You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Omerta Report

We apologize that its been so long since our last update but we've been really busy...what's news?

Kudos to Minority Leader Debbie Brown and Alderwoman Maryann Mills for fighting for the opening of a shooting range in Kingston. As a made member of the family we have used our share of guns allegedly but we don't particularly like it. One minute things are well, the next a guy owes us money and commits suicide with two shoots in the back of the head but we digress. Our point is we don't like guns. This issue is not about guns, its about a draconian law Rebecca Martin and her Jim Jones followers are citing to prevent another business from coming into our city. The spirit of that law was not to prevent gun ranges to come in and well all know that. I honestly don't think Ms. Martin cares about the gun issue either, I think she just hates buisness. Let's say that it's about the guns for a second, this shooting range is not being opened up by some fringe NRA nuts, it's being opened up by two Doctors. They sign that Hypocratic oath thing to do no harm, do you really think a Dr is going to not have safe regulations and provide training for people to use their weapons safely? Who do you think knows more a wannabe artist with too much time on her hands or a medical Doctor? Hmmm.

Speaking of Ms. Martin, she is going on and on about changing the city charter to have a city manager form of government. It's moronic, a city manager would be hired by the common council and that city manager would be beholden to them. It would essentially eliminate the Executive branch of government in our city and turn it over to a pencil pusher that is afraid of their own shadow, doing whatever the council asked of him. We already have one of those in City Government he's our city comptroller John Tuey. Seriously though, this is a bad idea, and this broad has been talking about it for six years and has done nothing to get it done. She's all talk. If you are so serious about this Ms. Martin go out and get the 5% of the City to sign the petition to change the city charter. Let the people decide. Get your kool aid drinkers to get the signatures for you, she wont because the measure wouldn't even get 30% of the city electorate and she knows it. Kingstonians voted for a strong Mayor form of government and they believe in that tradition. Electing a Mayor that they know and trust. You wanna know why Ms. Martin's candidate Hayes Clement didnt beat Gallo in 2011? Because he wasn't one of us, and I am sick of these part time residents like Ms. Martin that think they will come in here and take over this city. Hayes and Noble have a lot in common obviously but the difference was that Noble is one of us, we all have one in the family it doesn't change the fact he's a Kingstonian. I'm not against outsiders coming in, we welcome you to be part of our community but don't think you're gunna come here and run our city or change our system of government.

Speaking of our flamboyant Mayor. Our City is in mourning over a tree falling in his yard this morning. Noble was in tears as he talked to the local press about the death of his beloved sycamore which perished. The first tree will lie in state at city hall this weekend. It was not all a lose, we hear First lady Julie Noble was able to make part of that tree into a beating stick for when Steve doesnt follow her orders.

We hear conflicting reports about a high priced truck that was being driven by DPW Superintendent Schupp to and from work, the truck was said to cost between 30-48k which is ridiculous. Last week rumors surfaced that his son was caught driving the city truck in Highland where they live and a photo was on its way to Mayor Noble. Schupp after driving the truck on a full time basis back and forth to work stopped driving it home. We wonder did Noble (who has no love for Schupp) tell him to park the truck and good for him if he did, or did Schupp stop driving under pressure of what he knew was coming. The bottom line is this is an expensive truck and he was using it to drive back and forth, we hear he had a plow on it but who is he kidding when is the last time Schupp did any grunt work like plowing?? The only grunting and plowing Schupp has going on is in the civil service office at City Hall. This was an inappropriate purchase and h did not need a vehicle that seats 6 people to get him back and forth to work. Also allowing non employees to drive the vehicle is extremely poor judgement of a Department head if that is true he should resign.


  1. If Schupp really did allow his son to drive a city vehicle, then it's worse than "poor judgment". It's a major liability for the city should he get into an accident (even if it isn't his fault). I thought the city's requirement to be able to plow is that you have to have your CDL. Since Schupp doesn't have his CDL, why does he have a plow on his truck? And why does he need a take-home vehicle? The Common Council should investigate the purchase of this vehicle. It's ridiculous for him to have a 4-door pick-up truck with a plow to drive home to Highland.

  2. I have to agree 2:45. Think Schupp was quoted a few years ago that his take home truck was contractual though. Something a lot smaller and better on gas would be more appropriate.
    The kicker is the magnetic City of Kingston signs on the doors and fenders. Seems his son has a landscaping business. Just saying.

