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You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Is Noble Losing Control Of Sales Tax Fight?

That and more we will cover tomorrow... We are sorry for no updates we are busy with Trump's Veep search. We will update the legislature's recent approval of the sales tax pact and the Kingston Common Council's recent rejection of it, what now?!

Why can't Mayor Noble get his Uncle and liberal pals on the council in order? Mayor Noble or Julie needs to close the deal on this, it makes them both look weak, it's their plan. Interestingly enough, it's the Noble's own soldiers fucking the first family over, will the Kingston Capo put his foot down and win this battle or do what he does best and bend over for them?

Also we will update you on the gun debate and showcase an interesting KHS Club that existed in the 1940's that practiced in the basement of Mayor Noble's old office at the Andy Murphy Center.

All that and more interesting political news and gossip that you will only find here including an update on the KPD lawsuit regarding promotions. Anonimity is always protected but here is a teaser on the text of an email we got yesterday:

"Here's a copy of the lawsuit to show the corrupt actions of the new mayor, police chief, and commissioners. I request that this gets its own topic on the board also if there is any personal information of the poor guys involved in this please black out, out of fairness to their privacy.   It seams like a big deal in the messed up world of kingston.  Enjoy!"

We will have the info and a scribe of the suit on here in short order when we can black out certian info on names to protect the officers as requested. These officers should never of ha these promotions taken away, they were told close to the holiday last year, they told their families and friends, had promotional parties thought they were getting increases in pay and than suffered an incredible injustice, one that needs correcting. We don't think the Chief of police is corrupt but what he did was wrong, he should of stood up to Mayor Noble for his men. Mayor Gallo per the City Charter had authority to make those appointments without question.  More to follow, thanks for reading!

- Kingston Goodfellas


  1. Chief Tinti stand up to Noble? are you crazy? Tinti wont stand up to anyone. The whole thing is his idea. He is the master manipulator. How else could a man with NO on the job police supervisor experience become chief? Then he got the commission, and in turn the Mayor, to do his dirty work. And they all went for it. When Tinti lost the Lieutenants scheduling grievance he went crazy and decided to get rid of Lieutenants all together, which for all intents and purposes he has. The only Patrol Lieutenant left has been assigned to Detective duties. Leaving the patrol division dangerously under supervised since may of last year.Now they say its because they are negotiating with the PBA. They didn't negotiate when they changed the schedule that caused the grievance! He lost what is to negotiate? Not to mention the tax payer is paying for three Patrol Lieutenants and has none.

  2. I said when Gallo lost that the guy that was the smartest and made out the best was Tinti, he's no dummy.

  3. Now the ethics board has been dissolved

    1. "Ethics in politics", what a concept to start we get to hear Ms. Jacobs whine about how she can no longer serve "her public"(like she has exclusive rights to the public)..... while civil service remains the biggest joke on earth in this city.....all in a day's news in raggedy-tragedy Kingston....

  4. Who have you narrowed the VP search down to?

    1. Christie, Christie and Christie. :)

    2. You mean to shove down our throats you think it is NOT a past Miss America??? : - OOOOO

  5. this is all cesspool politics. Mayor Noble is the biggest pretender. Look back at his campaign agenda/promises. Peace, harmony, transparency(BS word) love..and yes , the environment above all else. Look who is now calling the kettle black...retribution seems to be his motto. Isn't that something he accused Gallo of. Say what you like about Gallo but he kept most the staff and boards from previous administration. Kept an eye on the bottom line of city finances.Held down creating new positions. Dan Gartenstein, a hold over from Gallo administration ,is now doing the bidding of the new Mayor. In the Freeman article it would appear he had a hand in this cleansing of Ethic Board just by introducing the "new revision". Sure changed his tune when somebody new is signing his checks. Hopefully this council can see what is really going on...Why is it that NYS elected officials have problems with getting an ethically group of people for an Ethics Board?? But then again when you see what is going on in Albany it appears hopeless.

