This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Saturday, November 29, 2014
Parete Facing Challenge?
" If you wanna be the man, you gotta beat the man"
- The Nature Boy Rick Flair
We hear around that legislative Godfather John Parete may be facing a challenge from some of his colleagues who are unhappy with his leadership or we should say they are unhappy they are not as politically savvy as Mr. Parete and are jealous of him. We hear two names T.J. Briggs and Peter "polka dot" Lougran. Peter is a lazy cunt, we don't like the guy at all, if he was drowning we'd throw him a cinderblock but T.J he should know better, T.J. had his chance and blew it.
Loughran is lazy has no vision and if not for his mother he would not have his seat to begin with. Peter does not deserve to be a legislator, how he has not been primaried in all these years amazes us. We hear he is trying to court some Republicans, his hate for John runs deep and he's a jealous whiny bitch. Lougran is playing the Savona card with Republicans, him being Savona blood by injection of the sister in law, is a stretch even for Lougran. The guy doesn't have a chance.
T.J. Briggs, we like him we don't think at end of the day he has the stugots to primary Parete and like we said, T.J. had his chance two years ago, it is very rare that a Chairman is challenged after on year especially when no big scandal has happened. To be honest we feel the term of Chair should be two years anyway, not one. The Chairman should not have to go through all this unneeded stress each year.
Shame on Jeanette Provanzano, H-Rod and Loughran for not getting behind their Chairman. Especially Jeanette after all Parete has done for you over the years, do we need to get into specifics? Jeanette helped orchestrate a coup against Sinagra many years ago and now she holds resentment against Perete for doing same thing?! The woman is lacking oxygen in the brain which is affecting her ability to think straight, if she didn't have her head so far up Hein's ass maybe things would be different. We expect more out of Provanzano but aren't holding our breath, she showed her true colors when she backed down from Hein over the sale of Golden Hill.
Parete needs to act swiftly and stop being so nice, no leadership postions for Provanzano, Loughran, H-Rod or Briggs. Let them starve.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
On The Streets
I was picking up some collections yesterday, some local protection money and who do I see lunching it at the Market Basket in Uptown Kingston? Indy Boss Len Bernardo and Elliott "Lucky" Auerbach...They could have been talking about the Nevele, they are both from that neck of the woods and we hope they were because I'm still waiting see money from all those free buffets and open bars we're paying for out there. Or they could have been talking about the 2015 race for County Executive?!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
I Forgaddddddyyyyyyy!!!
We apologize to the Boss of the Conservative party for not mentioning him on this blog sooner. We borrow an old headline from the NY Post that some of our friends in the life will catch on to.
Anyway, Ed Gaddy is unique in the sense that he flies under the radar and has something that is rare for a boss, longevity! Gaddy has served as boss of his party longer than any local boss that I can think of. There is one boss in this thing of ours that never served a day in jail, his name of course is Carlo Gambino. Gambino was a ruthless killer and shrewd boss that built a half a billion dollar empire, with about 100 made men and over 400 associates in it's prime. The Gambino Crime family is obviously named after him, you didn't mess with this guy but if you ran into him on the street in NY you could easily confuse him with a gentle old grandpa. Gambino like Gaddy laid low, didn't flaunt his position, lived in a modest house and kept his mouth shut. The FBI didn't even bother using wire taps against him because the guy never spoke about business directly, it was all done with head movements or through his brother in law Big Paul Castillano.
The Conservative party is on row C for the next four years after a strong showing in this years gubernatorial election and will carry significant weight in future elections that are of interest to our family, the mayor and Executive race come to mind immediately. There are a lot of members of our Dem family that foolishly run away from the line to curry favor with people that are going to vote for them anyway. Current legislative Chairman and former Boss of the Dem Family, John Parete said to me once: You know what you call a Democrat with the Conservative line? What's that John... a winner, he replied. That my friend is the difference between John Parete and Frank Cardinale and that's the reason Parete has more w's under his belt than Cardinale could ever dream of.
The Omerta Report
Let's start off by saying it takes a big man to compromise what he thinks is right for the better good of his crew and Ulster County. Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum did just that by stopping the warrant checks to save his soldiers in the security division, that could have been whacked out by Legislator Bartels if her amendment to the 2015 budget had went through.Van Blarcum suspended the warrant checks and a formal policy by the county legislature will be adopted in short order. We also applaud Tracy for having the guts to take a stand when a lot of others kept quite. Not to say compromise is always a good thing, when I was in college upstate, I wanted some fresh mannagot, I compromised and had a grilled cheese made on a space heater. I wanted a woman, I compromised, I jerked off in a tissue but we digress.
