AUERBACH FOR CONGRESS- We have tremendous respect for Elliott Auerbach and we say to E.A., go for it baby!! The 19th district any other year would be a winnable for a Democrat but on a presidential year with Hillary leading the ticket, you will have 10-12 thousand more votes at play then any other year. Auerbach beat Quigley in 08 largely cuz Obama and hey 2016 is the new 2008. Elliott is personable funny and passionate about public service. He's by far in our opinion the most popular county wide official and respected across the aisle. Rich Cahill has some fucking balls challenging Elliott, were are your credentials to even comment, first he says a Dem has win Ulster County by a big margin to win,not neccisarly the case Julian crushed Gibson in Ulster county when he ran and lost. We could go on schooling Cahill on politics but it's not worth our time, just shut your mouth and go home and get your shine box Little Dick. Auerbach will have a tough time winning reelection in 2018 in 19th but he will win handily in an open congressional seat on a presidential year, it's already happened three times, twice w Gillibrand and Scott Murphy beat Tedisco, our first successful congressional campaign we did. We say to U.C.'s Meyer Lanski, go for it, it's yours for taking.
With Parete out as chair of legislature we wonder what will happen w Jay Mahler, we think she is smart, sexy and capable to do any job in local politics, she's a Kevin Cahill alumni that was fucked over by Vic Work who let's face it is a moron, Tom Turco runs circles around him and he only has the job because he's failed every civil service job Hein appointed him to, yeah that's the guy I want overseeing elections for the Majority party in this county. Jay should run for commissioner a job she rightfully deserves and send Vic packing not just for good of the party but the good of the process. Work is terrible and needs to go, take Cardinale with him. The two are bffs and go on vacation together trying figure out which one of them will shine Hein's boots and which one will jerk him off. Cardinale usually volunteers for the latter.
Kingston will swear in their first fagazi Mayor, the guy is unqualified and has no business being in the front office. His inexperience will be on full display the next four years.
We will support Noble on his firing of DiFalco, Ellen wined that she was unfairly fired w a letter and not face to face. Besides fact Noble lacks balls to fire Ellen face to face and we don't say that lightly, we wouldn't either, we'd be worried about her turning us into stone. More importantly she doesn't deserve to be told face to face. Noble is the Mayor, to victor goes the spoils. We hear he will hire Sottile's old secretary Donna Fisher.
Finally we hear rumors of other Democrats wanting to run for Congress specifically Frank Skartados, we like Frank a lot but again we give the edge to Auerbach. As for Joel Tyner's candidacy, get the fuck outta here with that shit right now. Actually it's good for Auerbach, it gets his signs and message out, without having play catch up after the GOP primary and he will win by a huge margin giving him a bump in the general. Auerbach's only weakness will be his ability to raise money because the DCCC will throw him crumbs. Auerbach can raise some $, $250,000 or so he'll be all set.
Buy the Kingston Times this week Reynolds had a good Christmas column in there this week.
This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Monday, December 28, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Friday, December 18, 2015
Hein Rules Out Run For Congress
I'm shocked that Hein isn't running after his dog and pony show with the Dem county chairs and the made up group of young college Democrats that urged him to run. This is Cahill's time, Hillary Clinton is going to be on the top of the ticket and Democrats are gunna win big in NYS next year, Hillary's coat tails will def be enough to win an open congressional seat. Which is more surprising Hein didn't run he's gotta know his chances were good. I owe our boss an apology, we assumed his ego would be too big to resist and we were wrong.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Gallo Roast??!! I forgottttiiiii
Comrad Noble won big when his gang of eight voted to override Gallo's vetos, Embattled Alderman Brad Will took to Facebook and declared it a big win, maybe it was for the Democratic committee but it was a big fuck you to the taxpayers in Kingston who will see their taxes raised more than four percent. It's a big problem when that is something a city Alderman is celebrating.
My heart sunk to my stomach when I read the words out going Mayor Shayne Gallo in the Kingston Freeman, I think we made a big mistake, we love the current Capo of the city and will miss him. As for the roast it will be up in short order I'm still working on it and refuse to publish something half assed, if you wanna read shit than read Cahill's blog. When we do a post it's fucking special and well thought out. We are the King of all political blogs, with thousands of hits per day we are number one because you make is number one and you deserve nothing but the best, my soldiers.
