This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Breaking: Gallo will create his own line
We spoke to a soldier in the Kingston Capo's crew that confirmed to us that Shayne Gallo is creating his own party line to have a second line in general election. Noble is probably going to win the Green Party line as it stands today but that could change. This is good news for the Polacco campaign because whoever loses the primary will have a line in the general election. Pollaco has four lines, you couple that with a Democratic split, Ron Polacco is going to be elected Mayor. Especially if Noble wins primary. Gallo supporters are more loyal to Gallo than Noble's supporters.. Gallo would carry about 1200 votes on a minor line in general. Imagine having a Mayor that isn't a member of the good ok boy club, Polacco's chances are very good and are getting better by the day.
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This is not good news at all! Polacco for Mayor ??? We are doomed!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are doomed by whoever gets in. They all will take care of who got them elected.
ReplyDeleteFrom someone on the outside there could be a lot of blood flowing out of city and new blood rushing in.
Glad to hold on to my hat and watch the "cockroaches" to scatter.
How is Gallo going to get the required signatures by 8/20 that haven't already signed a petition?
ReplyDeleteEasy if he just goes to non enrolled voters because obviously they have not signed a petition yet and there are more non enrolleds than democrats.
ReplyDeleteGallo doesn't have anyone in his crew w even twenty percent of the knowledge and ability we have but petitions are easy. Joe DiFalco, That dunsky Gillon they will all be out hitting pavement. Zweben too.
You seem to think that those gentlemen you named would be the only ones getting signatures? I know you find it hard to believe but there are other people willing to get the signatures too. Not all hate Mayor Gallo. The vengeance aspect of the democratic party seems hell bent in destroying the democratic party. We won't forget who they are..... I would imagine the Repubs are sitting on the sidelines wondering how much of the democratic party will be left after the blood letting. People can register as NOP and as you just said there are more of them than in either party. Beware!
DeleteDon't care what line Gallo is on or how many people are helping. Most of them can't even mail a letter on time.
ReplyDeleteThe only way he is around in January is if he wins the primary in September. And even then his chances are slim. People are tired of loud mouth bullies and ready for a change.
What about the loud mouth bullies like Jim Sottile, who threw a beer in a ladies face and more, loud mouth joe Donaldson, Hoffey, stupid Jen Fluentis, pathetic Blaber etc etc etc. talking the kid Noble in running with his Uncle neither know what is happening in Kingston, take the rail trail, guess, they didn't know it's well on its way in Kingston, then they team up with traitor John Parette, I could go on and on...............
ReplyDeletePlease do 5:50. You are a speakin' the truth....I remember hearing of rumors of Sottile and his buddy's trip to Florida...wasn't exactly a fact finding mission.... Pillars of the Community...yeah, sure!!
Delete5:50; You got that wrong about Sottile throwing a drink at another person--it was the other way around.
DeleteAnd the affairs that everyone in City hall Knew sottile was having and the people that went on trips with him, every one in city hall knew his reputation. A couple years ago Jim Noble was caught, but his wife never found out, one of his many drunken nights after meetings. You want to play dirty there are those that know and are willing to name names!!!
ReplyDeletewell, on the off chance she reads this blog she is going to know now...ooops
DeleteYou Gallo cronies are funny. Remember Gallo flipping his car after a wedding he was drunk as a skunk and sottile got him out of it.
ReplyDeleteHis wife left him for a reason.
Demi's keep throwing rocks at each other. And Polacco just keeps laughing all the way to city hall.
Yes gallo did flip his car I think on south wall street.
ReplyDeleteFlipped his car and could of killed his passenger. Drunk as a skunk.
DeleteWhat bar?
ReplyDeleteWhat experience did Gallo have?
ReplyDeleteMarc molanaro had no expience either at 19 and ran tivoli. JFK ran a country at 40 years old.
ReplyDeleteSteve will do just fine. He is surrounded by good people. Not like the Gallo I am in it for myself crowd.
Steve Noble is no Jack Kennedy!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteneither is Shayne Gallo or Ron Polacco, but at least with Steve Noble you have someone that is trustworthy and at least sane enough to do the job.
