You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Kingston Conservative Chair Cahill Recruiting Candidates

 The City of Kingston Conservative Party is calling on residents who are opposed to the common council’s approval of a resolution declaring Kingston a sanctuary city to defeat the six members who supported the move when their terms are up

“The residents of this city do not want to be a sanctuary city, but the only way to overturn this action is by changing the members of the common council,” said Conservative Chairman Richard Cahill Jr.
The issue is not one of political parties, but “about city residents regardless of party affiliation fighting to take back their city from a far left wing ideology being forced upon it by the mayor and common council majority,” he said.

Cahill said efforts are already underway for the Conservative Party to “team up with other local parties in a joint effort to restore the city.”

The party had “someone of prominence express interest” in running for mayor in 2019. “This candidate has never sought office before, but I believe would have an excellent chance to win,” Cahill said. He did not identify the individual.

So the above was posted on and in spirit we agree, we feel that a change to the common council is needed. We think the best seats to target for 2017 are the following: Ward1, Ward 2, Ward 3 and Ward 7

Ward 1 is a traditionally Republican Ward and the current representative won a Democratic primary and has never run in a general election. Her voting record is 100% w the Noble Administration, not only is the seat winnable but it should be targeted.

Ward 2 is tough it's been a Democratic ward for some time and the enrollment strongly favors that it would lean Democratic. However, there are a lot of voters that live above the storefronts in uptown Kingston that are not happy w the paid parking plan for municipal meters and Koop recently missed a council meeting to vote on the city budget! This is also another Alderman that has never faced a general election opponent before.

Ward 3 is winnable for a few reasons, the controversy surrounding Alderman Will and his resignation and the appointment of a guy to take his seat backed by Will. This guy Alderman Scott-Childress may be the most liberal member of the council. He took his wife's last name when he got was Scott. What man takes his wife's name? Snowflake Alert! This should be a targeted race and former Alderman Walker can take this seat back easy.

Ward 7 If the rumors of MA Mills not seeking reelection are true then there is a great candidate in the Republican party that can run and win this seat back. Former Alderman Reynolds will not be running is my understanding. On a side note if MA Mills does choose to run for reelection we feel that she should be reelected to another term.  We are not really advocating taking back the seat in 7 but retaining the leadership that would be lost if Mills chooses to retire at the end of the year.

With all that being said if the Conservative Party wants to help that's great but they do not have the resources or brain power required to take on the Democratic machine. Don Ryan is not the brightest, we like Bounten and respect Cahill's knowledge of the city and issues but not his ability to organize and lead. The Republican party needs to step up, Joe Ingarra needs to stand up and take this on, he's the chairman, he's competent and tough but all that means nothing if he doesn't do the work. Being Chair is not about a title especially if you are chair of a committee that's known for losing elections. The Kingston Republican committee has fresh blood, they are motivated and the current Mayor and local Democratic party are at the weakest they have ever been. Which is still nine times stronger then the Republican City committee...which means the gop has to work 10 time as hard and they have to foster solid relationships with other party's as Chairman Cahill suggests. There is no room for ego or stubbornness if we want to win back city government or even if we want a seat at the table.


  1. Has anyone noticed how Trumps young son bears a striking resemblance to Rich Cahill

    1. seriously...?? Lets leave President's youngest child Barron out of the conversation. He is innocent of all the crazy vitriol on social media and everywhere...

    2. No he's not. Chelsea Clinton was made fun of so were obamas girls.

    3. does two wrongs make a right?? since when is it OK for adults to pick on children? I don't remember any hazing or attacking Chelsea or Obama girls in the press... and BTW why is he not innocent 2:01? he is 10 years old.. a bit young to have an agenda or write policy. geeeshhhh!!! disgusting. social media gone amok.

    4. Spoiled little rich kid. Probably isn't even Trumps. Last I checked this isn't the press. They made fun of anything on this blog. Young, old, doesn't matter. And what kind of name is Barron. Good thing he's in private school. Would get beat up in public school.

  2. comparing anyone to Rich Cahill is going way too far if you ask me, just sayin!

  3. Don Ryan is stupid and a queer. He's on the Conservative party? Didn't he have his wife stick dildos up his ass or some shit?

  4. 12:20: your comments are offensive... what place does this have in the conversation...or rant?

  5. So sugar pants is now creating a parking committee why he has made his decision on parking already.

    1. Makes no sense to appoint a committee at this point because sugar pants has the votes for the bond to pass for buying the kiosks which BTW are probably being shipped as this thread dissolves. He better hope he doesn't get caught with the delivery slip before the vote. LOL!!! The residents and business owners want to be part of the process in solving the parking problem and be heard; it's a done deal now so what can they offer after the fact?

  6. President Trump to sign executive orders in regard to "sanctuary cities" watch out Kingston your funding funding is going bye bye

    1. I think supporters of sanctuary cities thought this could never happen but they were warned. They chose not to see the consequences. Obama is gone. .With NYS being a big supporter of sanctuary cities it is just a matter of time before that microscope via Homeland security from the Feds will turn its eye on the cities in NYS. and with NYS AG giving advice in how to circumvent the Fed. law of immigration policies (think I read where the Mayor attended that meeting??) ..what kind of stupid is AG? One should look at Kingston city projects via the budget and see how many grants fund them...Even though the defunding might not happen overnight and as some say they could put forth a legal argument to protect the funding, just remember who will be appointed to the Supreme Court and the person appointing them. Not to mention the Congress and Senate having a majority. And while all these legal wranglings are going on I am worried that the funding will held in abeyance. Not a rosy picture.. Funding for Mayor Noble's beloved special projects for environmental issues could go buh bye! High taxes for all along with loss of employment at city hall. But hey, we can charge for parking everywhere in the city to make up the difference..

  7. To the person who's posts have been deleted about the assemblymen family. Just post on Cahill's blog. Won't be deleted.
