You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Alderman Will Resigns In Ward Three

Alderman Brad Will the controversial Alderman of Ward Three resigned today. Wow! We have to wonder why he resigned. Alderman Will fought tooth and nail to keep his seat on the council even after he was found guilty by a Kingston panel for ethics violations in regards to voting on matters he had a vested interest in. Alderman Will settled the matter last year by paying a $1,000 fine. There was also residency questions surrounding Will, in court fillings Alderman Will claimed his primary residence was different than the Ward he represented although there was little question in anyone's mind that Will did in fact live in Ward three.

Alderman Will was a staunch supporter of Mayor Steve Noble's campaign and frequently was at odds with Mayor Gallo's administration. Mayor Gallo twice unsuccessfully ran Andrew Champ Doran in Ward three in an effort to unseat Will. Champ Doran who was destroyed in last years Democratic primary came very close in the general election, running on just the Independence party line, Doran came within single digits of unseating incumbent Brad Will who at the time was plagued by the ethics violations surrounding his votes on the Pike plan.

With all that being said, this is a shock, you don't go through a tough primary, an even tougher general election and fight scandal after scandal being thrown your way and than resign months later out of the blue. It had seemed Alderman Will had prevailed in all of the issues and criticism he faced last fall.  He got a slap on the wrist by the ethics panel, and Council President Jim Noble had to be practically forced to enforce a censure and fine on Will. Brad Will clearly had the support of the council and this new administration and big things had been planned that he was very much going to be a part of. It had looked like the only loss Will took on the chin was not becoming Majority Leader, in the months leading to the priamry election last year he was viewed as the odds on favorite to replace outgoing Majority Leader Matt Dunn who chose not to seek reelection.

Bill Carey the Alderman in Ward 5, who at the end of the day was elected Majority Leader for the current session, also expressed shock, Carey went on to say: ''but I understand why". That's nice that Majority Leader Carey understands why but the general public and the residents of Ward 3 would like to understand why too! Alderman Will made no reference as to why he was resigning in his letter to Mayor Noble and we deserve answers. Alderman Will blasted Gallo for two years for having a lack of transparency and than resigns with zero explanation? We respectfully request that Alderman Will abide by those same standards of transparency he demanded in others, and extend those standards to himself and the office that he represented.  We don't think he did anything wrong or are we suggesting that, this is probably related to his work as an Architect, could he be involved with the restoration of the Booth House, which he recently convinced Mayor Noble and the council to give a sweet heart deal to?!  Whatever the reason the public should know and if it is about his job it's very comical. He attacked Gallo and Champ Doran the entire campaign saying there were no conflicts.

There has been no official word on who Mayor Noble will pick to replace Brad Will, some of the names I would assume that are being floated by Party Boss Joe Donaldson  include former Alderman Charlie Landi, who launched a jihad against Gallo to elect Steve Noble. I would also be willing to bet that Andrew Champ Doran will express interest to Noble, after all, the residents of that ward know the guy, where he stands on the issues and the Ward came within five or so votes of electing him as their Alderman less than six months ago. It would be wise of Mayor Noble to reach out to former Mayor Jim Sottile who lives in the Ward and ask that he consider filling the vacancy. Mayor Sottile brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to both the new administration and the new common council that are mostly freshman and appointing Sottile would guarantee that Ward three remain a Democratic seat. Which is no sure thing, Republicans like Jancowski and Nate Horowitz have held that seat, it very much is a seat the gop could pick up.

