You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Omerta Report -- Gallo's Campaign Impolding


As we have all heard by now Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo is not having a great week but before we get to the obvious we wanted to address the CSEA endorsement of Gallo. The CSEA endorsed Shayne Gallo's reelection and here is why it doesn't matter and why it is all smoke and mirrors. The CSEA endorsement was not a fair endorsement by any means nor was there anyway they were going to support anyone but Gallo. This is not us being bitter, the Second Noble and Polacco got their questionnaire they had to of known they were not getting it. The contact person was a woman named Jill and we like Jill and respect her so we will not post her last name or say she personally did anything wrong but we must point out that this woman is Mayor Shayne Gallo's cousin and not only did she lead the interview process and interview all the Mayoral candidates; before she conducted a single interview for Mayor or read a single one of their questionnaire responses  she went out and got Mayor Gallo close to 100 signatures to get him on the Democratic ballot.  This was not a fair open process by any means it is all smoke and mirrors,  don't forget Shayne Gallo used to work for CSEA as a labor specialist before he was FIRED for his erratic behavior, these are all facts, look into them. Ask Howard Baul, the Current CSEA labor specialist what he thinks of Shayne Gallo. CSEA endorsement was delivered to Gallo by his cousin and Troy Ashdown's friends both his cousin and Ashdown's work together and are good people and they did their boss a solid and he owes them for the P.R. Splash but the rank and file members are not voting for the guy, they are smarter than that.

 With that being said  we an get on to what the entire City is buzzing about: On Tuesday the Board of Elections threw Shayne Gallo off both the Independence and Conservative party lines after his campaign failed to file his acceptances on time. To be honest this baffles us, we knew from day one that the Gallo campaign would look like amateur hour, Gallo's key team that put him in office are all no longer associated with the man or his campaign and the remaining few that are leave a lot to be desired in terms of campaign experience.. Mayor Gallo himself has no idea how to run a political campaign, all the nuts and bolts of it were done for him four years ago and he took a lot of that for granted. However, the acceptance form is such a simple thing to do and with Andrew Zweben as his attorney it defies logic how it could have happened. Zweben may be pure evil but he's smart when it comes to election law he knows the process, he knew this had to be done. Zweben we hear was practically living at the B.O.E.the last few weeks and we just do not understand why he did not file that form during one of the many times he was in that building last week.

Zweben has told people many different reasons as to why it was late, he claims he never got the acceptance letter from the board until the last day, while the general public may hear that and shed a tear the people that know this process just call bullshit on it. Lets say the boe never sent it out at all, Andrew knows it had to be filled and he knows that he can get that form at the board by going in and asking for it or by going on the website and printing it off, there is no excuse as to why this was late.

In our opinion not only was it late but we do not believe for a second that the envelope that was sent into the Board of elections was stamped in his office on the 13th, we believe it was much more devious than that. We believe it was back dated for the 13th after they realized on the 14th it was late. First that's not the type of form you mail in especially if you're in a hotly contested race and live in City of Kingston where BOE office is located. You certainly wouldn't mail it in if it's the 13th and the form is due on the 13th, you drive to the boe and file it yourself or you go to the post office and walk inside and watch the clerk stamp it in front of you. We believe neither of these things happened because it was prepared and signed on the 14th. No way Andy on the day of deadline just threw it in the mail and hoped for the best, no reasonable person that knows this process believes that.

There are others who believe that Andrew deliberately fucked Gallo out of these two lines because he is sick of his shit and constantly being embarrassed in front of people by the Mayor. Some do give Andrew the benifit of the doubt and blame Gallo for over extending Zweben. The guy does wear a lot of different hats, from Gallo's shoe shiner, legal adviser, to his campaign manager, to the spokesman of the city, the henchman trying beat up and discredit Gallo's precised enemies. It could be that Andy just had his hand in too many different things and took his eye off the ball.  We may never know real reason but regardless what the reason is the bottom line is the paper was late and Zweben fucked up big time and handed Ron Polacco the Independence and Conservative party lines in the November election.

Gallo is in a due or die situation for the Democratic primary now, the only way he can win reelection is by winning September primary. No word on whether Gallo will or even has the organization at this point to get the 600 required signatures to create his own line.

We also find it ironic that after weeks of Gallo and Zweben relentlessly blasting Noble over the mere possibility of the City losing money because of the mistakes in paperwork Noble allegedly made, the guy can't even get his own petitions in order to get him on the ballot, talk about incompetent! Maybe Gallo should of had Swanzy examine his acceptances instead of Noble's grants.  Lastly it is poetic justice that it was Jeremy Blaber that filled the objections that knocked Gallo off the lines and possibly what will end his career as Mayor.


