You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bob Bishop Involved In Campaign Fraud, Faso Silent on Issue

Bob Bishop candidate for US Congress has some shady petitions to say the least. The candidates petitions are riddled with fraud and his campaign is due in court on the charges in Dutchess soon. 

We know his campaign forged the signatures of several people including Jean Jacobs. 

John Faso has remained silent on the issue unlike Andrew Heaney who has called out Bishop on this. Faso cares more about his own race and winning a split primary then the integrity of the process. Faso is looking to run to represent us in the house and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this? 

Look at the detailed info below. Kudos to Andrew Heaney for standing up on his principles and showing that he is a man of integrity. Mr. Bishop should bow out of the race now and apologize to Andrew Heaney.

If you see that your name was forged, say something

link to the court date this Friday, May 13, 2016

Jean Jacobs, above, line 2

Jean Jacobs, below, line 1

above, line 6, Antoinette Babb
Saugerties GOP Committeewoman
carried petitions for John Faso

below, Antoinette Babb's real signature

page 95, line 3 - Janet Timer

page 154, line 7 - Janet Timer

Ernestine Kilpatrick - mother of Joyce Bishop, Bob Bishop's wife


  1. It seems like both political (democrat and Republican)parties cheat..and flaunt the rules. Bob Bishop either fraudulently obtained signatures(forging people's names), didn't properly educate his petitioners, either the volunteer help or hired help were overly zealous. But cannot say he didn't understand the process. Once you decide to run might be a good idea to take a course in Politics 101 or get expert help in the way of an experienced campaign manager. Put the blame on your campaign. Rumors have been that Faso might be a part of this Bishop debacle to discredit him and leave field open to attack Heaney. I knew that Faso could play dirty , if this is true. One reason I am not supporting Faso. Too established with the politicos and deeply entrenched with the established politicians/lobbyists in Albany. This should be the year of the outsiders.

  2. I'm sure you did this analisis and it wasn't dropped on your lap by the campaign of one of Bishop's opponents. Good for you make sure you are not given data in a way where you are tricked and give up your identity. Don't be double crossed, they will come at you as if they were your friend to speak to you in Goodfella language that you'll understand Mr. GF

  3. Just in Bishop to drop out and endorse Faso. Surprise surprise.. Will main stream press make the connection with it being handed to them on their lap?

  4. why would someone from Brooklyn be carrying his petitions.? Relative? notary? not sure about committeeman enrolled status

    1. Shaaya Ellis, Bob Bishop's brother from another mother

      Shaaya Ellis Linked In Page

  5. Holly Carnright should bring charges against the person who carried the forged signatures of Jacobs and Babb, they are Ulster County residents and deserve justice.

  6. Maybe they should investigate how the county exec gives a union rep a $70,000.00 a year no work job.

  7. OMG - such a non-issue! Let's get back to railing against city employees making (less than) a public sector wage and spewing impotent rage over being a loser. It's WAY more fun.

  8. I agree 7:39. The county CSEA president is making $70,000.00 a year and is not qualified for the position. Word is the county exec went into the civil service office and said "make this happen". Why are we taxpayers bearing the burden of this? Why isn't he made to do his job? What does he have on the county exec? It's 70k a year plus benefits. Total waste of taxpayer money.

    1. Hein has his wife's friend working as a Secretary in the civil service office. She reports everything to Hein's Secretary. Every inquiry every application everything!

    2. Civil service is just a front to make people think it's a level playing field. Fact is its corrupt. Maybe they should used shared services and combine city and county office.

    3. Good idea 3:40. City could save 100k letting the county that office over.

  9. Maybe Noble and Shipping should be investigated as to why they gave hidden raises to asst.superintendent two treatment plant operators, when there are Foreman getting paid to do the same work. Kingston politics is a dirty business and the taxpayers are the ones who pay!!!

    1. I hear the mistress is working Saturdays on overtime to do the work not getting done while she spends the week in his office with a do not disturb sign on the door. Must be nice to be paid to play.

    2. Schupp is a corrupt wannabe Mafioso. He is walking all over Mayor gay pants and he is too much of a p#@$y to do anything about it.

    3. 5:33 PM - you seem to have a lot of homophobic rage. You know, studies have shown that the most vocal are generally the most likely to be on the down-low. Comment?

