Surrogate Court Race: The race for the Democratic primary for Surrogate Court may be over before it starts. We hear that Sara McGinty turned in about 1200 signatures to get her name on the ballot after losing her party's nomination in June. That number is very low, the minimum requirement for county wide office is 1000 signatures, so 280 is not exactly a safe cushion. Especially when you know you have the entire Democratic party looking through them with a fine tooth comb to stop her. With that being said the Graff campaign has found enough signatures or fatal errors on McGinty's petitions to knock her off the ballot they believe. Officially the board of elections will have to make a determination on Graff's challenge probably sometime next week and after that, most likely a Judge will make the final determination. Some of the issues w McGinty's petitions we hear are Brooklyn residents that have signed that dont live in the county and some issues w the witnessing on a number of the petitions by people that carried for the McGinty campaign. Ironically these are witness mistakes that her attorney Andrew Zweben allegedly messed up and missed, how ironic is it that this guy may be responsible for destroying or doing catistrophic damage to the careers of two political heavyweights in just two years. Unbelievable, Karma at its best, Zweben's days in Ulster County politics are over but apparently no one has sent him the memo.
I think Sara McGinty should be allowed to primary, Sara is a loyal Democrat, she's qualified and smart but if she is knocked of the ballot it's her own fault. McGinty was the odds on favorite to win this entire election. She was widely seen as a lock for the Democratic nomination and with Hillary leading the ticket in a presidential year in a liberal county like Ulster, she was viewed as a lock to win the general election. In addition to that Sara is also the wife of Anthony McGinty, a well respected, kick ass Family Court Judge and her biggest advocate, Sara McGinty has huge name recognition that will be very helpful to her in both the primary and general elections. First if you are the favorite in an election that right there should give you pause, at least in this county. Time after time, year after year, we have seen the early favorite in an election go down in flames. So if you are the favorite, you gotta work twice as hard and make sure you stay the favorite. Secondly after losing the Democratic and WFP nominations that should have been a wake up call that it's time to get serious. McGinty's recent filing of 1280 signatures almost the bare minimum does not show that she received that message. By comparison when Vince Bradley lost the nomination for DA in 2007 he got over 2500 signatures to try and force a primary. Sharon who had the help of the Dem committee turned in over 3,500.
Will McGinty Find her Heart?
We have said before Sharon Graff while a political new comer has demonstrated that she has got it going on. Graff is disciplined, well organized and has a staff that knows what they are doing. We think Graff picking up Debbie Robbins early on was a move she will not regret and probably a big reason she's done so well and was particularly probably a hire that helped her win the nomination of the party. Robbins who just graduated from law school is a Cahill alumni and a political consultant in Ulster County that is top notch and on the rise and like Graff sexy AF. Whoever McGinty has hired should be fired. If Sara makes it to the primary at this point it's by luck. McGinty needs to take that luck and fire whoever she has working for her and consider calling Josh Sommers at Focus Media and really get serious if she wants to have a chance at winning, she has a lot of catching up to do but don't get us wrong she can still win. We don't underestimate Sara for a second, we are really surprised she's being schooled like this because she's not just the wife of a Judge looking to get herself a position. McGinty is accomplished in her own right a former Judge herself and anyone that was around when her husband Tony ran for family court in 2005, would tell you it was Sara that won her husband the Democratic nomination in a crowded field of great candidates. Sara has passion and smarts and it makes us wonder is her heart in this race?
Ulster GOP Fucks over Conservative Party
Jack Hayes a former Ulster County legislator is challenging Kevin Cahill for Assembly and is a registered Conservative because he is not a member of the Republican party he needs a Wilson Pakula authorization filled with the board of election by the Republican party to run on their line. There was a pissing match several weeks ago when the Conservative party threatened to withhold endorsements of some veteran GOP Senators because they were unhappy with their legislative records. Conservative party members felt their votes did not represent the party's platform, one those legislator's was Senator John Bonacic. This pissed off Ulster Party Boss Roger Rasquoe, part of Bonacic's district is in Ulster County and Rogers's wife works for the Senator. So Roger says to the Conservatives, go fuck yourselves if you don't endorse our people I won't sign the Wilson for Jack Hayes to run for Assembly. I think a deal was made I'm not exactly sure but maybe Bonacic was given the Conservative line and they just didn't endorse Larkin, not sure details but something was worked out and Jake Hayes was expecting to get the GOP line and was endorsed by the party at their convention.
