This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Monday, September 28, 2015
Sorry we've been busy Major update this evening!
We will update you on Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo his last days in office. Steve Noble's less than stellar record on the RRA board and much more.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The Omerta Report--- Post Primary Report
Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo went down in flames last Thursday night with Steve Noble trouncing the outgoing Mayor with 57% of the vote. Noble ran a very shitty campaign, he made mistake after mistake and did everything in the world to hurt himself but still won and won big! In reality this election was not so much Noble winning as it was Gallo losing. Not to take anything away from the kid at all, I'm sure he does a good job at the zoo with the animals but I would be willing to bet there are a lot of Democrats that woke up Friday morning kicking themselves that they did not run...two people that immediately come to mind are Bill Reynolds and Dave Donaldson both who would have easily won. Another two come to mind as well; the first is Hayes Clement, that was the race that people wanted to see and I have to think especially after losing by six votes four years ago that Clement had to have thought about running and has to be kicking himself now that he didn't. The other is less obvious and that is Jim Noble, the Uncle of Steve. I don't care what he says, in his heart of hearts he would love to be Mayor and everyone but him knew that he was the obvious successor to Sottile four years ago and would have destroyed Gallo in the primary then or last Thursday. In the back of Jimmy Noble's mind he wishes it was him and not the nephew, without question.
The general election could go either way but with a divided Democratic party and with Ron Polacco having four lines he is the odds on favorite. Eight years ago in 2007, sitting Poughkeepsie Mayor Nancy Cozean was beat in the Democratic primary by Fred Knapp, in a vicious primary that mirrors the Gallo/Noble primary but in the general election despite a huge enrollment advantage for Knapp he lost to Republican Tkazyik who was a former member of the Poughkeepsie Common Council, it's amazing the similarities of the race. Why did Tkazyik win despite the enrollment advantage for Dems? Same reason Polacco will win: a divided Democratic party that was pissed that their Mayor was ousted and a need in the City for change of a one party dominated City for so long.
Polacco will balance City government in the sense that Jim Noble has already been reelected, he has no race, so unless you want one family running both the Executive and legislative branches of city government than you have no choice but to support Polacco. Polacco a two term Alderman that served on the council's powerful Finance committee oversaw four budgets as Alderman and has the experience, he will however have to deal with a veto proof common council that will likely be 9-0. Again though for the first time in 21 years Kingston will have checks and balances in our government. You can't have one family being that powerful. The Noble family will essentially become Gambino family in Kingston, controlling city government completely with an iron fist and more employees on city in government than I have fingers and toes, but I am missing a pinky finger from a bad bet that happened a long time ago, details not needed. I think it was John Gotti that said Absolute power corrupts absolutely! ;) But for real!
Knapp Beats Sitting Mayor Cozean
From Wikipedia:
Tkazyik was elected to the City of Poughkeepsie Common Council in 2001. He was reelected to the Council in 2003 and 2005. He successfully ran for mayor in November 2007 and served on the Common Council until he took that office on January 1, 2008. He was sworn into office as the City of Poughkeepsie's second youngest mayor. He was reelected to a second term in 2011
Team Gallo is bitter as ever! I will tell you that we heard Ellen DiFalco was in tears on Friday morning at City hall and crazy Uncle Joe is about to lose it, I ran into him on primary night and he threatened to have the commission whack me out. I also ran into Alderwoman Dawson the other day who was not her friendly self in my presence, the fact is the Kingston Capo is gone and Gallocrats are sore winners, I can't imagine what they are gunna be like the next few months as losers. I will say it's been an emotional few days for our family too, a civil war is never good and a Gallo losing even if it is Shayne hurts my heart on some level. I really feel bad for Nancy Gallo, my second favorite Gallo.
Common Council:
Wards 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, are all going to be Democrat no matter what, we are happy that Seche got his balls cut off by his no name challenger.
Wards six and nine will be competitive we give the advantage to Davis is six but support Corchran and the advantage to Johnson in Nine and support her candidacy as well.
County Legislature:
Congrats to Jennifer Schwartz Berky on her victory, great lady, Woltman is a friend of mine, we at Goodfellas thought she would be a good choice but voters felt differently and wish the new legislator elect the best of luck!
County Exec:
Not a good week for our Boss Mike Hein
We hear one of his deputy Exec's was busted over the weekend for a dwi and then we say this in the comment section of the blog regarding CSEA ENDORSEMENT:
Mike Hein went down in flames last night at CSEA region 3. Cimorelli did piss poor job.