Capo~ elect Stevie Wonder is doing a search for a new secretary but we hear he may bring back Sottile's old Secretary Donna Fisher. We think he should hire his wife Julie and we mean that with all sincerity all jokes aside. The Noble's have worked together as a team for a long time with good results, Mrs. Noble is as smart and in my mind smarter and more able than The Mayor elect himself. The two of them would make a great team, sort of a co~ Mayorship. There is nothing wrong with that. She's already a city employee and Bill Clinton ran a campaign saying pretty much you get two for price of one. It would be a very wise decision on his part. There are plenty of envirmental educators that replace her, keeping her in her current role is a waste of talant and a disservice to the city. Plus you want a secretary you know and trust, the secretary to the Mayor is so much more than a clerical job. Say what you want about Ellen DiFalco, she is an evil bitch but she knew her role and really did it well, she was the gatekeeper to the Mayor, a trusted confidant and his protector. That's what you need, Julie is all those things and has the sound judgement that DiFalco lacked.
Speaking of Noble we were disappointed to say he least that this guy was non committal on his position on the indoor shooting range.. He gave an answer that was ridiculous. Well we encourage new buisnesses and the planning board meeting was a positve step blah blah jerk me off, this is what Kingston elected a cronie and a political puppet with no spine, what dd that General on Fox News call Obama?! What did he say again we forget, on wait I think he called Obama a pussy. Mayor elect Noble please don't be a pussy, you're the Capo of our city and the leader of our party. Time to put on your big boy pants and be a leader. Agree or disagree with Mayor Gallo, you always knew exactly where he stood on an issue.
My heart sunk to my stomach when I read the words out going Mayor Shayne Gallo in the Kingston Freeman, I think we made a big mistake, we love the current Capo of the city and will miss him. As for the roast it will be up in short order I'm still working on it and refuse to publish something half assed, if you wanna read shit than read Cahill's blog. When we do a post it's fucking special and well thought out. We are the King of all political blogs, with thousands of hits per day we are number one because you make is number one and you deserve nothing but the best, my soldiers.
Capo~ elect Stevie Wonder is doing a search for a new secretary but we hear he may bring back Sottile's old Secretary Donna Fisher. We think he should hire his wife Julie and we mean that with all sincerity all jokes aside. The Noble's have worked together as a team for a long time with good results, Mrs. Noble is as smart and in my mind smarter and more able than The Mayor elect himself. The two of them would make a great team, sort of a co~ Mayorship. There is nothing wrong with that. She's already a city employee and Bill Clinton ran a campaign saying pretty much you get two for price of one. It would be a very wise decision on his part. There are plenty of envirmental educators that replace her, keeping her in her current role is a waste of talant and a disservice to the city. Plus you want a secretary you know and trust, the secretary to the Mayor is so much more than a clerical job. Say what you want about Ellen DiFalco, she is an evil bitch but she knew her role and really did it well, she was the gatekeeper to the Mayor, a trusted confidant and his protector. That's what you need, Julie is all those things and has the sound judgement that DiFalco lacked.
Speaking of Noble we were disappointed to say he least that this guy was non committal on his position on the indoor shooting range.. He gave an answer that was ridiculous. Well we encourage new buisnesses and the planning board meeting was a positve step blah blah jerk me off, this is what Kingston elected a cronie and a political puppet with no spine, what dd that General on Fox News call Obama?! What did he say again we forget, on wait I think he called Obama a pussy. Mayor elect Noble please don't be a pussy, you're the Capo of our city and the leader of our party. Time to put on your big boy pants and be a leader. Agree or disagree with Mayor Gallo, you always knew exactly where he stood on an issue.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Send some Holiday Cheer To WGHQ.. Send Cash and yes we're talking about you Supervisor Quigley
First let me say that Walter Maxwell is a fucking jerk off and not worthy to tie our fucking shoes as Adam Skelos would say, with that being said WGHQ is a good local community radio show that we enjoy listening to and I'm sure many of you do too. So please send an envelope of cash to the station so they can get back on the air asap. Whatever you can afford, we should be able to easily raise a few grand we're Kingstonians after all, we are the chosen people! Anyway Verizon cut their service off on some bullshit and they may need up to 3k to get back on the air w time warner. We'll be paying a visit to our frends in the Verizon union as well to sort out this mess.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Breaking News: Ken Ronk to Chair County Legislature
Ken Ronk will become the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature when they reconvene in January, he'll do a good job.
We strongly encourage appointing John Parete to a committee chairmanship like ways and means and making Rich Parete Majority Leader.
H- Rod (New Paltz) will become Minority Leader, how funny would it be though if at last minute Donaldson runs? This poor kid has been fucked over for every leadership position in the legislature.
We strongly encourage appointing John Parete to a committee chairmanship like ways and means and making Rich Parete Majority Leader.
