I have to be honest Shayne Gallo won the debate last night at Temple Emanual. Steve Noble did a good job as well no doubt but if I had to pick a winner I have to call it for Gallo. Gallo wasn't afraid to mix it up a bit, he lied, he stretched the facts and was obnoxious but he was the candidate that came across as a leader and came across as more Mayoral. Steve came across nervous at times and his mention of Abel Garrighan at the start of the debate turned me off... Give me a break, the guy was a Gallo supporter that you barly knew, it came across more like a cheap political stunt than sincere condolences. With that being said the crowd clearly supported Steve Noble.
Two notable people each rumored to be the man behind the scenes for their respective candidates were absent from last nights debate, from Team Gallo Andrew Zweben and from Team Noble Tom Hoffay. Some said this was by design that both cause too much heat to their respective candidates and that their presence would cause more harm than good. Others thought each campaign had a van parked outside Temple Emanuel with Zweben and Hoffay wired up feeding answers and positions into their candidates ear.
Gallo said in typical Gallo fashion when asked about nepotism that in his family it's not nepotism it's legacy to boos and cheers from the crowd. Gallo is right in his family it is legacy, his brother T.R. Was Kingston's greatest Mayor and his father was Alderman at Large. Shayne however is tarnishing that family legacy with his constant outbursts, bulling and stuburness. Noble answered the question much better and pointed out the two seperate roles between the legislative branch and the Executive branch and stated very powerfully if something ever happened to me ( like Shayne coming after me in a rage w a chainsaw after I beat him on Sept 10th) there is no one I would have more confidence in to take over the duties of Mayor than Jim Noble to a thunderous applause.
I didn't like Noble's tone on community policing, he suggested body cams and things that I thought were way too progressive for my taste but hey if that's how he feels. Gallo gave Kpd credit but I feel gave way too much to Cheif Tinit, KPD does a good job no question but they did a good job under Keller, an even better job under Keller I may add and the programs Gallo pointed out that he stated have caused a reduction in crime were bullshit. Gallo spewed more bullshit when he called uptown revitalized over the last four years and a ghost town when he took office, he then went on to say that his office has had an open door policy for the last four years that didn't exist over the previous ten. Mayor Sottile had an open door policy, anyone could see Mayor Sottile even if you didn't have an appointment at times. His attacks against Mayor Sottile may have to do with the fact that Mayor Sottile sent out a huge endorsement letter for Steve Noble a few days earlier.
It was funny to watch Steve's wife Julie make faces at her husband and Gallo everytime Shayne would say something that clearly was a lie or an unfair attack. Julie sat right in front and would make faces like did this guy really just say that?! And I have to say Julie Noble was smoking last night, fuck watching those two clowns, I couldn't take my eyes of her, she was wearing this cute little dress, she's got a body that don't quit, was very sexy and the highlight of what was an othersie boring debate.
The debate failed to talk about any real issues and were all soft ball questions, both candidates handed themselves well but neither hit it out of the park. The great debate was a great disappointment on substance. If Kingston Goodfellas was running this debate it would have been a little different...
I would of asked Steve flat out if he thought Gallo had the temperament to be Mayor and asked Gallo what he thought of Steve's lack of experience and whether he could handle the job. I than would have addressed the gay rumors with Gallo about Steve and said look at his wife, no way this guy is gay and me and Shayne would have continued to have a 15 min converatIon on what kinda panties we thought she was wearing. I than would have grilled Gallo on his sex life and what it must be like to be a single man as Mayor, the fun this guy has... the debate would have been different, you would have got answers to the questions you care about not the soft ball questions that we had last night that put me to sleep.
Speaking if softball questions after the debate Ellen Diflaco and her husband Joe both flipped me off and it was funny because Ellen was real into it, her face was full of rage and you know how in softball what an underhanded pitch looks like? Well that's what she did as she was flipping me off her hand went behind her and came up with a powerful Fuck You!! Lol they have no idea how encouraging as laughable it is to watch them get so upset at us. Anyway we think Gallo won the debate but elections are not decided on debates they are about who is the best candidate, who has the best vision, and who do you think will do the best job and to all of those questions I still say the answer is Steve Noble.
This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
The Omertà Report
The presure is on for Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo after losing his second appeal to try and get back in the Independence and Conservative primaries in the upcoming September primary. Gallo's political career will be decided in less than twenty days and it doesn't look good for the Kingston Capo who's had a series of setbacks in the last few weeks. Gallo seems to be on the constant defense on everything, refuses to take any responsibility for his missteps and continues to make enimies. We hear Gallo told a long time employee in the City clerk's office that she would put two signs up for him.. No really you will said Gallo. The clerk a member of Kingston political royalty has to be shaking her head. The fear and bulling that continues to go on in City Government is unacceptable on September 10th, I will be voting for Steve Noble in the Kingston Democratic primary and I urge members of the family to join me, it's enough! We can't afford another four years of Mayor Gallo/Zweben.