Joyce Howard and John Staino were his only supporters.
Both are running next year for region office. Important to let all county employees know that Cimorelli Warnock Joyce Howard and staino cannot get elected next year or Hein will have card blanch in ulster county CSEA.
On top of all that we have confermation that Christine Hein is now a Kingston resident living with her Mom on Hoffman Street. Not a good news week for Ulster Capo Mike Hein
Terry Bernardo meanwhile held a fundraiser on the train that drew more than 200 people could we be witnessing the upset of the year?
Also we will post later with reults from Ulster GOP Caucus regarding the race for Town Supervisor: GO TEAM QUIGLEY!!!
The general election could go either way but with a divided Democratic party and with Ron Polacco having four lines he is the odds on favorite. Eight years ago in 2007, sitting Poughkeepsie Mayor Nancy Cozean was beat in the Democratic primary by Fred Knapp, in a vicious primary that mirrors the Gallo/Noble primary but in the general election despite a huge enrollment advantage for Knapp he lost to Republican Tkazyik who was a former member of the Poughkeepsie Common Council, it's amazing the similarities of the race. Why did Tkazyik win despite the enrollment advantage for Dems? Same reason Polacco will win: a divided Democratic party that was pissed that their Mayor was ousted and a need in the City for change of a one party dominated City for so long.
Polacco will balance City government in the sense that Jim Noble has already been reelected, he has no race, so unless you want one family running both the Executive and legislative branches of city government than you have no choice but to support Polacco. Polacco a two term Alderman that served on the council's powerful Finance committee oversaw four budgets as Alderman and has the experience, he will however have to deal with a veto proof common council that will likely be 9-0. Again though for the first time in 21 years Kingston will have checks and balances in our government. You can't have one family being that powerful. The Noble family will essentially become Gambino family in Kingston, controlling city government completely with an iron fist and more employees on city in government than I have fingers and toes, but I am missing a pinky finger from a bad bet that happened a long time ago, details not needed. I think it was John Gotti that said Absolute power corrupts absolutely! ;) But for real!
Knapp Beats Sitting Mayor Cozean
From Wikipedia:
Tkazyik was elected to the City of Poughkeepsie Common Council in 2001. He was reelected to the Council in 2003 and 2005. He successfully ran for mayor in November 2007 and served on the Common Council until he took that office on January 1, 2008. He was sworn into office as the City of Poughkeepsie's second youngest mayor. He was reelected to a second term in 2011
Team Gallo is bitter as ever! I will tell you that we heard Ellen DiFalco was in tears on Friday morning at City hall and crazy Uncle Joe is about to lose it, I ran into him on primary night and he threatened to have the commission whack me out. I also ran into Alderwoman Dawson the other day who was not her friendly self in my presence, the fact is the Kingston Capo is gone and Gallocrats are sore winners, I can't imagine what they are gunna be like the next few months as losers. I will say it's been an emotional few days for our family too, a civil war is never good and a Gallo losing even if it is Shayne hurts my heart on some level. I really feel bad for Nancy Gallo, my second favorite Gallo.
Common Council:
Wards 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, are all going to be Democrat no matter what, we are happy that Seche got his balls cut off by his no name challenger.
Wards six and nine will be competitive we give the advantage to Davis is six but support Corchran and the advantage to Johnson in Nine and support her candidacy as well.
County Legislature:
Congrats to Jennifer Schwartz Berky on her victory, great lady, Woltman is a friend of mine, we at Goodfellas thought she would be a good choice but voters felt differently and wish the new legislator elect the best of luck!
County Exec:
Not a good week for our Boss Mike Hein
We hear one of his deputy Exec's was busted over the weekend for a dwi and then we say this in the comment section of the blog regarding CSEA ENDORSEMENT:
Mike Hein went down in flames last night at CSEA region 3. Cimorelli did piss poor job.
Joyce Howard and John Staino were his only supporters.
Both are running next year for region office. Important to let all county employees know that Cimorelli Warnock Joyce Howard and staino cannot get elected next year or Hein will have card blanch in ulster county CSEA.
On top of all that we have confermation that Christine Hein is now a Kingston resident living with her Mom on Hoffman Street. Not a good news week for Ulster Capo Mike Hein
Terry Bernardo meanwhile held a fundraiser on the train that drew more than 200 people could we be witnessing the upset of the year?