 Two other names that should be strongly considered by the Mayor both live on the same street in Ward three, on Delta Place off Linderman Ave. The first is Al Nace, who works for Kingston Hospital in an executive position and has strong ties to the civics of our community here in Kingston. Nace has worked hard to promote the Kingston Police Athletic league and donated countless hours to the cause and a lot good positive results have come from his work at the Andy Murphy Center, Nace is also the founder of the tour de Kingston and tour de Ulster bike rides, they are both hugely successful and both were started from scratch by Nace over ten years ago. The other Delta Place resident is Kingston School Board President James Shaugnessy, who is a genius, for real he's an actual genius, he's an MIT graduate served on Mayor T.R. Gallo's technology committee and may have even been the first to run the committee, I don't remember but I believe T.R. put this committee together and had Shaugnessy run it, he also founded and ran a technology business in Uptown Kingston for several years and is a single father of another very brilliant daughter Larissa. Jim Shaunessy was also instrumental in the restoration of the Carnegie Library which is a gem in our city.  Both Nace and Shaughnessy are more civic minded than they are politically minded. In other words they would care more about the city than the politics of the City and isn't that what the voters always say they want? Either would be a breath of fresh air.

After Mayor Noble appoints a replacement, a special election will take place in November to fill the rest of Will's term. It's a pain, the person has to run this year and next year and if there are primaries forget it, it's a lot of hassle. This has happened twice before in recent memory, Shelly Zimbler was appointed by Mayor Sottile to fill the seat vacated by a Judge in Ward one when Chris Burns ran for a seat on the county legislature in a different part of the city. The appointment of Zimbler expanded the Democrats' majority on the council to 9-0 but it was short lived,  Al Teetsil defeated Zimbler in the special election later that year.  Tom Hoffay was also appointed by Mayor Sottile, Hoffay filled the vacancy of Alderwoman Jenifer Ringwood who moved out of the area shortly into her second term. Hoffay went on to win the special elected defeating Phil Cosme and went on to serve several terms and was also the councils Majority Leader.  As for people that may run in the special election that Noble would never appoint: Elen DiFalco and Lenny Walker are both residents of the Ward and we could see either of them making a go for it. Don't anyone underestimate Walker who has wom Ward three as both a Democrat and a Republican, Walker gave up his Aldermadic seat to run a suicide mission, Walker ran as Alderman at Large w Rich Cahill who ran with him for Mayor both losing badly in 2007.


  1. These are the posts I want to see!

  2. Why because it's long and boring? Just an FYI I may be wrong on special elections. I know in 2008 Hoffay was appointed because DA race was 2007. And I thought he ran two races in 08 and 09 but I may be wrong. The only difference would be it's just an appointment which would last the entire stretch of Will's unexpired which is a year and 9 months. If there is a special election Noble still appoints but there would be an election this November as well. I'm starting to think there are not special elections in Kingston for some reason.

    1. No it's actually full of great background on Kingston city government and it's interesting without the usual vulgarity that accompanies most of your other stories. This blog can be funny without crossing the line. You are very intelligent and have good things to say, don't take away from that with the bathroom humor it's beneath you and your cause. I agree with more than 70% of what you write, when you state your positions and ideas, I am not a fan of Steve Noble either but he deserves to be criticized on his liberal policies and lack of experience not anything else. Don't be a bully those tactics don't work, it's the reason why we have Noble as Mayor to begin with. You want to be Mayor or have a career in public service get over your insecurities and grow up, as they said in a Bronx Tale there is nothing worse than wasted talent. On the other hand to quote another "goodfella" movie, if you wanna be a clown and entertain people go ahead but don't expect people to take you seriously.

  3. The likelihood of another conflict situation stemming from the recent Booth House transaction is probably the reason Will stepped away.

  4. More heads are expected to roll because of this. This is far from being over. Brad Will thought he was smarter than the average bear and poked his nose into matters in the city far away from Ward 3. He did not represent Ward 3 fairly.

  5. I don't understand how you get to Hoffay being appointed in 2008 because of a D.A. Race in 2007. Does political time start and stop with the Bradley, Sennett, Carnright race still in this county?

    1. Yes the year of the DA race in 07 is how I look at the political calander. 08 and on is the years AD (after DA race and races before are BC (before Carnright). Lol no there is no system it sticks out to me because Hoffay was appointed by Sottile a year after a contencious DA's race and the two supportered different candidates. There were questions as to whether or not Sottile would appoint Hoffay after bringing Jon Sennett into his campaign HQ's during gotv. Long story but in short no there is not, just that particular race I remember because of what went on the year prior.

