You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Major Update on tbe Reteirnment of Justice Karen Peters Monday

As well as our endorsement of Kingston Lawyer Kevin Bryant to succeed Justice Karen Peters

Bryant, a Democrat, is a graduate of SUNY Ulster, SUNY New Paltz and earned his Juris Doctorate from Albany Law School.

He has serviced as an assistant district attorney, assistant public defender and assistant town attorney. Currently he is the Cooperation Council for the City of Kingston.

We are hearing many of the delegates that are making this decision such as high profile lawyers like Eli Basch are breaking with Party Chairman favorite Frank Cardinale.


  1. I know you have been away for awhile but could we at least have a correct spelling of "Retirement" and "Corporation Counsel" Sorry, I disagree with Bryant for Judge. Need to see him actually win a case for the city of Kingston before getting any endorsement. Can better judge his law acumen with some victories... Nice guy but don't see him as a judge material at this stage of his career. On a side note when has Cardinale picked a winner??? BTW, has that campaign donation financial issue been cleared up? Trump should have kept Bhara in place to follow the money trail from NYC(DiBlasio) to Ulster County.

  2. Don't make me laugh. Bryant couldn't find his way out of a paper bag with the instructions on it. He is not Supreme Court material but everyone can dream. How he got as far as he has is interesting because he is in way over his head as Corp. Counsel but keep giving him raises which are not justified.

    1. Yes, he belongs in Supreme Court right in front of the bench explaining how he got as far as he did.

    2. Don't laugh. Years ago in Dutchess County, you had a man who worked 30 years as a railroad engineer and retired. Then he went back to school and got his law degree. After which; he ran for Poughkeepsie Town Judge and got stop elected Dutchess County Judge serving until age 70.

  3. Next time, Jeremy, get off the phone at the library. The librarian should have called the cops instead of giving you forms to run for the library board.

  4. Apparently the Library is the "hot spot" where JB does his blogging and other online services that require a computer . Who in their right mind would sign his petition for Library Board anyway? He uses a bogus legal address and probably doesn't even live in the city.

  5. Gartenstein gets a promotion, and Bryant gets a judgeship, as reward for covering up the Pike Plan fiasco. Or did everyone forget the $4 million lawsuit against crooked contractors who bilked the city, lodged in the final days of the Shayne Gallo administration, but later swept under the rug by Team Noble?

    1. Truth is, both Gartenstein AND Bryant got raises and also hired a para-legal. The two of them aren't worth what they are being paid but they say because there is so much case loads to address, they can't keep up. Imagine how it was done in the past with no problems, no excuses. They are not qualified and that's the bottom line. AND we are paying for outside counsel to settle lawsuits because these two ambulance chasers can't deal with it.

  6. inept attorney/attorneys in this current administration. Cannot learn on the job and blame all their missteps on the previous administration. interesting post on previous statement regarding the Pike Plan... did they let the clock?run out? Team Noble..what a joke. sounds like High School or a reality show. Oh by the way....Bryant will not get a judgeship. People will see he is not qualified.

    1. Definitely Bryant WILL NOT get the judgeship. What is he out of his mind? No way is he qualified. It's laughable he thinks so much of himself to even think for one minute he would get the nod.

    2. Another crock of crap is the fact Corp. Counsel office is hiring YET another lawyer to take on the legal matters involving Kingston Housing Authority. How difficult can that be? It's not like they are in court every day of the week regarding landlord matters. Oh, yeah.. The Kingston Housing Authority will pick up a good chunk to cover the salary but in the meantime, the taxpayers are on the dime for health insurance and retirement and whatever else is attached to the salary. You can bet that person will be taking on cases the two blow hards can't deal with. Or we will have 3 lawyers in that office who are useless. WTF???

  7. I hear when Mr. DiFalco gets through with him, he well be back on john street: doing house closing.

    1. That could get ugly...And why isn't the shingle down on John Street anyway?

  8. Not to mention through tens of thousands of dollars being spent to defend the illegal political termination of police promotions on the mayors first day in office.

    1. Paid outside council. Why do we have Corp counsel if they have to spend tax dollars to get hire outside to cover corp counsel's mistakes?

    2. Maybe Bryant needs coverage when he is out campaigning for the upcoming judge race. Seems awfully coincidental that city hall needs more corp counsel. When was the last time city hall had 3 attorneys and 2 clerks in the office? If the city had at least one good experienced FT attorney in city hall perhaps the 3rd one would not be needed??

  9. You have to be kidding

  10. Ok now when will you armchair pundits/racist pigs going to get off your duffs and start doing something about this corrupt school district for a change?(easy answer:never). Two challengers this year, neither one elected. Same old mafia controlling the school board, with Mrs. Mafia herself at the helm. Budget sailed through. If the owner of this blog and followers agreeing with the mafia mindset has ever encountered an organization that really DOES looks like the mafia, the Kingston School District sure as hell fits that bill. The city doesn't come within light years of the school district--not even close--petty baloney compared to the real mafia on Crown Street soon to be the old Meagher School. But instead of doing something to improve anything there, you keep whining about crap you can't do anything about. There's a name for that, which is "addiction." Crack addicts have NOTHING on you!

    1. I agree. every year the taxpayers do not show up at the polls for the school budget. The dismal showing again this year is disheartening. Guess you really don't mind paying the high taxes associated with these astronomical budgets. so the previous poster was right...don't whine. You had your chance and you sat home. On the sidelines again!!
