This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
In the words of Mayor Gallo: God help Kingston!
Steve Noble won and thats good for the City Democratic Party, the Noble family, and that's about it. Kingston will now have the Executive branch run by a kid with zero experiance and who's Uncle Controls the legislative branch. Make way for higher taxes, bigger government and a government that works for the Noble crime family. Speaking of crimes, it's a crime that Sinagra and the City Republicans did nothing to help their nominee for Mayor who pulled in 45% of vote ran a campaign of a small group of people worked his balls off and lost by about 500 votes. Sinagra should resign as Chairman immeditly, not only did he do nothing to help Ron win he actively worked against him. Look at the numbers Polacco could and should have won this race. I will not congratulate Steve Noble, I respect he is the Mayor elect and I respect the office of Mayor but if his last me was Smith he wouldn't have this job, he hasn't earned it and is in way over his head. He will be a terrible Mayor. Having a city with zero checks and balances is not good for the electorate. Kingston residents will have zero power or say with one family running city government is no different than having John and Jr Gotti running the city. We have a new Capo in Kingston an his underboss is his Uncle Jimmy. God help Kingston.
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you are a fucking idiot
ReplyDeleteJesus, if that isn't worst case of sour grapes i ever heard, I don't know what is. Take the loss like a man and move on. Noble also worked his ass off too! Polacco should be commended for such a good showing in a Democratic town where he had no business coming within 15%. I will disagree with one thing you said vehemently. If his name was Smith, Polacco would not have done near as well. Many people were skeptical about electing one family. Just look at the AAL race, Provenzano got crushed, badly! Why? Because people knew her and knew Jim Noble. Now it is time to prove to those people that their skepticism was unfounded. Noble won because he had better ideas that more people believed in. Those are the facts, reflect on them. Look at the make up of our city, look at where it is going and these results and then it will be very clear why Noble won.
ReplyDeleteNoble carried less than 25% of registered voters. He won because the vast majority of voters sit home on Election Day.
DeleteI am a Noble supporter but voter turn out is terrible. That is the problem not who ran a better campaign or worked harder.
Voter turn out is the problem and every politician knows it. All they have to do is get 25% and they win.
Shame on us.
Jim Noble defeated a candidate that did not campaign and was on the last line on the ballot. She still pulled in over 1,400 votes. I know Jeanette well and respect her service to our community, when she lost the primary she said she would not campaign, she kept her word. All you Noble supporters should get on with your life.
DeleteIt's not sour grapes, 45% for a Republican in Kingston that had three people helping him and was outspent 8:1 is very respectable. The fact still remains that if Steve Noble was Steve Smith he would not be in that seat, maybe another Democrat would and not Fon but Stevie Wonder got elected because his last name is Noble. One family running city government is not good for the electorate, no checks and balances.
DeleteYou want credit where credit is due, I don't like Andy Champ Doran but I give him credit he worked his ass off and pulled off a major upset even if he loses with absentees which is likely he should be proud of himself.
The Noble name was a wash as far as impacting the polls. At least as many people stayed home or voted Polacco because they were turned off by a Noble/Noble ticket as came out to vote out of loyalty to the Noble name. I do agree that Polacco did pretty well for a guy with no platform and no substantive ideas. I suspect he benefited from a bunch of butt-hurt Gallo Democrats. Makes you wonder what might have been if the Republicans had been able to field anything close to a full slate.
DeleteShayne Smith wouldn't have gotten very far with the old-timers either.
DeleteFact is, no one great is walking through that door for $75k. A dynamic leader with smarts and charisma is going to stay the hell away from Kingston politics and make way more money in the private sector.
Either make mayor a much better-paid position and attract some heavier hitters with leadership ability, or create a city manager position (who doesn't have to wield his $40M budget as a weapon) and turn mayor into a part-time, ceremonial gig.
At one point in time, for many years, The City of Kingston did have a city manager running things. The City Manager served at the pleasure of the City Council and could be replaced at any time. Then T.R. Gallo was elected Mayor in the Mid 1990s and changed the City Charter to reflect a strong Mayor- executive form of government.
