You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Omerta Report

Let's start off by saying it takes a big man to compromise what he thinks is right for the better good of his crew and Ulster County. Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum did just that by stopping the warrant checks to save his soldiers in the security division, that could have been whacked out by Legislator Bartels if her amendment to the 2015 budget had went through.Van Blarcum suspended the warrant checks and a formal policy by the county legislature will be adopted in short order.  We also applaud Tracy for having the guts to take a stand when a lot of others kept quite. Not to say compromise is always a good thing, when I was in college upstate, I wanted some fresh mannagot, I compromised and had a grilled cheese made on a space heater. I wanted a woman, I compromised, I jerked off in a tissue but we digress.

On Friday I'm listening the Kingston Community Radio and this woman Reverend was comparing Michael Hein to Jesus Christ. I wish I was kidding, she was going on about how Mike is some sort of savior. Marone! Give us a break. It's bad enough we have to wear sunglasses so we are not blinded by his tan now we have people comparing him to Jesus???? Enough is enough. I'll let you in on another secret too : Hein doesn't really walk on water.

Hein is a p.r. genius I'll give him that and the Reverend  was right he does surround himself with great people that do the job for him. Hein would still be shining gems at the mall if not for Adele Ryder. Anyway, Hein received some bullshit award recognizing him as one of the best elected officials in Ulster County. Here's the kicker, we hear that HE NOMINATED HIMSELF!!! Where does this guy get his balls from, go get your shine box!!. If that's not bad enough, he parlayed it into a nice little fundraiser for himself at the lazy Swan in Saugerties. Wasting no time, I had an invite in my mailbox the other day. Unfortunately, I have to go and smile and give the arrogant prick his tribute, $25 out of my pocket into the smug fuck's campaign account. It kills me, this guy holds more fundraisers than the make a wish foundation and all our collections across the board are light, these envelopes are down almost twenty percent from last year but Micheal he's still getting his, 80% all our collections are kicked upstairs to pay for that palace on the sixth floor.

Kerri Savona has declared victory and is officially the winner in the Ulster County Family Court race, I'm waiting to look at the numbers but both Gilda and Kerri ran a good race and I know the Hon. Kerri Savona will do a good job. I wonder if Marueen Keegan will be at her swearing in? Anyway, Kerri had a nice party, invite only, her father in law Manny Savona and I go back a long way. Him and I had dinner with John Gotti in Little Italy in the early 90's and played pool at the Ravonite Social Club, Gotti schooled us and took me for three dimes. It was good to reminisce a little about the old days and his daughter in law will be a fine Family Court Judge, salute!

Gilda Riccardi Congratulations, Keri, I wish you all in the best in your new position as our new Ulster County Famiy Court Judge.


While we are happy for Kerri we can't help but think that Dem Consigliore Frank Cardinale is sitting on 200k, and in our humble opinion a mere twenty thousand  of that 200k would of given Gilda the victory. 10K would have gotten her a great county wide mailer and the other 10k for canvassing to shore up the base in Kingston, Saugeties, Woodstock, New paltz even a few in Hurley and Gilda woulda won. There is no excuse for the incompetence that Cardinale has shown. This is not his first blunder, the way he treated Mayor Gallo in 2011 is another ex that sticks out, that alone was enough to have him clipped as Chair. Cardinale has to go as Consigliore, his Napoleon complex and extreme bad judgments will continue to cost Democrats election. And when the fuck did Cardinale become such a bleeding heart Liberal?? He has no really values, whatever way the wind blows and for that reason he just needs to resign.


  1. If Cahill is a boss, why is he below Gallo who is an acting under boss?????????? I love this blog by the way blows Cahill, mojo, Blabber out of the water.

  2. Yes Van Blarcum is a big man, while Hein is a little man with a humungus head!

  3. Hein is an empty suit and people who matter are noticing. I have heard that there are at least 4 people considering a primary. He will be shocked at some of the people who are fed up with his me first politics and his abandonment of Democrats throughout Ulster County. Cardinale and Hein are the 2 worst things to happen to Ulster County Democrats in the last 50 years, they are both huge frauds.

  4. You didn't make Hein's head big enough in the picture

  5. cardinale got himself a job, then he got is son a job, then he got his wife a job, then he got himself another job. he is in it for the jobs and now that he is driving around in bmws and mercedes he can retire. dont let the door hit you on the vagina on the way out frank!

    1. Frank has a big hairy twat between his legs, that's for sure. Hein gives it a nice pounding twice a week or he gets a migraine. Frank doesn't even have to bend over I heard?

  6. Newsflash!! Mike Hein's head will be a balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Hein was selected from a group of people whose heads were submitted to used because it is considered to be one of the largest heads in the United States. What an honor! Legislator Jeanette Provenzano said "To be rekanized (Provenzano pronunciation) by the national association of elected officials with huge heads is based on his incredible success as the cutest executive in Ulster County." Legislators Hector Rodriguez and Don Gregorious stated " Yeah, what Jeanette said!" There will be a free party at the Nevele (if it ever opens) featuring a motivational speech by convict/sister rapist Michael Treanor. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. 8:09 you nailed it... not sure which is more accurate the Hein big head or the Provenzano pronunciation.... or Hector and Gregorious chiming in

  8. 8:09 . You forgot to say the party will be funded by the Wilmorite Corporation and the bought and paid for IDA board.
