You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Eating Crow

Rumor has it that a local female lawyer that I think of when some friends of ours drink a local beer, we think when we drink that beer that she is partner in a premier local law firm in Kingston. Anyway the attorney in question may have had one or two glasses of wine to much at a local event earlier this year and mouthed off to Keri Savona that she was just another pretty face and proceeded to tell her that she had no right to run. Well, Keri Savona is now a family court Judge, and you are number two in a second rate law firm..You're no Manetti, Manetti and O'Connor and we will leave it at that. We hope the Hon. Keri Savona has the last laugh. Even though we wish Gilda would have won, we know Keri will do a great job. :)

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