    1. Get him a Prius! Save on fuel and the environment!

  3. You're disgusting. The tree part with Noble was funny you putz but the rest awful. Use your talents for good not evil. Rebecca is a good woman she tries help Kingston. I'm an "outsider" nothing wrong with that.

    1. The problem I have with Martin is this. She moved away from an area she didn't like I presume to settle here. Now she doesn't like this area do she want to change it. Running business's out of town that doesn't meet her agenda.

    2. I would say she likes the are very much and wants to preserve what is left of a once great place to live, then build on that. Her "agenda" is one that will sustain Kingston for the long term, make it a better place to raise a family and invite more people here. A gun range in the middle of an a burgeoning artist community in my opinion, will do far more to hurt Kingston than adhering to current zoning laws. If Ms. Martin's critics had half the desire to truly improve Kingston as she does, than we could really see some positive change.

    3. Why did you take down comment about Rebecca? Who's going soft?

    4. If Ms Martin wants to implement policies she believes will benefit Kingston, she should run for elected office. Her relationship with the mayor appears Rasputinesque.

  4. Nothing on the sales tax? Everyone believes Hein is being his usual asshole self. Why nothing on that?

    1. More on sales tax later.. I have a few things I need to confirm first that would make an interesting story.

  5. Schupp is out plowing every storm. Rumor is no one from the sanitation department will work for him. He will not allow anyone without a CDL plow. Unless you are one of his " puppies".

    1. How many storms has there been three tops and would you really call them storms?! Yesterday was the most snow we got all season and it wasn't that much really.0

    2. Sorry. Was speaking in general the last six years. He comes in and plows because a lot of drivers won't come in.

    3. He does a good job, I get that, Dpw is well ruin but. $48k truck for a department head is too much in a city that spends eighty cents of every tax dollar on personal and running the city. That's not sustainable, it's just not. We need a Mayor that's gunna tell te people the truth and renegotiate these contracts. Employees are gunna have to cut back and pay more to their health insurance it's not 1994, those benifits may have been warranted back than but they are unaffordable today.

    4. Why should they have to pay more for their health insurance? They don't make a lot of money. Most work 2 or 3 jobs just to survive. Their spouses also work full time. 50%. Of properties in kingston pay little or no tax. That's the problem.

    5. It's not their fault it's the faults of prior administrations and contracts that gave away deals they knew they couldn't pay for. Noble should do it and bite the bullet, they may be mad at him now but in ten years from now they will be looking his number up in the phone book to thank him because the city avoided bankrupsy and they are able to collect their pensions, where otherwise if nothing happens they won't be able to.

    6. I really wonder who writes this website, you have some good things to contribute but lose credibility with your inappropriate language. It makes no sense to me, why would someone that brings something to table do a website anonymously and use language that discredits themselves? You should rethink your tone.

    7. It also has to do with the fact that health insurance costs keep rising, which is the way the healthcare industry wants it. It also has to do with the fact that the city and town that surrounds it should have merged years ago, and the main reason it didn't was "tsars in charge of tsars"--in other words, no one wants to rock the boat of the elected offices that would have to be modified in order to accomodate such a change or consolidation. It also happens to be inertia. Try to get something different done here. The opposition comes out of the woodwork instantly and won't go away until whatever the proposal is is defeated. Name one new local proposal that prompted immediate and overwhelming support in the last 15 years. -Exactly.-

  6. So what is the deal with the sales tax?

    Schupp continues to does as he pleases and Noble is afraid of him. A new vehicle who approved that?

    Martin is a fat lard.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You are an asshole, really. I have seen moronic comments on here before, but this one seems to have come from a 15 year old of limited mental capacity.

  7. Anyone who stoops to the level of name calling should consider what impact that really has. It does nothing to add to the discussion, it shows ignorance and/or low intelligence, and says more about the person making the comment than about whom the comment is being made. Ms. Martin, a volunteer civic minded taxpaying citizen of Kingston has every right in the world to speak her mind. If you don't agree, plead your case and move on. Name calling and disparaging remarks are uncalled for and immature.