Turns out though last week Roger did not sign the Wilson. So now Hayes who never had a shot at beating Kevin Cahill anyway is off the Republican line and still has no shot at beating Kevin Cahill. Lol, it's a dick move on Roger's part because as a party boss you should keep your word but I gotta say besides the fact we support Cahill, we really are glad this happened because we hate Jake Hayes. The guy is an old mustach and has no idea that we are living in 2016 not 1916, he's out of touch extremely partisan and just rubs us the wrong way. Speaking of Roger Rascoe we saw him and that bafoon Kevin Costello at the GOP convention front and center as Donald Trump accepted the nomination to be our next President and Roger was wearing his signature 1970's silver blazer, I think it's the only sports coat the guy owns, really, I've seen this guy a few hundred times and always the same jacket. Maybe Roger can cash in on some of the political capital he just earned w Bonacic and get himself a new suit, your representing Ulster County baby what were you thinking?! Go see Patsi and tell him we sent you Roger he'll hook you up with some thing nice. Gotti an impeccable dresser would wear these gorgeous custom made Brioni suits, Roger check it out here: Maybe Costello will front you the money at 5 points a week, if you were nicer to Party Boss Quigley you'd have a bigger clothing allowance Hun.
Kingston loses another business: Rebecca Martin has successfully driven another business out of Kingston. It is remarkable that we allow these left wing nuts to dictate policy like this, the property that was proposed to be a shooting range is now on the market for $400k, I'm sure a great non profit will come and buy it. Maybe Rebacca Martin can buy it and open it up as Kingston citizen's against economic development. It drives us insane to see this again and we apologize to the Doctor who tried to open this and to the neighboring towns and cities that laugh at us. We are the silent majority, we support you. Niagra botteling was chased out last year due to concerns about adauqate water levels and some other nonsense, they left taking a potential 100 jobs with them and it was reported in Freeman last week that Kingston's water supply is at an excess. When are we going to wake up?
Kingston Mayor Steve Noble lost a $10 million dollar grant last week and said in the paper that it was a great experience. Yea losing ten million dollars of grant money for your city because you hire your unqualified friend to be in charge of grant writing is a great experience. It's actually a great history lesson if you ask me Gallo warned us all how awful Noble was at writing grants and we now are suffering the consequences of voting on emotion instead of voting with our brains.
Ahhh but you forget the wise King Sottile and his letter urging voting for Noble because Gallo was telling lies about him....yes, o wise Ozymandius the King....and the bowing down to same you still urge, O Goodfellas....LMAO
ReplyDeleteThis is really well done, I've never read a website that has such a behind the scenes look at politics in Kingston. Thanks for the update.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if Ms. Martin spent more time and energy into bringing jobs as she does driving them away we would be having a booming economy. But when you already make a good living and have the Mayor's ear how can she understand what the rest of us are wanting or needing? She says she is for all of the citizens but in reality only for a select few who feel that they know best for the rest of us. Can't wait to see what is her next focus of attention. Look out!!
ReplyDeleteHer next focus of attention will be eating giant funnel cakes at the Schmorgasburg
ReplyDeleteSchmorgasburg? Is that a place in New Jersey or Pennsylvania?
DeleteIt's south of Trenton next to Blowmeville
DeleteOh thank God I know where it is now, I was beginning to think that last place was inhabited by Snooki.
DeleteThat would be Schmorgasboardwalk
DeleteThat was so funny I laughed all the way to the acrostic finals.
DeleteWhat does Martin do for employment?
ReplyDeleteMusician- songwriter and does tours. Her spouse is also a musician who tours. He is an excellent bassist. Remember, she sang at Noble's swearing in ceremony?
DeleteGood God that was her she stinks
DeleteDid anyone see all the blue stone ripped up on Albany Avenue? Three contiguous properties with black top sidewalks now. Where are the Comprehensive Master Plan people? Looks like shit.
ReplyDeleteYou're an old fuddy-duddy;the bluestone should go, all of it, and should have gone a long time ago. Try shoveling snow on it, you dingbat!! Try blowing snow on it for that matter. Take the bluestone and send it all to Ed Pell!!