DeleteLOL. 11:29..Heard that line before on the national political stage...Steve only has experience on environmental issues...What has that got to do with managing employees, doing budgets, and etc? If we need to grow a forest, champion for clean water ..Steve is our man!
DeleteBTW...Jack Kenenedy was 48 years old not 40. He was a senator before he ran for President. Plus he served his country and commanded a PT Boat. Closest thing to a boat to Steve is a Kayak!
Steve prefers dinghies...or is it ding a lings? I always confuse the two. Which one bobs up and down? Oops bad question....
DeleteI have it on good authority that someone's been bobbing up and down alright.
Deletehey assholes, its 2015. there is no room in modern society for people to claim someones sexual orientation as an insult. even if he was gay, why is that important to you or this election? get bent you pieces of shit.
DeleteHe's not gay. I know that for a fact.
DeleteHey you history buffs. Jack Kennedy was killed when he was 46 I believe. Gallo supporters just can't get the facts right. Maybe you should appeal the death certificate.
Delete8:57pm know that for a fact Julie? Haha
DeleteSo how is the Hein affair progressing?
ReplyDeleteUncle Jim canceled forum on Rail/trail . He states there was so much interest he is going to hold it later in the year, hahahaaa, what is he drinking lately? Maybe someone told him the County owns the U&D corridor and they will decide. Poor guy he doesn't have a clue, and he is supposed to help his nephew Steve?
ReplyDeleteI think he was shouted down by the masses for calling his so called "fact finding mission" and then scheduling a public hearing for the benefit of his nephew Steve. It was a farce and everybody knew it. Steve, if he had some smarts would have never agreed to this. He has been involved with the rail trail aspect by his connection to the Kingston Land Trust. Egg on all of their faces. Nice try bozos.
DeleteWho has the most lawn signs for Mayor so far
ReplyDeleteSome people work for a living(gallo,noble) and can't be putting signs up all day everyday!
DeleteI don't count lawn signs in order for me to make a decision on who to vote for. When a voter goes into the booth nobody knows how they will truly vote. I have noticed them around town. Was going to check out Steve Noble's signs to see if they can be recycled or perhaps grind them up like granola and sprinkle on cereal in the morning. He is such an advocate of the Green & Climate movement and that is about all I know about him. Haven't heard a word of any economic policies, what he plans for development in the city and how he will address the cap limit when it comes to budget time at City Hall. Oh, but did hear he wants to be Gentlemanly... Yawn!
ReplyDeleteSo I ask again 8:10. What the fuck has Gallo done. All I see him doing is blaming everyone else for his dumb mistakes.
ReplyDeleteSottile ruined the firehouse floor. Or was it Chris Rea.
He's had four years to put the cornerstone of Broadway in place. Remember the new police staton in mid town. Maybe if he didn't spend so much time in court he could get something done.
Sottile did not ruin the floor but this damage has been occurring over many years. Did not happen in the time Gallo has been in office. Sottile and previous Mayors neglected infrastructure issues. Just happens that things came to a head under Gallo administration. The sinkhole was not an overnight collapse. There was work done on that area back in 2006. Obviously not a decent job of repair or someone was not able to recognize the problem. As to your vulgar language , I guess you cannot construct an intelligent thought without a few crude words. Once again a lot of projects require government funds and grants . Have to wait for the money and jump thru government hoops and bureaucracy . You would have complained if City Hall had taken out a huge multi million loan to cover the expense especially when you got your tax bill. Plus , this is not a simple job. Highly complex and dangerous to certain workmen working underground at deep depths. This all takes time. So STOP with the whining and be grateful this project is going forth with safety issues addressed along with money being in place to pay the construction companies.
DeleteDeleting comments now? What happened, did Cahill take this blog over?
ReplyDeleteI am with 1:54, deleting comments is bullshit. You are no better than Rich Cahill with your censorship. Keep it up and no will read it, just like Cahill's.
ReplyDeleteEveryone will read your blog it's the best in the area. Don't have to wait 3 days to view comments.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you Gallo clowns shouldn't be so vulgar and biased.
Facts are facts. Gallo has done nothing in the three years he's been in office.