H- Rod (New Paltz) will become Minority Leader, how funny would it be though if at last minute Donaldson runs? This poor kid has been fucked over for every leadership position in the legislature.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
The Omertà Report 12/12
Please pray for Ulster Police Chief Tony Cruz, he's a good guy dealing with some serious cancer, keep him in your thoughts and prayers especially during this holiday season.
Free Parking?! Mayor Gallo rescinded an executive order to have free parking for the last two weeks of the year, which is something that is done annually. Gallo has since taken a lot of heat with some calling him Mayor Grinch but they don't get Gallo's reasoning. KUBA was very much against this proposal because people abuse it and will park in one spot all day and it ends up hurting buisnesses with shopping more than it helps. Mayor Gallo was trying to do the right thing but you can't please everyone. Mayor Gallo should have kept the executive order in place and instituted a two hour parking limit, this would allow shoppers to park for free and limit people from parking in front of buisnesses all day. The parking officers would issue tickets to anyone that parks over two hours, you can electronicly mark tires with the parking equipment the city has, that would if solved the problem. Tickets are also a huge revenue source for the City, John Tuey's dick gets harder and harder the more tickets are issued each day. It's not something Tuey is in favor of and being he carried Gallo's jock strap for the last four years he may have gotten a favor from Hiz Honor who could now care less about pleasing the public in his last two weeks as Mayor.
Speaking of Gallo, he did the right thing vetoing the counsel's budget, say what you want about Shayne, he never proposed a budget that was over the two percent tax cap, Comrad Noble has not even been sworn in on his Quran yet and the common counsel feels comfortable passing a budget with a four percent tax cap that shifts the tax burden more on home owners than buisnesses, it's a joke! They have no clue, they are a bunch bleeding heart socialists that are out of touch with their constituents. We believe in less government, lower taxes, and empowering Kingstonians to achieve their full potential. The Noble administration will be high taxes, more spending, save the whales fuck the people. That's what Kingston voted for and they get what they deserve. Steve Noble reminds me of Adam Skelos, a brat with a powerful last name that thinks he's entitled to anything.
To show how left this counsel has gone, last month they gave a pride of Kinston award to Rebecca Martin's website that was responsible for running out a company that would have created 100+ jobs. It's mind blowing, are you kidding me? What kind of message does that send to prospective buisnesses? Ms. Martin doesn't need an award she needs to get laid and chill the fuck out. She has done enough damage to economic development, besides driving out jobs she's responsible for Econonic Development Czar Greg Swanzi. gallo's than gf Carrie Ross Jones, who is friends w Martin convinsed Gallo to hire Gregg with Rebecca's pushing. So this city has an environmentalist as Head of economic development great job Rebecca, Bernie Sanders would be proud.
Not for nothing, we'd like Kingston Goodfellas to get a pride of Kingston award, we provide quality news on local politics, we have at least 50x the readership of Ms. martin's dopey website and the entire city government from the Mayor and common counsel, to rank and file city employees all read this blog, where's my fucking award? I guess I have to plant a few trees and drive out a few buisnesses for consideration. Tell your alderman to give us a pride of Kingston award, I'll even show up to accept it than the question of who runs this blog will be over. It's Amazing the people that stop me on the street and tell me they love our website, we are flattered.
We hear Kingston Capo~ Elect Steve Noble is going to keep Greg Swanzy on as economic delic meant head, bad move after this guy tried to destroy him he's going to let him have his job? Not a good way to get the city employees to respect their new boss. Swanzy should be gone for a number of reasons and the fact that Swanzy, who before the campaign was friends w Noble, stabbed him in the back for political aim he should be dealt w swiftly. We hear Kathy Mihm's son in law, will become corp counsel, Mr. Cook served under Sottile as a pt corp counsel and will bring dignity and respect back to that office. He will have to wipe the sleaze and slim that Zweeben is going to leave, the office needs to be exterminated. Although Dan Gartinstein should stay, he's a good honest guy was above the fray, I don't know how one justifies keeping Swanzy and firing Gartenstien, makes no sense. Plus don't you need someone in that office that can educate the new corp counsel on what's going on, I would imagine there is a great deal of transition that comes with that position, open cases and legal stuff that you can't just go into blindly. That's stupid.
Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum issued a press release saying that gun owners should carry their guns and we couldn't agree more. We don't get the backlash? If you have a gun permit you can carry your gun around anyway so what's the big deal? Kingston had a shooting in the mall and I'll tell you if I was there I'd feel a lot safer with a gun on my waist and knowing other law obiding citizens do as well. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. The sheriff is right on this issue, he's not encouraging violence but saying in the case that there ever is we should be prepared. I'm sure he hopes as well as we do that they never are in a position where they have to use it.