DeleteBOE still has no results on there web site. These 2 commissioners should be replaced immediately.
ReplyDeleteOther words from Mayor Gallo: "OK, I'm heading back to the private sector OK, does anybody know of a local company OK, that doesn't drug test OK?
ReplyDeleteSpot on!!!
DeleteGallo doesn't do drugs, drinks wine like a fish maybe but he don't do drugs.
DeleteYeah. He wasn't at all stoned at O+.
Who cares about weed? Really it's 2016.
DeleteI was alluding to his wild temper. Most likely caused white powder.
DeleteNo way! It's just not true. Wild temper caused by bipolar yes not drugs.
DeleteProvenzano can now go into the sunset
ReplyDelete7:07:: Talk about sour grapes, how about wining and vowing to bring all the players together. That will not happen and Noble will end up fighting with City Committee as Gallo did. There is no mandate here for Either Noble, can't wait for the show to start.
ReplyDeleteYea no mandate but committee will have a love fest for Noble as will counsel. We need a new strong Kingston chairman of the Troublican party to hold these guys accountable
ReplyDeleteBeg to differ. Given the split in the party and Shayne supporting Polacco, a ten point victory is pretty close to a mandate under these circumstances. Steve will do fine, its not like the job takes a rocket scientist. He's got Tuey to run the budget, the police department, fire department, assessor's office are mall n good shape, the counsel is pretty well balanced, new young investors are coming to town and he is not going to pick fights for no reason other than his own personal satisfaction. I suspect that the forecasts of doom are premature.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree 6:46. Noble is a very smart kid that won't drive people away with a short temper. He will listen and not scream if he hears something he disagrees with.
DeleteGallo would never be able to finish what he started because he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and ears open.
Kingston will prosper now and in 4years a seasoned Noble runs unopposed.
Of all the things I like best about this past election day, the fact that Jeanette Provenzano will finally be out of government brings me satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteHere are my reasons why. Her very long tenure was highlighted with what??? Exactly, I can't think of anything either. She was a yes man for Hein to the detriment of the Democratic Party. She had her own agenda to be the "first woman" whatever. She was vengeful and bitter over decisions that went against her. She has more friends and family on the payroll than the entire Noble family. Whenever she ran for something where she would have to stand on her own, Mayor, Assembly, Chairman of the Legislature, Alderman at Large, she was rejected so apparently I am not the only one who feels this way.
Peter Loughran the do nothing, lazy, check collector is next.
I have to agree with 2:39 PM Provenzano is now gone and next will be Donaldson and Loughran
ReplyDeleteA kid calling another kid a kid huh? I smacka you uppa sideuah yorah headah! Capice? Gooda boyah....nowah startah actingah likeah anah adultah yourah ownah damnah selfah!! Capice? Goodah. Goah backah to schollah...doah whatevahh buttah cutta dah clownah actah. Youah calledah itta rightah in Polacco-ah and Bernardo-ah. Nowah havvah yourah party-ah enna moveah onna. Thatsah niceah boyah. I-ah only-ah tellah you-ah thisah forah yourah ownah damnah goodah!!
ReplyDelete2:39---interesting that Dave Donaldson wasn't mentioned??? Wonder who the writer is???? lets guess!!
ReplyDeleteDave Donaldson tries, he puts stuff out there for the Legislature to think about. The other two wait for Hein to tell them what to do. Where is Loughran's girlfriend working these days? Oh she works for Hein so you know where he will vote, every time no question.
