Dem Family Boss Mike Hein may not run for reelection as bank Prez, we hear from multiple capos in the family that he is being considered as President of Ulster Savings with a reported deal worth about three million dollars over five years with a 250k sign on bonus. That would be really interesting if it happens. More details as they become available.
This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, June 25, 2015
Hein Eyes Job as Bank Prez May Quit Exec Race
Dem Family Boss Mike Hein may not run for reelection as bank Prez, we hear from multiple capos in the family that he is being considered as President of Ulster Savings with a reported deal worth about three million dollars over five years with a 250k sign on bonus. That would be really interesting if it happens. More details as they become available.
Dem Boss Bitch Slaps Zweben
Andrew Zweben, the name is usually associated with disdain and followed by vomit, is just a gross little guy and a pussy. Zweben loves to be in everyone's business and get involved and talk about things he knows nothing about. The guy lives for drama and is fueled by hatred, his career in Ulster Politics will be over if Gallo loses in November and he knows it. We wont go into details but Zwben made a fool out of himself last night and he knows what we are talking about. Zweb you wanna give people a friendly heads up about things that are lies and completely made up, well we will give our readership of over 800 a day, a friendly heads up based on facts about you.
We hear Dem Boss Mike Hein, had one of his people call Zweben, pissed that the Gallo campaign, which he is practicly running, is not carring Hein's petitions with his or anyone elses for that matter. We hear Hein is pissed and let Zweben have it. We hear Andrew was yelled and he caved and backpeddled like the insecure little guy he is.
Andrew mind your own business and stop causing trouble little buddy, nice beard by the way (lol).
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Omerta Report Mini
We hear that Shayne Gallo will NOT accept the Wilson Pakula for the Conservative party endorsement for Mayor. Gallo feels that it will be too much of a liability for the Democratic primary this September and he's probably right, Kevin Bryant was never able to recover in his race for UC Family court after being endorsed by the party last year.
That represents a bigger problem for Gallo in the general election, it does not look good for Gallo in the Democratic primary against Stevie Wonder, who is gaining traction by the day. Not a single political party has endorsed Gallo in his bid for reelection, if he loses the primary he's out.
Gallo has two options, he can create his own line, which will put him all the way at the bottom of the ticket and seek an opportunity to ballot for WFP. Gallo is unlikely to beat Polacco for the Independence party line in September. Polacco is a hard worker and has no primary to worry about other than the Indy primary, where Gallo who's brain is scattered to begin with will have to much going on to give the proper attention to the Indy primary. Gallo will be forced to have crazy Joe DiFalco, who was clipped by Blaber as the Kingston Indy party boss last year, go out and try get him the votes he needs to keep Indy line in November...good luck, DiFalco's only shot is what Blaber you get, if Blaber is well than Joe and Gallo have no shot, if they get the other Blaber than there is an even shot at Gallo winning the line. Blaber has had his nine lives in Ulster politics, under Gotti he would have been clipped four chances ago, this is his absolute last chance to get it right. However if you believe the comments on this blog, why do people have such a hard on for such a young guy?!
Speaking of Mayor Gallo, we have never had a situation where an incumbent Mayor has not gotten a single party to endorse his reelection campaign. Mayor Sottile when he was at war w csea in 2007 and the boss of the WFP was running his opponents campaign still managed to get the support of wfp, as well as Indy and Dem. There never in the history of this city has there been a scenario where the sitting Mayor has not gotten at least one political party to back his candidacy. That alone speaks volumes.
We were wrong we now hear that Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley will not seek reelection for Supervisor but we feel his son should. We hear Scott DiMicco will not run for alderman at large, noone has seen or heard from the guy in over a month. It would be smart on Polacco's part and the City's GOP committee to nominate John Quigley. The younger Quigs will have good name recognition, his father is well liked in Kingston and we believe that Polacco will be Mayor on January 1st. Quigley's son could be part of history, the first Mayor/ald at large to win city wide office in over twenty years. It is his father's dream to be Kingston Mayor, this would be the first step for the younger Quigs to achieve that.
