You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Richy Cahill Wastes No Time to Suck Gallo's Balls

Rich Cahill the Conservative that sold his soul to Gallo over a Fire Commisioner appointment loves to attack our blog. Usually instead of being a man about it he will write snarky comments on his blog anonymously. Afterwe posted the Omertà Report last night Cahill wrote two stories based on information he read on our blog, instead bashing us he should send us a thank you letter.

Cahill wasted no time in sucking Gallo's balls about the number of signatures his campaign collected and secondly questioned whether Kevin  Cahill endorsed Noble last week. We read the story in the Freeman and it sounded like an endorsement to us. Rich claimed the succesful Cahill is too crafty politically to endorse in a primary, you know like Gallo did last year when he endorsed Zimet over Cahill, a woman that didn't even stay in the race more than a few weeks. But Gallo gets a pass. What the fuck am I talkin about here just a few days Rich opined himself that Cahill and Hoffay were doing it to help Noble and how popularity was not transferable blah blah blah, so what are we splitting hairs is there any question who Kevin Cahill is voting for? We stand by our post from last night, in out opinion Cahill endorsed Noble in a politically crafty way to quote little Richy.

Lastly richy Cahill always pretends that someone called him and that he doesn't read our blog, in reality he checks probably 15 times a day. And if someone did call him it's because like him people read this blog in great volume. We are without a doubt the best sourse for politics in this county. There is no one more knowledgable about Kingston and County politics than me. I have sources with power players in every political family, included several elected officials. Our information is the best it's honest, it's direct, it's funny and Cahill is a jealous little bitch because his doesn't even come close to our blog and he's been doing it for five times as long. Rich is lucky we mentioned him today because now he'll get the attention he most desperately craves. And you're welcome Richard for the information you get off this blog to write your own.


  1. I would have thought Noble would be involved in getting his balls sucked by a man way before Mayor Gallo.

    1. Well his wife sure ain't- he's gotta get it from some where

    2. You're both disgusting liars

  2. Bwahaha you got that right 9:16!!

  3. You slipped up Blaber.... I thought this was a "group" of people. You should edit your post to reflect the following (As highlighted in caps) "We are without a doubt the best sourse for politics in this county. There is no one more knowledgable about Kingston and County politics than US. WE have sources with power players in every political family, included several elected officials."

  4. It's not Blaber for the millionth time and The wordage is correct. When I sayy we I am speaking or they are speaking on behalf of the gangsters that run this blog. When I was referring to my skill I was referring to my specific attributes which is why Insaid I. I am a captain and have other soldiers that contribute and get information to report. Thanks for heads up

  5. 9:16 and 4:11...Is this the skeletons in Noble's closet that someone else alluded to in another post?

  6. That's how Cahill received the Fire Commissioner appointment.

  7. That's how he puts out Gallos fiery temper, Cahill sits under desk and extinguishes it w his tongue. He takes his role as fire Commisioner extremely serious.

  8. yo'all are truly disgusting.... Thought I would check out this blog but I am thoroughly repulsed.. Just a gossip rag... thought I would see some discussion on election politics. Guess not!

  9. So how about we get simple answers from Mr. Noble to the following questions.

    1) If one adds up the percentage of your time that you claim to have spent on grants in various applications, will the total be over 100%

    2) Did you seek and collect reimbursement from any entity for installing a fishing pier which has not been installed?

    If the answer to either of those questions is yes, you have committed fraud on behalf of the city. Politics or no, it is that simple.

    You cannot lie on a grant application (or any other government application) and then disavow the consequences.

    1. 5:01 AMs comment must be from Swanzy - he has no idea what he's doing. He hasn't administered one grant in the entire time he's worked for the city.

      1) Time is not logged by percentage - nor would the match be calculated by percentage. Time is logged hourly and then calculated by the worker's hourly wage including benefits. Steve Noble could put in 168 hours a week - anything more than that would be fraudulent. If the funding agency awarded a grant for $10,000 to be matched in labor by the recipient (we'll use the CoK as an example), then if Steve Noble or Greg Swanzy performed any of the work and DPW supplied the trucks, it all gets calculated based on each employee's hours as well as how much it cost to run the trucks (i.e., gas, insurance, etc.). How would you ever calculate by percentage of time?

      2) How could Steve Noble possibly collect reimbursement for installing anything if it hasn't been installed? From whom would he seek reimbursement? Are you talking about supplies? He couldn't seek reimbursement if he hadn't spent any money. Would you reimburse or pay anyone if they haven't submitted an invoice? Are you suggesting that he personally profited? Or that your alleged reimbursement went to the CoK? Ask Tuey if there were any deposits for Noble's efforts.

      Clearly, you have no idea how grants work. To further prove your ignorance, hours, efforts, or expenditures are submitted on the application. Those aforementioned items are submitted on quarterly reports for reimbursement.

      Don't accuse someone of lying and stealing unless you know what you're talking about.

    2. Again, despite your protestations to the contrary, Mr. Noble has not denied that he did precisely what has been alleged.

      He allegedly represented on numerous grant applications that certain percentages of his work time were expended on specific projects and the allegation is that the total percentages add up to well over 100%.

      Simple yes or no would suffice.

      The allegation is that he submitted an application for funds to reimburse the city for money expended on installing a dock that has not been installed.

      Did it happen, yes or no?

  10. If that was true Gallo would be calling for his arrest. It's bullshit. Wait until I expose the grants SwanZy messed up and this is the guy doing the audit?! This story is about take an interesting tun. I bet 2 dimes the city doesn't approve my foil requests.

  11. "power players???!!" in Kingston?? you are so delusional! who the hell do you consider a "power player" in rinky-dink little ole Kingston??? ( and I say this with great affection for my hometown!) you do realize that outside of city limits, no one has ever heard of any of these people? please tell me you realize that...

  12. We enjoy being big fish in a small pond. Easier to extort, cheat and steamroll over anyone gets in out way or disagrees with our view points.. Capish?!

  13. I doubt the City will honor your foil requests. You will have to get the State involved in order to get the information on ass hole SwanZy

  14. Again, just two simple questions that to date Mr. Noble has not answered with a yes or no.

    1. Why don't you ask him personally? How do know if he reads this blog?

  15. When is the next report coming out?

  16. What is Gallo going to put stop signs on Broadway at Henry Street as the light is now flashing. Waiting for a major accident to happen.

  17. Your green is showing, Cahill posts facto and comments on them. You, blog owner, are full of hate and bitterness, you need to let it go, going to destroy you.

  18. Cahill is a douche bag, anyone who uses him as a touchstone of support is going to get what he gets, another loss. He posts on here, on his own posts, on the Freeman under a fake name, and anywhere else he can. Complete asshole.

  19. Noble is a nice guy, not a criminal - obviously incompetent, without a doubt.

    I'm a dem who will cast my general election vote for a Republican and will encourage those around me to do the same. Kingston needs an adult in office.

    1. Ron Polacco is more qualified than Steve Noble? In what universe?

  20. Seems Gallo did not file for Ind and Con on time according BOE

  21. Gallo going to court. The law is the law he missed the deadline no Judge will rule in his favor

  22. You must have a comment on this?

  23. I think it will be overturned.

    1. I agree. With mail delivery now being transported to Albany for processing there is a reasonable expectation that post mark dates are not true indications especially if they are coming from mail machines in businesses and then being transported to another site for USPS postmarking.
