The presure is on for Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo after losing his second appeal to try and get back in the Independence and Conservative primaries in the upcoming September primary. Gallo's political career will be decided in less than twenty days and it doesn't look good for the Kingston Capo who's had a series of setbacks in the last few weeks. Gallo seems to be on the constant defense on everything, refuses to take any responsibility for his missteps and continues to make enimies. We hear Gallo told a long time employee in the City clerk's office that she would put two signs up for him.. No really you will said Gallo. The clerk a member of Kingston political royalty has to be shaking her head. The fear and bulling that continues to go on in City Government is unacceptable on September 10th, I will be voting for Steve Noble in the Kingston Democratic primary and I urge members of the family to join me, it's enough! We can't afford another four years of Mayor Gallo/Zweben.
Gallo's recent fundraiser aboard the Rip Van Winkle was lackluster at best we hear it had about 75 people and did one ride. Mayor Sottile would sell out both rides to over 300 people a ride. We find it funny that Troy Ashdown's is telling people that union voters will vote for Gallo and do as they are told, wow someone's ego is awfully inflated, we predict CSEA members will evenly split between Gallo and Noble.
We endorse Brian Woltman to replace Jeanette Provanzano's legislative seat on Sept 10th and hope he pulls out a big victory in that race, we have changed our mind and wish him the best.
Gallo and Noble will debate tomorrow night at Temple Emanual, we will have live updates on the blog, we expect Mayor Gallo to have the edge tomorrow night..
In the Town of Ulster there will also be a Conservative Caucus for candidates, we support the following: Jim Quigley for Supervisor Jared Mance - Town Board Suzanne Platte Reavey Town Clerk.. We offer no endorsement in the race for town Justice as a gangster by profession I don't get involved in Judge races, I could be in front of them and why take the risk of backing the wrong side, we have enough to worry about.
The state of affairs in Town of Ulster politics is ugly to say the least, the Republicans are in an all out war. We hand it to Quigley for a big win the other night getting his main rival Jim Maloney to resign as Chairman of the Republican Party. We are flabbergasted that town Republican and specifically town Conservatives would consider supporting Fred Wadnola for Supervisor, this is the guy that when he was Supervisor of Ulster 12 years ago raised taxes 39% No that's not a typo!
Where are the Democrats in Ulster? Who is chair, who is running, who could run? Why let Wadnola/Maloney/Quigley and everyone else have a free ride? What a bunch of idiots. The Republicans are split more ways that the weekly tribute.
ReplyDeleteRumor has it that Roger Rasco is going to pull out all the stops to exert county Republican muscle to take out Quigley. Apparently he is trying to make up for his failure to shut Bernardo out like he promised Hein. Apparently Hein is pissed because he arranged for the Republican's many free passes for their legislators to run unopposed like Maloney but ole Roger failed to live up to his end of the deal by making sure Hein ran unopposed. So Rasco will do his part to hook up Hein and Maloney by eliminating their arch enemy Quigley.
ReplyDeleteWadnola is just running as a place holder. He will resign early next year so the republicans can appoint Linda McDonough. They didn't think she would win a race for supervisor and they thought the clerk race would be unopposed. Besides she has more family members to hire and their aren't enough openings in the clerks office. Plus she hates having to stay in the office until 4pm everyday.
ReplyDeleteMaloney did his buddy Hein a solid with the assessment of Wyltwick Golf Club. Check it out, it is public record. Maloney made sure the rich have their playground while the town falls apart around him. That's Jim Maloney, fuck the new town hall, Wyltwick members may have to pitch in for their golf course and that is far more important than having a decent town hall for residents to visit.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about? What do Hein and Maloney have to do with Wyltwick? The stuff some people come up with.
DeleteTake a look at the reduction in assessment that Wyltwick got. Hein, a member asked his buddy Maloney the Town Assesor to do him a solid and help Wyltwick out. Boy, if only we could all get reductions like that. The stuff, some people can't see even when it is right in front of their face.
DeleteHow much of a reduction? This is the same guy who has lived in courtrooms fighting assessment reductions for the past however many years? He gave the hoity toity a reduction and the people who are bringing money into the community get a court date? How messed up is that?
DeleteHe cut their assessment in half. Lowered more than 1.5million in only two years. No court suit or anything. I hope tech city and the mall don't use that as evidence in their tax cases against the town.
