You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Gallo Wins Debate

I have to be honest Shayne Gallo won the debate last night at Temple Emanual. Steve Noble did a good job as well no doubt but if I had to pick a winner I have to call it for Gallo. Gallo wasn't afraid to mix it up a bit, he lied, he stretched the facts and was obnoxious but he was the candidate that came across as a leader and came across as more Mayoral. Steve came across nervous at times and  his mention of Abel Garrighan at the start of the debate turned me off... Give me a break, the guy was a Gallo supporter that you barly knew, it came across more like a cheap political stunt than sincere condolences. With that being said the crowd clearly supported Steve Noble.

Two notable people each rumored to be the man behind the scenes for their respective candidates were absent from last nights debate, from Team Gallo Andrew Zweben and from Team Noble Tom Hoffay. Some said this was by design that both cause too much heat to their respective candidates and that their presence would cause more harm than good. Others thought each campaign had a van parked outside Temple Emanuel with Zweben and Hoffay wired up feeding answers and positions into their candidates ear.

Gallo said in typical Gallo fashion when asked about nepotism that in his family it's not nepotism it's legacy to boos and cheers from the crowd.  Gallo is right in his family it is legacy, his brother T.R. Was Kingston's greatest Mayor and his father was Alderman at Large. Shayne however is tarnishing that family legacy with his constant outbursts, bulling and  stuburness. Noble answered the question much better and pointed out the two seperate roles between the legislative branch and the Executive branch and stated very powerfully if something ever happened to me ( like Shayne coming after me in a rage w a chainsaw after I beat him on Sept 10th) there is no one I would have more confidence in to take over the duties of Mayor than Jim Noble to a thunderous applause.

I didn't like Noble's tone on community policing, he suggested body cams and things that I thought were way too progressive for my taste but hey if that's how he feels. Gallo gave Kpd credit but I feel gave way too much to Cheif Tinit, KPD does a good job no question but they did a good job under Keller, an even better job under Keller I may add and the programs Gallo pointed out that he stated have caused a reduction in crime were bullshit. Gallo spewed more bullshit when he called uptown revitalized over the last four years and a ghost town when he took office, he then went on to say that his office has had an open door policy for the last four years that didn't exist over the previous ten. Mayor Sottile had an open door policy, anyone could see Mayor Sottile even if you didn't have an appointment at times.  His attacks against Mayor Sottile may have to do with the fact that Mayor Sottile sent out a huge endorsement letter for Steve Noble a few days earlier.

It was funny to watch Steve's wife Julie make faces at her husband and Gallo everytime Shayne would say something that clearly was a lie or an unfair attack. Julie sat right in front and would make faces like did this guy really just say that?! And  I have to say Julie Noble was smoking last night, fuck watching those two clowns, I couldn't take my eyes of her, she was wearing this cute little dress, she's got a body that don't quit, was very sexy and the highlight of what was an othersie boring debate.

The debate failed to talk about any real issues and were all soft ball questions, both candidates handed themselves well but neither hit it out of the park. The great debate was a great disappointment on substance. If Kingston Goodfellas was running this debate it would have been a little different...

I would of asked Steve flat out if he thought Gallo had the temperament to be Mayor and asked Gallo what he thought of Steve's lack of experience and whether he could handle the job. I than would have addressed the gay rumors with Gallo about Steve and said look at his wife, no way this guy is gay and me and Shayne would have continued to have a 15 min converatIon on what kinda panties we thought she was wearing. I than would have grilled Gallo on his sex life and what it must be like to be a single man as Mayor, the fun this guy has... the debate would have been different, you would have got answers to the questions you care about not the soft ball questions that we had last night that put me to sleep.

Speaking if softball questions after the debate Ellen Diflaco and her husband Joe both flipped me off and it was funny because Ellen was real into it, her face was full of rage and you know how in softball what an underhanded pitch looks like? Well that's what she did as she was flipping me off her hand went behind her and came up with a powerful Fuck You!! Lol they have no idea how encouraging as laughable it is to watch them get so upset at us.  Anyway we think Gallo won the debate but elections are not decided on debates they are about who is the best candidate, who has the best vision, and who do you think will do the best job and to all of those questions I still say the answer is Steve Noble.


  1. Your disgusting, sexist, and misogynistic statements about another human being for the express purpose of entertainment, attention or enjoyment are disturbing. A person's value should not be determined by the type of dress they wear or how you decide to objectify them this week. If you are a person of quality, integrity or dignity of any kind, you will remove this post immediately.