Dean Skelos and his son Adam Skelos were convicted of eight counts of bribery yesterday and I have to say that Preet Beharra is no joke, the man is likely to target Cuomo next and if he takes out all three men in the room than he is putting himself in good position to be out next AG or Governor. We like Cuomo and don't wanna see that happen, not just cause we like him we don't want a woman Governor. Cuomo is a man's man and it's ok for a little graft in government, that's how we make a living, Skelos' mistake was talking on the phone, didn't he learn from Gotti?! Keep your mouth shut about your illegal activities he deserved to be caught. Us people in the life never trusted Skelos, he was very arrogant and wasn't a real gangster he was more of a country club spray tan pussy that wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Silver we feel bad about, he was our modern day Meyer Lanski and got railroaded, he didn't get convicted in that court room, buisness in Albany got convicted in that court room. anyway, Gov. Cuomo is a smart man you won't find any emails or tapes that implicate him in any wrong doing. rumor has it Preet has gotten some former aids to flip on him in exchange for their own asses being saved. Every morning they have to look in the mirror and look at a big rat starting back at them. Let me' talk they have no credibility. On a final note you should google " top ten quotes from Skelos and Silver trials" there is a story from NY Observer that is great and worth reading.
Race for Congress: John Faso and this Heeney guy have announced along with Assemblyman Looez to replace our outgoing Congressman Chris Gibson. We like Heeney, he's a succesful businessman and a good guy, he has the money to defeat Hein and that's very important. We would consider voting Democrat if Kevin Cahill or even Julian schriean ran again but no way will we allow Hein to be our Congressman. Frankly we feel Cahill is being a bitch for years this guy worked his balls of to be the leader of our party and the successor to Maurice Hinchey as the top Democrat in this area. Yet he's allowed himself to take a back seat to Mike Hein a former republican and to paraphrase Adam Skelos, a guy that's not worthy to shine his fucking shoes. Instead Cahill telling Micheal to get his shine box, he has allowed him to take control of the party. Cahill would destroy Hein in a primary and in a presidential year with Hiary on the ballot, he would be swooped into office as our next Congressman. Take the chance Kevin and btw he has nothing to lose, the primary for Congress is in June or July, if he were to lose, he could run for Assembly still, just do it!
Shayne Gallo's last two weeks in office start Fuesday, we will present our Roast of Mayor Gallo on Tuesday night, so make sure you read often.. god bless!
Free Parking?! Mayor Gallo rescinded an executive order to have free parking for the last two weeks of the year, which is something that is done annually. Gallo has since taken a lot of heat with some calling him Mayor Grinch but they don't get Gallo's reasoning. KUBA was very much against this proposal because people abuse it and will park in one spot all day and it ends up hurting buisnesses with shopping more than it helps. Mayor Gallo was trying to do the right thing but you can't please everyone. Mayor Gallo should have kept the executive order in place and instituted a two hour parking limit, this would allow shoppers to park for free and limit people from parking in front of buisnesses all day. The parking officers would issue tickets to anyone that parks over two hours, you can electronicly mark tires with the parking equipment the city has, that would if solved the problem. Tickets are also a huge revenue source for the City, John Tuey's dick gets harder and harder the more tickets are issued each day. It's not something Tuey is in favor of and being he carried Gallo's jock strap for the last four years he may have gotten a favor from Hiz Honor who could now care less about pleasing the public in his last two weeks as Mayor.
Speaking of Gallo, he did the right thing vetoing the counsel's budget, say what you want about Shayne, he never proposed a budget that was over the two percent tax cap, Comrad Noble has not even been sworn in on his Quran yet and the common counsel feels comfortable passing a budget with a four percent tax cap that shifts the tax burden more on home owners than buisnesses, it's a joke! They have no clue, they are a bunch bleeding heart socialists that are out of touch with their constituents. We believe in less government, lower taxes, and empowering Kingstonians to achieve their full potential. The Noble administration will be high taxes, more spending, save the whales fuck the people. That's what Kingston voted for and they get what they deserve. Steve Noble reminds me of Adam Skelos, a brat with a powerful last name that thinks he's entitled to anything.
To show how left this counsel has gone, last month they gave a pride of Kinston award to Rebecca Martin's website that was responsible for running out a company that would have created 100+ jobs. It's mind blowing, are you kidding me? What kind of message does that send to prospective buisnesses? Ms. Martin doesn't need an award she needs to get laid and chill the fuck out. She has done enough damage to economic development, besides driving out jobs she's responsible for Econonic Development Czar Greg Swanzi. gallo's than gf Carrie Ross Jones, who is friends w Martin convinsed Gallo to hire Gregg with Rebecca's pushing. So this city has an environmentalist as Head of economic development great job Rebecca, Bernie Sanders would be proud.