On Friday I'm listening the Kingston Community Radio and this woman Reverend was comparing Michael Hein to Jesus Christ. I wish I was kidding, she was going on about how Mike is some sort of savior. Marone! Give us a break. It's bad enough we have to wear sunglasses so we are not blinded by his tan now we have people comparing him to Jesus???? Enough is enough. I'll let you in on another secret too : Hein doesn't really walk on water.
Hein is a p.r. genius I'll give him that and the Reverend was right he does surround himself with great people that do the job for him. Hein would still be shining gems at the mall if not for Adele Ryder. Anyway, Hein received some bullshit award recognizing him as one of the best elected officials in Ulster County. Here's the kicker, we hear that HE NOMINATED HIMSELF!!! Where does this guy get his balls from, go get your shine box!!. If that's not bad enough, he parlayed it into a nice little fundraiser for himself at the lazy Swan in Saugerties. Wasting no time, I had an invite in my mailbox the other day. Unfortunately, I have to go and smile and give the arrogant prick his tribute, $25 out of my pocket into the smug fuck's campaign account. It kills me, this guy holds more fundraisers than the make a wish foundation and all our collections across the board are light, these envelopes are down almost twenty percent from last year but Micheal he's still getting his, 80% all our collections are kicked upstairs to pay for that palace on the sixth floor.
Kerri Savona has declared victory and is officially the winner in the Ulster County Family Court race, I'm waiting to look at the numbers but both Gilda and Kerri ran a good race and I know the Hon. Kerri Savona will do a good job. I wonder if Marueen Keegan will be at her swearing in? Anyway, Kerri had a nice party, invite only, her father in law Manny Savona and I go back a long way. Him and I had dinner with John Gotti in Little Italy in the early 90's and played pool at the Ravonite Social Club, Gotti schooled us and took me for three dimes. It was good to reminisce a little about the old days and his daughter in law will be a fine Family Court Judge, salute!
Gilda Riccardi Congratulations, Keri, I wish you all in the best in your new position as our new Ulster County Famiy Court Judge.
While we are happy for Kerri we can't help but think that Dem Consigliore Frank Cardinale is sitting on 200k, and in our humble opinion a mere twenty thousand of that 200k would of given Gilda the victory. 10K would have gotten her a great county wide mailer and the other 10k for canvassing to shore up the base in Kingston, Saugeties, Woodstock, New paltz even a few in Hurley and Gilda woulda won. There is no excuse for the incompetence that Cardinale has shown. This is not his first blunder, the way he treated Mayor Gallo in 2011 is another ex that sticks out, that alone was enough to have him clipped as Chair. Cardinale has to go as Consigliore, his Napoleon complex and extreme bad judgments will continue to cost Democrats election. And when the fuck did Cardinale become such a bleeding heart Liberal?? He has no really values, whatever way the wind blows and for that reason he just needs to resign.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Comments Redux
Lets all grow up and not leave ridiculous comments. I do not wanna have to moderate comments, I have no time for the shit. We support free speech but this is not your blog and we're not taxing you to read it. You're getting a quality service at our expense after all. You don't have to love us or love what we say but you will respect us!! Use your brain before you leave a comment. We have no problem with opposing points of view, we actually encourage it and will allow it to be posted in real time, not that phoney shit that Little Dick Cahill's blog does. Wise up. Im not gunna spell out what can and cant be said in terms of standards but for this blog we will use the Roth standard, capish?
Sit Down Tonight Between Bartels and Van Blarcum
A sit down has been called to figure out what to do about these warrant checks at the Ulster DSS building, that our Sheriff plans to implement at every county building in the future. Bartels has put her foot down demanding that it stops or she will look to whack the entire security division in the U.C. Sheriff's office, obviously this is even more of an extreme measure than what Van Blarcum is doing with these warrant, a sit down has been called amongst capos that serve on law enforcement and public health committees. We hear a compromise will be reached. Van Blarcum will have to kick an extra few points upstairs and the legislature will scrap this proposal, warrant checks will probably be limited to county probation. We will update when we know more. Some balls on Tracy Bartels for taking such a stand, we applaud her. We wish she would join our family, she has great leadership potential and very sexy to boot. We apologize for talking out of school about a Captian like that but marone!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Omerta Report Mini Edition
We hear H- Rod, New Paltz legislator Hector Rodriguez may be up to something trying to shake up the leadership in the legislature. Some friends of ours are buzzing about a meeting amongst Democratic capos next week at our uptown social club to determine the leadership in the legislature next year. In the life, Hector is known as a mush, he brings bad luck to us and has lost three leadership posts in a row. John Parete could be so lucky for Hector to challenge him. In regards to Hector's potential challenge we say to Chairman Parete :Figurati!
Hector could try and challenge Woodstock Dem fam Capo Don Gregorious, for Majority leader and to that we'd just have to flip a coin. Only kidding Majority Leader Gregorious is no dummy, we don't always agree but the current leadership is fine the way it is. Parete should remain as our Chairman and Gregorious Majority Leader. It's a good balance.
