You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ellen DiFalco Primaries Charlie Landi for Dem Committee Seat

Ellen DiFalco the secretary to former Mayor Shayne Gallo has filled petitions for a seat on the Democratic committee, in Kingston's Third Ward in a district held by former Alderman Charlie Landi for a very long time. Landi supported Mayor Steve Noble in the Democratic primary and was recently rewarded by Noble w a seat on the Kingston Police commission. Landi was particularly nasty and aggressive against Gallo during that primary and has a long history of fighting w the Gallo family. Landi butted heads w T.R. Gallo when he was Mayor but T.R. Won every battle against Landi. It got so bad that T.R. Broke ranks with his party and endorsed and walked the Third ward w Landi's Republican opponent in a largely Democratic Ward. T.R.'s candidate won retiring Landi from city politics for almost a decade.  Charlie has a good shot at holding onto his seat though and we do wish him well. Landi had personal issues with Shayne but he gave him a fair shake, he stood in the parking lot of the King's Inn w Shayne despite his issues w TR in 2011 when Gallo first announced. Landi isn't a bad guy and Ellen is fucking evil.  Furthermore, Landi has been involved on the committee forever and  has helped many Democrats get elected serving in several different positions within the party and has volunteered to help out with certain party positions when they were vacant. Landi deserves to stay.


  1. There will be no primary Ellen's a minority. Charlie ben around to long let him take his nasty`s to another part of the ward or better yet anther ward and see how popular he is. He cost the city million sink hole.

  2. What do you mean Ellen's a minority? I don't think it works that way where the district has a woman and a man. Yes there are two per ward ED but that seat is filed to I just couldn't think of who other person is so unless they didn't file petitions if will be three people running for two seats.

  3. They are both morons and Landi is a drunk

    1. He drive`s all over the city drunk and the police do nothing. you can smell it on him three feet away

    2. You better watch who you are calling a moron, hiding as anonymous tucked into a fetus position answering these posts, ball-less wonder.

    3. That's 'fetal'.

  4. don't know if he is a drunk but saw him lately and he is a shrunken man...almost sickly looking.. he needs to give it up and get on with the rest of his life. He is no longer relevant. That ship sailed several elections ago.

  5. The administrator of this thread does not state the facts and bottom line, DiFalco has every right to primary for a seat on the city democratic committee in her ward as she actually lives in that ward and has for over 40 years, unlike some of the other appointments. They have appointed people who don't live in the respective wards and even more ridiculous, don't even live in the city. Because they happen to be friends with the son of the chairman does not qualify them for membership. Landi might be the ward captain but does not sit in ward 3, election district 3. Question to Blog administrator--did you walk your petition to represent the nearly extinct city republican committee?

  6. Ellen is not evil as you state. Not a nice thing to say. She is thorough, knowledgeable and that is what we need currently in the Democratic party. Actually, would like to see her run for a council seat. She knows her "stuff"!

  7. 7:34 - you obviously are not a Dem or Rep committeeperson. You don't have to live in the city or town you represent; you only have to live in the County and the same Assembly district. It's a County committee. If you live in Hurley, you can be on the Kingston committee; but if you live in Saugerties, you can't because it's not in Kevin's Assembly district.

    Yes, Ellen can primary. I don't know why she'd want to. She has to know that no one likes her - the Reps don't like her, the Indy's don't like her, and the Dem's don't like her. She'd go to a meeting and no one would want anything to do with her. She's a very strange person, and her husband is the meanest, nastiest person I know. He's a very angry, unhappy person. The two of them should just disappear.

    1. I heard DeFalco is primarying Brad Witt and Sottile for a committeemen's position despite numerous vacancies. . It was challenged by Landi who lost challenge. She was brought up and found guilty in the Republican party, so she took toys elsewhere. All for the priveledge of carrying petitions in July Which one of 4 is the craziest, Photo finish anyone

    2. 8:09 Asshole you don`t know what you are talking about

    3. Said i heard If I am I wrong I apologize no need for name calling

    4. by the four, are you talking about Will, Landi, Sottile or DiFalco? what exactly was she found guilty of in Republican party? Landi not crazy..just a fool. DiFalco appears to be smart and politically knowledgeable.

  8. to fight over and primary for a position, that you does not have a salary, requires you to get people to sign a petition 4 you, that there are probably openings you can be appointed too, and in the end cost you most and you get little in return, you pick the word to describe them, power hungry, crazy, too much free time, or vendetta, you tell me. As for Republican issue you should ask a Republican, but I think someone said it was disloyallity.

    1. She brought tony up on charges

    2. I agree with I know what you meant by crazy..Sounds like for the Democrats this past year was all about vendettas. all I ever care about is being able to vote. Screw the political maneuverings.

    3. 3:22pm Well then go and vote and keep your opinion to your self mind your ------ ---------

    4. must be a Democrat 4:13! The reason why I am staying out of enrolling in a political party. vote the person, not the party. you can play your games in the primaries all you want but I don't want to be sucked into them.

    5. You got to be a asshole looks like you are or ready suck in even commenting fool vote your ah ------

    6. 8:05 Such a grasp of the English least 6:45 had a legitimate thought without name calling. Will give you the benefit of the doubt that you have troubles with a keyboard.

    7. Hay 1:48 go fuck your self
