You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Kpd post is down before I get a zillion comments asking why, I'm a capo in the family not the boss, I have to follow orders too. We will have a new post on city government tonight. Including Sleazy being let go from Economic development and the Mayor's new secretary.


  1. So who told you to take it down who are you afraid of

  2. Schupp must've gotten to know the other wanna be gangster. What a bunch of fake ass people

  3. Is DPW not important to city government? How come there is no post about what is going on there? I would like to know more as a taxpayer in this city.I want to know who to support and who to hold accountable. Sounds to me like there are problems in that department especially with the Superintendent. So how about it Mr or Mrs. Goodfellas?

    1. Schupp is doing an excellent job at DPW. He is keeping the malcontents in line. Getting more work done with half the workforce.
      what story do you want to hear.
      His sexual exploits. Who cares
      His fortress office. Who cares
      Living outside the city Who cares
      He's done a great job I'm his six years with DPW. Taking on every challenge the council has asked him to do.
      The only ones complaining are the few disgruntled employees who have to do their job and not ride around sleeping in the trucks.

    2. Come on.sleeping in trucks and such went away in the 80's.There isn't enough manpower to get the trash picked up in a timely manner.Have you ever seen people sleeping in trucks? Doubt it.must be a one of the puppies. Schupp will do anything to please the council,He is a typical politician. Fuck the men and take the a day in the life of one of his non puppy's. Asshole

    3. Fuck you asshole. Every afternoon I see a big black man sleeping in a trash truck. I'll get the number of the truck. Also why two guys in those new arm trucks. All I see is some guy with his head down.

    4. 6:06 Why two men?? Because those arm trucks ARE NOT practical for city use! They are used effectively in rural areas where no cars are parked at the curb and people place the cans with in reach of the arm.Therefore a laborer must move the can away from cars,hydrants,overhead wires,tree branches..etc. And then place the can back on the curb to appease the taxpayer. But wow let's give Schupp credit he is getting shit done albeit with THE WRONG EQUIPMENT. ASSHOLE.PS..I would love to see said big black man get out and chase you around that truck!

  4. It wasn't taken down out of fear, out of respect. We follow codes and traditions and have mutual respect in this thing of ours. Unlike Cahill and other blogs I allow free exchange of comments with very little interference and zero moderation, that will not change because I did a favor for the family this one time.

  5. Jack Ruby did a favor for Joe Campisi? Oh yeah, I read you loud and need to 'splain a's that Psychomotor Epilepsy coming along?...we're not gonna see more take-outs of Oswalds on national TV now, are we?? Yah, we ain't holdin' our breath here inside the barrel with cement overshoes on waiting for your next "report" either.....pffffffugle.......

  6. Schupp is all self centered and does not care about his men. I only hope the new mayor see's this soon.

    1. I have never seen DPW working harder than under Mike Schupp. Just look around. Stumps being removed, catch basins repaired, man holes raised.
      Say what you want about him but he is getting results.

    2. Man holes raised?! you know why? Because the fucking sewers are caving in! It's not a fix its a band aid..but to the average person it looks great.. What a great guy he is getting sooooo much done! Asshole

    3. The sewers have been caving in for the last 40 years. Schupp is the first superintendent to put a "band aid" on this problem.
      Until the council approves the money to fix the infer structure that's all he can do.
      Don't know what your problem with Schupp is. Maybe you are one of the disgruntled employees he is making do their job.

    4. Yes I am disgruntled.. I happily do my job, I love my job and my city.This guy is ruining it and he has everybody fooled.Furthermore why put Band-Aids,He purchased all this new equipment for a department that doesn't dig anymore.. It gets contacted out! Take a ride down Wilbur Ave and let me know when you have seen any of this equipment on a sewer job, parades don't count!

    5. Every piece of equipment gets used. They may not dig anymore but that's not the only reason for the equipment. It does have other uses.
      Why are you so disgruntled? Maybe you are part of the problem at DPW. It looks like Schupp is taking the department in a different direction than you want.
      There are other jobs out there if you want to work for a living.

