You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Friday, June 16, 2017

One Term Mayor?!

Rumor has it the GOP has a candidate interested for the office of Mayor that would turn The front office Red for the first time in thirty years! We were blown away when we heard the name but unfortunately that's all we can say for now!


  1. Everyone knows it's Vince?

  2. After all the blunders this kid mayor has made and makes between now and the time he dares to run again for the seat, there will be a line a mile long of many qualified individuals who will give this kid a run for his money. I would even guess there will be women signing up for the challenge too; if not for mayor but for alderman-at-large. Bye-bye Noble/Noble.

  3. Adios, Mayor Noble!!!

  4. Adios hoffay, landi, Donaldson and cardinale

  5. Yes, it's Vince. Vince DeFeo. LMAO

  6. I should have voted for Polacco; Run Run Ron.

    1. Run out of the box and keep going.

  7. Whoosh the Nobles go along with Hoffay Landi Cardinale

  8. Please.
    Ellen difalco?
    Deb brown?
    Maybe polacco again. Or jeremy you can run yourself.
    No i got it. Lunatic is going to try to reclaim the job by running as a republican.
    Agan, just stop already. Its way past tired.

  9. The Nobles are not the answer. This they things sounds very wired

  10. People are losing jobs...stores are closing.. but we have walking paths and trails and don't forget the bike right aways for the 4 or 5 people that ride their bikes in Kingston...

  11. Noble is a joke, just like this whole Tuey fiasco

  12. Polacco runnning will insure a second term. He's a buffoon.

    1. 8:56 AM What are your thoughts on Gallo running again?

    2. Waste of time.

  13. Who said polacco it's with initials VR

    1. Vince Rua. He's Mr. Universe or something already, gone down south to compete in the Senior Games of something-or-other, firing salvos against Alms House project and vowing to tear the bad guys and proposals limb from limb upon his return. Yes, a veritable Saviour, I see. Well what has Kingston got to worry about NOW? LMAO

    2. 7:20 Go on and make fun of the guy but you must know that lots of Democrats aren't happy with Noble or most of the aldermen.

    3. You must have heard the old French saying:"happiness is hard to find." Say it with a French accent, and see how it sounds!!

    4. Stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and say it. That's how they sound in city hall

  14. Polacco has moved on. not sure if he still lives in Kingston. Campaigned for President Trump in Ct. maybe he got a job in that administration..

  15. 10:35 AM Thanks looking forward to the next Mayor / Alderman at-Large election.

  16. I see green pants isn't maintaining the new uptown parking lots all over grown , just like all cok properties . He is suppose to be environmentally friendly nada

    1. 5:54 he is letting the weeds to be free to be what they are and want to all about the progressive agenda...

    2. Did he invite Marlo Thomas? Can push St. Jude's Children's Hospital maybe. I can see it now...Marlo and Nina on the radio sitting across from Matthews. Make room for Danny....Danny Gartenstein lol

  17. You can quit trying to suck up to him, Jeremy. We have already warned him not to associate with you.

    He knows how you screwed over Quigley, Gallo, etc. He will have NOTHING to do with you.

  18. Rich Parete does absolutely nothing but b**** on the legislator maybe he should just quit. just think of all that free time, for fishing.

  19. has Quigley accomplished anything?

  20. Absolutly nothing, he is just a big fat bag of wind that is good at self promotion

  21. What has Noble done?

  22. 4:06 Good question..... has a select group of followers who thinks he can change the world starting with Kingston...

  23. Oh those followers must be Hoffay landi donaldson etc that's some group

    1. also includes the residents who were part of the "One Kingston" candidate who campaigned for him. who seem to also have gotten the newly created jobs at city hall...yea sure..that was some application process. The jig was up as soon as kid mayor announced an application needed to be filled out. who was he kidding? Does he think we are idiots?

  24. He thinks we are idiots but he is the idiot. Some one needs to get the true story on Tuey as this is going to cause many problems with contracts.