Gallo's recent fundraiser aboard the Rip Van Winkle was lackluster at best we hear it had about 75 people and did one ride. Mayor Sottile would sell out both rides to over 300 people a ride. We find it funny that Troy Ashdown's is telling people that union voters will vote for Gallo and do as they are told, wow someone's ego is awfully inflated, we predict CSEA members will evenly split between Gallo and Noble.
We endorse Brian Woltman to replace Jeanette Provanzano's legislative seat on Sept 10th and hope he pulls out a big victory in that race, we have changed our mind and wish him the best.
Gallo and Noble will debate tomorrow night at Temple Emanual, we will have live updates on the blog, we expect Mayor Gallo to have the edge tomorrow night..
In the Town of Ulster there will also be a Conservative Caucus for candidates, we support the following: Jim Quigley for Supervisor Jared Mance - Town Board Suzanne Platte Reavey Town Clerk.. We offer no endorsement in the race for town Justice as a gangster by profession I don't get involved in Judge races, I could be in front of them and why take the risk of backing the wrong side, we have enough to worry about.
The state of affairs in Town of Ulster politics is ugly to say the least, the Republicans are in an all out war. We hand it to Quigley for a big win the other night getting his main rival Jim Maloney to resign as Chairman of the Republican Party. We are flabbergasted that town Republican and specifically town Conservatives would consider supporting Fred Wadnola for Supervisor, this is the guy that when he was Supervisor of Ulster 12 years ago raised taxes 39% No that's not a typo!
Gallo's recent fundraiser aboard the Rip Van Winkle was lackluster at best we hear it had about 75 people and did one ride. Mayor Sottile would sell out both rides to over 300 people a ride. We find it funny that Troy Ashdown's is telling people that union voters will vote for Gallo and do as they are told, wow someone's ego is awfully inflated, we predict CSEA members will evenly split between Gallo and Noble.
We endorse Brian Woltman to replace Jeanette Provanzano's legislative seat on Sept 10th and hope he pulls out a big victory in that race, we have changed our mind and wish him the best.
Gallo and Noble will debate tomorrow night at Temple Emanual, we will have live updates on the blog, we expect Mayor Gallo to have the edge tomorrow night..
In the Town of Ulster there will also be a Conservative Caucus for candidates, we support the following: Jim Quigley for Supervisor Jared Mance - Town Board Suzanne Platte Reavey Town Clerk.. We offer no endorsement in the race for town Justice as a gangster by profession I don't get involved in Judge races, I could be in front of them and why take the risk of backing the wrong side, we have enough to worry about.
The state of affairs in Town of Ulster politics is ugly to say the least, the Republicans are in an all out war. We hand it to Quigley for a big win the other night getting his main rival Jim Maloney to resign as Chairman of the Republican Party. We are flabbergasted that town Republican and specifically town Conservatives would consider supporting Fred Wadnola for Supervisor, this is the guy that when he was Supervisor of Ulster 12 years ago raised taxes 39% No that's not a typo!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Breaking: Cahill Endorses Polacco for Mayor
Rich Cahill has endorsed Ron Polacco for Mayor breaking from incumbent Shayne Gallo. Good for him maybe we'll leave him alone for a little bit.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Breaking: Gallo will create his own line
We spoke to a soldier in the Kingston Capo's crew that confirmed to us that Shayne Gallo is creating his own party line to have a second line in general election. Noble is probably going to win the Green Party line as it stands today but that could change. This is good news for the Polacco campaign because whoever loses the primary will have a line in the general election. Pollaco has four lines, you couple that with a Democratic split, Ron Polacco is going to be elected Mayor. Especially if Noble wins primary. Gallo supporters are more loyal to Gallo than Noble's supporters.. Gallo would carry about 1200 votes on a minor line in general. Imagine having a Mayor that isn't a member of the good ok boy club, Polacco's chances are very good and are getting better by the day.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Hein's New Goomah?!
![]() |
This may not be the
first time Hein had
an affair. Meet on
your left, his boy
"Incredibly" and on
your right, his girl
Women literally probably throw their panties at the guy, the temptation is too great to ignore and we certainly understand it.

Big Paul Castilano was vilified by his family when he started an affair with his live in maid. Under same roof with his wife. It was one reasons why he was relieved of his duties as boss, it's insulting.
We hear Mrs. Hein asked and rightfully so that the woman be fired or moved and Micheal allegedly refused. This could be interesting. Stay tuned for updates because we are the only political news source with the balls to tell it like it is.
Disclaimer: we will not post any comments with the woman's name, it's not right and we won't have it.