  10. 3:44 You are absolutely correct. Schupp is corrupt and very vindictive. It almost seems like he is doing shit in purpose before he either resigns or gets an offer to leave!

    1. Schupp's world is beginning to crack. Rumor has it one of the women involved in the lawsuit a few years ago is it again.
      This foul mouthed, she curses like a sailor, witch is out of control. When the men have to go to the bathroom she won't take them. Tries to order them to work unsafe. Now she wants a long time employee fired because he objected to being called a lazy piece of s&@t.

    2. She gets away with it all cuz she is Sweeney's bitch

    3. Think that was a long time ago 6:32. Her mouth is terrible and she likes to pick fights. The other day she's complaining about the black top overtime and when they ask her to work she declines.

  11. That is some beautiful "concession stand" at the beach! Schupp stuffed it right up the mayors ass! Lmao

  12. Off topic but I wonder how much it just cost the tax payers to hire outside counsel to defend the city against the lawsuit filed by the police officers who were un-promoted on the mayors first day. Took him less than 24 waste thousands of dollars to get his political revenge. But hey.. when its not out of your pocket!

    1. Previous administration proved that 9:10 with Chris Rea.

    2. Come on, they don't have more money for cops, what with the Communications and Community Outreach Directors and the other positions they need filled: Secretary of Bankruptcy Development, Minister of Lost Revenue, Director of Lunatic Cultivation, Secretary of Low Morale and Business Euthanasia Ombudsman

  13. Send me a copy of lawsuit please : very interested in it.. Thanx

    1. Copy of that suit against the city is in hand. Want to black out some of the personal information in it to protect the people involved. Then I will scan and email in to the above address. And as a teaser, it is absolutely rediculous what the city tried to pull with this one.

  14. Noble should be investigated by the DA along with Hein, but we know what will never happen. Holly doesn't do much at all.

  15. I want to see Carnright get involved with Preet Bharara who is going after campaign finance fraud committed by Democratic party. .Even though he might not be the publicized persons doing the investigation, you have to think he is in the background waiting to pounce. Maybe Carnright can get on board the train to root out corruption among politicians as it makes its way down hill from Albany. or up from NYC. Mayor Noble is small potatoes...if there was even anything to investigate.

    1. If not here, there will be somewhere else. Carnright picks and chooses his battles. This won't interest him.

  16. Kingston citizens comparing gun range to sex club on their website

    1. Really. These people have got to go. Now they want to compare apples to oranges. If you don't like guns don't buy one. They claim it's our children they care about, but when a pedophile moves in closer to the high school than the gun range they are silent. These people are twisted.

    2. That group is why Steve noble will never get a second term. They should be out complaining about the bogus sales tax deal.

  17. unbelievable....they are getting desperate.... grasping at anything to make their case. Hard to fight the 2nd amendment. hope they have money to do battle.

    1. It wouldn't be them doing battle, it would be the Kingston taxpayers.

    2. Exactly 12:23. But I also don't see them struggling to pay their taxes. Could be why they are selective in what businesses or entities are allowed into Kingston. Most of us folks pay our taxes at the cost of other things that we personally need.. We need a commercial tax base in the city. So we should be not whining on this blog but contact the Mayor(who is sitting on the sidelines) or our council members. Or speak at the public meeting before the council meeting on June 7. Otherwise they will ride roughshod all over you. The progressive religion wins. A select few should not rule the city because we kept quiet and rolled with the punches. This is not just about an indoor range but rather about a certain group of individuals who are determined to move their agenda under the guise it will be good for us...Utopia for all....yea sure!

    3. You are so right 1:03, but the average joe is too burnt out from making a living to engage these people. Do these activists even work? I know some donate their services and crap like that, bet most are supported some way other than by working.

    4. Martin and Dunn are preditors. They prey on our young and elderly. Both are financially secure and don't give a damn about anything but there own agenda. They will tax is out of our homes then replace us with transplants like them. Let them have this drug and pedophile infested town. It's what they deserve. Remember Martin use to live in the hood. Couldn't change it so she moved.

