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You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Gallo Fundraisers Draws Crickets


We hear a fundraiser for Mayor Gallo's reelection campaign last night at Armadillo drew just a handful of people and was very poorly attended. More bad news for Mayor Gallo and it's just the beginning of July.


  1. Why was the other post about Gallo taken down?

  2. Your information is incorrect, well attended and donations from those that couldn't be there. A real fun time.

    1. I second that opinion 11:17am. My friend said it was well attended and since I couldn't make it I mailed in a donation.

    2. Pictures or it is bullshit.

    3. i was there and it was well attended - and the food was great! great mix of people from all over the community!

    4. Bullshit, it was a flop. It is all over town. Kerry Henderson and Mike Piazza are not reflective of the community at large. Saying it was well attended on a blog does not change how poorly it was attended in real life.

  3. 11:17 and 2:15, you are both not telling or hearing the truth unless you think around a total of around 20 relatives and subordinates of Gallo equals a good crowd.

  4. Many notables in the business community were in attendance, nothing to prove. It was a good night but if you want to believe it was a loss , who cares?

  5. if someone told u they did a drive-by and came up with a low number, its because the party was outside on the patio, behind the one could see anything from the street!

  6. The crickets could see how many were on the patio

  7. This blog is getting pretty pathetic if its primary concern is over numbers at a fundraiser. That's because Noble/Noble is tanking. A kid and his Uncle.��

  8. That kid had close to 200 at his fundraiser and four years ago when Gallo first ran he was pulling in those same numbers. It's newsworthy cuz it represents the worm is turning Nobles way. An incumbent mayor w two dismal fundraisers both that were resionable priced that's not a good sign.

    1. That's BS and you know it. Mike Hein, Kevin Cahill or even Maurice Hinchey don't get those numbers. It doesn't matter how many show up its the amount of money you get in donations. There are a lot of supporters that will not show in a prime fundraiser but still donate and will vote for Gallo/Provenzano . By the way where is Uncle Jimmy hiding!!

    2. I wasn't at the Gallo fundraiser so I can't comment on that, but I did attend the Noble one at Casa Vila and it was pretty packed. Maybe not 200, but close to it. The entire front bar area was packed, and every table in the dining room was filled.

  9. You can see how many people where there from the road as the patio is right in site.

  10. Jimmy Sottile's son is getting married. He is preoccupied. Fundraisers are a clear indication of support. If people are anxious to support a candidate, they will show up. Hein and Cahill have each drawn 200 many times. Have you ever gone to Hein's birthday bash or Cahill's picnic? Each of them have drawn those numbers or more many times.

  11. Cahill never drew 200 people at his park picnic, been ther, never happned.

    1. I have too and I think you forget, or maybe may no know how many of those things he has had. His best move was moving it out to Ryder Park last year. Run down Hasbrouck Park kept people away in my family, they refused to go. We went back last year where there was well over 100 people there when we were there.

  12. Hahaaaa, you never thought of Ungle Jimmy Noble!!!

  13. Gallo has low support, he has pissed off way too many people.