As for taxes going 9:24. What is this rea's debaclle going to cost us. That is all gallos fault no one to blame but himself. But I am sure he will find someone else to blame.
finance meeting has been changed this month for gallos boat ride.
ReplyDeleteThe finance meeting is always the 2nd wednesday in the month. Check out the city of Kingston website. Boatride is 3rd wed. in the month.
DeleteApparently the committee meeting got rescheduled, quietly, it's said.
DeleteThe full shit show from the June Finance Meeting is now available on video.
Glad the meeting got posted. Correct discrepancies after someone points them out. Poor baby.
ReplyDeleteBeen looking at Cahill's blog it appears he has only one person reading and commenting. Same style of comments over and over again. They want you to believe he has a huge following But in all actuality it one Gallo cronies trying to make some noise. Wake up nobody is listening.
ReplyDelete6:33, Probably Cahill himself. He has no idea how inconsequential he actually is.. That stems from his suppression of opposing opinions over the years. No one pays attention anymore. Something that this blog should recognize, deleting comments that are truly inappropriate is one thing, deleting them because they oppose your opinion is another. Same thing will happen here too.
ReplyDeleteReally never had any deleted from this blog. Plenty of my posts never made it up on "little dicks" blog. Even my opposing views stay on this blog.
ReplyDeleteThink you right 6:33. Just saw cahills arrive"up go the signs. 9:49, 10:01pm and 7:10 and 9:14 am all sound like the same person. How pathetic do you have to be to answer your own comments. Get a life.
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know I am the 9:14 poster you are referring to! Only wrote the one post so hate to burst your bubble. There are quite a few citizens who have the same concerns. Don't be too cocky. Primary will be a wake up call for both aspects of the Democrats. Guess you will need to go back and view the postings after the primary to see that the handwriting was on the wall.
DeleteDon't think so. Just keep talking to yourself. You might even begin to believe it.
DeleteNice response Ron (1:39 PM) Polacco!
ReplyDeleteNo guess again
DeleteEveryone knows who you are. It's not a secret We have you address. Wouldn't want to be you if Noble wins. You'll be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or you can just crawl back under that rock.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can crawl under the rock with Cahill
ReplyDeleteNo need to 12:07. Don't support either side. Watching both sides fight it out on the blogs is fun. But Cahills blog only has one guy posting. Freeloading politicos in it for themselves is all Gallo has. And if Gallo loses and there is a very good chase he will. That guy is toast.
ReplyDeleteHow is Gallo's new party line petition drive going? If he loses yes he is toasted.
ReplyDeleteYou haven't written anything since 8/9? Why is that?
ReplyDeleteGallo has opted not to create a third party line - he confirmed this to the Kingston Times this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteThe Capo is calling in his favors. The kiwi that was run out of Phoenicia is hosting "A Celebration of the Arts and Kingston" to honor Gallo and Swanzey "for their contributions to the arts in Kingston".
Interestingly, when questioned. the kiwi was unable to provide specific examples.
your green is showing
DeleteNot at all. Just bemused at how subtle the obvious think they are.
DeleteUnfortunately I did not do a great job of getting the complete conversation before it was deleted. My original comment on the event was "I'm sorry if I am out of line, but I would love to know what the Mayor has done for the arts in Kingston". I received the non-answer shown, and ultimately the last comment from Mr. Henderson said "Looking forward to a great event!" (that comment came after my response saying I was not trying to belabor the point). The exchange was then deleted.
DeleteHow do you know Gallo has opted out? He couldn't get the required number of signatures something like a 1,000 or more.
ReplyDeleteBecause Gallo told our reporter, Jesse Smith, on the phone yesterday. (The required signature number was 308. btw.) #itscalledjournalism
Deletethank you for keeping them honest. A lot of misinformation on purpose.
DeleteGallo opted out 2 weeks ago. His campaign committee people were ready to go out & get him the required 300 signatures, but he said no. He had 183 people on his boat ride last night, that according to the Rip employee who checked everyone in! I think he'll be fine in September.
DeleteGallos boat ride tonight?
ReplyDeleteDon't have to worry about overcrowding.