    -Megan Weiss-Rowe
    Kingston resident, activist, woman, human being with a moral compass

    1. Well said Megan. The "goodfella" is disgusting.

  2. Agreed. Gallo won debate crowd with Noble

  3. Is Noble even old enough get married? I don't know about Shayne but when his brother T.R. Was Mayor he was also single and he would have a different woman every night, he was a legend! There was this Spanish place uptown that Oliveri and TR would hang out at, the guy would close the place down and put curtains up and have four or five different women there for them. Different time back then though.

    1. T.R. and his antics including his coke addiction and untimely death is the reason for Sottile, and that started a heap of crap. Hard for an addict to anticipate what effect his life has on others around him at the time--actually, impossible--but we all know that the score is three quarters of a million in the pocket of Sottile, and he's still a cad, a brute, an alcoholic,operated like a mafioso,had Republican policies, and a liar and cheater who prefers to call himself a "Democrat". Then again let's all forgive and forget lest one of us wind up with cement overshoes at the bottom of the river.

  4. Megan, don't put words in our mouth, we have never stated her value was determined by the dress she wore, we complimented her on the dress she wore and we stand by our statements. We have said time and again that Ms. Noble is a smart woman that would be just as good if not better a candidate as her husband.

  5. Noble's comments about Abel? What about fact that Shayne said that he remembered fondly when Abel was Mayor!!! Are you kidding me? Steve won that debate in every way.

  6. You got this one wrong. Noble did fine. He does not have 4 years as mayor behind him to fall back on. He was very articulate in voicing his plans. Maybe you weren't listening? If anyone was nervous it was Gallo who used the term OK so many times in inappropriate places that one would have to wonder if it was a nervous twitch. Noble can only get better and more polished in his presentation, Gallo has no where to go but down. You missed this one pisan.

  7. Noble did more than fine, he did very good! There is only one winner and that was Gallo. You win some and you lose some, Noble lost this one. The only thing that matters is that he wins on Sept 10th

  8. Very disturbing that you think Gallo was the more mayoral when he "lied, stretched the facts and was obnoxious. If that's what passes for mayoral bring on the city manager

  9. Are you going to delete this after you sober up tomorrow?

  10. Poor mr, goodfellows, tells the truth, his opinion and the nasty Noble supporters attack him, so who are the short tempered people, Martin, Hoffay, Dumb Donaldson, will, Dunn, etc. Noble wife wore that short dress to get attention and she did. They still are not qualified to be Mayor, 4 Yrs from now, maybe. Can't change horses in mid stream

  11. "wore that dress to get attention and she did"??? Are u serious? She's asking for it? For someone to talk about her panties or her body? For someone to say he can't take thier eyes off her??? Creeps. This isn't political talk or even fun. Just sad.

  12. Body? Okay but she's a butterface.

  13. Kevin Buso - "sober up" hahaha you still tapping em?

  14. Is Boso talking to anyone about being sober? Didn't this guy get numerous dwis and crash Brian Cahill's car drunk? We stand by our story, don't get pissy because we told the truth about who won the debate.

    1. Hey Jeremy, thanks for the chance to clear the record. I was charged with a DWI once but it was dismissed because it was an illegal stop. About 7 months earlier, I did get in a collision in Brian's car, but unfortunately for your narrative I was sober. It was in the afternoon in front of the Citgo on Broadway when the guy in front stopped short. I couldn't get out of the way. It really sucked.

      While we're here, if you're going to try to say this blog is multiple people, you should stick with that narrative throughout the entire post and stop switching between singular and plural. It kind of ruins your "credibility". Thanks for playing.

    2. Boso you are a loser, you've never ran a succesful political race in your life so to attack Gallo, Blaber or anyone especially myself a made member of the family is a joke. I doubt Blaber would attack anyone's sobriety but being you did who knows maybe you addicts are all alike. Difference is that you have had no success in politics and when you lost where did you go? You took your ball and went home and now your back at the 11th hour Four years later? I sure hope Noble's not paying you we see how that worked out for Hayes Clement.

    3. Yes, Hayes lost as we all remember, and yes, I stopped working on races locally afterwards. I worked with Hayes because I believed in him and his goals for the city. We ran a great race and I have zero regrets.

      I've commented on your site because my name and interaction with Kerry Henderson was discussed on a previous post so I felt the need to add context. And I got involved here because I can't stand to let your disgusting behavior go without comment.

      Steve and I aren't working together. We're friendly and we chat when we run in to each other, but I'm not helping on his campaign. I have no interest in getting involved again, except as a vocal supporter of his and a citizen of Kingston.

      Keep throwing jabs "made man". I'm not interested.

  15. Any comment on Cahill saying Blaber authors blog because Joe DiFalco flipped off him and only him the other night at the debate?