  6. I hear Jim is not speaking with Steve just like Gallo didn't speak to Jim

  7. Uh Oh...trouble in the family?? literally!!

  8. I won't go as far as saying the rescinded promotions were corrupt, but unethical. ....certainly!
    Chief Jiz "honeybee "tinti needs to go. He doesn't have half the balls that chief Keller had..and those who know..know that means he has nothing in the tank.

    1. Knowingly manipulating others to do a unethical deed is in itself corrupt.

    2. Allowing someone to manipulate you to do the unethical deed and leaving yourself,and tax payers,to take the hit is at best stupid and naïve at worst corrupt.

    3. Elisa would disagree with you about nothing in the tank. Just not enough in the city, but the tank covers more than the city. LMAO

  9. Many of you may not know that I own and manage four blogs and I recently started a new one.

  10. What are the blogs?

    1. They are nonexistent...just a wiseacre comment.

  11. Jim Noble takin direction from Kevin Cahill and his sidekick Jim Sotgile. Embarrassing for the Mayor Noble.

  12. Well if the new Mayor cannot hold his own then somebody has to.We tax payers should get the benefit of wise counsel and I don't feel like we have it in this current administration.

  13. The sales tax deal limits the growth of Kingston. How does it benefit Kingston? County seems to be the only one benefitting from this deal.

  14. Only the County is benefiting from this deal and its a shame that our Mayor does not realize that.

  15. Noble and the County are benefitting from this. Noble desperately wants to be in with Hein. This gets him approved by Hein.

  16. Mayor Noble has made a monumental error with this sham deal. Hein whipped his ass plain and simple. Time for the common council to step in and fix his mistake. The legislature is fucking 100% useless. They never even asked for the financial impacts because the towns were not impacted, how the stupid bus merger would work or anything else. Peter Loughran has to the dumbest son of bitch in Kingston and should be drummed out of office for siding with Hein against Kingston. Kingston is getting a royal screwing and beside Dave Donaldson and Jim Noble, no one is fighting for the Kingston taxpayers in the County or the City. What a sad state of affairs. Where are the smart, sane, brave, strong and mature people that we need to run Kingston?

    1. No one is fighting for the city because they voted him out. Kingston wanted Noble..Kingston got em.

    2. 10:05- couldn't agree more. Kingston wanted Noble they got him.

    3. Seriously? Gallo was so far up Hein's ass, Hein didn't need to prep for a colonoscopy! Look at the empty $10 million dollar mistake behind the High School that Gallo knuckled under for. That place is severely under utilized, the BRC is still open and the college is paying rent on both. That is costing taxpayers and SUNY Ulster Students and there is no plan to fix it. Thanks Gallo! Donaldson has been a vocal opponent and voted against it. He is the only one who took a firm stand FOR Kingston from day 1. The new woman, Becky Berkly or whatever her name is, was/is so wishy washy, she may as well have stayed home! Let's be honest here, Loughran sold the city out to protect his girlfriends job. He will continue to do what Hein says as long as she works there. Now, Loughran has his Brother in Law Bill Carey, carrying Hein's lunch pail too. Conclusion: Noble fucked up, Loughran and Family sold Kingston out. The Mayor's uncle is trying to repair the damage and save the family's name. The Legislature is useless even with Donaldson fighting. It does not get much simpler than that.

  17. How is Donaldson fighting for the City?

  18. So where does that Becky Berkly or whatever live in the city of Kingston.

    1. Doesn't she live on Henry St. in that shitty, falling down house with the fence around it? Who knows and who cares, she is in office for 2 years and so far, has shown that she is as useless as the next one. What's the difference anyway? She will have no impact as long as Loughran sides with the County on every issue and leaves Donaldson out there fighting by himself. Some fucking team there.

  19. yes, Berky sold the city of Kingston a bill of goods about that property and there it sits. was already in arrears on her taxes...someone on the council neglected to put a reverter clause on the dump. These do gooders are costing us with their "feel good make everybody inclusive "agendas. So when is this African -American museum going to open? (That was the original vision) Probably within the next few months when the building starts to collapse and will definitely will be the bright of day. But wait,.. the preservationists will rush in and offer to buy for $1.00 and then will start the process of saving this wonderful historic bldg. almost a decade too late.