  25. Quit sucking up to him, Jeremy. We warned him about you. He knows how you betrayed Gallo, Quigley, etc.

  26. When are we going to have the true story about Tuey?

  27. How is Davis doing with the Alms House? Oh still no comment from him to afraid to take a stand.

  28. Lots of No Alms signs popping up all over Kingston. Do Davis take a stance for once.

  29. Oh he do indeed. He do indeed. Not "to" afraid to go along with the gang. LOL See yesterday's fish wrap. It's a wrap!

    1. Tony Davis finally got the balls to come out NOT in favor of Alms House. What took him so long? He is a coward pushing Ward 7 and 9 alderman to do his bidding when 300 Flatbush is clearly in his ward. Too bad there is no one to run against him.

  30. It's not a wrap by Davis until he votes

    1. amen to that....Once again the Alderwomen of the 7th and 9th arises to the occasion. Bill Carey(ward 5) has now stated he is against the RUPCO project

    2. Gee, 8500 per year, no benefits, only stress, wonder why people wanting to run aren't coming out of woodwork LMAO

  31. Still has no balls can't speak for himself

  32. Don't trust Carey the click will get to him. He is just like Davis a follower

  33. Don't trust Carey the click will get to him. He is just like Davis a follower

  34. Don’t blame me, I voted for Steve Ladin. And Jonesie.

    1. That reminds me to put my stuffed tiger on the ballot. Gotta have go-getter petitioners, though...any energetic teddy bears out there? LMAO

  35. Let's see what July has for us...

  36. I here Gallo wants to run for mayor

    1. You might "here" that but if you are, you are not here with grammar--pay attention!!

  37. Who would support Gallo again

    1. 12:25 ABN...anybody but Noble....and take his Uncle ,too!

  38. How can Nan Potter serve on the KLDC board and be the realtor for the KLDC seems like a conflict of interest

  39. I would support Gallo and We all know the people want him back. Nobel is NOT for the working man, you have to be a working man (sorry Ladies) or woman to be in charge of a city. Gallo may have out bursts, but you could get him to hear you out. Nobel does not return calls and even talk to nor hear concerned citizens when they go up to City Hall.

    1. I heard the same complaint too....have to make an appointment which can take weeks..He seems to have a better relationship with his cell phone..constantly on it texting.

  40. He is very busy listening to his wife

  41. You notice he messes with all the Departments but the rec department is gold.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. He has no clue as to what is going on in the city

    1. That is his role. We know who is running the city and we are not amused.

  44. this city is in the best place its been in decades. Seems like he knows what he is doing

    1. Especially the roads. They're in such great shape they need a national award. Hah!!

    2. He is reviled by the vast majority of Kingston.

    3. You must be one of the few who have actually talked to the mayor and heard what he's doing for the city. Brave stand to support the mayor - who is actually getting things done - in this forum full of mental midgets.

    4. 6:44.. did you actually talk with the Mayor or his sidekick Director of the Communications and Community Engagement?
      Or perhaps via a text? and 12:40 wait until the budget comes forth for next year. Best in decades? Taxes on the backs of the residents..Good thing he wants bike lanes. after the burden of taxes coming forth most residents will only be able to afford a bike.

    5. 5:15 The mayor - numerous times.

    6. The entire Hudson Valley is on fire, not because of the politicians but in spite of. New York is a disaster!

  45. yeah he's reveled alright wait until the taxes hit

    1. Reveled - reviled. Not the same word.

      Were you dropped on your head as a small child?

    2. Or revealed. I think a revelation is called for.

  46. Hoffay is running city and he is an a hole

    1. Hoffay could never win a mayoral seat. But instead prefers to interfere, manipulate and interject his will into willing candidates. Tentacles.

    2. The next mayoral race is just two years away. He better get kraken.

    3. Who is Kraken? A Neo-Nazi, I take it? "Herr Kraken."

  47. Joe Marchetti. Is Elvis? Lol

  48. Now the Irish cultural center is on its way for approval. It's a shame that no one has balls to say no on these boards another bad project in Kingston just like the Alms House. We have no jobs in Kingston but continue to above these other projects.