    6. You are correct. I forgot about the touch a truck event at the park.Like I said I love my job and have worked private sector. Absolutely he is taking the department in a direction I don't like..he is taking it down!

    7. Well then I suggest you go to some council meetings and voice your views. But you probably don't have the balls for it. Hiding behind the anonymous blog. Grow a set of balls and speak your mind. What are you afraid of. I know what it is. You can't prove a damn thing You just have a big mouth. Oops I mean finger because all you do is write on this blog. You have no friends or supporters. So go away no one wants to hear your cry baby attitude.

  7. Hey fuck off asshole.I'll show you set of balls.What I am afraid of is schupps vindictiveness and being retaliated against.He is an asshole like yourself that if I saw out in public I would treat him like the scum he is.Is if you would like to be embarrassed let's set something up!

    1. What's the matter little boy. Schupp got you scared to death. Your a big pussy. All talk and no action.
      Fuck his vindictiveness. Stand up for what you believe in or shut the fuck up. What do you squat when you piss. Be a man and stop hiding behind this blog.
      You can find me at Mariners most Friday nights. Come on down and get your whoopin PUSSY.

    2. Awesome!/today just happens to be Friday!! Who do I ask for pisshole?

    3. I'll be at the bar sippin tequila. Just come up and introduce yourself.

    4. Been here since two. Knew you wouldn't show pussy.

    5. Maybe you need a life bitch..what are you drinking apple juice and hitting on the young ladies? Creepy bastard come on uptown or are you tooting it up with Berardi and marc

    6. Heeeereees Johnny... Where are you little bitch. Don't see anyone worth my time at Frankie's

    7. You come in four hours after I left talking shit. You are a pussy. Wasting time on me and Schupp is shoving it so far up your ass it's coming out your mouth.
      Grow a set of balls and stand up for your rights in the workplace. The only thing Schupp can do to you is make you do your job. A job you love to do. What in Gods name are you afraid of.

    8. Eat a dick Matt

  8. It seems to be more than a few possible employees and a few taxpayers commenting on DPW and the superintendent. Something smells and it should be looked into by Noble.

  9. Mayor Noble should have the civil service board change the qualifications at the DPW so that all future employeeso will need at least an associates degree, that department needs educated employees.

    1. yeah right. Go to college to throw garbage in a truck? What a waste of an education

    2. Why Noble. Schupp a dumbass does it all the time with the help of granny safety and Mistress Decicco.This bitch is supposed uphold the laws and contracts of the union but turns her nose and sides with little mikey

    3. That's a bit of a far stretch.Nobody would want to be a laborer with a college degree,and if it was a qualification the salary would have to be increased in turn raising taxes,wich I know I cannot afford!

    4. That's a bit of a far stretch.Nobody would want to be a laborer with a college degree,and if it was a qualification the salary would have to be increased in turn raising taxes,wich I know I cannot afford!

  10. 2:09AM,Maybe we won't have to pay the employees to keep fixing the same holes in the road five or six times a year. The gentleman that put up the signs and paint the lines on the road won't have to go back every couple of weeks to do their job. By the way the one employee is either on his cell phone or smoking while the other employees are working. Educated people would save the taxpayers money! Most of the Vehicles look as if they should be in the junk yard.

    1. The vehicles do belong in a junk yard! But yet asshole Schupp takes to trading in a truck for 2500 that had a 5000 plow on it!!!! Talk about uneducated! That elementary math! He would rather buy equipment to drive in the parades and.park down on Wilbur ave. Fucking asshole. I to just once see him out in Kingston around we the taxpayers..Bitch

  11. Sounds like a management issue. If the supervisors were doing their job this wouldn't happen. They are the uneducated.

    1. I agree 4:16. Sounds like the foreman and supervisors aren't doing there job. If the general public is seeing this then it should be reported.
      Everyone has a cell phone and most have video. Don't talk about it on the blogs. Take the video to the Mayor and let's get rid of the dead weight.

    2. These employees obviously fear no reprisals. Must be one of Schups Pups.
