that's scary but damn impressive, no matter how he did or what his last name is, there is defiantly some jealousy on our part that comes out of us while writing this, we hope Steve has a good tenure as Mayor and wish him well.
County Legislature- who will be chairman? Our money says Rich Parete, who's a great guy is the odds on favorite, he will be the reason why the GOP is in the majority and he should have the chairmanship as a result. Before Democrats wanna open their mouth and attack Rich for this, they can thank Mike Hein. It was Mike Hein that endorsed Parete's opponent in the Democratic primary and it was Mike Hein that made sure Parete lost the convention. Mike Hein should get on his knees and blow the Parete's on command, how quickly he forgets that while he was a Republican, working shining earrings at a jewelry store in the mall, it was the Parete's that were building the Democratic Party in Ulster County to the power house it is today. It's John Parete that got the neccisary signatures for proposition one, which was passed in 2007, changing the charter to an executive form of government. How Hein is able to shrug that off amazes me. What did Hein do for the Democratic Party? What has he ever done for the Democratic Party even as executive, he's done nothing to help candidates and promotes only himself.! Ken Ronk may also be in the running for Chairman so it'll be interesting.
Speaking of Ken Ronk, him and David Donaldson introduced legislation to increase the pay for county legislators from 10k to 14k. First off we support it, Ulster County by far has the lowest paid legislators we have ever seen. 14k is not unreasonable, however it was sneaky to introduce the legislation in December. The law states they must do this salary increase on certian election yrs and the reason for that is to allow the people to decide and to have their voices heard on the To introduce this in December may be legal but it's shady. Not to single Donaldson or Ronk out this is something I'm sure everyone agreed on months ago. Both party's rank and file knew too. Everyone but the voters knew apparently.
Jim Quigley proved on election night that he is still the boss of the GOP in this county and certainly the town of Ulster, Quigley easily beat Wadnola for reelection and his candidate for clerk won over Incumbent Linda McDonough. Don't fuck w Quigley.
Alderman Will looked like the likely successor to Matt Dunn for Majority Leader but after winning by just 17 votes will he get it? Steve Shabbot Should be Majority Leader. Mills who could do the job and a good one, will not get it because she is preseved as a Gallocrat and Will is very snarky and arrogant. Steve Shabot in Ward 8 should be the next Majority Leader, he's very even keeled can work with every member of the Majority without infighting, plus he's a fucking rockstar. On Facebook we saw an advertisement that Shabot would be performing at Uncle Willy's with his band.. Very cool.
Gallo cut Steve Noble's job out of the budget next year and Noble is pushing for it to be put back in. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone working with my wife, if I was Steve Id say salute and move on. Julie is more than capable of doing the job by herself you don't need two people, what do one of Noble's cousins need a job? I don't get why it's neccisary to add this spot back. Steve is the Mayor- elect he won the battle and the war, let the position just go and focus on your transition because you have no fucking clue what you're about to step into son. Everyone thinks that being Mayor is easy until they sit in that chair. Mayor elect Noble however insists on putting the job back in the budget which will happen, whatever he wants he will have.
Why? Well because his last name is Noble duh! And his Uncle is counsel President Jim Noble and they are members of the Noble family dynasty. In addition to that as counsel President Noble presides over an 8-1 veto proof Democratic counsel, which is the problem. There will be zero checks and balances in city government for at least the next two years, probably four. That's not good government. Getting back to his job thou, if they wanna put it back in the budget, I'll volunteer to do the job, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'll do the job just to work w Julie, we can go on little nature walks and picnics. Also, I really would like to be Mayor one day and I know that the position of envirmental educator will give me the neccisary tools and experiance to do the job, so sign me up baby!
Mayor elect Noble is in over his head in our opinion, do you really think Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Schumer are gunna meet with this guy and take him serious? I don't see it, I see Cuomo getting in his limo and chuckling all the way back to Albany. Wtf how did this happen? I do wish him the best though, don't confuse us busting balls with us not liking Noble, we don't even know the guy to be fair. We give him the benefit of the doubt and his Uncle, who we know very well, is one of the nicest people we have ever met. We supported Polacco for Mayor and we still feel he should have won but the people have spoken and we should all give the guy a chance cuz he's gunna need it. 33yrs old and the Mayor of Kingston..that's scary but damn impressive, no matter how he did or what his last name is, there is defiantly some jealousy on our part that comes out of us while writing this, we hope Steve has a good tenure as Mayor and wish him well.
