You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Omerta Report

Petition Season is over and now the election really begins to take shape and we at Kingston Goodfellas are really excited.

In the County Executive race Mike Hein will be on the Democratic line, which could end up being his only line as he faces a challenge on the WFP line from Fred Rasmussen who is a member of the Working Families Party and working hard to win the support of his party.  A Green party candidate has also filled petitions, Hunter Downing, like Fred he is with the railroad and they pan to steam roll over Hein so the tracks stay in Ulster county. Terry Bernardo, former chair of county legislature, who has signifigant Dem support will appear on the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines.

Shayne Gallo, author of a new book coming out this fall, how to lose an election without really trying, filled petitions to run on the conservative party line. Gallo to be fair is the most Conservative candidate in the race but this will not help Gallo in the Democratic primary. It does give him good placement on the ballot if he takes the race to the November election to have all Kingston voters decide his fate. 

Gallo and Noble both filled Democratic petitions, Noble got 895 to Gallo's 700...pretty even and impressive on Mayor G's part, that's a lot of signatures without support of the Democratic committee.

Ron Polacco filed petitions for the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines and looks to be in good shape as the Democratic civil war is about to go in full swing. Polacco has a good shot of becoming the first Republican in twenty yrs to take the front office at City Hall.

Steve Noble did get a nice boost in his campaign the other day, with Assemblyman Kevin Cahill endorsing his candidacy over Gallo. That's a big fucking deal. Cahill likes to play it close to the vest and to come out against the sitting Mayor even if he's a lunatic, that's a big deal. It shows the confidence the party and leaders in the community like Kevin have in Noble's race in the Democratic Primary.

Crazy Joe DiFalco made some boo boos on some of Gallo's Aldermadic candidate's Independence petitions; Andrew Champ Doran and Tony Davis (who we also support) will not appear on the Indy line in the November election after DiFalco failed to identify the City and County on their petitions respectively. 

Dean Fabiano was cross endorsed for County Leg by the County Democratic committee after making a deal with our party that he would support Peter Loughran or Hector when the chairmanship votes comes in January. Put it this way, he made a deal that he would not back Parete. We are very unhappy with this deal, the way the party continues to disrespect John Parete amazes us, he's a former boss that achieved great things and made our family the majority party in Ulster county. Mike Hein, Paul Van Blarcum, Elliott Auerbach and countless others are enjoying the fruit of John's hard work. It wasn't too long ago that our conventions were held in telephone booths, not the fucking Holiday Inn with a standing room only crowd.

Speaking of deals we hear Fred Wadnola has made a deal with Jim Maloney to make town clerk Linda McDonough the Supervisor. Linda who wants to be Supervisor is a little worried about beating Quigley's people at the caucus and knows he wont challenge Fred. The plan is to make Fred the candidate, and have Maloney stack the committee on vacancies so Wadnola can step down before September and the committee will appoint McDonough to represent the ticket in his place. And with no Democratic Opponent, essentially that three member committee will be electing her the next town supervisor. Absolute power, corrupts absolutly!


  1. Hunter Downing is 18yrs old, just graduating Onteora High School, and an Eagle Scout.... Who put him up to run? Bernardo?

  2. Fabiano going to lose Rep primary. His career is over. Loughran or Hector would be a comedy show. Can either of them hold a job?

  3. Frank Cardinale is a piece of shit for supporting Fabiano. He should have nothing to say when Parete gets the Republicans to support him.

    PS: this post is pretty bad. Time will show how inaccurate this one is. A couple more days of work on your part would have been a good idea.

  4. where did Cahill come out & endorse Noble?? just because Hoffay said so, doesn't make it so. doesn't the Mayor's son work for Cahill??

    1. Yeah but they hate each other. Real shock.

    2. Hoffay said so? Get your head out of ur ass Rich. The release came from the assemblyman 's office. Hoffay was a contact person as he is on several releases a day as an employee of Cahill. I agree Kevin should have known better to put someone else as the contact person so idiots like urself can't exploit it by trying discredit Noble for his association w Hoffay.

  5. I would say that Cahill only endorsed Steve Noble (which I don't remember hearing that, it was more a support in the grant debacle) is because Noble is not Gallo. No thought in Cahill 's process only to get Gallo. Not a good reason to endorse any candidate. How does that help Kingston? As always, Hoffay has injected himself and his agenda into the process. For once it would be refreshing if Hoffay actually had the city's best interests at heart...ooops, I forgot ,one has to have a heart in order to care...

    1. Gallo has acted like a raging douche ever since he got into office. He is the very definition of "polarizing figure." He may yet be re-elected mayor, but he's gonna have to do it the very hard way due to his complete inability to form alliances.

  6. Kevin Cahill joined The Nobles in attacking the jr league credibility. See letter to editor from league. All jr noble had todo was tell the truth,owe up to the mistake and move on. He chose coverup with the help of Sottie, Hoffay etc. poor boy is way over his head.

  7. Where are your negative self absorbing comments about the CSEA endorsing both Gallo and Provenzano.!!!

    1. Worthless endorsement. Ask the bulk of the members of the CSEA what they think. Better yet, just watch on primary day. A couple of ass kissing cronies like Ashdown (who is universally despised inside and outside the union) and Fagan, do not represent the bulk of the workers. You'll see.

  8. You have such a potty mouth. But that is the way someone who doesn't have true intelligence speaks. Educated individuals use words with multiple syllables. You might try it.