Gallo is known to be an awful public speaker and does not want to participate in any debates. How dare anyone run against him anyway. They are not worthy to share the same stage with him in his opinion and  doesnt want to be bothered.

We hear yesterday in the midst of  seeing his tenure as Mayor flash before his eyes he found out that the league of women voters had organized and scheduled a debate between all the candidates for Mayor a few days before the Democratic primary at City Hall. Our sources in City Hall tell us Gallo screamed and berated City Clerk Carly Williams questioning her loyalty and competence for doing her job and allowing them to reserve space, saying it was not the appropriate venue for it.

Is this guy losing it??  It was the appropriate venue four years ago when candidate Gallo participated in a debate at city hall when running for mayor. It was an appropriate event two years ago for his girlfriend to use city hall to organize an event for some organization shes associated with. It was an appropriate venue to hold the wfp convention in back in 2011 that he won or the Democratic convention that same year where he was crushed.

Gallo's brother restored Kingston City Hall for Kingstonians alike to use and enjoy, it is unconscionable for Mayor Gallo to say the residents of the city of Kingston do not have the right to go to City Hall and hear from the candidates looking to lead their city. Furthermore it is a disgrace to his late brother's memory, and to the city he represents.


  1. I would want to know if the serial number for the machine stamp (041L10208493) matches the machine in Zweben's private office (acceptable) or if is associated with City Hall's postal machine. If the latter, it would seem a blatant violation of the Hatch Act. Is anyone investigating this?

  2. What Shayne did to Carly yesterday was awful. I was there and I heard him and he almost made her cry, he's a punk and a bully. Guess what any man bullies a woman is not a real man and doesn't deserve lead the city I grew up in. Shayne took his frustrations out on Carly for what happened to him yesterday, I have worked for three mayors and never has one acted this way. Two can play that game, Gallo acts like a Baffin and animal at dept head meetings and is very inappropriate. I have multiple tapes I will be sending to the press, people are going to se who this guy really is!

  3. Cahill blog reporting on the quarterly reports to the state for campaign funds of mayoral candidates. Appears Steve Noble is a bit lacking in money compared to Shane Gallo. Seems he has a lot of windbags touting his capabilities but many not willing or able to finance his run. Not too far behind Noble is Polacco with MANY small donations. Noble mainly has a few big donors. Doesn't say much about the numbers supporting him. Maybe Park & Rec grant debacle is the reason...don't trust a kid with a lot of money. :)

  4. 322:, are two good press contacts. Send any audio to and we will post with your anonimity guerenteed. I will go to jail before I tell who you are to anyone, feel free to send using a throw away email account if you feel more comfortable. You are doing the right thing.

  5. 328 Gallo has like ten individual donors and all rest are corporate. Don't listen to Caholl, yes he has most $ but no where near what an incumbent Mayor should have. Put it tho way if it were Jim Sottile running he'd have 45-50k in bank. Gallo has about ten. The fact he has no contributions from the regular folks is alarming and troubling. Two if the ten donors are DiFalco and Zweben and they work for the guy.

    1. Did you actually look up the campaign report or just making excuses? I find it hard to believe that he has 10 individual donors when at the last fund raiser I went to there were at least 40 people there... That would be 40 individual donors....right there blows the 10 donor theory. I am sure Stevie would not turn down corporate donors if he was offered donations. He did seek CSEA Union endorsement but all for nothing... a word of advice to 3:22..don't trust Jeremy..he said he would go to jail to cover for you? He has a way of staying out of jail. Really? And if you have been there for three mayors as you say not hard to eliminate who you might be at city hall....just saying...... Personally I think you are the alter ego of Mr.Blaber. and then he responds to himself as Kingston Goodfellas.. BTW what is a Baffin? Not sure if he will publish this post...will see.

    2. Lol that would be Rich Cahill that posts and than responds to himself on his blog and this one. We are exaggerating when we say we would go to jail to protect a source , not because we wouldn't but because there would never be a scenario that would come to that.. We are simply making a point we would keep the info anonymous 1000% anyone that talks to us and gives us info that helps write the stories that go on this blog we protect. Furthormore we publish all comments and any comment we personally write is published under name Kingston goodfellas. We agree very unlikely a city employee would post that much info about who they are but just in case they did it does not hurt to give out information where someone could send information to their local press. Also maybe the person is fed up with Shayne and will go on record and doesn't care about their identity being revealed. If they worked under three different Mayors they could be close to retirement? JB btw is not the author of this blog and lastly we tend to also agree that the so called tapes people talk about probably do not exist because it seems to be just that all never know though.