    1. All pretty much tax free or non profit status..what a joke! So after the last taxpayer is taxed to the max residents will leave. No more pockets to pick. Good night all, turn off the lights! Nothing more here to see. Yep, Ulster county continuing their almost a century of corruption.
      I do have an issue when city employees are being a part of the voting members on these boards. Reeks of intimidation. you vote this way or lose your job or promotion/raise. May not be stated verbally from above but the implication is very clear.

    2. 8:35 AM agree with you it just doesn't look good.

  49. Platte should not be able to vote. He wants to be fire chief so will vote the way green pants tells him or as hoffay says. This corruption has to stop.

  50. Platte should not be able to vote. He wants to be fire chief so will vote the way green pants tells him or as hoffay says. This corruption has to stop.

  51. Once Kingston becomes a dust bowl we will get a new Mayor....I wonder......Mr. Rogers?

    1. Mr. Rogers is dead, but Mr. McFeeley is easy to find. Can you tie your shoes? And how about spell? Can everyone on this forum tie their shoes and spell at the same time? I hope let's go down to the school and see Miss Teacher...

    2. Y'all dumbass folk gettin' Kingston together for it's dust bowl days. Now that you got the Alms House RUPCO project defeated so that property'll remain vacant forever and a day, next thing you know you'll want more racist cops. Then what is your project? Lynchins at the Elk's Club or are y'all gonna jes' leave that to Fireman's park? I say start the donations rolling for y'all's KKK outfits, cuz y'all can jes' ride over the dust bowl in y'all's horsies with white sheets on yo' dumbass heads. Y'all are such a damn joke y'all are beyond belief.

    3. 544 sounds like Joe Scarborough ranting to a guest panel of pundits who are far superior, intellectually

    4. 7:09. He rants off the wall. Have read him on some Facebook pages and other blogs. I believe he is off his meds or they need to be re- evaluated. Has the same rant and always throws a gratuitous racist comment which does not even make sense. He would probably be the one that Homeland security would scrutinize if anything of that caliber was to happen here.

    5. Nice you see you're still "engaged", Jim. Jim Sottile is 7:47 by the way, for the benefit of our reading audience. Jim is still a liar and a criminal having given my medical information to the school district to complete your vow I would never get a job there, but now have come out of your shell again. Well to what PRIVILEGE do we owe this? You must think you will make your grand re-entrance on the backs of the folks on here. Yeah, ok, with your Homeland Security baloney. Just because you fooled the idiots at the Freeman after your illegal threats and tirade against me doesn't mean you're the new Trump. Hahahahahaha, Jimmmayyyyyyyy. Oh by the way, are now famous in the federal courts....and you want now to be famous some more? Well shiver me timbers....what balls you have......and you think that by your ad hominem attacks you will escape folks learning about what you did? You come out from behind the shadows and tell folks about your illegal hacks into my computer because your big pussy bear man build couldn't take any criticism you big boy gorilla pussy, you. Tell folks about how you threatened me with "police and jail" and escaped prosecution from that(which by the way is a criminal act). Tell folks about your insistence on making me out to be a certain way in order to bolster the opinion of yourself!! Sure....go right ahead and fawn over the silly "thruway sign" the blog owner posted on here with your ugly mug on it. Why I am sure you can't wait to copy it and put signs up everywhere with that photoshopped little piece of stupidity. Yes we miss you, Jimmay...oh yes we do...we miss you get a clue...we miss you Jimmay....we doooooo....oh, Jimmmay, weeeeeeeee missssss you ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!(everyone singing along yet???) Now, go ahead and hack into my computer and spout your hatred more, go right ahead you petty little kindergartener in a grownup body!!! Oh and I'm sure your man Jeremy will remove this post because it reveals too much.....oh well, read, blog readers, whilst the reading is POSSIBLE......oh, the way, it's interesting because with all your bullying baloney, you helped pass the local law on the county human rights congrats...I know that wasn't your intent...but it sure worked out that way and as long as I am alive your baloney will not escape being pointed out as such. Now along like a good boy and get LAID or something so you don't HAVE to be on any meds. You are DISMISSED. Hahaha.

    6. Miss 8:34 Queen - you need to get back on your meds, girl. That rant exposed you for the lunatic you are. Get help and stay off public threads, you loopy bitch.