Deletethe Bluestone is part of our heritage...I like my bluestone sidewalk and walkways. guess I am an old timer...
Delete"Old fuddy-duddy?" Who are you? Ethel Mertz? Yes, blue stone is a pain to maintain but there is this newfangled product called CEMENT.
DeleteBlack top sidewalk is ridiculous but it's their property and they are in charge of maintaining it. The City should not interfere and get in their business. I do think the city should encourage and even offer incentives for side walks to be maintained with blue stone. The city should also maintain the city owned properties w blue stone as well which they do. Look at city hall, Sottile fixed front of Broadway beautifully.
DeleteI believe there is a code on the city books that sidewalks are to be replaced with bluestone or some form of stone , cement too but asphalt is prohibited.... Unfortunately, people do not check before ripping up bluestone or they did not get a building permit. Once again the city practices selective enforcement....
Deletecall R.Martin....she had quite the say in the Comp Plan...she and her cohorts are looking for the next cause...
ReplyDeleteYeah, I once got kicked in the balls and had my wallet stolen. It was a great experience. So much so, that I am looking forward to getting raped on Mike Hein's new Rape.....err....Rail Trail.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Rebecca Martin and her Kingston Whiners Organization can buy the Prince St building so the owner can bring his investment, vision, and tax base to the Town of Ulster.
Maybe Rebecca Martin and her cronies can maintain that trail. They can cut the grass, shovel the snow and pick up the trash. Sorry that to much work for these non working living off the system SOB's.
DeleteYup, the City of Kingston has lost out once again with any meaningful grants, and I agree Goodfellas, his non grant writing friend Kristen Wilson is not just inexperienced she is incompetent. She waddles into Cityhall everyday on our dime and does what? Plan a cookout with Julie Noble, who has the personality of tree bark? Put together a little margharita extravaganza in her backyard eating chimichangas and fucking tofu? The City of Kingston is so fucked with this corny couple running the City.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering, are most of the people who post so much viciously abusive stuff drunk when you do it or is this the way you usually talk to the whole world about women? You sound nasty, just in case you are wondering, and it's really sad. It's one thing to want jobs and another thing to viciously bash every woman you can think of, Rebecca Martin, Julie Noble, over issues like "personality of tree bark." I guess you prefer viciousness to considerateness, is that what you are saying? Why not stick to the issues and describe your own plans for bringing in jobs while creating the kind of community that keeps all generations, cultures and races in Kingston working together across the dividing lines?
Deletehugh reynolds sure voiced his opinion about the new$50,000 a year grant writer in todays kingston times! ouch
ReplyDeleteConsidering the state of the world, Kingston politics seems pretty petty.
ReplyDeleteBut Kingston is our immediate world....where we live and has more impact on our day to day lives.. so no, Kingston politics is not petty. Maybe just way to partisan at times.
DeleteTake a second and think about all the nasty things people say about Rebecca Martin. Absolutely disgusting and uncalled for. I do believe that if the politicians were 1/2 as successful as she is at presenting a valid argument, gaining popular support and then getting politicians to vote the way she wants, they would be jumping for joy. She is a force, she protects Kingston in a positive way, and she is not going anywhere. The water plant was a bad idea and filled with long term questions. The shooting range within 2 blocks of KHS, one block from the YMCA, across the parking lot from the auditorium was simply a bad location for a good idea. If 1/2 the whiny bitches on this blog had even 1/10th the energy, intelligence, and perseverance that Rebecca Martin has, you would be pretty good. Stop bitching and fight back if you disagree and let's see who is the more effective.
ReplyDeleteYou might not believe it but there is a new ground swell of opposition against the "protections" of Ms.Martin. She has probably awakened a sleeping giant.. Martin's followers leave no room for compromise. It is our way or face a shaming from us.. Stop with the smug tones as witnessed by the incorrect facts at the hearings of the indoor range.(roll tape...!!) Basically they all came with the same script as listed on the website of Kingston Citizens.Org. They spouted facts that was explained as scientific research with no documentation and in some cases the examples they gave did not apply to an indoor range much less with NYS strict guidelines and rules. No original thought. and please I don't need her form of protection for Kingston. Your line of " if we had the 1/10th of the intelligence of Martin" is insulting to most of us. Goes to prove my above statement. Not going to win over any converts with that type of disparaging comments. Perhaps you were defending her as a friend (?) but you now stooped to the same poster's level you were attacking.