  16. Cahill and Joe made up giving the kid the finger I'm sure so Cahill could write his little story. DiFalco knows who him and his wife gave finger to and it wasn't Blaber. Maybe they flipped Blaber off too, the fact Joe is saying I only said fuck you to one person the other day, that sure makes his comments credible. Also remember Joe DIFalco was taken out as Indy chairman by Blaber last year so he hates the guy. Cahill's a has been that is insanely jealous that this blog is what people read to get their political news. 916am without this blog only three people would have seen his post. You give him credibility he doesn't deserve. Lastly, as long as the heat is off of us let them keep guessing who it is.

  17. You can't be serious! You just can't!!! TR Gallo, the best mayor that Kingston ever had?? He was a womanizing drug addict and we all know it! You couldn't take your eyes off Julie? What are you, 15?? KPD did better under Keller??? Have you forgotten about Mathews??? Oh yeah...Keller did a fine job. This must be written by Blabber. No one else can be this fucking stupid!

  18. Kpd was not as political under Keller. You wouldn't see KPD going after Sottile's political enimies as they do Gallo's.

    1. What planet to you live on? Under Sottile, KPD had to go door to door for support under his stupid axe-wielding alcoholic-rage-induced Nunsense. And give an example instead of just making an accusation.

  19. Cahill is a troll I don't like him. It is you Kingston Goodfellas that read his blog and give him credibility so you are creating this monster. Please Cahill is outing the author because a nutcase says I only flipped off one guy that night. Cahill is as ridiculous as your skin is thin. Ignore him, if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?

    1. Excellent advice. The wheels are coming off team Gallo. Close aid Gagliardi is calling CSEA officials about the former president attending the debate. Apparently he was clapping to much for Noble and not at all for Gallo. .

    2. I don't want any further comments about Jill and we'll leave it at that.

    3. Who cares what that former president is doing anyway. He's insignificant Never was any good. But why call CSEA about him. Evidently he must have hurt the Gallo campaign he may have to hire Rea's lawyer if he's not careful

  20. This is so funny, Blaber had demonstrated he calls it as he sees it. Noble people are upset because the debate showed he is not ready for prime time, nice kid but has so much to learn. He was chair of the Board at Rra and fired the Director, without cause only accusations, the Director filed a law suit and won, cost the Rra thousands of dollars. Noble tried to get back on Board but did not have enough support. Blabber now sees this and Noble supporters are now attaching him for giving his opinion.. So much for a nice guy

  21. Blabber the only person that gave you a shot in life was Gallo, that you cannot deny, that is why he was so hurt you blew it, nobles and Hoffa, Martin, donaldson used you for their own selfish reason, give Gallo any credit and see how quick they turn against you. Noticed that today, who is

  22. Kevin buso, expose him as he is exposing you, inquiring minds want to know

  23. Boso is exposing no one he's not even a foot solider, he has no pull is a light weight and out of his league. There is nothing to tell, I also don't see any reason to talk about someone's personal issues that's not a player in the family.

  24. I see Buso is writing on Cahill blog, not nice

  25. Gallo's comment about union contracts are a bit of a spin. He would like you to believe that there was a problem with previous administration. Truth be told all three union contracts expired the day before he took office.
    Only settled because of reelection run. Held them up for 2 1/2 years before settling. He couldn't get it done. Before that. Giving out 7% raises to get them to bite.

  26. Jeremy was right, Hugh Reynolds calls it for Gallo. I'm sure negative comments will fellow from the likes of Landi, Hoffay, Donaldson, Fluentes, Martin and the followers.

    1. That is a given...they are so filled with venom they are just waiting to strike!

    2. Don't think they have to. His "legacy" is appearing all over Facebook. Top ten started with the Chris Rea debacle. Still can't believe Callo thinks he won that case.

  27. still cannot believe that Rea thinks he is innocent of all charges......

  28. How about someone asking Mr. Noble whether he has read any of the decisions, reviewed any of the evidence, or even understands what Chris Rea was charged with? The undisputed evidence shows that on dozens of occasions during his work day, when he was supposed to be in charge of a City Department which is responsible for the lives of residents, Mr. Rea was anywhere from Albany to Connecticut to up and down the lengths of Dutchess County. Last I checked, there are no Kingston Fires to address in any of those places and Mr. Rea has never offered a specific explanation regarding where and why he was away from his post. Those facts were never disputed and at this point, they have not been reviewed by any appellate judge, contrary to Mr. Noble's belief. Pretty scary that Mr. Noble is committing himself to reinstating someone to a position of trust without knowing anything about the case.

    1. I don't know what Chris Rea thinks or what Mr Noble has done. All I know that every judge Callo and Dweban have argued in front of has said the same thing.
      Pay him the back money you owe him he has done nothing wrong.
      What more do you need to read or say about the case.