    7. Yah ok drag queen. Saw you played "Tootise" at Hurley Mtn. Inn. Clever, drag queen...clevvvvverrrrrr. LMAO

  52. Steve schabot has no idea what he is talking about in regard to the Alms house. His time is very short on the council cannot think on his own along with green pants.

  53. Schabot does no research on his own. Does not have an original thought. Is spoon fed from the Mayor and certain members of the Democratic party. His re election is starting to be doubtful. Which I hope is true.

  54. Schabot is a complete jerk.

  55. Kevin O'Connor has to go at RUPCO along with Tom Hoffay bye bye

  56. Notice no comments on a weekend. "Death takes a holiday".

  57. more apartments coming at 17 Abeel st? Where is the jobs?

  58. The mayor does not support new jobs in the city only ripcord and the Irish center time for him to go along with crack head hoffay

    1. would that be RUPCO? not ripcord? But I do feel we really have to concentrate on bringing economic recovery to Kingston and if anything give tax breaks to the merchants who operate here and pay taxes and hire personnel. RUPCO, go away with your requested tax incentives , PILOTS and handouts from the taxpayer. You make everybody poorer so that a majority of us might end up in your housing. You are in the poverty business. And the Mayor is a part of that burdened you say? if there was economic growth this might be alleviated. And if we could only house our own in Kingston and not the whole damn NYS we might be able to crawl up from the poverty hole. Just wait, they will come from NYC looking for housing since they have a shortage down there of housing and cheaper to put them here. In some cases they have come from out of state.

    2. I feelya especially about the ones who grow old from out of state living off the dole out of choice not necessity. Yet you people are idiots for whining and complaining without having a single idea--not a one--not having a single idea about what the Alms House should be. No idea, no plan, no nothing. So that means your plan--after years of trying to market the place without success--is simply to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct, guaranteeing the place will sit there, be vandalized, graffitied, etc. and the property values go down anyway. You wind up shooting yourselves in the foot and likely the city eventually anyway. It has nothing to do with anything other than stupidity, and indeed it is you who are stupid. And I am glad that Jimmay Sottile reads this blog because he is the biggest idiot this city ever had, the biggest bigot and otherwise the biggest idiot, who basically agrees yet is conflicted because he belongs to a party that does not generally agree and cannot think totally for himself or at least could not. Now he can say whatever he wants and get away with it. The issue is opportunity generally, not what to do with this property or that property specifically. No, I issue the rebuttal to that speech at the council meeting that cried I am a business owner and I am trying my best to keep my head above water. Well fine, but it is well to take your head out of the sand while you are trying to do that--no one is condemning you for that, but if you walk out your door and there's a dog outside and you prefer to call it a fish, that is called a delusion, and that's what y'all are having. Good night and good luck on recovery from the delusion.

  59. Jobs? What are they? As jobs fade away or are given away in a tax agreement and more businesses move out of Kingston no jobs here for a family man I'm moving out of here. Nothing left.

  60. Jobs apply for the boe commissioner jobs. Oh that has already been promised to that a hole loughran wow

  61. When is the cok residents going to call for the resignation of Kevin O'Connor of RUPCO long over due

    1. cannot call for his resignation. COK residents don't have that power but they can do all they can to make it unpleasant for them to continue their bullying of city council and its residents. As it has been said..if they are so concerned about the poor and rent burdened individuals find a place in New Paltz preferably in O'Connor and Kempe's backyard to house them. Then lets talk.... City has done its share.. time for other towns and villages to do their part.

    2. I thought O'Connor lives in Red Hook?

  62. Anyone can call for a resignation of an employee. Where do you work you could be fired today.

  63. Now for the traffic circle. Has anyone ever watched 18 wheelers on the one we have now? I think I will get a front row seat to watch the bumper cars.

  64. There are a few who should be toppled off their throwns

    1. Do you think "thrown" is a noun? And folks wonder why this city is in such shape.... LMAO

  65. Hearing Mr green jeans is doing away with yard waste pick up next year. Higher taxes and less service. One term mayor.

  66. 3:36 so I didn't check the voice text.