  18. Matt Dunn and Rebecca Martin are just preying on people's fears for their own agenda. They don't care that hero on addicts are shooting up at Burger King. They don't care that a pediphile moved closer to the high school than the proposed gun range.
    It's all about them. No wonder these transplants got run out of the last place they tried to change.

  19. Actually there are 2 sex offenders near the high school. One on Jansen Ave and another on Brewster st. according to KPD alerts. They are a bigger concern than an INDOOR gun range. They should also focus their energy on the heroin epidemic. Two more people last week died of an overdose. It seems one victim a week when looking at the Freeman Obits. Those are two quality of life issues. Not an INDOOR range.

  20. Knew it all was a ruse coming from Dunn and Martin. They don't care about our youth just their own agenda. They should be run out of town not Dr Soyer

  21. Doc should turn his building into a heroin den, then he doesn't have to change the name of the business: safe shoot

    1. Probably can get some tax dollars too. Dunn and Martin will be proud of what they did.

  22. I'm going to vote on the school budget tonight. I'm drowning in school taxes. I think the contract should be posted on the district's website, showing all the benefits current and retired teachers get. I also think teachers shouldn't be allowed to leave the state without taking a hit to their pensions. It's not right that we have to shoulder these burdensome taxes and they get outrageous benefits. Some attorney should FOIA the contract with all the details so we all can see what we're paying for.

  23. One of the expenses in the school budget is the hiring of about 18 individuals in support positions... really? we in the city are doing more for less ... They got their new school renovations passed last year. Now I would tell the board and administrations don't get greedy. I am retired and every year those taxes rise on top of the financial commitment that we signed onto for the payments of the renovations for the next 25 years or so. So basically we have a loan payment to meet in addition to the normal tax increase. And unlike teachers I don't have a pension. A small 401K that seems to get hit with every fluncuation of the stock market. enough is enough especially with declining population.

  24. Laws and Rules tonight, and no sign of Brian Woltman; perhaps he's afraid of the piercing bullet traveling through his brain.

    Please will someone end this guy?!!

    1. Laws and Rules agenda last night had nothing to do with Brian Woltman. It did have all to do with firearms ordinance, changing the Ethics Law, bedbugs, dog feces on Wall Street and window dressing on Broadway.

    2. Him and Blaber want to fight it out for Mayor in 8 years. Let's hope one of them will be smart enough to wait 8 yrs, neither are ready now. At least in eight years Blaber may have gotten his drug issues in order and would do a half way decent job. These are our choices it's like Hillary and Trump. Where is our Bernie?

    3. Woltman is telling anyone who will listen he wants to run in four years! Blaber havnt heard a peep from who says his drug issues are not resolved? We have local reps to the state Supreme Court that have had substance abuse issues give it a rest. I can tell you Woltman drinks more than that kid drugs. I have never saw JB post a video of himself dancing to Madanna drunk off his ass in his kitchen on Facebook, Woltman has done it twice and calls the local radio hung over all the time. I'd take Blaber or Cahill over Woltman or Noble.

    4. Let Woltman take his shot in four years, fuck even Cahill would be better than Noble. Steve must be defeated.

  25. What is Woltman afraid of?

  26. I'm curious to see wich one of Mayor ignoble's campaign helpers or friends gets the rec dept supervisors position. It seems like he doesn't want to promot from within current employees.Shows what he think of them.What an asshole

  27. get your resumes ready....what a piece of crock that is....I had always heard rumors he and his wife were not well liked in the park and rec.... probably cuz they were of the Noble Dynasty. Privileged appointments.

  28. He's the Mayor and doe snot follow any rules. Where is CSEA again on this issue how is schupp doing these days without his truck

    1. Schupp got his truck, with magnetic signs, back. Union can do nothing about these issues. Sucks.

  29. 5 years later Washington Ave is going to open. This started under Sottile's administration.

  30. CSEA is as corrupt as the rest, especially Jackie.and f*#k schupp

    1. How is it that Julie Noble can be at every function that the Mayor attends, even during working hours.Or did the corrupt Civil Service Office change her job Spec's, making the Environmental Educator the Mayors Official Spokesman.

    2. 2:20. That's civil service not CSEA. The union has no say over what goes on in that office.

  31. Time for JB to overdose vomit another new post. This one is tired.