    2. Well, clearly you have not read the decisions. and have no idea what the judges have or have not said.

    3. Probably Noble consulted Mr.Dunn of the 1st ward. After all isn't Mr.Dunn the attorney of all matters...yea. sure! Dunn was quick to give an opinion to the Daily Freeman without actually being in the courtroom. Don't think he has ever presented a case in an actual courtroom. The words coming out of Noble's mouth sounding like Dunn might have coached him based on Freeman article.

  29. I believe Rea is owed money, I think the amount is being contested.. Also he wants his job back, Courts , so far has said there was reason for him not to be reinstated. Taxpayers are tired of this game the Fire Dept plays where they create a lot of overtime for themselves for retirement purposes. Mayor is trying to clamp down on abuse of employee time and attendance that has been running amouck for some time.

  30. Well what about putting a DPW truck on the train tracks. Some people that's abuse of power others say it's s felony. What about that

    1. Are you the same individual that whenever you go after Gallo you mention the dump truck issue? I have seen the blogs about the area and I am sick of that argument. Need to get another arguing point. When you think about it, it was an ingenious idea. Nothing was going to get thru on that track. How could it be a crime when Mayor was protecting the citizens in the immediate area from another polluter coming into the city. ( cornell st being an example)

  31. oh please, CMRR has made a dumping grown over on Cornel Street. The Mayor should have left the truck there so they can stop bringing in more junk they will not be able to get out by the time their contract runs out.

  32. Ok so Gallo can commit a felony instead of just sending his building department over to CMRR to tell them to clean up their act.
    Stop drinking the kool aid

    1. you stop drinking the cool aid. If you had researched the issue you would know that the city has had CMRR in court to clean up the Cornell St. area for several years after attempts by Bldg and safety dept citations to remove the offending debris. Next step is court if offending party ignores the citations.

    2. But why violate the late. The Mayor should not be above the law. Gallo thinks he can do whatever he wants its his 40 million dollar business.
      Nobody is above the law research that kool aid drinker.

  33. how did he violate the law with the dump truck on the tracks? What is the felony? tracks are in the city and it was a city dump truck. Show or tell us the law in question....

    1. 140.10. Criminal trespass in the third degree
      A person is guilty of criminal trespass in the third degree when he knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in a building or upon real property

      (g) where the property consists of a right-of-way or yard of a railroad or rapid transit railroad which has been designated and conspicuously posted as a no-trespass railroad zone

      Criminal trespass in the third degree is a class B misdemeanor.

    2. insofar as CMRR is not engaged in interstate commerce but it rather a hobby/tourist train which is not part of the interstate rail system, it is not a yard or a right of way of a railroad under the penal law. The rail cars were sitting in the middle of a cornfield in Hurley rusting and dropping paint chips into the soil. The Mayor stopped the cars from crossing into Kingston where they would have done nothing other than further pollute the corridor that CMRR has failed to maintain.

  34. good night 7:11, dream on~~~~~~

  35. Even when confronted with all the facts the kool aid drinkers continue to deny the truth. Time to get rid them.

  36. Just imagine how washed up Hugh Reynolds would have been had he said Noble got the upper hand at the debate. No where did Reynolds say Gallo was more qualified or that Noble was not qualified. He stated that Gallo won becuase he did not blow up and was able to stay on his message. Well, that is fine if you agree with Gallo's message. So in terms of win or lose, we will not know until Primary day. My spidey sense tells me Shayne Gallo is heading to his final 3 months as Mayor.

  37. 5:50 -dream on. Can we find one comment from Noble or his supporters that isn't so negative?????

  38. yes. The new police station in midtown is beautiful.

    1. So when he proposed the police station, you all objected and said that the property should be sold for a profit and returned to the tax rolls. Now that the property is being sold for a significant profit, and returned to the tax rolls, your response is where is the police station. Let's make up our minds folks.

    2. Never heard anyone say that when he formed the mismanaged LDC to turn the bank into a precinct. I did hear people complain about him having no plan or method to fund it. So, either way Gallo failed there. Not even Hugh Reynolds could argue that.

    3. The buding is still off the tax rolls. Not sure if it will sell or just a political stunt. Three years off tax rolls plus closing costs can't see the profit. I believe the building deal will fall through shortly after the primary.

    4. LDC?? Do you mean KLDC? It was missed managed by previous administration. Loans made to businesses or friend's businesses never made the loan payments..No active collection of their debts. ..Gallo came into office with a mismanaged KLDC..almost broke. Rosita's being one of those big debts.

  39. failing is if the building is still empty, its back on the tax roll. Oh I forgot poor young Noble has no issues so he will run on attacking Gallo. Great plan, please keep up that campaign theme until after the 10 of Sept. where the heck is Uncle Jim in this picture, I know trying to pretend it isn't a Noble/Noble ticket. Until you see the lawn signs, Steve on the Left and Jim on the Right.