ReplyDeleteWhere did DaveDonaldson get his wife a job!, and where is Dave's best friend Fran, drinking buddy working? Dave is a joke in the Legislature, never had an original idea in his life, steals everybody else's work and claim it as his. He is a genius, just ask him,. Peter Loughran is respected by all Legislators of both parties. Look for him to take a leadership next year. Dave is out!!!! Peter Loughran is a good democrat, Dave Donaldson voted against the legislator Democrats picked for Chairman and voted for Parete picked by Republicans so he could be Vice Chair. Pathetic, he can't tie the shoes of Peter Loughran.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I will say about this post is that this is the most ignorant thing anyone has ever written on here. Donaldson does not let those things influence his votes, Loughran does. Peter Loughran is an absolute waste of space and anyone and everyone who has ever dealt with him or been in the Legislature with him knows it. If he is selected in any leadership position, you may as well shut down the legislature and hand the government over to Hein. Donaldson and Parete have more progressive, Democratic ideas in one day than Loughran has had in his life. Seriously, you should not be commenting on something you know nothing about or rely on that piece of shit newspaper for your information. Doxsey is so far up Heins ass he has to ask her to move so he can fart. Donaldson voted to make sure the Legislature is meaningful and does its job, not rubber stamp Hein's agenda.
Delete2:51 AM is correct.
DeleteWhat is all this about Provenzano, she lost, let it go, why this crap on Loughran, this ridiculous. Obviously Dave or his brother, who else cares.
ReplyDeleteWrong, People who are tired of the Legislature being run by Hein care. Those two, especially Provenzano were and will be a detriment to progressive Democratic ideals. They support a man who has eliminated hundreds of Union jobs, cut mental health, privatized the infirmary, has the 2nd worst Safety Net program in the state. It is not about Donaldson or any individual, it is about the Legislature being a meaningful, respected, and for Dmeocrats, progressive branch of government. Those 2 in particular, were and are damaging to the institution, not a person who selects a chairman who will work independently as he should.
DeletePolacco seemed like a nice guy, but he was a lightweight. If the Republicans had nominated someone with a little gravitas I believe they would have won. The split on the Democratic side gave them their best and maybe only chance to win in a generation.
ReplyDelete7000 voters sat home in Kingston. Sure a like percentage 60% sat home on a county and state level.
ReplyDeleteIf I know this so do the politicians.
12000 voters in Kingston and all you need is 25% to win. 3000 people decide how the other 9000 will live.
We should change Election Day to every other year and local elections to coincide with the presidential election. Maybe then the majority will rule.
4:08: That might work but I find more and more that not even a Presidential Election moves people to vote. The apathy is troublesome. People should realize that a local election is actually the most crucial one . It is the one that most affects their daily lives in their locale. Something they might actually have control over. Sometimes I see where certain politicians are running for the wrong reasons. To me, once labeled a politician my respect goes out the window. Instead, how about giving them a name for being a concerned private individual running for a public office...elected civil servant. Politician conjures up images of being a career and I don't believe this is what our forefathers had in mind. This is not a gaming situation .....
DeleteMore Hein bashing, please.
ReplyDeleteFuck Mike Hein, asshole. How's that?
DeleteThat'll do in a pinch.
DeleteRead 2:57 comment and understand how ill informed he is: The fact is each and every issue he speaks of was passed by overwhelming vote by the Legislature, not Hein. By progressive you mean the far left Liberals who want to spend, spend, and spend some More. Let's see how long they last. And by the way most that follow this blog are Politically savvy. Provenzano was the only voice and only one to fight Republicans and Democrats to save golden hill. I'm a CSEA employee and I know who spoke out and who sat on their hands, Loughran and Provenzano are true Democrats,, donaldson will be what ever you want him to be, depending on which way the wind is blowing. He is now in Republican control begging for a leadership spot, revolting.
Curious. Who could Republicans have run that would have won? Turco-Levin? Cahill?
ReplyDeleteJohn Garrin, any of the Ryan's a lot of different Repiblicans could have won. Polacco could have won if Kingston GOP had a descent committee
DeleteAndy Turco-Levin should have run she would make a great Mayor. It was her time.
ReplyDeleteWhy was it "her time" ? A one term Alderman who bailed when she lost. Give me a break. A great Mayor based on what? Stop crushing on her and open your eyes. She has turned into a cranky, late middle aged, complainer. We just got rid of an older version of her.
DeleteYou idiot - Andi was a perfect cross-over candidate. I know a lot of Indys and Dems who would have run to her over Gallo (myself included). And of course she walked away - her own party screwed her over for that greaseball Polacco. Andi was a great alderwoman and a secret weapon that the Republicans were either too stupid or too afraid to use. She would have been a great mayor - much more so than that shit show clown Polacco and hizzoner.