Mob Rat Gravano Eyes Early Release
Sammy the Bull who got a free pass on 19 murders for ratting out our boss John Gotti, is looking for one more get-out-of jail free card. Gravano who is 70, is in the home stretch of serving his 20-year term for running an Ecstasy ring in Arizona and has hired a new lawyer to represent him in the drug case, according to papers filed in Brooklyn Federal Court
The lawyer, Thomas Farinella, is expected to apply for a break on Gravano’s sentence to Federal Judge Allyne Ross, who threw the book at the ex-Gambino underboss in 2002, sources said.
“I cannot confirm or deny the reason why I have been retained by Mr. Gravano,” Farinella told the Daily News.Gravano is eligible to be released from prison a year from now with credit for good behavior, according to court records.
If the judge approves the reduction, he could be entitled to at least 40 months lopped off his sentence, which would send him walking out the door, two legal sources said.
We think this guy should die in jail, he's a rat he has no fucking respect for anyone. He got a free pass in 1992, he could of went in to the sunset and lived comfortabbly, he got to keep all his money and made a killing on his book, underboss but he chose to sell drugs. He couldnt enjoy his freedom, everyday he looked in the mirror he had a rat looking right back at him. No he wants an early release cuz he's sick? Forrrrgetttabouuutit!! Be a fucking man for once in your life. Gotti was in a hospital bed dying of cancer for a year plus, you never heard him aske nobody for no favors.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The Omerta Report
Gallo facing early trouble as reelection campaign begins. |
As we predicted Ron Polacco has secured the Republican nomination by a vote of 18-0. Mr. DiMicco who saw the writing on the wall didn't even bother to show up at the GOP's City convention last week. DiMicco who was nominated for Alderman at Large will definitely help Polacco's ticket, DiMicco is well liked and he's the first strong candidate that the GOP has put up for Alderman at Large in at least a dozen years. Ron Polacco's chances of becoming Mayor are getting better by the day. Cahill gave him a wilson Pakula for the Conservative line and Polacco probably will have one for the Independence as well. While Gallo will have ballot access for both the Conservative and Independence as well, he has a big primary to battle against Steve Noble, or as he calls him "Stevie Wonder", Polacco on the other hand has all summer to talk to every Independence and Conservative voter at least three times. As we stated before it's our counsel to Polacco that he just let Gallo have the Conservative line. Polacco's best and only chance of overcoming the 3:1 Democratic enrollment in this city is a three way race for Mayor.
We hear the Working Families Party is staying out of the Kingston Mayor's race, that's a big blow to Gallo. Gallo got elected with the help of WFP in the primary four years ago and has been telling everyone that will listen for the past three months that he had the WFP line all locked up. Our advice to the Kingston Capo is that maybe he just shut his mouth sometimes, it's better to be thought of as a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt. While we love John Gotti, Don Carlo, the former head of the Gambino family that bares his name to this day would play the quite old grandfather card to the tee, never letting arrogance get in his way or the need to be flashy or the need to have people think that he was right all the time, it was good enough for him to know he had the power and was in control. Carlo Gambino was boss for over thirty years, never serving a day in jail, dying of a heart attack home in his bed in his seventies. Don Gotti, who reminds us of Gallo, was the opposite, he wore $3k Baroni suits, had an awful temper, needed everyone to know just what he did for a living and craved attention, he was boss just eight years, dying alone in jail...Sad because pound for pound he was a better man than Gambino, stronger more ambitious, had balls but like Gallo obviously had "daddy issues", and needed that constant recognition. It was Gotti's ego that brought this borgotta down and Gallo will meet the same fate.
A good example is his stuberness to settle the Chris Rea case, which a Judge did for him, Gallo's ego and stuberness will cost taxpaers well over $240k. Another example of how temperament is an issue in this campaign. Gallo's poor choices and anger issues are effecting his ability to serve this city and taxpayers are paying for his anger management or lack there of when they get their tax bill this year.
Word on the street is Gallo is not off to the best start with petitions either, we hear Noble already has hundreds of more Democratic signatures than Gallo and that Gallo's supporters are having a tough time getting his "lunch bucket" crowd to sign on to their Capo's reelection campaign.