    1. When did they close? Who owns the building now? A lot of misinformation being spread by the Gallocrats. We can't continue getting only half the story. Go Polacco.

    2. Sure it's on the tax rolls. Prove that please! The alleged deal is with the same carpet bagger who left Kingston at the alter with the Noah Hotel project after many years. What makes anyone think that suddenly, this guy is flush with cash and trustworthy enough to complete this project? Misinformation is the rule rather than the exception in certain circles of politics, the same circles which our Mayor associates himself with.

  40. I see where the Nobles are really desperate and so are their supporters. Because they have no issues to run on they are going back to the Mayors temper for their campaign theme. losers all of them. Steve Noble had a chance to show he was ready for the job, he doesn't. He should have stayed where he was, him and his wife making a good living on taxpayers dollars. Now he is being tied to posting the Jeremy Blaber tape on facebook. Jeremy is a bomb ready to go off, especially the comments about Mike Hein and his wife, this for Terry Bernardo, charges are coming. he is to stupid to see they are all using him. the only one that tried to help with a job was the Mayor and we all know what he did with that opportunity. He blew it. He deserved to be fired. Hoffay, Landi, Fluntes, Martin, all abunch of want a be's. bad our city. especially Martin, what the hell has she ever done for the City but cause confrontation. Please hope she goes back where she came from.

  41. Desperate? All they are doing is showing any big foul mouth idiot who had trouble passing the bar exam can run a city. It's not that difficult a job. Callo should have surrounded himself with better people. Zweben Ashdown Swanzy DiFalco DiFalco. That's a who's who of hanger ons that just want to rape the $40 mlion dollar business Gallo keeps touting. Think it a little smaller. Just more misinformation from the loser.

    1. Not a difficult job to run the city? That speaks volumes of why you are backing Steve Noble. The days of a figure head Mayor are gone. You actually have to work and actively promote the city to outside investors. Definitely not an 8 to 5 job. Not every out reach is going to be successful but you have to have the skills to do the task. You also have to surround yourself with good city hall employees and not bring the "cronies" to "cushy" jobs of which there are none in city hall. Gallo kept almost all of the employees(dept. heads) from previous administrations. I do wonder about his choice of promoting Mr. Noble to his current position. Might have been a bad decision but he gave the kid a chance. Have to wonder about the Charlie Landis, Hoffays and other malcontents whose sole purpose is to carry out vendettas against people who disagree with their future for the city. Not productive. Ms.Martin is a bit more altruistic about changes in the city but when she aligned herself with the above named individuals it somewhat negated her true purpose. From what I have read about her she has contributed to the city but I feel she strayed from that mission by commiserating with those individuals. On the same note probably Steve Noble was hoodwinked being an inexperienced kid and not versed in the dirty side of politics. If you think he is not going to be beholden to them you too are naïve.

    2. Sounds like a lot of bs. Something the Callo campaign has been shoveling for months. Good luck next week but the Dems know the score. They are tired of the loud mouth vulgar Mayor.

    3. So can we assume if Noble loses that they(supporters) will vote for Polacco since the hate is palpable against Gallo? How does that fit into your plans or visions to move city forward?. Democrats willing to risk the chance to have a democrat mayor due to severe hate against the current Mayor. If all could have put aside the differences(both sides of democrat party) and behave like adults we as the city might have been able to work this out and not have it all play out in the press. Or is it because there is yet no big presence of Republicans in the city that they pick on one another.? I at one time was going to enroll in a political party but for now I will stay registered as a non party affiliation. safer that way..... not obligated to vote the party line but rather for the candidate.

  42. The hatred between the Dems won't stop the winner of the sept 10 primary from winning in November. Unless the loser continues to run a campaign. It is just a very small group on both sides.

  43. Mayor Gallo and Steve Noble have no other lines to run on if either one loses the primary. Jim Noble and Jeanette Provenzano is another story, Provenzano has the Independence line and there is no republican running for Alderman at large so she could possibly, long, long, shot still win in Nov. if Republicans support her. I don't see this happening.

  44. Gallo beats Polacco, Steve Noble will lose to Polacco. Polacco is already using the nepotism as his issue, voters will not support a Noble/Noble ticket in November

  45. Noble/Noble no problem just can't see them losing. Youth and expience dynamic combination. We need to see what the kid can do.

    The top ten "legacy" is must see. The fireman debacle will cost us over quarter million dollars regardless of who you believe That about 2% tax increase
    Gallo has us headed in the wrong direction.