Also we will post later with reults from Ulster GOP Caucus regarding the race for Town Supervisor: GO TEAM QUIGLEY!!!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Gallo: The Lord Let Kingston Down By Not Reelecting me!
Actual quote from last night during his concession speech
Thursday, September 10, 2015
In the words of Donald Trump: Gallo You're Fired!
Big victory for team Noble tonight and he should enjoy it while it lasts cuz we thinks out next Mayor will be Alderman Ron Polacco. This is a good night for the City of Kingston nonetheless. Gallo stabbed all is friends in the back, his friends that knew what they were doing and got him elected four years ago. Gallo's arrogance just couldn't see that and he surrounded himself with people that had no clue on how to run a campaign and the results of tonight's election show that. Now Shayne Gallo knows how it feels to be betrayed by his friends and humiliated publicly by people that loved him and who thought were loved by him back. In many ways this breaks my heart. We could have went places me and Shayne, he could have been our Attorney General, he's smart and loveable and it saddens me to a point that the Kingston Capo was clipped tonight from his office but he had to go. So much potential wasted because of his narcissism and unresolved mental health issues and parinoia. Poor Shayne, I cried a little tonight, I take no pleasure in Gallo's defeat, I don't. It's bitter sweet. I can't help but think what could have been. Congrats to Noble for getting the job done, it's now time to elect the most qualified candidate left running; Ron Polacco.
Primary Update
Heavy turnout so far in Kingston! Turnout higher than 2011 primary!!!
primary question of day: If Gallo loses does he fire Zweben tonight or does he wait until Monday?!
primary question of day: If Gallo loses does he fire Zweben tonight or does he wait until Monday?!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Parete and Woltman Deserve Your Votes Too
We also want to remind you guys to vote for two friends of ours that are involved in legislative primaries tomorrow as well: Rich Parete in Accord, Marbletown and Brian Woltman in Kingston. Also it goes without saying please vote for Jim Noble in addition to voting for Steve tomorrow.
BREAKING: Junior League Prez Beth Hannigan To Man Gallo HQ's For Primary According TO Internal Gallo Memo
Below you will find that Beth Hannigan, the same non political Beth Hannigan that is involved in the Junior League, will be manning HQ's for Gallo's reelection effort tomorrow.
This proves without a doubt that the entire Forsyth Park "fiasco", was a manufactured story to try and discredit Steve Noble.
Tomorrow is election day, I encourage you all to flood the below numbers with calls asking that Shayne Gallo and Beth Hannigan apoligize to Steve Noble.
While you're at it don't forget to vote Steve Noble in the Primary.
This proves without a doubt that the entire Forsyth Park "fiasco", was a manufactured story to try and discredit Steve Noble.
Tomorrow is election day, I encourage you all to flood the below numbers with calls asking that Shayne Gallo and Beth Hannigan apoligize to Steve Noble.
While you're at it don't forget to vote Steve Noble in the Primary.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
SHOCK POLL: Gallo Down By Five, Noble Looking At A Comfy Primary Win
The Gallo campaign is down by five points according to new polling data we have uncovered. The end of the Gallo legacy is upon us, Thursday Kingston Democrats will go to the polls and vote to see who will be Kingston's Capo for our family.
The last few weeks have been nasty by team Gallo throwing anything that will stick at Team Noble whether it be correct or not. The other day Gallo sent out a four page mailer attacking Steve Noble that was so bad that if I were Steve Noble I wouldn't even be upset. What is it with Gallo's constant blowing of Gregg Swanzi, please guys can you both stop sucking each other cocks for three seconds, it's gross.
Speaking of sucking cock, Mayor Gallo has faithfully, ( no pun intended) been on his knees for County Executive Mike Hein since the day he was sworn in as Mayor and Mike Hein had been silent on this election, not a peep from the guy, talk about a slap in the face. Should Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo prevail on Thursday we can't imagine he'll forget that his buddy Hein left him to fight for himself. Hein and Gallo, two arrogant egomaniacs who at the end of the day are all about themselves.
The reason why Noble will oust Gallo is simple, Noble's ground game is better, he's working harder than Shayne doing the things Gallo did four years ago.. Knocking on doors, putting together a strong gotv effort ect. Mayor Gallo is focusing on mailers and legacy to guide him to victory because quite frankly that's all he has left, he has no one on his campaign to put together the campaign he had four years ago. The chickens are finally coming home to roost for Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo!