    1. Is there such a thing as a "voice text"--and if so, do you know what it is?

  67. 6:31 AM soon no trash pick up next. More jobs AND services lost.

  68. The 195-foot-long barge-like watercraft is for sale for $2 million and looking for a new place to dock.

    1. The city is in no financial position to broker a deal for this relic; as much as it sounds like a great idea, this offering to solve the problems of owner should be negotiated with private individuals and not on the backs of city taxpayers. Who knows how it will play out because this is not the first time this has been offered to the city.

    2. Kind of like that ugly tent on the past King's Inn site in Mid Town..Looks like a flea market tent. Yea, that is a good tourist draw... great image as one enters the city arts district. What happened to the other tent that was there several years ago?

    3. Ahh, but the agent for the ugly tent is paying the city a $1 month and IF the property sells while it's there, he gets 3 percent of the sale price. He's ruined the grass that was planted to make the grounds somewhat presentable; all for what? The tent that was there a few years back was put up by the same agent to attract theatre, music and children productions which flopped.

    4. 7:46 From what I hear.. This white tent is a new guy...not the same person who was involved with previous tent. Doesn't appear to be another successful venture. More like a storage place for this guy to put his tent. This was a poor deal that Mayor Noble encouraged as he was giving away parts of the city for the cheap... The season is half over and looks like another flop.

    5. Sorry to say back to 7:46--this tent is the same guy who previously had San Severia 4 or 5 years back and now the white tent. He now goes by another dba for the contract he has with the city. .

  69. Need to fix the infrastructure in the city. Don't need a floating barge

  70. A used fire truck really

  71. Let me get this right. Buy a barge, put a traffic circle in, moving more businesses out to town of Ulster, and let us not forget jobs go with them. Kingston is a happening place.

    1. Current administration has no real longterm economic vision....lets get a grant and find a problem...NOT! Leave the barge for a private entity. Attract developers..

    2. I think, we should take all the stop signs down in the City and Replace them.with speed bumps.

  72. Besides, what grants this administration gets don't come to fruition. Many grants from the Gallo term in office stalled out. It was getting up some steam then. Dead slow ahead now. They are swamped and they aren't telling the whole story.

    1. Unfortunately, you are probably correct.. Not up to the caliber of the past Economic Development Director/ Grant writer. Hired an amateur, a one shot grant writer. Only has one big claim to fame on her grant writing ability and then a big nothing....

  73. It is time to drain the swamp.

  74. What about this used fire truck? Swamp Kingston is almost under go Hoffay landi and cahill

  75. Who did Defalcos petitions? Gallo

    1. The gallocrats are idiots. Can't mail a letter on time. Can't count past 30.

    2. When the Gallocrats come across the battlefield, you will be the first to go. And that you can take to the bank..

  76. All of a sudden Tony Davis wants to be involved in photo ops with the mayor Greenville Ave bridge

    1. Greenkill Ave. bridge perhaps? Greenville, Greenkill...let's call the whole thing off!!!

  77. Noble's corporation counsel is having alot of Attorney–client privilege meetings?

  78. Come on you know by now this Administration does a lot behind closed doors

  79. Wow schabot speaks out on weeds

    1. 12:10 LOL. was very apropos especially his response to his vote... somewhat confused....

    2. He is always confused only a short time to go

    3. Schabot loves taking credit and going on about things he's told to. You think those speed humps ere his idea, hahaa cassandra Burke was working on that for 2 years with no help from ol Stevie boy until election time came around.

  80. Why is there no city offical quoted in the Citi bus article where is the mayor and Corp counsel or is this attorney client privilege

    1. What about the union that represents Citi bus? Everything Sottile did to hurt it members was front page news. Politically weak.

  81. Ooo now WKNY was bought by a radical Woodstocker. The Woodstockers plan to take over Kingston as never before!! Get out the muskets, the Woodstockers are coming!!! And you thought the Russians were a threat!!! They plan to highlight the artsy fartsy side of everything--surprise, surprise, Seargeant Carter!!! Haha!!! Oooo nowwww the signs will really go up--great for the signmakers at least!!!!

  82. 2:15 PM the Union? that's why we're in the One hour lunch break screwing THE PUBLIC..