ReplyDeleteThe Gallo boat ride tonight was well attended. Both decks were crowded. A very diverse crowd. Quite a few of Republicans were in attendance. (businessmen and residents) Food was great and the weather cooperated.
DeleteNoble's recent boat ride had no overcrowding either
ReplyDeleteWas on the boat. While it wasn't packed there was still a good amount of people there. The party after in the barn was light but still fun.
DeleteOf course at one point Gallo's cronies the DiFalco's stopped by to snoop around. Even saw Ron Polacco walk by too.
I'm sure you will be snooping tonight also.
ReplyDeleteOne DiFalco will be out of a job when Gallo loses.
ReplyDeleteNobel's had 25 boat, mostly family.
ReplyDeleteHeard it was less unless you are counting the working staff on the boat. I did see where the price was lowered $100 to $80? Just like a fire sale......:)
DeleteMost registered Democrats/Republicans stay away from primary fundraisers because they know they are going to get hit again after the Primary. You will get hard core supporters, family, and of course in Gallo's case, employees and their families, but that is about it.
DeleteHow many on the boat ride last night?
ReplyDeletesee comment of 7:18
DeleteRepublicans can't vote in primary dumb ass. The lone poster on Cahill's blog says children were on the booze cruise. Don't like that leadership taking money from babies.
DeleteI know that! Making a point that Gallo has the support of some Republicans once he wins the primary and willing to support him financially. Obviously you are a butt head as there is no charge for children under a certain age. Saw the child.. she was being held by her father and another was an infant....don't be a jerk! As to a brooze cruise...didn't appear to be people being highly intoxicated like the Sottile cruises! A bit more of decorum. Also clergy on board. And Maurice Hinchey.
DeleteHysterical that you mention hinchey with clergy as a reason people wouldn't drink on the ship.
ReplyDeleteonce again putting words in my mouth. Didn't say people were not drinking. Was making the point that a lot of people in different walks of life support Gallo...the clergy and Maurice Hinchey being some of those same people.
Deletewas not to be an argument regarding boozing it up....just an observation of past cruise which ended up with Sottile drunk that he threw a drink in a woman's face back at Mariner's. People were inebriated getting off that cruise boat and then were heading to a bar for more drinks. Didn't see much of that when boat docked on Wednesday . a few opted to meet up at Mariner's. Can have better and productive conversations with a clear mind.
Your green is showing
ReplyDeleteGallos cousin Kelly works in kingston Housing Authority's section 8 and the only reason why Lisa Bruck got a job was through her aunt Jeanette.
ReplyDeleteso, your point??? Do you think if Steve Noble is elected he won't do the same thing? Get real!
Deleteof course he will. remember when noble tried to get extra money for his buddies at family of woodstock by taking away from other needy orgs??? he got a little power and took advantage of it. and he keeps his wife in her job when good hard working people are cut from all the essential depts. imagine when hes in charge of all the city. the friends and family deal will be in full swing.
DeleteFor the record, I got my job because I applied for it and have a strong, unblemished record with 13 years as an Administrative Assistant to the Regional Historic Preservation Supervisor for NYS Parks. I won 3 commendation awards during my time with the State, 2 from Gov. Pataki. I work hard for the city, just as I did for the State. I enjoy civil service and I'm good at it and dedicated to it. Because a job opened up in home town that I was very qualified for doesn't mean I had (or needed) any help from anyone applying, interviewing and getting it. Thanks for the forum to set things straight! Good day to you all. Lisa Bruck
DeleteGood post. Lisa .that will shut up the naysayers!
DeleteCome on I wasn't born yesterday you got the job cuz your aunt is jennette papasan oh give me a break you better just hope Gallo wins election.
Deleteand Gallo's recent appointment of Alderman Seche's wife to the Water board. lol
ReplyDeleteGallo lost his appeal why haven't you posted anything
ReplyDeleteMaybe because it isn't news. He's lost every appeal he made the last 3years. Lol.
DeleteWe need police officers on the street.. Not at a finance meeting.. Mills needs to Go
ReplyDeleteso sayeth you??
DeleteI have been at several common council meetings and have from time to time see police officers in the assembly. Probably just an added precaution especially with recent events and today's society having a propensity for violence on even minor issues. I watched the video of the meeting and officer was there for only a brief time and left. Big deal....