We hear rumors that Jim Quigley will run again for Ulster Town Supervisor, we will report more info as it becomes available. Of course he's gunna run, talk about a guy that needs attention.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
John Joesph Gotti October 27, 1940- June 10, 2002
To the last real Don our boss forever and always happy 12th anniversary in Heaven. Words can't describe how this thing of ours has changed since he's been gone. Our family will never be the same. Don Gotti worked his way from a hoodlum in Queens with no money and built a 500 million dollar empire. When he was a twenty something in Howard beach and Carlo Gambino was still boss of the family, Gotti would tell people that he would one day be the Boss and was laughed at, they considered him a joke. Gotti belived in himself and worked hard to build a Borgotta that was feared and envyed by the other four families. His leagacy will last forever and today on the anniversary of his death we pay tribute... salute!
Gotti was a mans man to the end, he was no Boy Scout and did his time for his crimes. Gotti who was Catholic, was diagnosed with throat cancer and refused treatment and any sort of medicine to help with the pain. He wanted to be punished for some of the poor choices he made in life, in hopes that God would forgive him. We pray for his soul. God Bless you Johnny boy!
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Cahill Redux
We hate to waste two posts on this pencil neck geek but we have to report on the Conservative Party endorsements:
For Mayor, Cahill signed off on Wilson Pakulas for both Gallo and Polacco but has not endorsed either one, Cahill did it this way so that Gallo won't have any issues w WFP. Gallo wants to have his cake and eat it too. I would respectfully point out that Gallo will have to fill out some sort of acceptance of the Wilson Pakula. So it's the same thing, Gallo is seeking the Conservative party line plain and simple. Rumor has it Cahill's Wilson Pakula for Gallo comes w a very happy ending :)
Again, Polacco should just leave the two love birds alone and let Gallo have the Conservative line. should just let Gallo have it.
Alderman at Large: Jeanette Provanzano , Jim Noble to be fair is probably the more Conservative of the two and him and Cahill live in the same ward wtf!!
ward 1 Al Teetsil fair enough
ward 2 : Brian Seche
ward 3 : we love there was no endorsement. All the ass kissing Chump Doran does to both Gallo and Cahill couldn't get him the Conservative line and the reasoning is was cuz he's not a Conservative... See below
Ward 4: Nina Dawson, now we love Nina and are supporting her reelection effort but she is by no means a Conservative not in any way shape or form so it must make Chump Dorans blood boil that Gallo and all his people got the conservative line except for him. Haha we love it, it's called Karma sir!
Ward 5 :Bill Carey that surprises us, he must of did a favor for Cahill's family or help them as they are residents of the fifth ward because there is no way Uncle Shayne approved of this endorsement by little Richie.
Ward 6 : Joe Corcaran, again understandable for the party. We like Joe as well, we support Mr. Davis but we love the Foxhall Deli especially the days that Terry Myers owned it and we are glad this man kept it local and with a similar integrity as when Terry had it opened may he rest in peace.
Ward 7 MA Mills again by no means a Conservative
Ward 8 Steve Shabot who doesn't like Steve Shabot?!
Ward 9 Debbie Brown
A theme that can be drawn is that a clear majority are people Gallo supports: Jeanette Provanzano Gallo's running mate who Cahill states didn't even ask for or want the line lol, Seche, Dawson, Mills and Brown. With the exception of Chump Doran not getting it and Bill Carey getting it, Gallo could have made this list himself. Good job Rich, Uncle Shayne must be proud. Master Zweben will order you that brand new Hess Fire Truck toy you've been wanting that says Commish on the side as your reward for being The Kingston Capos bitch.
For Mayor, Cahill signed off on Wilson Pakulas for both Gallo and Polacco but has not endorsed either one, Cahill did it this way so that Gallo won't have any issues w WFP. Gallo wants to have his cake and eat it too. I would respectfully point out that Gallo will have to fill out some sort of acceptance of the Wilson Pakula. So it's the same thing, Gallo is seeking the Conservative party line plain and simple. Rumor has it Cahill's Wilson Pakula for Gallo comes w a very happy ending :)
Again, Polacco should just leave the two love birds alone and let Gallo have the Conservative line. should just let Gallo have it.