DeleteAndi is a successful person who does a lot of good in this city without asking for any recognition of acclaim.
Polacco screwed her over. She was supported by the Republican Party but lost when Polacco decided to run and she lost the primary. He went on to get soundly beat by Gallo. Polacco felt he was owed and could win which was only in his own mind. Did not have support from the majority of the Republican party committee people. She would have been a good republican candidate this year. She does cross all lines.
Delete5:15---you are an asshole!? And who the hell is we,,,,coward.
ReplyDelete7:13, did you just use a racial slur against Polacco? What exactly is a 'greaseball"?
ReplyDeleteActually, it was intended to connote a disreputable person possessing an oily, slithery character. It was absolutely not intended as an ethnic slur, but I do see where that might be misread.
ReplyDeleteCahill would have won too. Ron was weak.
ReplyDeleteLol on Cahill.
DeletePolacco did as well as, even better than any Republican would have. Turco would have been OK, but still would have lost. Cahill would have been crushed and crushed badly. People hate that guy.
DeleteHow the hell was he weak? He lost by less than 500 votes. Republican Party didn't help him.
ReplyDeleteI have a new favorite County legislator and it's Rich Parete.
ReplyDeleteHow can you respect a so called Democrat who with his Father and Dave Donaldson abandoned their caucus because they didn't like who the majority of their members chose for Chairman and teamed up with Republicans so the could rule. They are power hungry , press hungry people.
ReplyDeleteYou should look at who championed the charter and who knows it best before you pass judgment. Hein is abusing his power due to a complacent Legislature, Rodriguez was and is a Hein puppet who would do whatever Hein says right or wrong. The Parete's and Donaldson fought for and helped implement the charter so they know it is not working as designed. If you want to talk about power hungry, you should look at the other corner office where Hein sits. I am glad the Paretes and Donaldson put up some resistance to the autocratic Hein. Someone has to.
DeleteI hope the Democrats smarten up and line up behind Parete and take their rightful spot in the County Government.
DeleteGary Bischoff was Chair of the charter commission committee. Parete, father and son along with Donaldson are loud mouth bullies, try to intimidate other Democratic members. There have been a collation of Democrats and Republicans that get things done. They support the Executive because they agree with most of his agenda not because they are afraid, what a silly comment.. As for the biggest do nothing Legislator Donaldson if he is so gun ho on the rail road and an ardent supporter of the CMRR why didn't he put in a resolution to renew their lease?? The reason is it would fail. Why didn't he put in a resolution to amend the one passed months ago not allowing rail in Kingston??? Wake up people!!!
DeleteWho do you think had the idea, circulated the petitions, and got it on the ballot? Well my friend, that was John Parete and a hos of people who worked their asses off so Gary Bischoff could chair the committee. Who said they were afraid? They are just a lazy bunch of check collectors. The legislators who support Hein are simply the laziest group you will ever see. Show me some of their initiatives. Provenzano, Loughran, Gregorious, Rodriguez, and Woman beater Chris Allen, just to name a few. They have brought nothing to to the table.
DeleteYou forgot the League of Women Voters who promoted and created flyers supporting the Charter change. Please every Democratic candidate went door to door for this cause. If you want initiatives the Legislators you mentioned check out the county web page, click on any Legislator and you will see their record . John Parete is an embarrassment, he can't put two sentences together. Folks this, folks that. Try's to embarrass colleagues that don't agree with him. He has no idea how little respect he has. Republicans love him, they get what ever they want and he looks like an ass, which by the way, he is?
DeleteIf Parete did not stick with it and get people like the LWV to sign on, it would have never passed. He was the person behind it and if anyone says he wasn't A) they were not there B) is trying to take credit from him where it is due C) a fucking idiot D) all of the above.
DeletePlease, those people named above have not done a thing. Parete, $15 min. wage for Ulster County Employees, CNG for County Vehicles, and Campaign finance reform, all in just the past year. Those are all progressive, Democratic initiatives. None of the others named can touch this. So put the Freeman down, Stop reading Heins press releases that are masked as Pat Doxsey stories and pay attention.