DeleteYeah. Well how many good paying jobs with benefits has she created? More and more people are leaving Kingston than coming here. Since she has been here property values are decreasing and taxes are rising. Thanks RAM.
DeleteShe has produced as many as the last 3 Mayors and common council have. What's your point?
DeleteI believe the poster's point is that with her and her flock protesting just about any idea of a developing business plan they stifle the prospect of any company coming here or even being interested on the City of Kingston. Developers look at it as an extension of Woodstock. She is not helping but rather hindering. I would say that the previous Mayor was pro business or at least gave that impression and this current Mayor as somewhat timid and not proactively going out and promoting the city of Kingston. At least that is the impression I get especially when you surround yourself with staff that runs interference with the general public. (press secretary, personal confidential secretary, corp counsel....)
Deletemartin and her cronies will go away soon. Dems are already saying they made a mistake with the kid. He's one and done. So after his term the Dems will lose the mayors seat and RAM and her followers will disperse.
DeleteThe problem is will there be anything left to save in 3 1/2 years? Businesses rejected, sales tax frozen, salaries/benefits up. Turn out the lights the parties over! Oh by the way you did have some good info, you are temporarily relieve from your assignment watching the intake and outflow at the $7 million dollar sink hole.
DeleteMs. Martin brought scrutiny upon herself when she ventured into the public forum. She has her fans but she also has detractors who find it despicable the way she exploits the feeble minded, parading them into public hearings to regurgitate the KCO mantra. Her website is known to publish letters/opinion riddled with inaccuracies and data which in no way supports her arguments (if you were a critically thinking person you'd admit that). No one wants to see Ms. Martin go any where. She's part of our community and has a right to do what she does, but her relationship with City Hall has damaged the Mayor who more than ever comes off as awkward, closed-minded and easily coerced by his friends.
ReplyDeleteJust look at that poor woman that had her little speech dissected. Complaing she didn't want her children walking past safe shoot on there way to school.
DeleteWhen her address was printed and we all found out that she lied all hell broke lose.
I wonder if she knows how many pistol permits were issued to her neighbors? How many hunters with rifles? I bet she can't walk one block in any direction without passing a house with a gun in it.
Typical for that Movement to lie when, you as a group, want all to be hysterical about guns. Don't fabricate the facts. Her children now walk pass a sex offender on Brewster and if they did actually walk by the proposed indoor range she would also pass 2 more sex offenders (Jansen and Prince) If I was a Mom I would be more concerned about those individuals as their victims were on the young side... She was more upset about being caught in a lie along with her allegation that she was being stalked and intimidated. Yes, you have the right for your opinions but you should have the decency to not make false statements and incite the public. Perhaps she just got caught up in the emotion that the anti indoor range people seem to generate in their fervor.
DeleteRight on 9:58. Well said.
ReplyDeleteA goood project will withstand the scrutiny of even the most ardent critics. What Ms. Martin does is point out the weaknesses or potential harm. If they weren't there, she would have nothing to talk about now would she?
ReplyDeleteIn the case of the proposed shooting range, Martin didn't point out weaknesses, she provided gross misinformation meant to incite fear and rally her useful idiots. Her cohort, Patrice Courtney Strong, is not better. After Soyer's presentation on indoor shooting ranges in densely inhabited downstate cities, Patrice insisted Yonker's range was not located amidst playgrounds, medical offices and shops. When Soyer extended an invitation to personally drive her down to Yonkers to check it out, she declined. Look, if your goal was to outlaw indoor shooting ranges in Kingston you won. But if your goal was to welcome a business that would generate a lot of sales revenue and help pay to finance city operations without raising property taxes, you got fucked.
DeleteNone of the individuals against the range looked at the consultants reports, EPA data, ATF , NYS OSHA guidelines, lead waste disposal that Dr.Soyer put into record. Plus most of the ammo for target shooting was not going to be all lead and was to be more of a composite of which newer pistols offer for target shooting. So yes, they were negligent in not checking the reports and Martin's group continued to spout untrue data. There was no weakness 6:23 of the indoor range plans or potential harm. they just failed to look at the reports that he had and check the stringent NYS laws for operating that type of facility. Never even went inside the building to check out the facility and plans after he offered them that option. All cases of the few indoor range accidents or fatalities anti range people mentioned was in other states than NY. No comparison. BTW.. all gun violence in City of Rochester was almost always due to crime and the gang wars/violence. Guess what..They don't have indoor ranges in that city.. all are in the suburbs. Look up the justice report for NYS and see what type of crimes were prevalent. It is on their website. It is called doing research , getting the facts that pertain to NYS before inciting the masses. Very irresponsible and lazy.