Alderman at Large: Jeanette Provanzano , Jim Noble to be fair is probably the more Conservative of the two and him and Cahill live in the same ward wtf!!
ward 1 Al Teetsil fair enough
ward 2 : Brian Seche
ward 3 : we love there was no endorsement. All the ass kissing Chump Doran does to both Gallo and Cahill couldn't get him the Conservative line and the reasoning is was cuz he's not a Conservative... See below
Ward 4: Nina Dawson, now we love Nina and are supporting her reelection effort but she is by no means a Conservative not in any way shape or form so it must make Chump Dorans blood boil that Gallo and all his people got the conservative line except for him. Haha we love it, it's called Karma sir!
Ward 5 :Bill Carey that surprises us, he must of did a favor for Cahill's family or help them as they are residents of the fifth ward because there is no way Uncle Shayne approved of this endorsement by little Richie.
Ward 6 : Joe Corcaran, again understandable for the party. We like Joe as well, we support Mr. Davis but we love the Foxhall Deli especially the days that Terry Myers owned it and we are glad this man kept it local and with a similar integrity as when Terry had it opened may he rest in peace.
Ward 7 MA Mills again by no means a Conservative
Ward 8 Steve Shabot who doesn't like Steve Shabot?!
Ward 9 Debbie Brown
A theme that can be drawn is that a clear majority are people Gallo supports: Jeanette Provanzano Gallo's running mate who Cahill states didn't even ask for or want the line lol, Seche, Dawson, Mills and Brown. With the exception of Chump Doran not getting it and Bill Carey getting it, Gallo could have made this list himself. Good job Rich, Uncle Shayne must be proud. Master Zweben will order you that brand new Hess Fire Truck toy you've been wanting that says Commish on the side as your reward for being The Kingston Capos bitch.
Cahill the Yenta
Where's my binkie?!
Rich Cahill is such an old yenta, we like to gossip and report the facts but we do just that report the facts. Cahill's blog is full of misinformation, obits of people no one even knows and he censors comments from the few readers that he has left, the guy has lost 90% of his audience to this blog, so we thank him for the ten people he's given us. No wonder no one reads his blog. The other day Cahill posted on his blog an outright falsehood stating that Sinagra resigned as Chair of GOP committee, now he probably did hear from someone that told him that, instead of fact checking, the impulsive bitter Cahill just threw it up on his website as fact. Needless to say Sinagra did not resign we talked to former Kingston Capo Anthony "smurf" Sinagra himself today who confirmed to us that he is still Chair of the City's Republican committee. Sinagra and I go way back to his days on the common council, he's an old school gangster we have a lot of respect for the old mustach. An old mustach, is the term we use for old school members of the life. Anyway because he's proved to be a man of respect, he is still allowed to earn a bit as long as he pays his tribute to the family and doesn't make waves. Tony is mostly retired and takes orders from the boss and our current captains, he still has the title as Capo but even as GOP chair he doesn't run a crew and is given limited responsibility. Sinagra was allowed back in as Chair because the former chair was considered to have one too many drinks in public on a nightly basis but hey we think he did a good job and we worry about ourselves in that regard, we have no room to talk and don't judge. We are certianly more Conservative however on the drug policy, there are certain things the Feds will tolerate not drugs, we strictly in force the policy made by Carlo Gambino in 1950 that says you deal, you die! That covers using as well, the Feds get a weak sniffling addict in bad condition who knows what they might say to save their skin, betting on a garbage pail ?! That's the worst kinda gamble. Anyway we digress. The fact is Sinagra is the Chairman and will remain the chairman until we say otherwise. Cahill is still bitter that Sinagra didn't back him for Mayor in 2008. He tells that to anyone that will listen, what he doesn't tell them is the Republican Party voters rejected him in a bigger way than Sinagra ever could. Cahill went in as the standard barrier of the GOP party, running against Sottile in 2007, he was by far considered by pundits to have the upper hand in the primary but in a similar fashion to the way Sottile cleaned Cahill's clock in 07, Andi Turco Levin and the winner of the GOP primary Ron Polacco did the same in '10. Cahill finished a distant third getting a few more votes than Jean Jacobs. Cahill has no right to be mad, the GOP should be mad at Cahill after Cahill lost and lost badly he stayed in on the Conservative line instead of being a man and supporting the party's nominee Polacco.