  46. It is not nepotism. Nepotism is the hiring of a close friend or family member who is not the best candidate. Neither Noble on the Noble/Noble ticket is hiring the other. The voters do the hiring.

  47. There will be Nepotism if Noble is elected. Is he going to be boss over his wife? Is he going to disagree with his Uncle ? Is his Uncle going to run the office? Jim Noble wife is on the KHA Board, is he going to appoint her for another term? Wake up!! I know you support the Nobles, doesn't make it right. I could go on and on and on.

  48. Gallo appointed Zweben, Fuentes, blabber, Madsen, Williams . All rabid and active supporters. Obviously not qualified. Looks like nepotism to me

    1. But Gallo also realized that some of the above mentioned "cronies" were incompetent for their appointed positions and let them go rather than let the taxpayers pay the bill for them to stay. You are correct that the most rabid is Fuentes.. She is so blinded by her revenge that she will fabricate and lie about events concerning Gallo that just are not true. So Noble makes her part of the campaign team?? Way to go Team Noble! There is nothing wrong with citizens having an idea and presenting it to the Mayor. Why is that not considered part of Gallo's vision for the city of Kingston( 6:30am). It is up to the current administration to pursue those ideas as the city has the resources to move it forward. Much better than individuals going it alone. I don't remember Sottile pursuing and encouraging the arts as much as Gallo has. Sottile was too busy going after chain stores and its low paying jobs. Jim Sottile had his chance. now Jim.... go quietly into that good night.

  49. Steve Noble will bring new ideas, new people, and a 21st century outlook to Kingston. Gallo has nothing new to offer. He has latched on to the fella who moved here from Phonecia and acts like the work he does with the arts was done by Gallo himself! I am trying hard to find something new and innovative that Gallo has done, suggested or even hinted at. Same old tired ideas. Gallo is stuck in a 20th century way of thinking. I believe Steve Noble will bring fresh new ideas into the fold by including people with fresh new ideas instead of chastising them and shutting them out as Gallo has done to so many people who are trying to bring new life into the City. Gallo and especially Provenzano, are relics of the past and will bring nothing but more of the same to Kingston. We don't need more of the same stale thinking. Think fresh ideas, think fresh start, think a reinvigorated Kingston. Think Noble!

    1. Must say the city having a giant composting area was a great idea from the environmentalist. NOT! Talk about the time and money to teach citizens about composting would be beyond the city budget. People still are having a hard time just using the recycle bin and what goes in it. You would have to hire employees to implement the plan and also enforcement personnel as a way to keep the smell down until pick up day as incorrect food items would get tossed into the totes. Yep, sure is a FRESH idea.Even now some neighborhoods are still waiting for the brown totes for garbage which cannot be purchased until another grant comes to fruition along with a another garbage truck.

    2. The Gallo administration is in charge of the container distribution and a clean, environmentally safe Kingston is clearly not on his agenda. I believe it is a matter of priority. What is more important fighting a losing battle in court and racking up huge legal bills or making Kingston a more environmentally friendly city? It is one small item but it is the mindset that is the important thing. Progessive thinking vs. old, stale relics with no new ideas.

    3. There is that word again...Progressive. Conjures up a liberal agenda....which in most cases does not bring good jobs to any region... So we become an environmental friendly city but what jobs does that bring? Noble in the debate talked about sustainable jobs. I believe there was an attempt to bring" solar" manufacturing jobs to our area but it went bust. taxpayers footed the initial start up funds. The expense to make the city environmental friendly is a discussion that needs to be addressed. Got to have a good tax base to move that agenda forward. If you look at the tab for the city to convert to LED street lighting it is an expensive venture. It will be beneficial in the long run but I wanted to point it out that going environmental friendly does cost and it does not happen overnight. Gallo administration is going in that direction but with an eye on the city finances. As to the legal bills with the Rea case, the city is being represented by in house counsel.

  50. 6:30-as stated before, noble had an opportunity to show what a Noble adm. Would look like at the debate, he offered nothing ! He was goated into running because of those that were let go by Gallo after giving them a chance to demonstrate their competence , they failed, now they want to get back at the Mayor by trying to get him defeated. all they have is an old tape of a drugged Blaber getting fired by the Mayor. Pathetic . Let's see how many of you support Steve Noble when he has no job come January. You all ought to be ashamed of yourself for getting this kid involved. Again, Steve Noble had a chance to share his fresh ideas at the debate, HE HAD NONE!!!!!!!

    1. I believe Steve stated that getting rid of all the consultants would save us a lot of money. I like that idea.

    2. Totally impossible to get rid of all consultants. As you know we have aging infrastructure repairs which is quite complex.beyond the scope of employees. By ignoring the problem for years we are now having to pay the piper. Steve ,Noble job in writing some grants needed the aid of consultants for particular projects. Heard that talking point when Hoffay on he now channeling Hoffay and Dunn??

