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You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Matera Pulls Upset Wins GOP Nod for Surrogate Court

Peter Matera is the GOP nominee for Surrogate Court beating Esopus town Chair Kyle Barnett at the Ulster County Republican convention Barnett was considered the odds on favorite. Sara McGinty must be very nervous. McGinty who also is favored to win in a landslide the Ulster County Democratic Convention in recent weeks has been losing ground to newcomer Sarah Graff who recently became a Democratic but widely respected in the legal community and considered the most qualified among the two. Could be the year of the upsets. Barnett must be eating crow, him and Matera had a heated convention at Ol' Savana last month were Barnett encouraged Matera not to primary and to support the GOP nominee. Will Barnett now drop out?


  1. I have heard just the opposite that Graff should be nervous as Sara McGinty has the bigger chance of winning nomination. I think that Barnett should take it to the people and let them decide for the Surrogate. Would take any animosity out of the race as that judges have certain guidelines in their campaigning. I am a supporter of Kyle Barnett. He got robbed last night.

    1. You say he got robbed? How so? The committee people voted and he lost badly. To say he was robbed is to imply he was cheated. If that is your thought,please elaborate!

  2. The guidelines for judicial races are candidates must stick to discussing personal qualifications only. McGinty has the better chance of winning the Democratic nomination as the McGintys are well known in Democratic Circles. "Taking it to the people" in a county-wide primary is by no means an easy feat without the support of political party committeepeople circulating designating petitions. At least 1,000 valid party member signatures must be collected in a brief six week period. it is better to double that amount to withstand challenges. And getting signatures to get on the ballot is by no means easy.

    1. Nobody said democracy was an easy task but if Barnett gets the workers he can succeed.

    2. I assume still McGinty will win nomination she should be favored to win the nod it would be an upset if Graff won. Just hearing Graff has more support than previously thought.

  3. For just awhile this weekend lets leave the vitriol behind and remember the individuals/soldiers who gave us that freedom to express those thoughts and ideology. Especially to the ones who never came home...... RIP God Bless the USA!

  4. 8:01.very nice.Goodbless America

  5. Word on the street is that Joe Ingarra overstepped his bounds in nominating Ingarra, to such an extent, that there is now some seriously bad blood within the committee. Somebody needed to tell Joe to smoke one of those wacky cigarettes that cost him the Mayors job, before he unloaded, and possibly cost his candidate the election. Says something about the sad state of politics in this County, State and Country!!

  6. In nominating Matera. Sorry about the previous error.

  7. What's the big announcement out of city hall? Anybody here?

  8. What big announcement?

  9. Mike Schupp is stepping down. Something about misappropriated funds.

  10. I can't be true!

  11. Wonder Boy Noble better prosecute if true!

  12. I'm a Democrat and I like Peter Matera.

  13. No way Schupp is stepping down. He is too entrenched. Just wishful thinking of a disgruntled (ex) employee.

    1. If he does step down I hope he takes Ed Boyle and Ed Sweeny with him. They are all corrupt.

    2. Neither are corrupt. Just assholes who don't know how to manage people.

    3. ⬆⬆Facts!

    4. The Asst.superintendent gets an eight thousand dollar raise to be on call twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. He works for a private contractor after normal work hours, taxpayers pay him while he is working another job. I think this may be unethical and possibly illegal.

    5. No need to worry about this now.He will be promoted to depot super.Let the war begin

  14. Schupp is just arrogant and disrespectful.

  15. Help me here. Why is Conservative Jack Hayes being backed by the Republicans? It is a stupid, stupid, stupid move. The last thing the Republicans need in a presidential year is for Democrats to have another reason to come out. If Cahill has an opponent, he will campaign, if he doesn't he will not. Like it or not, he is the top Democratic vote getter in the county and that will do nothing but hurt Amedore and Heany / Faso. WTF is wrong with them?

    1. Jack Hayes, because he is an ethical individual which has been sorely lacking in Albany starting with our local guy! Silver has rubbed off on Cahill....tarnished.

  16. What is the big announcement?

    1. Kingston has a bed bug problem.

    2. They've taken over city hall

  17. that's because of the type of people who are attracted to and live here. Show many any landlords that wants bugs.

  18. Its not the landlords fault on the bed bugs these are brought in by the tenants, picking up old furniture etc this is as much a tenant issue and a landlord issue.

    1. I don't care who gets the blame but if you decide to go into the landlord business be prepared for these type of issues. It not only affects them but other people as well .. bedbugs travel via individuals. You can infect a lot of areas by just one person going here and there by bringing their personal belongings infested as well. We all pay for the lack of good control and oversite on landlord's properties. Perhaps if landlords lived on site this would be addressed with REGULAR inspections up and beyond the required amount.Am sure they don't want to be itching 24/7...

  19. Cahill is tarnished and a welcomed change is needed.

    1. Cahill is not tarnished. He is the opposite of tarnished. Someone who has not earned a nickle of outside income or has ever been accused of anything at all unethical, is not tarnished. They are shining examples of how to conduct yourself as a public servant.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly. Cahill is one of the few "clean" politics. If he isn't then tel us and back it up with facts not hearsay.

    3. Ahhhh yes, I remember his stunning rebuke to the corrupt ways of Silver... still waiting for it.. Didn't say he gained financially but perhaps with power, positions(chairmanships) and looking the other way in some of Silver's dealings....

    4. When someone starts painting with a broad brush as this person has, they lose all objectivity, believability and credibility. Speaking about something without direct information or facts is simply gossip. After all of these years, Cahill has proven to be one of the good guys.

    5. 3:38. You have proof of this? Or are you just running at the mouth.

    6. All of these comments could be moot if they set term limits in Albany. 3 terms and you go home. Wouldn't have time to form questionable alliances. or stay for financial gain. Albany has shown that they really cannot police their own. Hence the appearance of Preet Bahara.

    7. Cahill is not tarnished and is not beatable. jack Hayes is fucking nuts for thinking he has a shot at beating Kevin on a presidential year.

    8. just the opposite of your statement..These presidential year campaigns/elections has seen the rise of people who are normally feeling out of the process and are fighting back. Tired of the same ole' same ole'. Hence Donald Trump and yes, even Bernie Sanders. Cahill will not have an easy campaign and yes he could lose. Jack Hayes has an excellent reputation as an upright, ethical individual. Not part of the Albany inner circle. His background in NYS law enforcement will work to his advantage. As a non party registered voter this will be a good year for us. Will sit back and evaluate the candidates with "no party ideology stars " in our eyes and vote our ideals.

  20. We have term limits...always's called "Election Day" numties... (smh)

    1. that argument is getting tired. Once an politician gets in he is approached by all types of lobbyists and special interest groups which many voters are not aware of and they wonder why nothing gets down when the campaigning politician promised them change? True change is term limits. If they cannot police their own then term limits need to be enacted.

    2. The POTUS can only serve 10 so all elected office should have a term limit

  21. Big win for Peter Matera for UC Sorrogate Judge. He's got a strong chance in November.