Deletegood projects read the local headlines before they even go someplace. When they read ours and realize the potential opposition and non-business friendly envirnoment they may face they head the other way
ReplyDeleteUtter bullshit. In today's business environment, it is all about tax breaks, market studies, availability of reliable and well trained employees and potential for profit. Using the shooting range as a so called "good project" is quite a stretch. A smart organization will seek out the potential opposition and build corrections or appeasements into it's business plan.
DeleteSaid somebody who doesn't run a business
Deleteyea right project says we can go south tomorrow and get a building permit or we can go to Kingston,spend a year and money trying to build coalition and then hope we get permit. How much did Tishler spend on a parking garage-condo uptown. How much was spent on brickyard? How much has been spent at Cement Site? in the meantime the ship left port and train pulled out of the station. And then the wife says by the way the hospital does not accept my health care and there is no neurologist if I have a stroke.
DeleteA smart organization? This was a local Kingstonian, not Boeing. He approached the City in March 2015. Planning and Zoning were all over it and gave the green light, which prompted his investment in an indoor range consultant, an architect, etc. He didn't need to build support because it was already there from hundreds of permitted gun owners who didn't belong to gun clubs and needed a place to practice. Downstaters are overpaying for property with their 1031 money and that will increase all assessments and eventually increase our property taxes. Do you know how many people are already delinquent in their mortgages and property taxes? What businesses are we attracting? Steve Aaron's development on the tracks? Subsidized. RUPCO's development on Cedar Street and Flatbush? Subsidized. The food court on Wall Street? Subsidized. The proposed hotel on Crown Street? Subsidized. And now Noble wants to bond over $1m for midtown beautification.
Delete7:38 The proposed indoor range was NOT looking for grants, or any type of funding from a government entity or a tax break and his plan was reviewed by consultants and the city liberals still gave him the heave ho. It had the great potential to have at any given time of about 100 people a week spending money in the businesses close by. There are 4800 licensed gun owners in Ulster County. do the math... It would be nice to have a business in Kingston that paid its fair share of taxes,(sales, property and school) and hired at least 10 to 18 people at a good hourly rate for professionals. With our luck Dr.Soyers property will be bought by a tax exempt business.. we are lucky that way here in Kingston..
DeleteBond $1 million for Midtown beautification???? But there are still many grant projects worth millions sitting idle from the last admin focused entirely on midtown. Itwould be a better use of time & money to hire another consultant to consult the new economic dev director & grant manager on how to forward already existing funded projects. Kingston residents better start speaking up about all this frivoluos's like handing the candy store over to the kids...
Deletewho said Noble is done in 3 1/2 years
ReplyDeleteIf he doesn't move away from Martin and her ultra liberal ways they will run him out if town on a rail. Oops trail, Hein is ripping up the rail.
DeleteHe needs to lower taxes without cutting services. Martin keeps running the money out of town.
Maybe sooner for dereliction of duties.
DeleteWhere is The second in command , another Noble on all this, oh that's right he praised Martin with a pride award for doing all the home work and helping him do his job stopping the Water company.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't Jim Noble who encouraged the Pride of Kingston award. It was the former majority leader Matt Dunn...and probably encouraged by Steve Noble as he was in the midst of his campaign for Mayor..Needed to solidify the progressive liberal vote for One Kingston candidates...and Martin was a contributor to his campaign.
ReplyDeleteThe Nobles and Martin are ruing the COK good luck everyone
ReplyDeleteThe DeFalcos were seen today talking to a city employee in car 302. Must be getting city hall gossip.
ReplyDeleteand you know this because................
DeleteBecause it was done in full view of the public. Car illegally parked on wall st. Approximately 11:00 am. Not a good thing for city employees wasting thier time talking to those two. Especially during working hours.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your point? The conversation could have been about official parking business given the fact there is construction going on all over the city. Why does it offend you so much anyway?