County Legislature- who will be chairman? Our money says Rich Parete, who's a great guy is the odds on favorite, he will be the reason why the GOP is in the majority and he should have the chairmanship as a result. Before Democrats wanna open their mouth and attack Rich for this, they can thank Mike Hein. It was Mike Hein that endorsed Parete's opponent in the Democratic primary and it was Mike Hein that made sure Parete lost the convention. Mike Hein should get on his knees and blow the Parete's on command, how quickly he forgets that while he was a Republican, working shining earrings at a jewelry store in the mall, it was the Parete's that were building the Democratic Party in Ulster County to the power house it is today. It's John Parete that got the neccisary signatures for proposition one, which was passed in 2007, changing the charter to an executive form of government. How Hein is able to shrug that off amazes me. What did Hein do for the Democratic Party? What has he ever done for the Democratic Party even as executive, he's done nothing to help candidates and promotes only himself.! Ken Ronk may also be in the running for Chairman so it'll be interesting.
Speaking of Ken Ronk, him and David Donaldson introduced legislation to increase the pay for county legislators from 10k to 14k. First off we support it, Ulster County by far has the lowest paid legislators we have ever seen. 14k is not unreasonable, however it was sneaky to introduce the legislation in December. The law states they must do this salary increase on certian election yrs and the reason for that is to allow the people to decide and to have their voices heard on the To introduce this in December may be legal but it's shady. Not to single Donaldson or Ronk out this is something I'm sure everyone agreed on months ago. Both party's rank and file knew too. Everyone but the voters knew apparently.
Jim Quigley proved on election night that he is still the boss of the GOP in this county and certainly the town of Ulster, Quigley easily beat Wadnola for reelection and his candidate for clerk won over Incumbent Linda McDonough. Don't fuck w Quigley.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
In the words of Mayor Gallo: God help Kingston!
Steve Noble won and thats good for the City Democratic Party, the Noble family, and that's about it. Kingston will now have the Executive branch run by a kid with zero experiance and who's Uncle Controls the legislative branch. Make way for higher taxes, bigger government and a government that works for the Noble crime family. Speaking of crimes, it's a crime that Sinagra and the City Republicans did nothing to help their nominee for Mayor who pulled in 45% of vote ran a campaign of a small group of people worked his balls off and lost by about 500 votes. Sinagra should resign as Chairman immeditly, not only did he do nothing to help Ron win he actively worked against him. Look at the numbers Polacco could and should have won this race. I will not congratulate Steve Noble, I respect he is the Mayor elect and I respect the office of Mayor but if his last me was Smith he wouldn't have this job, he hasn't earned it and is in way over his head. He will be a terrible Mayor. Having a city with zero checks and balances is not good for the electorate. Kingston residents will have zero power or say with one family running city government is no different than having John and Jr Gotti running the city. We have a new Capo in Kingston an his underboss is his Uncle Jimmy. God help Kingston.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Vote Today Polacco and Bernardo
We have made the case for Polacco and think it's a no brainer he's the only candidate that has served in elected office he has a proven track record of being consistent on his principals as Alderman and is not connected with the good ol boy click that has gotten us no where for 21 yrs an them everything they wanted at our expense. Mayor Polacco will have to deal with a Democratic counsel so both branches of government will be forced to compromise and listen to us not do what's best for party insiders. The Democratic committee in Kingston sunk to a new low by nominating a cronie as their candidate for Mayor because they think we are mindless pup puts that will do anything they say. I believe Kingstonians are smarter than that!
We need a Mayor that's a leader and I respectfully submit that Polacco is that leader and the most qualified to lead Kingston for the next four years. We hear Polacco is up by about 8 points but every vote counts so get out and vote!
In ward 3 please vote for Brad Will
In Ward 4 Nina Dawson
In ward 5 Bill Carey
In Ward 6 Joe Corcaran
In Ward 7 MA Mills
In Ward 8 Bill Shabot
In Ward 9 we offer no endorsement, we would like that ward to go Republican for the top of the ticket has nothing to do with the individual candidates running.
ALSO in edition to voting for Terry Bernardo, vote for Rich Parete as well he deserves reelection and has been screwed by Hein and Cardinale both need to go.
Get out and vote tomorrow, Kingston let's Make history let's show the party bosses the Democratic Party dinosaurs like Frank Cardinale they don't run this city. vote Polacco and Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at Large respectively.
We need a Mayor that's a leader and I respectfully submit that Polacco is that leader and the most qualified to lead Kingston for the next four years. We hear Polacco is up by about 8 points but every vote counts so get out and vote!
In ward 3 please vote for Brad Will
In Ward 4 Nina Dawson
In ward 5 Bill Carey
In Ward 6 Joe Corcaran
In Ward 7 MA Mills
In Ward 8 Bill Shabot
In Ward 9 we offer no endorsement, we would like that ward to go Republican for the top of the ticket has nothing to do with the individual candidates running.
ALSO in edition to voting for Terry Bernardo, vote for Rich Parete as well he deserves reelection and has been screwed by Hein and Cardinale both need to go.
Get out and vote tomorrow, Kingston let's Make history let's show the party bosses the Democratic Party dinosaurs like Frank Cardinale they don't run this city. vote Polacco and Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at Large respectively.
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