You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Water Water Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink

What is going on with all this water stuff. Lets say for the record we support Niagara Water company in it's quest to sell water from Cooper Lake and pay the City it's tribute for use of our lake. It's a win win for all of us. We get our aging equipment fixed by a private company and years down line the city and town of Ulster will make a profit and hundreds of jobs created. Sounds good right?

In government nothing is easy, you have the crazies on the left against it for environmental reasons, you have anti Gallo people against it because they hate Gallo and you have Rebecca Martin's panties in a bunch because she has nothing else to do. Now she wants a study, what the fuck, why don't we study how far that stick up your ass is Ms. Martin? Than you have Gallo and Quigley, two Captains and good earners in our organization fighting to see who has the bigger dick.

Ulster should have lead agency status, giving it to the state makes no sense, why give up control? Gallo needs to stop listening to Andy Weasel and work with Supervisor Quigley and get this done. Gallo and Quigley are from two different families and for that reason there is always tension but the two have always gotten along until recently. We know Quigley is smarter and more savvy than Gallo, you can throw Quigley down a sewer and hed come up with a gold watch in each hand, he knows how to make money and that's what this business is all about. Gallo on the other hand is more aggressive and commands a higher level of respect, you know not to fuck with him, he's the boss.

Cooler heads must prevail and our two families need to work together to get this done, there is a lot of money in this, garbage is no longer our bread and butter like it has been in the past. We need to expand our horizons and this water thing aint a bad idea. We feel all this coverage in the paper and fighting between families is just the beginning and that's a shame because Christmas is coming and our envelopes keep getting lighter and lighter with all this fighting.


  1. Quigs will prevail, he's smarter and has a better demeanor. Gallo is just a bully, all Fuentes, Blaber and Madsen did for that man and he surrounds himself w Zweben and Swanzy? Say what you want about the three above mentioned, Id take them over those two clowns any day. Plus, Quigley knew on day one to get rid of Zweben, that right there says all you need to say about who would win a battle Gallo or Quigley. According to your blog Gallo's an acting number two, Quigley's a BOSS and will crush Gallo like a BOSS!!

  2. Yes but you need to remember Gallo is under boss of a bigger family than Quigley. Gallo is close to Hein who is close with Meyer Lansky aka Minority Leader Schumer