Not for nothing, we'd like Kingston Goodfellas to get a pride of Kingston award, we provide quality news on local politics, we have at least 50x the readership of Ms. martin's dopey website and the entire city government from the Mayor and common counsel, to rank and file city employees all read this blog, where's my fucking award? I guess I have to plant a few trees and drive out a few buisnesses for consideration. Tell your alderman to give us a pride of Kingston award, I'll even show up to accept it than the question of who runs this blog will be over. It's Amazing the people that stop me on the street and tell me they love our website, we are flattered.
We hear Kingston Capo~ Elect Steve Noble is going to keep Greg Swanzy on as economic delic meant head, bad move after this guy tried to destroy him he's going to let him have his job? Not a good way to get the city employees to respect their new boss. Swanzy should be gone for a number of reasons and the fact that Swanzy, who before the campaign was friends w Noble, stabbed him in the back for political aim he should be dealt w swiftly. We hear Kathy Mihm's son in law, will become corp counsel, Mr. Cook served under Sottile as a pt corp counsel and will bring dignity and respect back to that office. He will have to wipe the sleaze and slim that Zweeben is going to leave, the office needs to be exterminated. Although Dan Gartinstein should stay, he's a good honest guy was above the fray, I don't know how one justifies keeping Swanzy and firing Gartenstien, makes no sense. Plus don't you need someone in that office that can educate the new corp counsel on what's going on, I would imagine there is a great deal of transition that comes with that position, open cases and legal stuff that you can't just go into blindly. That's stupid.
Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum issued a press release saying that gun owners should carry their guns and we couldn't agree more. We don't get the backlash? If you have a gun permit you can carry your gun around anyway so what's the big deal? Kingston had a shooting in the mall and I'll tell you if I was there I'd feel a lot safer with a gun on my waist and knowing other law obiding citizens do as well. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. The sheriff is right on this issue, he's not encouraging violence but saying in the case that there ever is we should be prepared. I'm sure he hopes as well as we do that they never are in a position where they have to use it.
Dean Skelos and his son Adam Skelos were convicted of eight counts of bribery yesterday and I have to say that Preet Beharra is no joke, the man is likely to target Cuomo next and if he takes out all three men in the room than he is putting himself in good position to be out next AG or Governor. We like Cuomo and don't wanna see that happen, not just cause we like him we don't want a woman Governor. Cuomo is a man's man and it's ok for a little graft in government, that's how we make a living, Skelos' mistake was talking on the phone, didn't he learn from Gotti?! Keep your mouth shut about your illegal activities he deserved to be caught. Us people in the life never trusted Skelos, he was very arrogant and wasn't a real gangster he was more of a country club spray tan pussy that wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Silver we feel bad about, he was our modern day Meyer Lanski and got railroaded, he didn't get convicted in that court room, buisness in Albany got convicted in that court room. anyway, Gov. Cuomo is a smart man you won't find any emails or tapes that implicate him in any wrong doing. rumor has it Preet has gotten some former aids to flip on him in exchange for their own asses being saved. Every morning they have to look in the mirror and look at a big rat starting back at them. Let me' talk they have no credibility. On a final note you should google " top ten quotes from Skelos and Silver trials" there is a story from NY Observer that is great and worth reading.
Race for Congress: John Faso and this Heeney guy have announced along with Assemblyman Looez to replace our outgoing Congressman Chris Gibson. We like Heeney, he's a succesful businessman and a good guy, he has the money to defeat Hein and that's very important. We would consider voting Democrat if Kevin Cahill or even Julian schriean ran again but no way will we allow Hein to be our Congressman. Frankly we feel Cahill is being a bitch for years this guy worked his balls of to be the leader of our party and the successor to Maurice Hinchey as the top Democrat in this area. Yet he's allowed himself to take a back seat to Mike Hein a former republican and to paraphrase Adam Skelos, a guy that's not worthy to shine his fucking shoes. Instead Cahill telling Micheal to get his shine box, he has allowed him to take control of the party. Cahill would destroy Hein in a primary and in a presidential year with Hiary on the ballot, he would be swooped into office as our next Congressman. Take the chance Kevin and btw he has nothing to lose, the primary for Congress is in June or July, if he were to lose, he could run for Assembly still, just do it!
Shayne Gallo's last two weeks in office start Fuesday, we will present our Roast of Mayor Gallo on Tuesday night, so make sure you read often.. god bless!
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