Jim Noble needs to go, Dunn is already gone!! its interesting you haven't posted the great article on Gallo/Provenzano in the Kingston Times. I wonder why????
ReplyDeleteName one thing Jeanette Provenzano has accomplished in the 50 years she has been in elected office! I'll help you with that, not one fucking thing!
ReplyDeleteOoohhh...such hostility! If we are calling out legislators what has Dave Donaldson done or accomplished in his many years as the UC Legislator.?
DeleteNo one is comparing legislators. I am specifically calling out Provenzano who is trying to change elected positions. She was also on the council before she was a legislator so it should be easy right? Stand up for your candidate and tell us why we should support her. No deflections on to other people, just facts about Provenzano.
DeleteExactly let's talk about Provenzano's district 7 Rondout market quote on quote the "shopping center" Why don't they just cut that tree down so they don't hang over there and the police can move them on.
DeleteProvenzano doesn't need to defend herself, she is an amazing elected official and record speaks for itself by the many times she was reelected to her position as Legislator. Nobles must be getting nervous going negative
Delete4:12, What a pathetic, weak, uninformative response. The question is WHAT RECORD? Getting elected does not mean she has a record. It means she was a Democrat in a heavily Democratic district. What makes her amazing? No one is going negative. I am simply looking for a reason to support Provenzano and it is becoming increasingly clear that even Provenzano supporters do not know what her accomplishments are.
DeleteConversely, Jim Noble HAS been on the council for 14 years and WHAT has he accomplished? This is a city election and he should have done something that we could point to and say...Ahh, yes...that is what he did... Jeannette has been on the county level in recent years. Go look at her voting record as a legislator . Don't be your own research....if you are truly sincere .
DeleteSerious crime has declined under his leadership
Deleteyou are joking 11:22? What,? Jim Noble has been patrolling the streets during his reign on the council? The KPD has to take credit for that. He is an alderman..not a police officer. Now you are stretching to find a significant reasons for him to run again. City and Council needs to talk about term limits. Give other citizens a chance to step up to the plate and run.
DeleteJeanette Provenzano will be nothing more than a puppet for Gallo exactly as she is for Hein now. The only way to curry favor is to kiss the top dogs "ring" and she has always been the #1 person to do that. She is a joke. She is a do nothing in the Legislature, who does nothing but pose for photo ops. Example, what did she have to so with the sophie finn project other than vote yes, as ordered by Hein? Yet she was front and center at the ribbon cutting. Again she is a joke who does nothing and wants to be the first woman whatever. Your ship has sailed Jeannette!
DeleteNoble has nothing to worry about. Gallo lost a lot of Dems the last 4years. Noble only needs to pick up 7 votes as his side of the Dems are still intact. Noble in a landslide.
ReplyDelete5:49; its easy, go on UC Government page, click on Legislature, than her name, it covers the last few years, doesn't go back to when Dem's were in charge and got a lot done. by the way, no one Legislator accomplishes anything on their own, it needs majority vote but then you knew that! The one I recall recently is to create a smoke free area ,1000ft, around schools. Just a sample.
ReplyDeleteLast time Dems were in control they laid off 100 people.
DeleteProvenzano carries Heins message and abandoned her Legislative responsibilities. No thanks, we don't need that in Kingston.
Delete5:49 - read this weeks Hugh Reynolds column, you will love it! hahahahah
ReplyDeleteall you ignorant Democrats if kid Noble wins primary, Polacco wins.
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me. Dems coast to easy win no matter who wins primary. Team Gallo is getting desperate
DeleteIt's priceless that everyone is horrible and no moral compass including the guy who runs this site. They may all break the law; less then questionable practices, no respect for families, marriages or individual rights. Hypocrites are everywhere. Might want to look in the mirror first. Remember when someone else starts sharing your dirty laundry that it's all fair game.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry havnt posted recently, I have two elections to win. Will publish The Omertà Report Sunday night for all my loyal soldiers that read this blog, I love you guys Goodnight.
KGF Boss
KG: I don't know if you noticed! You were not missed, a lot of people with nothing but hate in their hearts commented, fans of guess who.