DeleteHearing CSEA is a mess. The president is under constant fire for how the endorsement process went. Underhanded backdoor under cloak of darkness. Ashdown has no idea how members will vote. Not many registered voters to make a difference anyway. But understand he is under Gallo's thumb. Good luck with debate tonite. I agree Gallo should slip by. Noble is not s judge so Gallo should fair well.
ReplyDeleteSo now the Town Clerk Linda McDonough is melting down on her Facebook page about a conspiracy to run her out. Funny, she harassed and bullied the staff into quiting so she could hire friends and family and now she cries when people call her on it. And how about this Facebook page. It says 'Linda A. McDonough - Ulster Town Clerk". So is this page an official Town of Ulster page or a campaign page? Because if it is an official Town page then it should not have the ranting and temper tantrums of the Town Clerk on it.
ReplyDeleteShe can put whatever comment she Wants on her FB page, it is not an. Town site
ReplyDeleteIt's not now. But until 2hours ago it was listed as Linda A McDonough - Ulster Town Clerk and was listed as a government official page. So it appeared to be an official Town page. Maybe she should educate herself on the use of facebook
DeleteGallo wins debate. Just as expected Noble had no comprehensive plan as to what he would do as Mayor, economic development, no answer, jobs, he is going to find qualified people from outside the are to be police officers because we need more officers of color. He wants a citizens panel if people have a complaint about our police officers ,REALLY!!!
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? Gallo didn't answer a single question. All he did was take credit for other people's projects and make false statements in between saying "okay"
DeleteI thought we have a complaint bureau for issues involving race and of Kingston human rights board...Steve Noble forget about that commission?...And bring people from out side of our area to become police officers of color and ethnicity because we don't have enough diversity in KPD? Why would we do that? Don't we have a police academy up at the old Sophie Finn school? Gallo has done more to update and renovate the Hodge Ctr which had fallen into neglect under previous administrations and have police officers as resource officers to interact with the children. Isn't that where Steve Noble works? What is he missing?? And typically acting like a liberal democrat he promises the moon to whatever ails the citizens...where does that money come from?? Cannot skin anymore skin from tax payers...we are now bare to the bone.....
DeleteGallo stated no relatives working for the city. Check out the cousin in the building dept. Just one lie after another.
DeleteI agree with you Noble talking about body cams made me cringe.
Delete7:44- everyone at the debate heard the Mayor give credit where it was due, he talked about inclusiveness, he was straight on with all questions. Those that have a grudge against the Mayor, still do and will try to unseat him because of personal agenda, those that are concerned about a family running the City have reason to be concerned, nepotism is well and alive with the Nobles?.......
ReplyDeleteHe took credit at least twice for the Cedar Street project and mentioned long dead initiatives such as the Youth Bureau at the Hodge Center as if they were still happening. Regardless of who you support, a simple fact checking will prove that the man told more lies than truths.
DeleteI also took a drive down broadway this evening and saw a hell of a lot more than seven empty store fronts. The only "legacy" that Gallo will leave is that of a one term mayor.
DeleteJust how would the Nobles be running the city. Alderman at large doesn't even vote on council matters and 9 people not named Noble do.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you get your facts? The Alderman at large can vote in the case of a tie at council meetings. If a council member is not in attendance it can conceivably have a tie vote. Who breaks it? Take a guess.....
Delete7 out of 9 Alderman support the Mayors initiatives, only 2 all year were no votes all the time, the no boys. Doesn't matter what others think. I don't know what will happen in the primary, this I know for sure, noble wins primary, Pollaco wins as Mayor. The City Democratic Party is done. No supporter of Gallo will vote for the Nobles, to much hate, primaring decent Alderman because of
ReplyDeleteTheir angry, hateful members.
I can't believe how unqualified Steve Noble is to be mayor. The democratic committee should be so ashamed of themselves for challenging a sitting mayor not because of performance but because they don't like him. Gallo will win the primary because everyday democrats in this city will vote for him.
ReplyDeleteSo what's your criteria for a qualified Mayor? Be a bad lawyer hire a worse lawyer and then spend thousands of dollars in court for cases you don't win.
DeleteLol 844 so true! The guy has never had a full time job before becoming Mayor! Except as a csea rep and he was fired from that job for incompetence!
DeleteI listened to the entire debate. I give Mayor Gallo credit for articulating what he believes are his successes. However, many citizens like myself, just do not see it the same way. Gallo seemed to gloss over the problems and highlight the few successes. I also heard the Mayor take credit for things that were not his ides, like the uptown parking lots which were suggested by common councils before Gallo was in office. He also said uptown has only been on the upswing for the past 4 years. I think some of the people who have been there a lot longer would disagree with him on that one too.