  51. Jim Sottile should go back in the closet. It's so funny him talking about temper ! He was the worst, I worked for him, loud mouth and still is. Fights in bars, slapping a lady at a bar, having a number of affairs with any one who was available, he should craw back in his hole and stay there. What a joke that the Nobles think he is helping them, it's the opposite, voters don't forget thus guys big mouth, still has one.

    1. This is all about the primary. Sottile still has quite a few Dems that listen to him. Enough to push Steve over to top. Big mouth or not. Gallo only won by 7 votes against a transplant.

    2. Hayes Clement and Shayne Gallo had age and experience which made it an even playing field. This time around you have a kid who is running against a Mayor who is much older than him . steve noble having no knowledge to run a city or how city government works is at a disadvantage. Most individuals who have run for mayor came up thru the ranks of city council , worked for a private corporation or business.Noble has had none! Not saying he could never run for mayor but not ready for prime time yet.

    3. Steve Noble grew up around city hall. He had all the experience he needs. He is ready for prime time. Been involved in politics his whole life. It's not like you have to make a profit for the share holders of this 40 million dollar company. Just hold taxes down something Gallo has not done. My taxes have increased every year since he's been in office.
      My county taxes on the other hand have gone down.

    4. I looked at my tax bill and was pleased that it only was raised $15.Perhaps you were looking at your school tax which does not fall under city administration. Gallo kept the taxes under the 2% cap instituted by NYS. To have a beef with your taxes contact your state representatives. Unfunded mandate is the culprit . Something the city has no control over. and how has steve been involved in politics? did he work campaigns? Why did he not run for alderman if he was serious about changes in the city.Or did he listen to "war stories" from family members discussing city politics .Big difference... But perhaps his being "involved " in politics got him at that top of the list for civil service appt. to environmental educator. Only two people took the test and 2 nobles got the positions. Hard to believe that only two people took the test unless the posting for test was obscure.

    5. I gotta say, if Steve Noble has been involved in politics his whole life, his campaign hasn't really shown evidence of that, but we'll all know on the 10th.

    6. amen to that( 10:04am)!! He came across as wistful in the debate. Not confident. His speech (voice) modulation seemed to end in a question mark which to me conveyed hesitancy. I went in with an open mind but did not feel the enthusiasm to support him as a candidate. While Gallo has the known temper he also has the passion and excitement. Have met him in social situations and he is very well informed of city issues and its people. I just didn't see that at the debate or with people who surrounded Noble after that event.

    7. Sottile is a pig and a pigvomit. That some Democrats listen to him tells you the state of the Democratic Party in Kingston. He has always been a liar, a cheat, a bully, a cad, and a boor. He just added a few things to his "character" while in local politics.

  52. Welcome to the quality of life in Midtown .. a scene from cops chase ended in the crash at 28 Franklin st The on street repair shop... why hasn't that been addressed.. like block the block or even Gallo's nuisance abatement law..

  53. All you need to know about Gallo is that his own son doesn't speak to him.

    1. Very sad to hear that.

    2. Probably doesn't like to get screamed at.

  54. Didn't work.. rICH JR. Goodfellas blog is still up. And I hope it stays up. Lil Dicky.. Nice try.. go back to kissing ass and leave our free speech Alone .

  55. Noble supporters , hateful vengeful sad lot. They could care less about Kingston, hopefully gone after Gallo wins.

  56. As an outsider who reads this Kingston stuff - partially for entertainment. Please elect Gallo again! The guy is always a good listen on the radio show, etc. You never know what might come out of his mouth and always entertaining. In his own unique stream of consciousness way he does have some creative ideas. OK he says ok too frequently, but we can tolerate that. Noble strikes me as someone who would put you to sleep for four years

    1. Ok, thanks for that, ok, buddy, ok? Because now buddy, ok, ok buddy, this is really cool, and you know buddy, ok, I have, ok, a stream of ok consciousness ok....that goes the distance, ok? Ditto, vote GALLO--he knows the city like the back of his hand, understands what the structural issues are in local politics, and is able to get at least some things done in this non-IBM era. My God, to put a young kid in there with a degree in forestry or whatever is simply stupid. Jesus. Ok, buddy? Gotcha, buddy. OK?

  57. You don't have to like your Mayor.....stop with sentiments. Like Gallo or not, he is the best choice. Use your heads people....we're talking about moving Kingston forward.

    1. Gallo is step away from blowing a fuse at all times. We can not take a chance of that happening again.
      Sooner or later it will Noble or Polacco better choice.