  6. How come no one in the news reported the conflict of interest with the CSEA endorsement?

  7. This is the first time reading your blog, that I can honestly say you don't know what you are talking about. While you never are to far from the truth this time your report is all wet. Voters don't want nepotism , Noble,Noble running City Government. Your comments are all wet also concerning CSEA endorsement, this individual only has one vote. Sorry sore losers.

  8. We are not even supporting Noble so it's not being sore losers. We are calling it like we see it. CSEA endorsement was decided before interview process even started. Don't bullshit me, just like this is the first time you are reading the blog and the very next line you say I'm usually not that far from truth, how would you know that if this is your first time reading? Like we stated, that's a victory for team Gallo it's still wirth some $$ from union but I'm telling you that endorsement will not translate into votes. The folks are too smart for that, the rank and file csea members will vote probably evenly between all three. You have the Gallo supporters, the Polacco supporters, Noble supporters and than the majority of them that don't vote in the city of Kingston.

  9. Hear there is a new City Clerk to be named? Any truth to that rummor?

  10. Yea I agree w you probably bs but you never know. I think the blog can be trusted to get confidential information and I also think it's Hoffay not Jeremy that writes this!!

  11. so is Hoffay constantly misspelling words to appear to be Jeremy? If so Hoffay is a bigger idiot than I thought. anybody who aligns with Tommy boy has always suffered the consequences in their personal or political matters but like the Don who was Teflon ( as they say) shit rolls off of Hoffay and on to bystanders.

  12. Court tomorrow at 930 we will see if it sticks!

  13. Well another Gallo blames Noble in the Freeman just now.

  14. Are they in court for sure today?

  15. It's Thursday thought you knew everything

  16. I see Jim Noble likes Jeanette Provenzanos facebook invitation to Mayor Gallo and her bid for Alderman at Large. Is he stepping down?

  17. That is the rumor...That way the Dumbocrats can put someone else in place....all devious.. Anybody who is anti Gallo will do. Not in the least bit concerned for the average citizen. Egos run amok... Kingston should not be their personal playground.

  18. Noble is stepping down

    1. Both of them? How wonderful that would be. But who they would substitute with is a scary thought. What a lot of wasted energy by running on their slogan..Anybody but Gallo. 10:58 , I agree with you. Gallo has done well inspite of the naysayers, whiners and complainers all around.

  19. Where do you get that Noble is stepping down?

  20. I find it interesting in the Freeman article that Steve Noble is all of a sudden willing to consider rail and walking trails when he was such an advocate for just the Rail Trail as the Environmentalist for the city. He and Swanzey appeared to be strong supporters for only walking trails. Did Dave Donaldson take him behind the woodshed? Could he now be pandering to the railroad enthusiasts? . Really?? At least in the beginning Gallo stated the rail and trail could not co exist. Made a definite decision while Steve Noble is now hedging his bets. Steve Noble,as a leader? Don't see it., Which way is the wind blowing this month?

  21. Not true Gallo's position has changed as well regarding the railroad.

  22. Gallo does support the train traveling to Hurley Flats but still not endorsing the rail and trail co existing side by side to reservoir. Originally he did not support the CMRR anywhere in the City. That is the only concession but Stevie being a part of the Kingston Land Trust was quite the advocate for walking trail only. Never heard Boy Noble verbally say he was a fan of their co existence. Sucking up to CMRR..They had better watch out cuz he can turn on a dime if it will benefit his campaign. Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures.

  23. So to be fair both their positions have changed. Noble supports it fully now and Gallo supports to Hurley. Just because they have different positions doesn't demonstrate any difference in the fact they both have evolved and changed their original positions. So can we trust Gallo anymore than Noble wat if he changes on a dime and has Zweeben park another dump truck on the rails?!

  24. Good God! I am SO sick of the telling of dump truck incident...Is that all you got?? Do you have a thing for dump trucks???? Probably will need to use it with all of the BS that gets spilled here... Actually when you think about it..what a creative way to stop a train... Resourceful! As to Noble supporting it now...Hardly. It is only because it is an election year and he needs vengeance votes from the CMRR. Do you think us citizens are fools?