7:32 and 7:04 seem to think that the idea materialized out of thin air. People who were there know who was the driving force behind the Charter first, then single member districts. It took some doing, but John Parete was the person running the Democratic party when it happened. The dickhead that is running the party now wouldn't know how get anything done. The party has never been more fractured and disorganized than it is now. Hein and Cardinale are to blame.
DeleteFirst thing Noble should do is CLEAN HOUSE in the Corp. Counsel's office. He needs to sever all ties to Zweben AND Gartenstein ASAP. These 2 have not done well by our City and need to go!
Deleteand the corporation counsel prior to Zweben was good??? A lot of issues were mishandled when previous counsels seemed to "phone it in". Current counsel gets their "orders" from the Mayor and they serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. Will be the same going forward....
DeleteCahill got more votes than Polacco and almost as many as Noble (within 100 votes). You may hate him, but numbers are numbers.
ReplyDeleteSteve Noble wins!
DeleteSo what is this the contest of who's got the most numbers?
ReplyDeleteIt's over people...just deal with it and move on
ReplyDeleteWho is the current Alderman that lives outside of the Kingston?
ReplyDeletethe one who lives outside of city resigned before her move to outside city limits. Who are you talking about? Somebody coming on the council or someone else on current council?
DeleteIt is alleged that Brad Will listed a Boiceville address as his residence on bankruptcy (for his business) papers that were recently filed.
DeleteOooh, I thought Boiceville home was in foreclosure.... He lives in the city. I think it is possibly a relative's home where he now resides? Obviously he could not have bought another home.
DeleteWill who does as he pleases or as Charlie Landi tells him both scumb bags
ReplyDeleteBig Amen to that!!
DeleteWill is a creep, a know it all, just like his mentor Charlie Landi.
ReplyDeleteI would say an idiot!!! And Landi...a befuddled old man! Yes Charlie, lets get us a landfill and take it by eminent domain especially the land bought by Scenic Hudson to protect it from idiots like him. oh wait, the best one is near a vineyard... He needs to dry up and blow away. Is this what you mean by progressive democratic politics? if so, NO thank you!
DeleteCharlie's family must own property at one of those locations. Remember he sold the county a $50,000.00 piece of land for the Jail for 300k.
Deleteso like a politician...lining his pockets...
DeleteCharlie Landi should be in Florida praying that the Washington Avenue sink hole he is responsible for doesn't find him down there. The other culpable one on the sink hole should be right along side Charlie, right Jimmy.....
ReplyDeleteI thought the sink hole started when DPW changed the flow of the stream.
DeleteI heard that Landi was part of that process of changing direction of flow due to some constant flooding in that area.( his area)... So if he even begins to criticize the current administrations plan of repairing the damage and the millions of money involved he needs to be quiet and sit down!
DeleteWhile there is no proof as to what actually caused the sinkhole, the commonly accepted cause is a shaft that was drilled to drain water from the creek that was flooding the basement of a prominent resident who lived on the fateful corner.
DeleteUntil the sinkhole opened, Landi as former alderman, proudly claimed that he championed the drilling of the shaft and he bragged that due to his efforts, the flooding that the residents suffered was resolved. When the sinkhole developed and the blame was shifted to the shaft, Charlie all of a sudden forgot that he was the primary supporter of the construction that ultimately cost the city millions.
Someone should go do the research, I am confident that Charlie's support of the ill fated shaft was well documented in the Freeman,
FYI Charlie Landi has owned an apartment complex by The sinkhole for yrs. His rental Is at that site. The web we weave!
ReplyDeleteGallo a no show at Veterans event on Wednesday why?
ReplyDeleteBecause he's a pouting pussy.
DeleteSteve has to defend his job in the budget, to think Kingston would elect a Mayor who held a position that wasn't needed. *GASP* (it's what happened people)
ReplyDeleteThe Alderman at Large Jim Noble created this position for his nephew and one for niece. They would expose themselves for creating jobs for family. Voters got what they voted for the next 4 yrs. and so it is.