We have heard rumors over last few weeks from solid sources in our family that Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo, Capo of the premier Kingston crew, our family's biggest crew both in membership and as earners, may not run for a second term. On one hand we say God bless, on the other we would like Gallo to run on his record like a man and not take easy way out. It's not like Mayor Gallo had any sorta big career going before he became Mayor he had two part time jobs both with government, what is he gunna do? If he does go, we feel our boss has the responsibility to find a good job for him in county government, Gallo has carried his water since day one, sometimes at the expense of what was in best interest for him and his city.
Anyway, we heard the other day that city purchaser Brian Woltman is telling anyone that will listen that he will run if Gallo does not. Che Palle!!!! Are you shitting me? The guy has his current job out of pity of the current Mayor's late brother. Former Dem family boss T.R. Gallo gave Woltman the job because as he put it to me: " what else is the poor hump gunna do, he has a lisp I feel bad for him, he can get my sandwiches at Carmines or something, cuz, don't worry about it. That was what he told me and I never brought it up again, Woltman is a low level button, we don't run in the same circles, out of sight out of mind.
Woltman is not as dumb as he looks but he is not mayoral material, he is very disrespectful to high ranking friends of ours and a suspected rat on current city employees and officials. What kinda man rats on his friends and co workers?. Mayor not a chance! .Mi fa cagare! Some may remember last year Woltman got drunk and recorded a Christmas video of him dancing to some fanook style music and posted it on facebook. It's embarrassing that he even has his button let alone any sort of leadership position. He has no idea he is laughed at behind the backs of our family circles and we find the whole conversation a moot point because he will never get out the gate. Even Under Boss Gallo will tell you that.
On the GOP side, we hear that Andi Turco Levin will run for Mayor, and has cozied up to mustache Tony Sinagra who was recently reinstalled as Chairman. The Kingston family is almost non existant and has little chance to win the top seat in Kingston but Turco Levin is smart and sexy and could give us a run for our money we do not under estimate her if she makes it to the general election.
Conservative Chair Rich Cahill is not a fan of Andi's after she beat him for the GOP nomination amongst fellow gop buttons in 2011, after the primary however, where any Republican can vote even associates, she lost to Ron Polacco.. who's father is well respected in that family. Cahill harbors a lot of jealousy against Andi but we hear that he will not have the final say, the county Conservative's executive committee will ultimately decide who gets that endorsement which could spell bad news for Gallo as it's the only line he probably will get without having to primary.
This blog hit over 600 hits on Sunday and we thank you for listening to what we have to say and hope you will keep leaving comments and add to our discussion. Check back often for new pictures, updates and features in the next few weeks.
Until then, Salute my friends!
Hector could try and challenge Woodstock Dem fam Capo Don Gregorious, for Majority leader and to that we'd just have to flip a coin. Only kidding Majority Leader Gregorious is no dummy, we don't always agree but the current leadership is fine the way it is. Parete should remain as our Chairman and Gregorious Majority Leader. It's a good balance.
We have heard rumors over last few weeks from solid sources in our family that Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo, Capo of the premier Kingston crew, our family's biggest crew both in membership and as earners, may not run for a second term. On one hand we say God bless, on the other we would like Gallo to run on his record like a man and not take easy way out. It's not like Mayor Gallo had any sorta big career going before he became Mayor he had two part time jobs both with government, what is he gunna do? If he does go, we feel our boss has the responsibility to find a good job for him in county government, Gallo has carried his water since day one, sometimes at the expense of what was in best interest for him and his city.
Anyway, we heard the other day that city purchaser Brian Woltman is telling anyone that will listen that he will run if Gallo does not. Che Palle!!!! Are you shitting me? The guy has his current job out of pity of the current Mayor's late brother. Former Dem family boss T.R. Gallo gave Woltman the job because as he put it to me: " what else is the poor hump gunna do, he has a lisp I feel bad for him, he can get my sandwiches at Carmines or something, cuz, don't worry about it. That was what he told me and I never brought it up again, Woltman is a low level button, we don't run in the same circles, out of sight out of mind.
Woltman is not as dumb as he looks but he is not mayoral material, he is very disrespectful to high ranking friends of ours and a suspected rat on current city employees and officials. What kinda man rats on his friends and co workers?. Mayor not a chance! .Mi fa cagare! Some may remember last year Woltman got drunk and recorded a Christmas video of him dancing to some fanook style music and posted it on facebook. It's embarrassing that he even has his button let alone any sort of leadership position. He has no idea he is laughed at behind the backs of our family circles and we find the whole conversation a moot point because he will never get out the gate. Even Under Boss Gallo will tell you that.