ReplyDeleteI give Mr. Noble credit for putting forth some very good ideas, using existing studies instead of new studies, and most importantly understanding that cooperation and civility are necessities to move forward.
Please Remember this on Election Day...
I want to tell you ok, that ok, Jim Sottile ok, is the root of all evil ok in Kingston ok. Everything that is wrong ok, is Jim Sottiles fault ok?
ReplyDeleteThank you for capturing that. That and the word 'accordingly' seem to be requirements for just about every statement.
DeleteGallo does have cousin's working in City government even though he denied it last night
ReplyDeleteI received a post card from Mayor Gallo recently, he should have articulated his successful budgets that were under the mandated 2% property tax cap in fact a decrease in general taxes which gave a property tax rebate from the State of NY. Noble has no financial understanding of the budget, this is very important.
ReplyDeleteRebate? OK, How much? $26 or was it like most people got $0? What a joke. We all know how he was able to keep the budget under the tax cap but I am not sure Gallo wants anyone to go there since he was on the wrong side of that one. Let's just say if he had Safety Net and Elections costs, that 2% would not have been achievable.
DeleteWho is this? Kevin Cahill,,?? Go away....
DeleteKevin Cahill would never stoop this low.
Deleteand you have known Kevin Cahill for how long?? Is this the same butinsky who interfered in the process that was going on regarding safety net costs for COK.? (sales tax issue hold back) Thought he was suppose to be an advocate for us here Ulster County at the State level.
DeleteI read where he" kind of supported "Steve Noble with the grant screw up.. Real stand up guy! Fits in with the Anti-gallo democats.
11:38, I have known both Cahill and Gallo for many years. I would never,ever trust Gallo's judgement, whereas I would seek Cahill's advice. Big difference there.
DeleteIt is common knowledge at this point that Hein sent his minions around to the County supervisors to retract the 3 year takeover plan. He denied he did it, but he never denied that he sent his people around to different places to float the idea of stretching the 3 year plan to 5 years or more. Sometimes you have to ask the right people to get the right answers. Kevin Cahill actually saved the Safety Net deal for Kingston and the rest of the County and thereby saving Kingston literally millions. Gallo and a few others were very short sighted in their opposition to Cahill on that one. Gallo, of all people should have been supporting Cahill's insistence that Hein codify his plan to ensure it was carried out exactly as Hein had previously presented it to the public. If Hein was honestly committed to the 3 year plan, he would codified it, no problem. The taxpayers had everything to lose and nothing to gain by Hein not agreeing. Hein never did do it, the Legislature did. So who really had Kingston's best interest at heart? Gallo and Hein who let the sales tax extension expire or Cahill who insisted Hein put his commitment for safety net relief in writing? As for the grant issue, Cahill simply stated that he had dealt with Noble for state grants and never had any issues. All grants that went through Cahill's office were ship-shape. That is not "kind of" supporting anything, it is clearing up misinformation that was being spread by people in the Gallo administration and dragging the Jr. League and Cahill's good work on the grant he obtained through the mud. That grant was fine and the Gallo administration knew it. I have been, and continue to be a proud supporter of Kevin Cahill. Ever since he was in the County Legislature, he has always represented Kingston very, very well. Do yourself a favor and get hard facts before you spout off. There are people out here who know the truth and do not depend on oft repeated lies as basis for an opinion.
DeleteFamily is considered wife, husband, sister, brother, etc, gees you don't go all the way down to cousins, big family's have a lot of relatives.
ReplyDeleteAnd the barely pre-primary circle jerk grows...
I think it's pretty smart, follow up with action, tighten your seatbelt more to come!
ReplyDeleteMaybe if it weren't so obvious and contrived. After all, the Kiwi already planned a public boot licking at Cornell St. Studios on Thursday for our Emperor of the Arts and his hit man.
DeleteNepotism, by definition is favoring relatives or friends by giving them positions they don't deserve or for which they are not qualified. The decision of the electorate to vote for two Nobles is not nepotism. It's the exact opposite, the public is doing the hiring. Gallo hired Zweben, Blaber, Madsen, Fuentes and Williams after he won. All were his friends and avid campaign workers. There is your nepotism
ReplyDeleteAny truth to the rumor that Fred Wadnola just got put on the Working Families Party Line for the Supervisor's race in Ulster?