    1. There's nothing to preserve, the studs are probably all mushrooms now. I feel bad for TransArt as they thought they were getting a free building, not knowing the place was barely salvageable 10 years ago. This was a fast one and Berky gave it to a black organization 1) so she looked noble and 2) so anyone criticizing the transaction would be called a racist.

    2. 6:20 I have a feeling that you are close to the truth in your statement....

  20. Although I no longer live in NYS I remember back in the day (70-80's) using the range in the Armory on Manor Ave in the evening. The range had a working exhaust fan and the like. And was used not just by military but local off duty law personnel on a few occasions. How do I know this? I worked there for years and had the keys.

  21. This city is a flipping joke.New York state should be embarrassed to call this hole the first capital

    1. Or maybe you're a relic and an asshole and should just leave.

    2. Actually douchebag I'm under 40 and own two homes in this city,and yes I am an asshole.What now?!

    3. go get him 11:49!! great response....

    4. Another asshole here and we're not going anywhere

    5. 6:05.. Thank you.If we can have assholes in city hall and running DPW we sure as hell can have asshole TAXPAYERS!

  22. There was a shooting range that KPD used in the Mid Town Center, so get over it Board of Education and Martin

  23. Where does Berky live in the City of Kingston, oh she doesn't

  24. I wonder how Ms Piggy up in City Hall feels knowing that Cermit is playing with Olive Oyl in his office during the day before, he comes up to see her.

    1. Is this a guessing contest 12:50?? Ms.Piggy? is that by size or looks?

    2. That would be referring to Schupp..The wannabe player

    3. Ok now where does Elmo come in then? Big Bird? The cookie monster?

  25. And what about Popeye and Brutus?

  26. Schupp has bigger problems than the muppets. He's been investigating an incident at DPW. With drivers from Wilber avenue wrecking equipment on a daily basis tempers are flaring at the Hasbtouck Ave division.

  27. Schupp is like a minor Sopranos character. He's gonna stroke out while he's banging the assistant who looks like she was in Married to the Mob.

  28. 5:45.You are correct.Its called favoritism,only certain employees are reprimanded,He has no respect for the shitty ass contract and employees who bow down to him and Boyle are favored.

  29. Waiting for the other shoe to drop on the incident at DPW. Seems it's ok for a driver to scream and disrespect her laborers. Not allowing them to use the restroom, calling them lazy pieces of s$&t because they won't work unsafely. Schupp sits back and does nothing. Wreck a $200,000.00 plow truck it's just an accident. Take down a $88.00 piece of fence avoiding a head on collision and it's a death sentence. But he builds a nice refreshment stand at the beach.

  30. If all of these posts are true, then Schupp himself should be investigated. His word doesn't mean anything if he is lying to his wife, lying to his kids,lying to the Council, lying to his employees. There should be a forensic financial investigation into the Millions of taxpayer dollars he is in charge of handling. The City of Kingston is doomed, that is why I moved South. Come on down, it is a totally different world down here.

  31. are absolutely correct.Where is this transparent Mayor?? Oh,oit at the playground and out in the kayaks! All about publicity not handling the city's problems

  32. Why isn't Schupp brought up on charges along with all of his cronies?

  33. Ask his boss..ya know..the Mayor.may have to wait till he gets off his kayak and back to handling real friggen issues in this city

  34. Yup, the kid Mayor jumps into any photo opportunity he can, while there are crisis events happening on a daily basis at City Hall. He sends his new mouthpiece Weiss-Rowe and clerk Winnie to stump for a new Open Government Policy at a recent committee meeting. Open Government Policy you say?? What a friggin' joke this new administration is.

    1. Then NONE of you are even remotely involved with this mayor and his administration. I've met with him regularly and find him to be generally available and present at city group events and meetings. His discussions are cogent and supported either by facts or by planned actions. He is always educated on any issue we have ever addressed.

      I don't know how pathetic and emotionally scarred you haters are - but I know this. We have the most invested and fair and interested mayor that this city has enjoyed for many years.

      So - the rest of you - tuck in your inferior dicks and disappear into the background. You have no power here and you don't matter. This is a new day for Kingston and, as in fairy tales, the trolls will eventually be vanquished.