    1. So people shouldn't have a lunch break? Not to worry once they get taken over by the county it will stop.

  83. 2:09 AM No.. Through the contract negotiations they should have covered the breaks?

    1. Thinking the city didn't want to pay for coverage. Not to worry county employs lots of partimers to cover.

  84. They should have never taken the extra bus they had off. It covered the breaks, which were 30 minute breaks and the buses Road continuously. As for the bus drivers having breaks they can have two 15-minute breaks which were put into that 30 minute break the other bus covered. Everything worked great until the powers-that-be up on the hill decided to take that bus away.

    1. 11:39 was trying to blame the union for screwing the public. Fact is it was our elected officials that didn't want to pay for it. City hall screwed the people not the union.

    2. 7:05 PM 30 minute break? It's more like an hour

  85. You ever gonna make a new post or what? Jesus, it's not like there's not stuff to talk about going on here, or are you just out of the loop? Hmmm

    1. Drug addicts and mental patients experience cycles of rest and activity.

  86. Hein so no to Congress he couldn't get elected he should resign ascexec along with Cardinsle

  87. hein would not have the power he likes in Washington DC. Big fish up here with his many self important , self serving proclamations and initiatives. Would only be a tadpole in DC. He knows he has it good here...salary, pension and many benefits. He is like Trump in the way of bullying but with more class and a better grasp of the English language.

  88. Had problems in Poughkeepsie getting the buses. So practice makes perfect going after city bus they put it in the tax agreement citybus that is and in the meantime then they go for a 20 million dollar Grant so they can push it through. they didn't think of that when they're going after Poughkeepsie buses then Poughkeepsie might but not so broke.

  89. 8:53 Pm wait until the county takes over Kingston will be just a drive-thru or around. I don't use the bus Myself but I know quite a few people that do and they are hard-working people. I worry about them and all you can think about is getting rid of buses of Kingston. Once the buses are gone the taxes will be going up even higher and higher and higher. I'm taking my family and moving away from what used to be a great place to work and live and soon will be another Woodstock.

    1. I feel that other people are of that same thought 5:58. Kingston is changing and new residents are not respecting the people who have been here for generations. Cannot change it into an image they left behind as they must have had a reason to leave NYC. Too expensive there?? If you keep saying no to any kind of development because it does not fit into your "safe place" they will have nothing. maybe even price themselves out of here.. Concerned about the rising prices for commercial buildings and wondering if this boom is sustainable if no small business owner can afford the higher rents. So cannot blame you for leaving for a better and more affordable area. More than likely it will be away from NY and I am seriously looking in that direction too as retirement looms.

  90. Well wilywyck golf club is for sale for $3.5m

  91. So who is this GOP candidate? Does he/ she have GOP support?

    1. yes that person has the GOP support along with quite a few democrats and a lot of citizens who are not aligned with any established party .

  92. So who is this candidate?

  93. Good things come to those who wait.... all in good time..

  94. Why is it such a secret it is well know n who it is has had fundraisers already

  95. Like the article in the Daily Freeman today Regarding the bus situation. about time someone woke up and smell the coffee.

  96. Jim Rodden has a clear opinion and I like what he is saying! He will stick to that but Sheep Schabot will change once he sees what the majority is saying or voting... This is the first time in two elections that he has had an opponent so now he has to render a thought...

  97. Are u kidding me about Jim ridden he is no good

    1. Piece of shit Rodden. Too old and backwards.

  98. and Schabot is?? And why is Jim Rodden "no good"? Schabot has never come forth with any statement regarding any city matters. SO how would you know anything about Schabot? Mr. Rodden is going on the record. more than Schabot has done since he has been in office. He can no longer hide when his ward requests info on why or how he is voting on certain city hall matters. Johnny come lately to the ICC issue .

  99. What's the difference two old men who either related to or friends with everyone same old same old kingston corruption. Burke is only one who isn't part of it.

    1. Burke has an extensive resume but seems to never have held a job.

  100. From what I heard she worked until she went back to school. I doubt she has never worked.

  101. Burke does not work is working the system check it out

    1. possibly a professional student?? lives in housing by KHA.

