You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Primary Update

Heavy turnout so far in Kingston! Turnout higher than 2011 primary!!!

primary question of day: If Gallo loses does he fire Zweben tonight or does he wait until Monday?!


  1. No stupid...he is coming after you!! Big question is "If Steve Noble loses does he say goodbye to his job?'"

    1. Absolutely loses his job. Then sues the city just like the fireman.

  2. If Gallo loses, he just might reach out to Polacco and cut a deal to support the Republican and bring his supporters 'round in November in exchange for Mayor Polacco (shudder) making him corporation counsel come January, if it works (big if). That's how bad it is between the Democratic factions, and, besides, Gallo will have absolutely nothing to lose in shanking the Dem Party at this point. You watch ...

  3. Bs. Gallo has everything to lose if he fucks the dems too hard. He has never had a non government job in his life. He will look to some govt allies for a handout job.

  4. Even Hein won't hire either of them and we know how much Hein loves his lawyers. This is end of the line for these two if Gallo loses.

  5. Have to agree Gallo will lose everything if he loses. If he wins Noble will be fired but the city will not be able to prove any wrong doing.

  6. Looks like Team Gallo took a beating. Congrats to the Nobles.
    Steven T. Noble (DEM) 880 56.74%
    Shayne R. Gallo (DEM) 668 43.07%
    James L. Noble, Jr. (DEM) 829 54.68%
    Jeanette Provenzano (DEM) 685 45.18%

    1. In this city it is a shame that too few people vote. and then they complain..Look at the total votes....disgraceful!

  7. Replies
    1. Fuck you, asshole.

    2. At least he spelled it correctly which is a big step up. .

  8. 17 write-in votes in the Green party primary for mayor. If they are for Gallo...he could be on the ballot on that line.

    1. They lost the race today. All they can do is hurt the Nobles by sucking Dem votes.

  9. Noble will bust the democratic ticket. The speed to uncover his mistakes will be accelerated and highly public. Republicants are probably salivating....sigh

    1. You can take that to the bank..... Yes we are salivating... slurp, slurp.....

  10. Noble will never be mayor, to nasty, to negative, and Jim and Jami Sottile putting up a 3 yr tape about Blabber. Jim Sottile will see his tape where he hit a lady and threw a drink in her face soon on facebook. they did not win a campaign on issues, they won by trying to destroy a man who worked hard for the City and Kingston was on the move. Sottiles and others had nothing but a 3yr tape of a firing of an ungrateful drug dealer and user, Great job Nobles, Democrats, Jeremy is yours for keeps. Polacco will beat the pants off you with Rep, Ind, con lines and disgruntled Democrats to boot. Celebrate tonight because that's all you get.

    1. A BIG amen to that! No truer words were ever spoken...This will be interesting. Conservative Dems just might vote for Polacco due to disgust towards their party shenanigans.

    2. The Noble family is anything but nasty. You want nasty? Try some of the Gallo team. Zweben, Gillion, Degroot, and Gallo himself. Noble will bring dignity back to the Mayors office.

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  11. congratulations Mayor Polacco.

  12. Maybe Kerry Hendersen can write an opera about how he became a Siamese twin to Gallo and now he is stuck with him even though he has nothing to offer and nothing to gain from their relationship. Jeanette can play the distraught Mother. Beth Hannigan the shunned charlatan, Bob Gillion the town jester, Zweben the devil himself. What to you think?

    1. Don't forget the parrot poop covered lady as Ophelia.

    2. LOL. I'm betting every word and every picture Kerry Henderson and parrot woman ever posted on FB about Shayne Gallo will disappear without a trace by lunchtime today. Rank opportunists.

  13. 1:53, It is fairly obvious that the rank and file do not listen to him. He is a punk who only clings to his job because he is in the CSEA. He is a scumbag.

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  14. DeFalco is out in January also. What a witch she is.

  15. Is Zweben still there.