    2. Haha, I voted for the Democrat Jon Sennett twice and would do so again he was a smart man but I think Holly Carnright is a good DA and has done a solid job.

  6. There is no transparency with the Noble Administration. Why was Will forced to resign?

  7. maybe he (Will)has his fingers into many pies.... He seems to think he is the expert in all things. The next best thing to the second coming.... Glad he is off the council. Finally some hope for the 3rd ward. They seem to have been neglected in his quest for fame . So Dunn is gone and now Will. who will Freeman run to now for quotes?

    1. Well it's a completely different ball game, Joe Ingarra probably will be the person the Freeman goes to, him or Debbie Brown. Steve Noble has an 8-1 friendly council. Dunn and Will were quoted as the voice opposition to Gallo. There has yet to be a strong voice of opposition emerge against the Noble administration besides this blog.

    2. This is still a new council finding their way. There could be strong opposition to Noble's agenda. He has only been in office 4 months. If he is like any other politician he might want to be re-elected so he has to tread lightly in whom he riles up. Won't like bad publicity which certain groups can give him. Devotees of Ms.Martin are going to call in their markers as they supported his campaign. "One Kingston"... As to transparency in his administration..what a joke. He criticized Gallo for the same thing. Not so easy being Mayor.... Now shoe on the other foot.

  8. Landi when he is appointed to the 3rdward.

  9. Historically, when a seat is vacated, the appointment is given to the next highest vote getter in the election at the time.

    1. I'm no fan of Noble but it's his appointment. Can you cite one example where this has happened? I guess you could point to Ward 1 I believe Shelly ran against Burns the year prior but that's the only example I can think of. Champ Doran should test Noble's fairness, he says he's going to do things differently and he asks the public for resumes ect, Doran should send one in, he lost by single digits a short while ago, he should have it if politics was fair but if situation was reversed and Gallo was Mayor and Champ Doran had won and had to resign, Brad Will would not be getting that appointment. Just the way it is.

    2. Please I know for a fact that Brad Will has already submitted a "short list" to Noble and the Dem committee of people he thinks should replace him. Your analisis is spot on and I agree Al Nace or Jim Sottile would be good. There is a lot of talent in the third ward, two other people you failed to mention are Richard Kelder and Jimmy Buff.

    3. Another reason why I don't agree with how historically it should go to second highest vote getter is because there is a case to be made by some that Ward 3 elected a Democrat and that Mayor Noble should replace with someone from the Democrat party. I don't agree with that either, Cahill tried make that argument against Sottile appointing Shelly, saying Sottile should appoint a Republican. At end of day it's Mayor Noble's appointment and one of the most important decisions he has had to make thus far.

    4. This appointment will be a telling moment for Mayor Noble depending on who he decides on. Will he stick to his campaign promises or was that all just words. The city is watching. There are no bad choices out of the people mentioned but if Noble appoints Mr. Landi or someone of that Ilk than it shows hiz honor is not serious about transforming this city above politics as usual. I like Nace and Shaungesey as suggestions, someone along those lines should be considered for appointment. Not a partisan local politician.

    5. It is really really funny and hilarious how such trivia is discussed. Of course the fix is in for the appointee, and anyone with half a brain knows who it will be. This blog owner knows, and he will profess happiness at the appointment. Now let's move onto something really exciting, such as predicting the weather....

  10. Historically are you dreaming there is no transparency in this administration.

    1. There is no transparency in any administration. It's just a buzz word.
      Anyone but Landi would be a good choice. Landi is old and stale.

  11. What other heads are going to roll and for what reason?

  12. Hearing anything about a safe heroin shooting zone. With sharp boxes at Burger King?

    1. yes, there is a needle container in the restrooms at Burger King.

    2. Are you sure? Not in the ladies room anyway.

    3. They were able to modify the self-serve beverage section for the purpose. ; - P

  13. So have we forgotten that Noble received Sick Pay from his old job and that is not allowed in the CSEA contract. So what is being done about that payout?