Hein's the Boss and stick with him not anyone else. Also this blog is satire and in no way are we implying Hein fathered two Black kids.
We don't think Hein could handle a black woman in bed to be honest.
Kevin could but not Michael.
Hein's the Boss and stick with him not anyone else. Also this blog is satire and in no way are we implying Hein fathered two Black kids.
We don't think Hein could handle a black woman in bed to be honest.
Kevin could but not Michael.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
How Much is An Endorsement from CSEA Worth?!
We are hearing around that the President of the Ulster County CSEA, Mike Cimorelli recently received a civil service promotion that increased his salary by approx 7k a year. Cimorelli who works for the county at their informational services offices on South Manor Ave in Kingston, went from a Grade 13 Field Tech to a grade 15 Support tech.
It's no secret that Hein has issues with labor unions, specifically CSEA, this is a guy that strongly believes in privatization, he has privatized Golden Hill and practically the entire county mental health department, which has resulted in many job loses in the county work force. All the while The Hein Regime on the sixth floor grows each year, only thing larger than the Executive's staff is the Executive's ego.
With that being said one could understand why CSEA, which represents the most employees in county government would not want to support the guy. The rank and file do not support the guy, we hear that CSEA Union President Cimorelli, after getting a substantial raise in pay, tried to sneak through an endorsement of Hein by bio assign members of local county CSEA and making a recommendation that went straight to the regional office in Beacon while a few key CSEA officials in Ulster County were on vacation. We hear the regional office shot the endorsement down right away and that Cimorelli is appealing, despite fact that rank and file of the Ulster County CSEA do not support Hein.
The more disturbing part about this if this is all true, is that the civil service commission which is appointed by the County Executive, increased Cimorelli's salary on an election year. We weren't born yesterday, we know what time it is, this was a legal bribe with taxpayer dollars! We are all gangsters here and we get the boss of family has to do what he has to do to get re-elected but usually that money goes in a brown paper bag is a one shot deal with the boss' own personal money. To give the guy a raise like that, and that taxpayers have to pay for to get an endorsement from a union he doesn't support is enough to make you wanna vomit. We will have more information about this in next few days.
On top of all that, Hein recently was able to knock Fred Rasmussen off the WFP ballot stopping a potential primary between the two. It's a blessing for the Bernardo campaign that this happened, I'm sure Terry was not looking forward to Hein having his signs and billboard ads out a month early while she would have to wait not being in a primary herself. The interesting or disgusting irony of Hein knocking off Fred is that he hired the Harris Beach law firm, the same law firm that represented the county in the sale of Golden Hill. So Hein hires the same firm that helped destroy countless CSEA union jobs, to secure his position on the ballot if a labor party. That's what WFP is, it's a party that is 90% supported and funded by unions and their platform is union based support. You can't make this shit up.
It's no secret that Hein has issues with labor unions, specifically CSEA, this is a guy that strongly believes in privatization, he has privatized Golden Hill and practically the entire county mental health department, which has resulted in many job loses in the county work force. All the while The Hein Regime on the sixth floor grows each year, only thing larger than the Executive's staff is the Executive's ego.
With that being said one could understand why CSEA, which represents the most employees in county government would not want to support the guy. The rank and file do not support the guy, we hear that CSEA Union President Cimorelli, after getting a substantial raise in pay, tried to sneak through an endorsement of Hein by bio assign members of local county CSEA and making a recommendation that went straight to the regional office in Beacon while a few key CSEA officials in Ulster County were on vacation. We hear the regional office shot the endorsement down right away and that Cimorelli is appealing, despite fact that rank and file of the Ulster County CSEA do not support Hein.
The more disturbing part about this if this is all true, is that the civil service commission which is appointed by the County Executive, increased Cimorelli's salary on an election year. We weren't born yesterday, we know what time it is, this was a legal bribe with taxpayer dollars! We are all gangsters here and we get the boss of family has to do what he has to do to get re-elected but usually that money goes in a brown paper bag is a one shot deal with the boss' own personal money. To give the guy a raise like that, and that taxpayers have to pay for to get an endorsement from a union he doesn't support is enough to make you wanna vomit. We will have more information about this in next few days.
On top of all that, Hein recently was able to knock Fred Rasmussen off the WFP ballot stopping a potential primary between the two. It's a blessing for the Bernardo campaign that this happened, I'm sure Terry was not looking forward to Hein having his signs and billboard ads out a month early while she would have to wait not being in a primary herself. The interesting or disgusting irony of Hein knocking off Fred is that he hired the Harris Beach law firm, the same law firm that represented the county in the sale of Golden Hill. So Hein hires the same firm that helped destroy countless CSEA union jobs, to secure his position on the ballot if a labor party. That's what WFP is, it's a party that is 90% supported and funded by unions and their platform is union based support. You can't make this shit up.
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