  8. So what is Noble doing about this truck situation with Schupp?

  9. You'd have to ask the Mayor. Where is all this transparency he's been preaching. No way he does not know about this it's all over the city. Every city employee is talking about it and rumor is the picture was delivered to Noble directly last week.

  10. Maybe Noble can borrow Schupp's truck and pick up that tree and make that dock he never made that he said he did and did not! What exactly does an environmental educator do in the winter by the way?

    1. FYI. The dock you speak about is at the kingston transfer station. Really should be in the water but it has been built.

  11. It's a shame when at a council meeting Joe and Ellen DiFalco make the most sense!

  12. It was funny when dog barked at Ellen.. Good boy! Don't ask why a dog was allowed in chambers I guess when you have a dictatorship with one family running city government they can do whatever they want.

  13. This administration has not been transparent. We are getting involved in the real estate buisness in the city of Kingston and circumventing a process to allow a homeowner to not pay their back taxes, not pay their taxes to the city and Noble who leads city is brokering this deal and than giving the building to a group that has not laid out a budget or plan how they will restore it, nor a time table. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DEALING WITH HERE??!! The Mayor is comiting treason to our city and the common counsel just rubber stamps it. Mayor Noble is in over his head my friends.

    1. Transparency? Didn't believe 4 years ago when Gallo said it. Didn't believe it when Noble said it either.
      It's a myth in the political world.

    2. At least Gallo started out that way. Sottile was pretty transparent. It's not a myth it's a low expection we set for our public servants that's the problem. I like the fact that Joe and Ellen go to those meetings and keep track and keep them on their toes, if people did that, that knew what they were doing they would get results.

    3. Not making homeowners pay back taxes is a practice that begin with sottile and continued even more in point...steve arron to name one. This list is seemingly endless.

  14. Noble has no transparency he has given his wife a big raise without anyone's approval. Where is CSEA on this raise.

    1. Give her the raise I'm fine with it she's smart and capable but come clean about her role in the city she's not just the environmental educated she is very much part of the administration. This is the first time the First Lady of the city is taking an active role in city government, I think the city should create a page for her on the city website pick an issue or project she wants to do for the city and work with the public to do it. They have an ability to do some good work. Btw she got this hair cut that makes her look sexy af, I have to say.

    2. Ok. So a union member gets a raise and you want the union to take it away?dont think it works that way.

    3. The story you should run is how Mike Cimorelli, Csea president county unit, gets a raise into a position he is not qualified for. No work job just picks up his check.

    4. That's a matter for the County Executive to deal with..After all, he is responsible for hiring and firing in the County. Didn't get this brought up last year in a related thread?

    5. A lot has transpired in the last year. Rumor has it Hein is covering Cimorelli's ass in an audit conducted by CSEA. Seem Mr Cimorrelli was charging mileage to the union when he was in a county owned vehicle. Maybe time for an update.

    6. Cimorelli is a Hein stooge. Always has been and always will be. He does not protect the CSEA unit, instead he sucks Hein's unit.

    7. He's no good and needs to go. Every time he has to do his job it's"sorry I have union business to do". Then he takes a ride around town until someone else does his job. Department heads are afraid of him because of the relationship with Hein. No do job and is burden on taxpayer. Hein put him in a $35.00 an hour job that he is not qualified to do. And can't do one thing in that job title.

    8. Ok I was wondering why CSEA filed a freedom of information form to see when Cimerelli was in a county vehicle. Now it all makes sense.

    9. Hein will have to ante up big time this year, If he wants to keep his "stooge" Cimorelli in office. CSEA Contract is up at the end of the year. 2% ain't gunna cut it.

    10. Not sure why Hein is keeping this misfit around. He couldn't deliver on his promise to get Hein CSEA's endorsement last year. He only has another year left as president and his poor showing in this years elections spells his doom. After three months of hard campaigning he could only muster 94 votes.

  15. Where is this high priced pick up that Schupp is driving?

    1. Parked behind his office. Unless he's back to taking it home.

    2. Takes the gas gussler home every night. Big waste of tax payer money.

  16. What does transparency mean?

    1. 12:42 transparent 1)easy to understand 2)without guile,frank, candid 3) easily detected
      A word that politicos like to use, buzz words...ends up being meaningless and the voters are beguiled.