Hugh Reynolds made the perfect case as to why on Thursday you should vote for Steve Noble. He painted a story of what will happen Thursday night in both camps if the other candidate loses. Gallo he said would be pounding his fists on the street yelling treason, treason. Noble if he loses will look at his sexy wife give her a hug and look for a new job. That sums it up right there, with Steve Noble you get a man of class, a man that will conduct himself professionally and represent our City in a respectful manner. We can't afford four more years of Shayne Gallo the man is fucking crazy, let's call a spade a spade. Gallo has hurt the lives of many innocent people and his inability to control himself has costs this city millions. Gallo's refusal to get help for his severe daddy issues and bipolar make him a huge liability to Kingston.
Then there is the other thing of legacy, Gallo talks about legacy, yeah that's why he's in office. Shayne Gallo is in office because he had a brother that people loved a brother that he couldn't hold a candle to, a brother that would be voting for Steve Noble if he where alive today. That's all Gallo has is legacy, he had a good family name and that's it. The guy has done nothing since taking office but go around getting revenge on people he feel wronged him over the years and turning his back on friends that put him in that front office, ignoring the people that would call him a lunatic behind his back.
If Shayne Gallo's last name was Smith he wouldn't be dog catcher you know it and I know it. This guy needs a little humility in his life, he has shown over the last few years that he is not capable of being Mayor, he doesn't have the ability or the temperament.
On Thursday as a made member of the family I will be voting for Steve Noble and predict that Noble pulls off this election by about 95 votes. God help us and Kingston if I'm wrong!
The last few weeks have been nasty by team Gallo throwing anything that will stick at Team Noble whether it be correct or not. The other day Gallo sent out a four page mailer attacking Steve Noble that was so bad that if I were Steve Noble I wouldn't even be upset. What is it with Gallo's constant blowing of Gregg Swanzi, please guys can you both stop sucking each other cocks for three seconds, it's gross.
Speaking of sucking cock, Mayor Gallo has faithfully, ( no pun intended) been on his knees for County Executive Mike Hein since the day he was sworn in as Mayor and Mike Hein had been silent on this election, not a peep from the guy, talk about a slap in the face. Should Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo prevail on Thursday we can't imagine he'll forget that his buddy Hein left him to fight for himself. Hein and Gallo, two arrogant egomaniacs who at the end of the day are all about themselves.
The reason why Noble will oust Gallo is simple, Noble's ground game is better, he's working harder than Shayne doing the things Gallo did four years ago.. Knocking on doors, putting together a strong gotv effort ect. Mayor Gallo is focusing on mailers and legacy to guide him to victory because quite frankly that's all he has left, he has no one on his campaign to put together the campaign he had four years ago. The chickens are finally coming home to roost for Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo!
Hugh Reynolds made the perfect case as to why on Thursday you should vote for Steve Noble. He painted a story of what will happen Thursday night in both camps if the other candidate loses. Gallo he said would be pounding his fists on the street yelling treason, treason. Noble if he loses will look at his sexy wife give her a hug and look for a new job. That sums it up right there, with Steve Noble you get a man of class, a man that will conduct himself professionally and represent our City in a respectful manner. We can't afford four more years of Shayne Gallo the man is fucking crazy, let's call a spade a spade. Gallo has hurt the lives of many innocent people and his inability to control himself has costs this city millions. Gallo's refusal to get help for his severe daddy issues and bipolar make him a huge liability to Kingston.
Then there is the other thing of legacy, Gallo talks about legacy, yeah that's why he's in office. Shayne Gallo is in office because he had a brother that people loved a brother that he couldn't hold a candle to, a brother that would be voting for Steve Noble if he where alive today. That's all Gallo has is legacy, he had a good family name and that's it. The guy has done nothing since taking office but go around getting revenge on people he feel wronged him over the years and turning his back on friends that put him in that front office, ignoring the people that would call him a lunatic behind his back.
If Shayne Gallo's last name was Smith he wouldn't be dog catcher you know it and I know it. This guy needs a little humility in his life, he has shown over the last few years that he is not capable of being Mayor, he doesn't have the ability or the temperament.
On Thursday as a made member of the family I will be voting for Steve Noble and predict that Noble pulls off this election by about 95 votes. God help us and Kingston if I'm wrong!
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