On the GOP side, we hear that Andi Turco Levin will run for Mayor, and has cozied up to mustache Tony Sinagra who was recently reinstalled as Chairman. The Kingston family is almost non existant and has little chance to win the top seat in Kingston but Turco Levin is smart and sexy and could give us a run for our money we do not under estimate her if she makes it to the general election.
Conservative Chair Rich Cahill is not a fan of Andi's after she beat him for the GOP nomination amongst fellow gop buttons in 2011, after the primary however, where any Republican can vote even associates, she lost to Ron Polacco.. who's father is well respected in that family. Cahill harbors a lot of jealousy against Andi but we hear that he will not have the final say, the county Conservative's executive committee will ultimately decide who gets that endorsement which could spell bad news for Gallo as it's the only line he probably will get without having to primary.
This blog hit over 600 hits on Sunday and we thank you for listening to what we have to say and hope you will keep leaving comments and add to our discussion. Check back often for new pictures, updates and features in the next few weeks.
Until then, Salute my friends!
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Hein Puts the Muscle on Auerbach
A lot of the people in this thing of ours, describe our boss Hein as someone that likes to eat alone. In other words he's greedy and self centered, its all about Hein. Hein doesn't like to share, he's the boss and in his opinion all the action should be kicked upstairs while the buttons and associates survive on scraps. That's all well and good, he is the boss and he deserves his taste on all our dealings but he is out of touch with the rank and file. He used to be a member of the Republican family after all. Look at Sammy the Bull, Gambino's took him from the Genovese's back in the day and we see how that turned out. Long story short, the skipper knows there is dissatisfaction and that he could be challenged for the big seat next year and has become increasingly paranoid lately, and he has every right to be paranoid. The bottom line is a lot of the buttons just don't trust him, he hides up on the sixth floor with his million dolla + army of staff, and the rest of us can go shit in our hats. A lot of us in the life feel at the end of the day whether it be w money or support of our local candidates in elections or help with everyday governing, we feel he simply doesn't have our back.
Comptroller Auerbach had to kick the back door in to get where he is today, in 2008, our boss was practically Jim Quigley's running mate in what was the closest race in Ulster County's history and there has been some tension from that but it hasn't all been bad either between the two.
Auerbach who would be considered one of the top Dems to challenge Hein in the 2015 Executive race, became victim of the Hein pr machine tonight. With a manufactured story by the Freeman that suggests Auerbach is using too much money on travel expenses to train his staff. God forbid we have people in county government that know what they are doing rather than any jamook off the street.
First off, Hein's staff would trample and destroy Auerbach's staff in a heart beat. Auerbach has a very low budget and a very small staff even though he is the Chief fiscal officer for Ulster County. It's laughable to read and it has Hein's name written all over it. Hein is trying to beat Auerbach up and damage him to sorta say I'm the boss and this is what you have to look forward to if you run against me. It's all smoke and mirrors.
What the Freeman story fails to mention is the following:
- Hein's office approved all these trips and there is documentation to prove that, which we will update in short order.
- Two of Hein's people accompanied the staff in the comptroller's office on the Boca Roton training.
- Hein spent more than 48k on his hair and tanning alone this year!!
- The trips were trainings for Auerbach's staff not the Comptroller himself.
Some may point out you can do some of these trainings online and save money but you get what you pay for. If you're an employer looking to hire someone do you hire the guy that studied at Yale or the guy that studied at the University of Phoenix? And we'll leave it at that. A lot of our family are alumni of the same college that has housed such notables as Mr. Matthews and Allan Hevisi but that's neither here or there.
These trainings accomplished the following:
Invested in the Comptroller's staff to make them better at what they do.
Thanked citizen volunteers with breakfast at early morning meetings. Gotti was beloved in his neighborhood in Queens because he never overlooked the little guy.
Recognized local h.s. students for contributing their entrepreneurial efforts for their school and community.
Made sure that the best and the brightest are working in government
With all due respect to our boss, people should not be fooled, this story was manufactured by Hein through the Freeman to try and discourage the Comptroller from challenging him. Elliott should expect a dead fish in his freeman box if he doesn't get this hint from the Skipper.
Friday, November 14, 2014
we are now accepting anonymous comments, we didn't realize you had to be a registered user to leave one.
The Omerta Report
We applaud Tracy Bartels for stepping up to the plate and coming out against Sheriff Van Blarcum's warrant checks for people that use county buildings particularly dss buildings. Now while we think the skells, shouldn't be using our tax payer dollars when ninety percent of them can work and don't but it sets an awful precedent. And anyway, I got enough to worry about, now I gotta worry about getting pinched if I go to take a piss at the glass menagerie? Marone!
The Sheriff needs to let this one go, it's not winning him any friends that's for sure.