    2. So when I hear a politico say "transparency". They mean fu I am not telling you. Got it.

  17. Exactly, 2:53. Mayor Noble was well coached into his buzz and feel good words. Citizens should call him out on his campaign promises. The kid will now get a good education in what entails being a Mayor. can't take the heat, too bad.

    1. The kid...that has a nice ring to it that should stick..
      After all, he is a child for playing the April Fool's hoax that he had to leave office because he wasn't old enough to hold the office of mayor. Foolish prank on city time, taking a photo, issuing press release on city stationery and then posting the ridiculous announcement on Facebook. We could only wish it were true.

    2. Nothing wrong with a little

  18. Noble cant take the heat that is for sure. What is going on with the sales tax?

  19. why has hein sent the sales tax agreement to the comptroller?

  20. If I were Mayor I'd sell that truck, auction it off to the highest bidder at counsil chambers on a Sat morning, send a message that's this won't be tolerated.

  21. does anyone have a picture of this truck?

    1. With or without the magnetic city seal.

  22. where is your sales tax issue?

  23. Ok. Mike Hein gave Mike Cimorelli a $7,000,00 a year raise into a civil service position he is unqualified for and not made to do.
    Mike Cimorelli then puts in bogus mile vouchers to his CSEA unit while using county owned car. I've heard his vouchers (for one year )total more than the last 3 unit presidents combined.

  24. Magnetic signs on Schupp's Truck....hmmm

  25. Offer solutions Mr. goodfella you are all talk and no action! How would you handle the Schupp situation realistically? How would you address the gun range in a manner where all people are happy? Easy to take shots from outside looking in but you have no ideas on how to address these issues tell the truth!!

  26. I think I already stated how I'd handle the Schupp situation, I'd ask for his resignation and auction off the truck to the highest bidder in the common counsil chambers. As for gun range, it's not appropriate for the city to stop a private business from coming into Kingston. We should be helping them not driving them away. Appeal the draconian law and limit their hours. A good compromise would be to allow the range to open any weekday after 3pm after the high school is closed and anytime in weekends. It's a GOP compromise and allows both sides to have what they want.

  27. Great idea goodfellows. We need business in kingston and that's a good compromise.
    As for Schupp its contractual that he has a vehicle to get back and forth to work. Maybe there's a used Yugo around. That's about his size.

  28. That's a perfect idea because most these people work unlike Martin and at unlikely to patronize that establishment before 3pm on a week day anyway.

    1. According to the statement that the Dr.Soyer made at council meeting police officers could use it for free or at significantly reduced rates. Cannot understand the opposition. Anytime there is a good police presence in neighborhoods it is a safe situation. What idiot criminal is going to mess with an area that has the potential of other people carrying LEGAL weapons.

  29. I would imagine many police officers would use the range. More cops in mid town and we don't have to pay them. Win win.

    1. Police officers won't have to travel to the other side of the city to practice their shooting skills. And they won't be charged to use the premises either.

  30. Dr. Soyer should sell his building to a church. Take it off the tax rolls like half the properties in kingston.
    Nothing wrong with his proposal other than rebbecca Martin doesn't like guns.

  31. So what is going on with Schupps new truck is the Mayor just forgetting about it?

    1. Let's wait and see if the pictures surface that are rumored to be circulating around. If no one makes noise about this, it will soon be forgotten. The kid won't want to make Schupp out to be a bad supervisor and doesn't want to get on the bad side of him either.

    2. The pictures are in a phone and you ain't getting them.

    3. It behooves us to mention we know a private donor that will pay $300 cash upfront for the photo. For details: anonimity guerenteed.

  32. Brad Will out! Who will take his place?

  33. Then why even bother saying there are pics if they are not going to be released

  34. The picture in question doesn't show the truck is the same one has. No license plate is visible only an inspection sticker. Really can't make anything else out. Yes Schupp's kid is behind the wheel. But the picture offers no proof that it is the city owned vehicle. Better luck next time.

    1. This has to be addressed. Schupp is doing whatever he wants and is abusing his position. Come on Mr Mayor,do something, say something.. Show the taxpayers that you have a set!

    2. Anybody else hear about ass.super Boyle getting paid overtime to chauffer Schupp to highland? Big hush hush in city hall

  35. Oh..So admittedly there will be a next time!? The circus continues!