Cahill has since been marginalized to being Chair of the Conservative party and to be fair he firmly wears the panties in that party, he's the boss. Cahill is obsessed with our blog because we spend little to no time on it and have ten times the readership, we average about 600-750 hits a day and 6500-7000 a month. We have that readership because we are not boring and don't censor comments simply because we don't agree with a desenting opinion. All voices are heard on this blog, we even allow the pro Cahill comments he writes in his den w his cat.
We hear Ron Polacco was the only candidate that showed for the endorsement interview for the Conservative nod for Mayor. Gallo obviously was excused, he doesn't have time for that bullshit, he was home drinking a nice bottle of Chianti watching The Bachelorette, yelling at Cara for not giving Mario a rose. Why bother showing up? Cahill will hand Shayne the line when Uncle Shayne is good and ready to accept it, like a fucking boss!! Gallo is a tough Capo, I'll give him that. We are surprised though that DiMicco didn't show? Anyway we personally feel that Polacco or DiMicco whoever wins primary should not seek Conservative line. The GOP's shot at winning the Mayors race is pretty good should Noble win the primary, especially if Gallo has the Conservative line because he will run as a spoiler and he will get probably 12-1500 votes. That amount will be enough to give the election to the first GOP Mayor in twenty years. Why is Conservative line critical for Gallo to have and why should the GOP candidates want Gallo to have that line vs Just staying in on the Independence line should he lose the Dem primary??!! BALLOT PLACEMENT!
The Conservative party is now Row C on the ballot so if Gallo has the Conservative line it would be a true three way race, theoretically Gallo could still win at that point but more likely he will take a ton votes from Noble and give election to GOP.
Sample Ballot under our scenario:
Row A Steve Noble
Row B Ron Polacco
Row C. Shayne Gallo
That will make this the best general election for Mayor and most interesting race this City has ever witnessed. Bradley/ Sennett comes to mind.
Tomorrow night is the GOP convention we will find out who will be the GOP nominee, word on street is Polacco has secured the votes. We have yet to confirm that with him but multiple people have told us this.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
The Omertà Report
We are holding off on the Gallo info we have, we still have a half an ounce of love for the man and can't bring ourselves to post it, at least not at this point in time.
The common council races: In Ward 2 we support the guy running against the incumbent, let's not forget Seche has no opinion of his own and no backbone he's gotta go. We endorse the other guy we don't know his name or care. In ward 3 we back Alderman Will, he is head and shoulders above Chump Doran, in Ward 4 we back Nina Dawson, we think she's doing a great job for that ward and could hold higher office. In Ward 5 Bill Carey. Ward 6 Tony Davis Ward 7 : Bill Reynolds is the guy to vote for he's brilliant a great leader and voters of ward 7 will be lucky to have him back. However we have a lot of respect for Ms. Mills who is a great mother has overcome a lot in her life and a great woman, sometimes you have two good candidates and have to make a decision, we support our Mentor majority Leader Reynolds. Ward 8 Steve Schabot all the way. Ward Nine: downtown Debbie Brown.
Ulster County DA Holly Carnright has grown on us, we love Jon Sennett, he's a mans man and stand up guy and we avocated for him in both of his bids for DA but Holly Carnright impresses us, as gangsters we don't always like the DA but we also don't like Child murders and he impressed us with his recent trial and conviction of Stali and he's just an honest good guy. He deserves another term.
Ulster Executive believe it or not this is a tough one, as much as we bust the Mighty Heiny's balls we think he's a great guy and a good boss of out family. He has many great qualities and on a personal level he's a cool stand up guy. However we support Terry Bernardo for Ulster County Executive, a former chair of the legislature, a former hotel executive with a Master's degree from Drexel University, and a buisness owner in Ulster County we think she is a superior choice to be Ulster's first woman County Executive. It'll be a tough uphill battle for Mrs. Bernardo but she has been vetted more than Hillary Clinton and we think she will ultimately win.
For Mayor we still are holding off on an endorsement.