We hear CeCe is taking her loss very hard, we almost feel for her....not! She had her chance, she was such a hypocrite, she campaigned on getting money out of politics, which right there is a reason we would vote against her but truth was she was getting tens of thousands funneled to her. She said shed stop the tax payer funded mailers and it was reported she was the biggest offender sending out the second or third most mailers of anyone in the NY senate! We never liked her and we are glad voters saw through her bullshit. Go back to Doonesbury and start milking some sheep hun, cuz your time milking the tax payers with your bs and lies is about to come to an end.
Last week we opined about some possible candidates that may run against Mayor Gallo and we wanted to add one, it's a long shot, a very long shot but it would be phenomenal if Jimmy Sottile stepped up to the plate and ran. He's got the fire in his belly and Gallo has done nothing but bash him and all work he did during his tenure as Mayor. I know Jimmy wants to do it but his other family, his real family wont let him and we respect that. Being the captain of Kingston is a thankless job but who wouldn't wanna see the Gallo/ Sottile showdown? Jimmy always had insecurity about his legacy as being second best to T.R. Gallo, even though Jimmy was probably more honest and may have done a better job, T.R. had a gift, he was boss of our family for years. Hell, he started this thing of ours, he put a lot of people in action, including Sottile himself, there was something about that man that was larger than life. Jimmy and Shayne both live in T.R.'s shadow in different ways. T.R. would be sitting in his favorite bar stool in heaven sharing a beer with Franky Keiong, looking down watching the best Mayor's race in Kingston's history. We can dream right?!
Some friends of ours are buzzing over what to do with our Consigliore Frank Cardinale, after the showing in last weeks election, he's gotta go. We never liked Frank, he has that napoleon complex that led to that rat Sammy the Bull's downfall, unlike Sammy though, Frank is an idot and makes dumb decisions regarding leadership positions. A friend of ours said it best at Sunday dinner last week, he said to me, the only Democrat to win was the one that Cardinale ignored. Of course he's referring to Assemblyman Kevin Cahill. He's right. More than that while our family is struggling to eat and dealing with light envelopes cuz of this civil war our family is having, Cardinale is living large, he got a lot of money from our union friends to help out CeCe in her election, we are talking like 360 large. He spent about 160 of that on CeCe, where is the remaining 200k??????
Read This
The News on Wednesday found additional examples of Democrats using county committees to funnel money to individual state Senate campaigns.
The Ulster County Democratic Committee on Oct. 14 took in $364,000 from four labor unions and a Manhattan-based corporation. On Oct. 17 and 20, the committee turned around and sent $160,000 to the campaign of Sen. Cecilia Tkacyzk, who is in a tight race.
That's a lot of money and not for nothing, CeCe lost. So either Frank was too dumb to use every penny on her or he was greedy in keeping the money for other things. Either way you're out Frank!!
The problem is who will replace Cardinale, while Mickey mouse would do a better job than this fanuc, we need to pick someone that will help us grow as a family. Someone that will be objective and work with the family's leadership, Brain Cahill would be a good choice, someone along those lines. Maybe Hoffay grows some balls and comes out of retirnment, what else does he have going on? We know he wants back in, he lives for this stuff, Tommy step up to the plate, you know you have the support!! Maybe we can elect a woman as Consigliore, ten years ago you could get clipped for even mentioning that but times have changed, our family is talking and promoting this woman equality crap, let's not be hypocrites, we're better than that. There are a few great women in our family that could do the job.
The Sheriff needs to let this one go, it's not winning him any friends that's for sure.
We hear CeCe is taking her loss very hard, we almost feel for her....not! She had her chance, she was such a hypocrite, she campaigned on getting money out of politics, which right there is a reason we would vote against her but truth was she was getting tens of thousands funneled to her. She said shed stop the tax payer funded mailers and it was reported she was the biggest offender sending out the second or third most mailers of anyone in the NY senate! We never liked her and we are glad voters saw through her bullshit. Go back to Doonesbury and start milking some sheep hun, cuz your time milking the tax payers with your bs and lies is about to come to an end.
Last week we opined about some possible candidates that may run against Mayor Gallo and we wanted to add one, it's a long shot, a very long shot but it would be phenomenal if Jimmy Sottile stepped up to the plate and ran. He's got the fire in his belly and Gallo has done nothing but bash him and all work he did during his tenure as Mayor. I know Jimmy wants to do it but his other family, his real family wont let him and we respect that. Being the captain of Kingston is a thankless job but who wouldn't wanna see the Gallo/ Sottile showdown? Jimmy always had insecurity about his legacy as being second best to T.R. Gallo, even though Jimmy was probably more honest and may have done a better job, T.R. had a gift, he was boss of our family for years. Hell, he started this thing of ours, he put a lot of people in action, including Sottile himself, there was something about that man that was larger than life. Jimmy and Shayne both live in T.R.'s shadow in different ways. T.R. would be sitting in his favorite bar stool in heaven sharing a beer with Franky Keiong, looking down watching the best Mayor's race in Kingston's history. We can dream right?!
