You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

BREAKING: Junior League Prez Beth Hannigan To Man Gallo HQ's For Primary According TO Internal Gallo Memo

Below you will find that Beth Hannigan, the same non political Beth Hannigan that is involved in the Junior League, will be manning HQ's for Gallo's reelection effort tomorrow.

This proves without a doubt that the entire Forsyth Park "fiasco", was a manufactured story to try and discredit Steve Noble.

Tomorrow is election day, I encourage you all to flood the below numbers with calls asking that Shayne Gallo and Beth Hannigan apoligize to Steve Noble.

While you're at it don't forget to vote Steve Noble in the Primary.


  1. Zweben's office is headquarters?? Well played putting up Gallo's campaign plan the day before his election, like a boss dude! He's gotta be flipping his shit. Be careful, you may end up sleeping with the fishes.

  2. Isn't that a conflict on both parties?

  3. Hey BOZOS,,,Zweben has a private practice which has its own separate office.... Not city hall.... It said in the notice Zweben's Office. Please learn to read and not speculate.

  4. Who said anything different?

    1. it was your implication...starting trouble...

  5. Why would you be surprised she is helping out the Mayor. After all the harassment she got from Noble and crazy Sottile, Hoffay and crew on a daily basis. She is helping a campaign and Mayor who helped her through out this difficult time of Noble and crews lies. She has nothing to apologize for.

    1. Lol, this is a no spin zone my friend! Don't be a pinhead!

    2. you ain't no Bill O' me on that!!!

  6. I'm calling and ordering pizzas, having them go to bogus addresses, let's fick with them tomorrow!! Spread the word!

    1. and you are how old? sounds like a high school prank!! Just as old as Steve Noble...a kid .

  7. Credit when due, impressive sources you have kid. Gallo still will win.

  8. With little Dickie the fire commissioner behind Gallo how can he lose?

  9. Did she help Kevin Cahill on election day? He ho got the JL a nice chunk of change too. I am guessing no, she did not. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

  10. Where is Noble's HQ'S? Hoffay's house

    1. Starting in January it'll be at city hall

  11. 11:50, hey stupid, Cahill isn't running. Noble pulled a Richard Nixen and tried to lay blame for his mistakes on the Jr League, didn't work, he is a sleezebag .

    1. Stupid? Nixen? LOL! Cahill ran last year and they had the grant then. Stupid? What a bunch of idiots post comments for Gallo. No clue, just like their hero Gallo.

  12. It was the other way around. The junior league led by Beth Hannigan a Gallo staffer made up a story to cover up her own fuck ups and discredit Noble and that didn't work.

  13. Did anybody notice that Maurice Hinchey publically endorsed Gallo and None of the Nobles? Ouch, that must hurt as a lot of Dems revere Maurice. even ole' Hoffay!

    1. Maurice didn't even know he was there.

    2. You can bet that the ticket for Hinchey was purchased by none other than Steve Aaron. Aaron wants nothing to do with Noble/Noble at the head of Kingston Government.

  14. Oooooh, must have touched a nerve,,,,

  15. Hinchey does not know what day it is

  16. Make sure you vote for Jeanette Provenzano. She must be the person who misspells at least one word in every comment on this blog. Proof bellow. So BLEST? 89 years old and still can't spell.

    Jeanette Provenzano shared Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's post. I love this, say something like this every night. So blest .

  17. I actually just read that two seconds ago and the message she was sharing about thanking God and being greatful was right on... I have to disagree with you in this one.

    1. Has nothing to do with the message. She can't spell ! No way I want her heading up the common council.

  18. Will Christine Hein be manning the Gallo office until late? Mike would like to know.

    -Mike's secretary

  19. Provenzano might have misspelled a word or her ipad did BUT she can at least speak coherently and for at least a sentence or two. Not poor Uncle Jim. Go beat this mean spirited bunch of cowards Jeanette

  20. Don't you mean misspelt? LOL!

  21. So how is the turn out so far?