We will say that Andy Zweben is way off on his recent article about petitions and the Dem committee trying keep Gallo off the ballot. This is the way it's always done, the Dem nominees are often on same petition as a slate, the GOP does same thing, people at doors do not want to sign a thousand different pieces of paper. Zweb knows this and knows the public does not understand but I will say this, they may not understand the petition process but they know bullshit when they see it and that is what this is: bullshit! The Board of elections is bipartisan and will help any candidate that wants to get on the ballot, they will give the person a blank petition to use to create what they need to get on the ballot or advise them on how to make their own. They would do that for anyone, to suggest anything else is ridiculous. There is no conspiracy at work here just parinoid liars looking more desperate by the day.
Rich Cahill says he will endorse candidates on Tuesday, if Gallo wants the line it's his, Cahill may sign Wilson Pakulas for all candidates to look like he's playing fair but Gallo will have the support of the commitee. Cahill is so far up Gallo's ass that he is even calling DPW, BPW like Gallo does. It's hysterical, he's like a little kid. I wanna be just like my Uncle Shayne. It hasn't been the board of public works in years and Cahill is just mimicking his false idol Gallo. Funny to watch, how a little power can but ones integrity.
We predict Polacco will win GOP convention.
That's all for now.
The common council races: In Ward 2 we support the guy running against the incumbent, let's not forget Seche has no opinion of his own and no backbone he's gotta go. We endorse the other guy we don't know his name or care. In ward 3 we back Alderman Will, he is head and shoulders above Chump Doran, in Ward 4 we back Nina Dawson, we think she's doing a great job for that ward and could hold higher office. In Ward 5 Bill Carey. Ward 6 Tony Davis Ward 7 : Bill Reynolds is the guy to vote for he's brilliant a great leader and voters of ward 7 will be lucky to have him back. However we have a lot of respect for Ms. Mills who is a great mother has overcome a lot in her life and a great woman, sometimes you have two good candidates and have to make a decision, we support our Mentor majority Leader Reynolds. Ward 8 Steve Schabot all the way. Ward Nine: downtown Debbie Brown.
Ulster County DA Holly Carnright has grown on us, we love Jon Sennett, he's a mans man and stand up guy and we avocated for him in both of his bids for DA but Holly Carnright impresses us, as gangsters we don't always like the DA but we also don't like Child murders and he impressed us with his recent trial and conviction of Stali and he's just an honest good guy. He deserves another term.
Ulster Executive believe it or not this is a tough one, as much as we bust the Mighty Heiny's balls we think he's a great guy and a good boss of out family. He has many great qualities and on a personal level he's a cool stand up guy. However we support Terry Bernardo for Ulster County Executive, a former chair of the legislature, a former hotel executive with a Master's degree from Drexel University, and a buisness owner in Ulster County we think she is a superior choice to be Ulster's first woman County Executive. It'll be a tough uphill battle for Mrs. Bernardo but she has been vetted more than Hillary Clinton and we think she will ultimately win.
For Mayor we still are holding off on an endorsement.
We will say that Andy Zweben is way off on his recent article about petitions and the Dem committee trying keep Gallo off the ballot. This is the way it's always done, the Dem nominees are often on same petition as a slate, the GOP does same thing, people at doors do not want to sign a thousand different pieces of paper. Zweb knows this and knows the public does not understand but I will say this, they may not understand the petition process but they know bullshit when they see it and that is what this is: bullshit! The Board of elections is bipartisan and will help any candidate that wants to get on the ballot, they will give the person a blank petition to use to create what they need to get on the ballot or advise them on how to make their own. They would do that for anyone, to suggest anything else is ridiculous. There is no conspiracy at work here just parinoid liars looking more desperate by the day.
Rich Cahill says he will endorse candidates on Tuesday, if Gallo wants the line it's his, Cahill may sign Wilson Pakulas for all candidates to look like he's playing fair but Gallo will have the support of the commitee. Cahill is so far up Gallo's ass that he is even calling DPW, BPW like Gallo does. It's hysterical, he's like a little kid. I wanna be just like my Uncle Shayne. It hasn't been the board of public works in years and Cahill is just mimicking his false idol Gallo. Funny to watch, how a little power can but ones integrity.
We predict Polacco will win GOP convention.
That's all for now.
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