    2. Hoffay is a hypocrite , he speaks of the Mayors temper, yet he works for Cahill who can't keep staff members because of hid temper tantrums . Guess who the latest one to leave is?

    3. That's what makes it fun. ;) But overall he is a pretty smart guy I think and knows everything about the workings of the city like a wonk.

    4. 2:24...please let it be Hoffay who has been booted!! But then I occasionally live in a dream world.....sigh..!

    5. Please stop comparing anyone to Gallo's public, make that VERY public temper tantrums. It is ridiculous. Gallo is at the top of the list when it comes to losing his cool. No one else has ever lost their temper, yelled, screamed threatened to physically remove someone. That is Gallo's domain alone.

  58. Jeremy, you have found your true niche in this world, "Kingston Meshuganah." I want to get high with you.

  59. Rumor going around that Rebecca Martin has jumped ship from the sinking Kayak of the Steve Noble campaign...does this indicate some division in that branch of the democrats? does not bode well for that candidate as she was one of the original donors & supporter for his campaign... 3 more days to go until this vendetta faction is laid to rest.. cannot come soon enough for me. Ugly situation for all residents . Is this what we have to look forward too in the coming years of city politics? If so, I am heading for the hills! Ah... the country life......

    1. Considering that just yesterday she posted a blistering anti-Gallo screed on her FB page, I put bupkis stock in that rumor. And anyone who thinks that this Dem war will be settled on Thursday is sadlty mistaken ...

  60. Just read Jeanne Edwards blog, she pulled no punches when she reminds everyone about Sottile and his temper, slapping a lady at a bar and throwing a drink at her, he disgrased Kingston as its Mayor, also firing JeanneEdwards and not believing she was a victim of sexual harassment and standing up for Tim Matthewss who left his wife and 5 kids for some one else, and a ripped off taxpayers. By stealing money spending yrsbehindbars, yep, great Noble supporter, you are the company you keep.

    1. I agree anger has no place at city hall. Road rage screaming at employees is not good atributes to be Mayor. I'll take gentleman Steve.

  61. I just read that too on facebook. Good for her. She can really relate to the likes of Sottile. What a compassionate man he was...yea, sure. Part of the Gentlemanly crowd that Noble so likes to claim. Stood with his cronies against a women who was a survivor of cancer and then the audacity to deny the harassment she endured.

  62. Cuz Blaber scurrying around trying to get votes for his candidate, Stevie. No rest for the weary!! More like a squirrel looking for nuts!.....

    1. I don't understand why everyone thinks Jeremy is the "mastermind" behind Noble's campaign. He has not been to any of the events, and besides sharing some things on Facebook, he has also pretty much publicly supported Polacco.

  63. Trash all over the place in uptown from the event on Saturday night. Why wasn't this cleaned up the night of the event or the next day. Oh DPW is short staffed will be the answer.

    1. They were working overtime to clean up the Hooley. Maybe Gallo doesn't like uptown.

  64. 1026, you are full of it . How stupid! So now it's attack the hard workers at DPW. Get a life or how about a job!!!!

  65. Nice try 11:23. Gallo should have had that as part of the plan for the street closure. He is the boss. When does he take responsibility for running the city? He shows up on the stage to flap his gums, but he is nowhere to be found when the responsibility to clean up afterwards is questioned. Everyone knows that if the DPW were ASSIGNED TO CLEAN UP, they would have done a great job like they always do. Unless that ass kisser Ashdown had anything to do with it.

    1. Really,,Attacking DPW? Don't forget that DPW does have other responsibilities around the city and I am sure they have the clean up on their lists.. Do you think we are NYC that has the clean up staff ready to go like in their ticket tape parades? They pay a massive bill in OT expenses but I am sure you would not like to see that expense reflected in your tax bill here in Kingston. Stop grasping at straws to go after Gallo. How about you chip in and pick up trash as you walk by.

    2. Tried to do that. But the trash cans were spilling over. No reason DPW couldn't have done it Monday when they were in cleaning up for the Hooley. But this mayor doesn't like uptown. Poor planning by this administration just like the last four years.

    3. SO you have DPW working on a Monday.. Labor Day. .Nice touch... Even if their contract allowed that you would be paying double OT. Stupid remark as Trump would say... .Do your homework.

  66. How about if your having an event clean up after it the City is a total mess.

  67. DPW has a superintendent, he does the scheduling, but then you knew that?

  68. Let me ask you moron Gallo supporters something. Is Gallo ever responsible for anything? What exactly is he the boss of if not Rec or DPW? He is constantly blaming people who report directly to him instead of taking responsibility. That is NOT A LEADER! Honestly, anyone with more than an 8th grade education knows that a leader protects his troops and takes the blame for things that happen on his watch.