Some friends of ours are buzzing over what to do with our Consigliore Frank Cardinale, after the showing in last weeks election, he's gotta go. We never liked Frank, he has that napoleon complex that led to that rat Sammy the Bull's downfall, unlike Sammy though, Frank is an idot and makes dumb decisions regarding leadership positions. A friend of ours said it best at Sunday dinner last week, he said to me, the only Democrat to win was the one that Cardinale ignored. Of course he's referring to Assemblyman Kevin Cahill. He's right. More than that while our family is struggling to eat and dealing with light envelopes cuz of this civil war our family is having, Cardinale is living large, he got a lot of money from our union friends to help out CeCe in her election, we are talking like 360 large. He spent about 160 of that on CeCe, where is the remaining 200k??????
Read This
The News on Wednesday found additional examples of Democrats using county committees to funnel money to individual state Senate campaigns.
The Ulster County Democratic Committee on Oct. 14 took in $364,000 from four labor unions and a Manhattan-based corporation. On Oct. 17 and 20, the committee turned around and sent $160,000 to the campaign of Sen. Cecilia Tkacyzk, who is in a tight race.
That's a lot of money and not for nothing, CeCe lost. So either Frank was too dumb to use every penny on her or he was greedy in keeping the money for other things. Either way you're out Frank!!
The problem is who will replace Cardinale, while Mickey mouse would do a better job than this fanuc, we need to pick someone that will help us grow as a family. Someone that will be objective and work with the family's leadership, Brain Cahill would be a good choice, someone along those lines. Maybe Hoffay grows some balls and comes out of retirnment, what else does he have going on? We know he wants back in, he lives for this stuff, Tommy step up to the plate, you know you have the support!! Maybe we can elect a woman as Consigliore, ten years ago you could get clipped for even mentioning that but times have changed, our family is talking and promoting this woman equality crap, let's not be hypocrites, we're better than that. There are a few great women in our family that could do the job.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Water Water Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink
What is going on with all this water stuff. Lets say for the record we support Niagara Water company in it's quest to sell water from Cooper Lake and pay the City it's tribute for use of our lake. It's a win win for all of us. We get our aging equipment fixed by a private company and years down line the city and town of Ulster will make a profit and hundreds of jobs created. Sounds good right?
In government nothing is easy, you have the crazies on the left against it for environmental reasons, you have anti Gallo people against it because they hate Gallo and you have Rebecca Martin's panties in a bunch because she has nothing else to do. Now she wants a study, what the fuck, why don't we study how far that stick up your ass is Ms. Martin? Than you have Gallo and Quigley, two Captains and good earners in our organization fighting to see who has the bigger dick.
Ulster should have lead agency status, giving it to the state makes no sense, why give up control? Gallo needs to stop listening to Andy Weasel and work with Supervisor Quigley and get this done. Gallo and Quigley are from two different families and for that reason there is always tension but the two have always gotten along until recently. We know Quigley is smarter and more savvy than Gallo, you can throw Quigley down a sewer and hed come up with a gold watch in each hand, he knows how to make money and that's what this business is all about. Gallo on the other hand is more aggressive and commands a higher level of respect, you know not to fuck with him, he's the boss.
Cooler heads must prevail and our two families need to work together to get this done, there is a lot of money in this, garbage is no longer our bread and butter like it has been in the past. We need to expand our horizons and this water thing aint a bad idea. We feel all this coverage in the paper and fighting between families is just the beginning and that's a shame because Christmas is coming and our envelopes keep getting lighter and lighter with all this fighting.
In government nothing is easy, you have the crazies on the left against it for environmental reasons, you have anti Gallo people against it because they hate Gallo and you have Rebecca Martin's panties in a bunch because she has nothing else to do. Now she wants a study, what the fuck, why don't we study how far that stick up your ass is Ms. Martin? Than you have Gallo and Quigley, two Captains and good earners in our organization fighting to see who has the bigger dick.
Ulster should have lead agency status, giving it to the state makes no sense, why give up control? Gallo needs to stop listening to Andy Weasel and work with Supervisor Quigley and get this done. Gallo and Quigley are from two different families and for that reason there is always tension but the two have always gotten along until recently. We know Quigley is smarter and more savvy than Gallo, you can throw Quigley down a sewer and hed come up with a gold watch in each hand, he knows how to make money and that's what this business is all about. Gallo on the other hand is more aggressive and commands a higher level of respect, you know not to fuck with him, he's the boss.