  14. I know this website has a mafia theme but it's also been fairly pro law enforcement, can you imagine or care to comment on a fundraiser in Woodstock in support of a guy charged with trying to sell guns to people that were going to kill cops and provided training on how to disarm cops. What is going on here? is Bernie Sanders going to headline this event?

    1. It's not worth an entire post to give the guy any free publicity. We think that the event in Woodstock is disturbing and Mayor Noble should condemn it as the leader of our City and as President of the Police commission. #AllLivesMater

    2. Where is Noble on this?
      I only hope Julie won't make him be there!

    3. Guns to kill cops!!??!! Hell some officers are doing a good job harming themselves or others by drinking and driving.....oh but im sure this too will be deleted...

    4. All lives dont matter....especially to trump supporters...make America whit...i mean great again

    5. 4:24..not all cops!! Just remember your statement if it should ever come to pass that you needed the help of police. and 4:26 what an inane comment.

    6. 6:36 I believe my comment said some not all...Checkmate

    7. 9:52. I can only recall about 4 officers over several years which is a minority based on how many police officers are on the payroll. Just sayin' ... your comment implied that it happens quite frequently. (microphone dropped...)

    8. 8:49 First my comment implies no such thing....2nd it does imply that 2 officers inparticular in the last couple years have had controversy over drinking and driving. One a detective who is constantly the talk of the town and the other recently in the media. I personally know several officers who partake in drinking and then getting behind the wheel. But I digress as im only speaking about the two in the last two years if that makes you feel better as my comment again stated SOME not ALL. Lets try not to create things that arent there.

  15. Swanson continues his over runs on Washington Avenue. No the parking lots Uptown will be over budget also and he will come crying for more money for them. This guy has to go.

  16. Anyone else hear the rumor that Bill Clinton is going to show up with Chelsea tomorrow?

  17. Why is the owner of Opa allowed to double park day in and day out in front of his restaurant?

  18. So who is the detective?

  19. What is Noble saying at his press conference today?

  20. I got a chuckle out of Jeanette Provenzano calling Bernie Sanders an opportunist on Facebook when she was the #1 supporter and guaranteed vote on the Legislature for the biggest opportunist Ulster County has ever known, Mike Hein.

  21. You are correct 8:43 AM

  22. Since this gun law of 1978 prohibits outside shooting. Then gun salutes during funerals. re-enactors are all prohibited by this 1978 law. So when is the City going enforce the law that is currently on the books, that needs to be rescinded. There is nothing wrong with Dr. Soyer's proposal on Prince St., for years there was a shooting range at the Mid town Center. I guess people have forgotten that. Look into it naysayers.

  23. So if Noble is transparent as he says he is announce all 12 residents that applied for the 3rd ward Alderman position.

    1. like that will ever happen.... transparency , yea sure..only when it suits him.

    2. Martin and her artiste cult followers say transparency is only required when they dislike a project. Now sit down, shut up and take it in the pie hole.

  24. Saying no to the gun range is only going to shore up the progressive base around here. You think driving away Niagara Bottling hurt any of the aldermen in their re-election bids? Soyer should spend his $.5M in Accord and be done with it.

    1. I really cannot tolerate the word progressive unless you are talking soup with the same name.....used waaayyyy too much to push a liberal agenda. geeessssh..! also get rid of "journey" as a way to explain life coming at you and how you deal with that shit. overkill on that word too.

    2. There are people who are neutral on gun range but pissed about the power the mayor has yielded to a group of lunatics. This will awaken a sleeping giant. Serves them right.

  25. Why should Soyer move out of Kingston, Oh Kingston is not business friendly according to Rebecca Martin. If I was Soyer I would just let the City take over the building, then what will the City do with it ripe it down as usual. I guess people forget that their was a shooting range in the Mid Town Center, matter of fact KPD used as there range for years. Right next to the High School.

    1. Yes. Sell the building to a church and take it off the tax rolls. Invest the half a million dollars somewhere else. Progressive.