    2. Oh stop. 4:08 AM Republican? Should be out there campaigning she might just kick your ass .

  102. Milking the system is what Burke does

  103. How does she milk the system?

  104. She can`t even holed a job she worked in so many place`s.

  105. So which is it first she never held a job then she works the system now she has worked in too many places?

  106. Never held a job works the entitlement system

  107. obviously not true. Weird how you keep saying it

    1. Check out the May 25th article in the Freeman, which highlights the candidates' backgrounds. Ms. Burke has attended school, served on commissions and is a community activist but there's nothing about employment history. Kind of creepy.

    2. The freeman. It's three days late with the news.

  108. BAAAAAAA BAAAAAAA Schabot.YAHOO for Rodden. Forget Burke.

  109. what exactly does a community activist do? They push their own agenda which is not always beneficial to most of the residents. A glorified busybody.....??

  110. That's what Burke is

  111. This mayor supports the alms house along with Hoffay who is the leader of the city. This new development and the sewer repairs which ignores all other infrastructure problems in the city is shameful. Green pants and you know who have to go . The residents have spoken and the corp counsel is silent as he is in way over his head.

  112. Who is in charge of the front office now that kid mayor and company are vacationing in CO? Imagine if Uncle Jim or Cousin Bill have to make any serious decisions while the first family is whitewater rafting or feeding the animals at the zoo. Seriously? Or maybe, the "what's up" gatekeeper has been left in charge of the house of laughter on the hill.

    1. cousin Bill? who is that? didn't know Mayor is away... I think I know who you are alluding to by "whats up" gatekeeper. LOL.

  113. Where is the mayor on vacation? Gatekeeper?

    1. communication Director of City Hall aka the Gate Keeper.... He seems to have her with him whenever in a public venue. Don't know where Mayor is for vacation but probably somewhere near woods or mountains..

    "Welcome to Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood, boys and girls. Can you say "racism"? Very good!! Can you say "White Supremacy"? Excellent! You're doing very well today boys and girls. Today we're going up the river to Kingston--can you say "Kingston"? Very good, I see Chad was the first one to get it right out there, but Melissa and Rayshawnda weren't far behind. Now for those of you who can tie yo' own shoes, I have some good news for you:this means you becoming independent. "Independent" is a very big word, so I won't ask you to say it, but the older kids out there can. Also for all you big kids, can you say "hate crimes"? Yes. And how about "hate murders and hate malicious injury criminals?" Ah...very good. Now, I went up to Kingston recently and asked if folks could remember when the Neo-Nazis came up there and asked to march and they were granted a permit to march and they were out to just cause trouble, and do you remember how the Mayor handled that at the time by hiring a whole bunch of extra police at a cost of 60 thousand dollars? And how it worked and no trouble was started? Well and that presented that Mayor as a peacemaker and so forth. Except in reality, boys and girls, that Mayor is and was one of the biggest bigots and racists ever to live and folks just didn't generally know it because he kept it to himself otherwise? Isn't that something, boys and girls? Well, just remember...this is Mister Robinson signing off and remember this...please don't come into my neighborhood-- lessen you want to get killed or marched on by some Neo-Nazis or Skinheads or some such folk, and don't come onto these here blogs because you're liable to meet up with some racists who present themselves as angels of light. Until next time, boys and girls..."

    1. You again? DO you have some vendetta against Sottile? He is no longer Mayor. so get over it Dude... And stop speaking in riddles and rants. Better yet get a grip on reality and stay on the meds.

  115. Sottile is a has been along with Jim noble

  116. Gartenstein must go as city counsel

    1. Unfortunately, the Mayor lacks the leadership to let him go. Making the corp counsel look like they are totally ineffective and cowering. Birds of a feather flock together...

  117. WOW Rodden is for the people of Kingston. You know the ones who work in dish rooms, helping seniors,mechanics, Nurses, grocery store workers, janitors, the ones who don't or can't afford cars and certainly can't afford to eat in the $$$$ restaraunts that are popping up here in Kingston. They ceryainly can't afford the art that is for sale. We need some one for them.

  118. The candidate for mayor has a letter in the Freeman today