Cooler heads must prevail and our two families need to work together to get this done, there is a lot of money in this, garbage is no longer our bread and butter like it has been in the past. We need to expand our horizons and this water thing aint a bad idea. We feel all this coverage in the paper and fighting between families is just the beginning and that's a shame because Christmas is coming and our envelopes keep getting lighter and lighter with all this fighting.
Van Blarcum Gives Falutico the Boot
Some friends of ours are buzzing about a big fight between Paul Van Blarcum and Frank Falutico in the Ulster Sheriff's office last week. Van Blarcum who was just reelected to a third term told Falutico to get the fuck out or retire. Falutico chose the latter and his last day is Friday. We respect both men so we wont go into specifics but it's very interesting stuff to say the least.
Van Blarcum couldn't of got elected if it was not for Frank in 2006, Frank was the brains behind the campaign and left the district attorney's office to become Van Blarcum's Under Sheriff. However in politics friends come and go, it's sad, there is no loyalty anymore. We also know the situation and it was probably for the best. Frank should work on his golf game the next few years and consider a run for Sherriff. Van Blarcum probably will retire next time around and as long as Frank fixes things with some of the rank and file police from his kpd years, he should be our next Sherriff.
Van Blarcum couldn't of got elected if it was not for Frank in 2006, Frank was the brains behind the campaign and left the district attorney's office to become Van Blarcum's Under Sheriff. However in politics friends come and go, it's sad, there is no loyalty anymore. We also know the situation and it was probably for the best. Frank should work on his golf game the next few years and consider a run for Sherriff. Van Blarcum probably will retire next time around and as long as Frank fixes things with some of the rank and file police from his kpd years, he should be our next Sherriff.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Eating Crow
Rumor has it that a local female lawyer that I think of when some friends of ours drink a local beer, we think when we drink that beer that she is partner in a premier local law firm in Kingston. Anyway the attorney in question may have had one or two glasses of wine to much at a local event earlier this year and mouthed off to Keri Savona that she was just another pretty face and proceeded to tell her that she had no right to run. Well, Keri Savona is now a family court Judge, and you are number two in a second rate law firm..You're no Manetti, Manetti and O'Connor and we will leave it at that. We hope the Hon. Keri Savona has the last laugh. Even though we wish Gilda would have won, we know Keri will do a great job. :)
Post Election Brief
Well we hate to gloat but we were spot on with all our election day predictions. CeCe got destroyed, congratulations to Senator elect George Amadore!!!! We also congratulate our Congressman Chris Gipson on schooling that rich kid trying to but his way into Congress. We have no problem with young people in elected office. In fact that young Congresswoman elect in NY --Elise Stefanik is some piece of ass or should we say, some Honorable piece of ass. Wow!! What a sexy woman. Congrats to the people of her district, we hear she is a very bright competent woman. In short it was a great night for Republicans across the Country and Ulster County was no different. Sad to see that Gilda Riccardi lost but some friends of ours are close with the Savona family and think Keri will do well, salute.
All in all, Ulster Democrats need to regroup and be united next year. Does that mean getting behind Mayor Gallo and making sure we stand behind him in a united front? Maybe it does, sometimes putting past in the past and focusing on the future is the best way to go. However, Gallo needs to grow the fuck up and dump Zweeben for that to happen. More later.
All in all, Ulster Democrats need to regroup and be united next year. Does that mean getting behind Mayor Gallo and making sure we stand behind him in a united front? Maybe it does, sometimes putting past in the past and focusing on the future is the best way to go. However, Gallo needs to grow the fuck up and dump Zweeben for that to happen. More later.
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Omerta Report ---Special Election Day Edition
Election day is upon us here are our predictions based on conversations at Sunday dinner with some friends of ours last night. We have not been updating last few days, after our initial post, Mike Hein has had the family on lock down and looking for blood. Hein once put Adele in a thirty day quarantine for sneezing near him so we need to be careful.
C.C. enjoy your last few months as a New York Senator, we hear even her main staff know she's going down. Rumor has it her main guy was caught on tape talking shit about how bad her and Eldridge were going to lose. Now Im no fan of CeCe's but that's grounds for being whacked out of his job. Alanna should have that position anyway and we'll leave it at that. Alanna is loyal and cares about her boss, she would be a good chief of staff to any local candidate and deserves to get her button for full membership of our family.
Sean Eldrige proves that money can't buy support. He is losing 26 plus points in the polls and has no chance to pull this race out.
We predict a Riccardi victory for family court that will go to absentee ballots, we would not be surprised if it goes the other way. The race will not be a blow out either way.
Kevin Cahill will easily shoot back his challenge from Legislator Roberts.