  26. @935 not only a range but heard it was an armory at one time as wel .

  27. "But there used to be.." "But there used to be...."

    It's a pathetic rendition of the All in the Family theme song played over and over for people who can't evolve. So sad.

    1. this is their city too..why should their quality of life be any different from yours. Curious if you are a new resident, a transplant of several years, or born and raised here. People have memories and took pleasure in the range. So who are you to disparage what they used to have. You sound somewhat self centered as you cannot respect how they feel. Typical of thought of others except your compromise either from the same individuals. Easy to see why Trump is popular and why voters flock to him. They feel they have a voice after being stifled(Archie Bunker word for you..."stifle it Edith when she was on some discourse".) by PC and Trump remembers how America used to be. Now I know you are going to say I am a Trump supporter, but I am not. I support Kasich. and to 2:53 you are definitely on track with your statement. a big LOL to 1:13!! sorry I mentioned progressive in this post.

    2. some day your parents will be gone. Hope you can evolve

  28. Amazing how the Soyers were the "haves' during the Sottile administration with the TV houses on Albany Ave and favorite treatment for purchasing re-possesed properties on Elmendorf St. How the worm has turned. I am sure the building has been depreciated, so move to the town of Ulster give Quigley a donation and move on. Maybe Steve AAron can figure out a way for low income housing with a Pilot on Prince St.

    1. Low income housing means low income jobs. Build it and they will come.

    2. Pretty sure they only got one house at city auction but they actually fixed it and pay all their taxes. Why no outrage over Berky's house on Henry Street which she bought at city auction, didn't fix/pay taxes on and sold to Transart for $1? That was like 10 years ago but lots of people remember, oh yeah they remember. I feel bad for Transart, they were USED by Berky.

  29. Does Steve Noble own a necktie, or is everyday a casual day for this guy?

    This mayor looks like a Howdy Doody fool!

  30. sounds like Hein wins another battle and the Mayor caved in on sales tax only hope is council rejection

    1. Nope, the pot is calling the kettle black. Imagine that....

  31. So far the mayor carries six counsel votes in his pocket. They'll do whatever he asks, and Steve will do whatever Julie says.

    On that note plans are in the works to move Julie up to city hall. Julie and the new communications director will share an office there. How nice!

    1. He carries 6 votes in his pocket until Nov 2017. Then his political agenda will be eviscerated.

    2. Sweet...Maybe mrs. first lady and her court can take turns walking the city clerk's pup she brings to work with her every day when they are not catering to kid mayor's whims. What a sit-com.

    3. Now it is truly an Animal House at city hall. Is this the new annex to Forsythe Nature Center? Seriously, City Hall starting to look and feel like a grade school.Not the appropriate place to bring animals..Some people in the public have a fear of animals or they have allergic reactions. Don't necessarily have to touch the dog/puppy but dander flying about can contribute to a reaction.

    4. No different from the safety officer turning the DPW office into a zoo.

    5. The City Clerk's Office is a high traffic office because it is where you obtain licenses (dog, marriage, fishing, etc) birth and death certificates as well as council legislation, among other documents when the staff isn't having a breakfast or lunch break, that is. It sets a poor example of how a public office should be run. What the heck is the matter with the kid mayor down the hall anyway? Oh, that's right, he's off having his picture taken every chance he can so the office is usually closed and he is clueless. Leave your pets home, hire a pet sitter and while you're at it, leave the kids home too. City offices are not day care centers either.

  32. The chickens are coming home to roost on Frank Cardinale and his underhanded shenanigans back in 2014 for Cecilia Tkaczyk.

    1. How can this be when DiBlasio is so...... progressive?

    2. perhaps he learned from the best....the Clinton's. Best example how to circumnavigate funds. Actively involved with their campaigns back in her Senate race.. and Clintons backed him in NYC Mayoral race.

  33. So Howdy Doody has screwed the city tax payers once again. This is never ending.


  35. Hahaha you're not serious, right-o??

  36. Hey Blaber you fat junkie fuck, got any crack?...