Cuomo, Schneiderman, DiNapoli will all cruise to reelection, while Cahill is a good choice for AG and will give Schneiderman a run for his money, some friends of ours (Vince Bradley and Jonathan Sennett), both work for AG Schneiderman so we are making our calls, putting pressure on the unions to get this guy back in office.
In other news:
We hear Ellen DiFalco, who is husband of former Independence boss Crazy Joe DiFalco has become a Democrat and wants her button and a seat on the Kingston Democratic committee. Sweetheart, surely you jest!! Not a chance in hell that will ever happen!
Supervisor James Quigley is trying to get in shape, we hear he is working out walking the rail trail and trying to get in fighting shape for a possible 2015 run for County Executive. Can you imagine the Auerbach/ Quigley rematch for the top office in the county? It makes some political junkies cream in their pants just thinking about it.
We hear Kingston Corp Council Andrew Zweben is still an asshole no news there. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Zweben! Any police that read this be on the look out for a silver Audi lp# UC 64 driving around late at night. We hear he frequently leaves local establishments under the influence and drives home. tisk tisk Mr. Zweb, tisk, tisk!
C.C. enjoy your last few months as a New York Senator, we hear even her main staff know she's going down. Rumor has it her main guy was caught on tape talking shit about how bad her and Eldridge were going to lose. Now Im no fan of CeCe's but that's grounds for being whacked out of his job. Alanna should have that position anyway and we'll leave it at that. Alanna is loyal and cares about her boss, she would be a good chief of staff to any local candidate and deserves to get her button for full membership of our family.
Sean Eldrige proves that money can't buy support. He is losing 26 plus points in the polls and has no chance to pull this race out.
We predict a Riccardi victory for family court that will go to absentee ballots, we would not be surprised if it goes the other way. The race will not be a blow out either way.
Kevin Cahill will easily shoot back his challenge from Legislator Roberts.
Cuomo, Schneiderman, DiNapoli will all cruise to reelection, while Cahill is a good choice for AG and will give Schneiderman a run for his money, some friends of ours (Vince Bradley and Jonathan Sennett), both work for AG Schneiderman so we are making our calls, putting pressure on the unions to get this guy back in office.
In other news:
We hear Ellen DiFalco, who is husband of former Independence boss Crazy Joe DiFalco has become a Democrat and wants her button and a seat on the Kingston Democratic committee. Sweetheart, surely you jest!! Not a chance in hell that will ever happen!
Supervisor James Quigley is trying to get in shape, we hear he is working out walking the rail trail and trying to get in fighting shape for a possible 2015 run for County Executive. Can you imagine the Auerbach/ Quigley rematch for the top office in the county? It makes some political junkies cream in their pants just thinking about it.
We hear Kingston Corp Council Andrew Zweben is still an asshole no news there. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Zweben! Any police that read this be on the look out for a silver Audi lp# UC 64 driving around late at night. We hear he frequently leaves local establishments under the influence and drives home. tisk tisk Mr. Zweb, tisk, tisk!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Gallo's List
Who is running against Mayor Shayne Gallo? Here are a few names we have heard:
Bill Reynolds, former 18 yr Alderman and Majority Leader, we hear he is putting a lot of feelers out there about a potential run next year and he would be the best choice to unseat Gallo.
Jen Fuentes, the former Working Families Boss recently switched her enrollment from WFP to Democrat. WOW!!! Another formidable opponent.
Matt Dunn, Matt could win but he probably will not run as it would be a huge pay cut for the current Kingston Majority Leader that has a young family.
Brad Will...Has no chance but he may run.
We also hear that Gallo is warming up to Sinagra about getting the Republican line. Rich Cahill who is the Conservative Chair in Kingston, has his mouth around Gallo's cock ever since he was appointed fire commissioner so you can expect that Gallo will have the conservative line.
Independence and Working Families will both go against Gallo, the endorsements depend on who the Dem nominee will end up being next year. Reynolds, Fuentes or Dunn whoever is the candidate after the dust settles will have all three.
Bill Reynolds, former 18 yr Alderman and Majority Leader, we hear he is putting a lot of feelers out there about a potential run next year and he would be the best choice to unseat Gallo.
Jen Fuentes, the former Working Families Boss recently switched her enrollment from WFP to Democrat. WOW!!! Another formidable opponent.
Matt Dunn, Matt could win but he probably will not run as it would be a huge pay cut for the current Kingston Majority Leader that has a young family.
Brad Will...Has no chance but he may run.
We also hear that Gallo is warming up to Sinagra about getting the Republican line. Rich Cahill who is the Conservative Chair in Kingston, has his mouth around Gallo's cock ever since he was appointed fire commissioner so you can expect that Gallo will have the conservative line.
Independence and Working Families will both go against Gallo, the endorsements depend on who the Dem nominee will end up being next year. Reynolds, Fuentes or Dunn whoever is the candidate after the dust settles will have all three.
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