Delete1:58am Jack Ass
DeleteDoesn't offend me at all 3:34. Sure looks like someone was caught with their hand on the cookie jar.
DeleteJust an observation. Next time be a little covert. You don't want someone to lose their job because you're wasting their time. The loss must still sting. Ouch.
If it is a city car on city business it can not be illegally parked. Secondly how many emails and text do you do during working hours if you are employed at all. Maybe they were reporting an illegally parked car.
ReplyDeleteThe point is the DeFalcos are against this administration. Any city employee seen talking to them on city hours Is taking a chance with their job. They are evil. Stay away from them.
DeleteSo let me get this straight the DeFalcos are against this administration. If you're a City employee speaking to them you're taking a chance with your job. How are the DeFalcos evil I think you mean the Noble's are as they are so insecure that if an employee is saying hello to a former coworker they may get fired.
Deletegood point 4:28. Such hypocrisy..wasn't Noble the "open government" candidate? guess not so much..
DeleteHow has he not been open? someone said he would fire people for talking to his enemies but He hasn't fired anyone
Delete4:47.. Not yet. the year & administration is still new....
Deletebudget time is coming...always a way to get rid of distrusted employees with some excuse....but most are protected by the union
to 3;34 guess you and I are on the same page,
ReplyDeleteNow flashing red lights on Washington Avenue, this is a major through fare in the City and now we are going to control the speeding traffic with stop signs. No one stops at them anywhere in the City, then back on Wall street by the Deli. Another mistake, does any council member know what they are doing, but get ready to spend another $50K on a ladder truck. Is Martin part of this movement too.
ReplyDeleteThat and not a single net to catch people fleeing a fire in at least a two story building. Howdya like them apples?
DeleteI see the protest signs are being designed for the Coast Guard Anchorage proposal. Kingston should change its motto to "Unless you are looking for welfare or have NYC money to spend, they stay the fuck out". Industry, commerce, who needs that stupid shit. We got bars and low income housing.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Kingston at one time a major shipping hub and destination. So now we don't want them. Are we that prosperous. Maybe they should pass as by as well when they should be delivering heating oil. We could always revert to coal stoves. O I forgot Lyin Hillary, who says she may have short circuited on a TV interview 7/31, wants to close the coal mines as well. So we will use electricity on there is a group that wants to shut down, Indian Point as well. Thank goodness the Lourghan Bridge is an illegal height, or some ships might even make it up the Rondout, like they did in the Island Dock days. If this were a TV show there would be enough drama for an entire season, call it "If you keep eliminating and rejecting a tax base the welfare state will fill the void"
ReplyDeleteIf I have read the articles correctly we who live on the shorelines or city of Kingston do not reap a financial benefit. If anything, we might even have to pay the cost of any cleanups from leaking barges or other damages of the coastline. Plus we will have obstructed views and possibly no easy access to the river. So to all you fisherman & boaters think twice about encouraging these big barges dropping anchors along our shores. Just so you know, I am NOT a raging environmentalist. Just a concerned citizen about keeping our river clean after many decades of clean ups. I actually like to swim at Kingston Point but will think twice about it with a barge anchored in nearby waters.
ReplyDeleteKingston Point Beach right now looks pretty dirty to me
ReplyDeleteTake a look at TR Gallo Park too. We hire summer staff to maintain these jewels and from all accounts, they are dirty. If Parks and Recreation can't do a better job at keeping our parks sparkling, then fire the bunch of them and contract the work out. It is appalling to visit and see that nothing has been done. Emptying out the trash barrels the beginning of the week is not the only task there is at parks. Wait until budget time.
DeleteThe two men assigned are in the bar most of the time. Not sure what we are paying them? But it's a waste of money. Gallo holdovers.
Delete4:53 Go easy bub.You wouldn't want any issues,would ya?
Delete4:53 has no idea. Those two aren't working there now that's why it looks like crap. Oh and as to being Gallo holdovers. Sottile hired them. Get your facts straight before you run your mouth.
DeleteI'm a little confused about this whole barge issue. Barges have been anchoring off at the mouth of the Rondout Creek for decades! And not a word of protest from all of a sudden, it's a big deal?? In the winter, you can always look out & see them lit up at night up and down the Hudson. Where were all these protesters for the last 50 years?! Lol! It's amazing to me that these folks lay dormant until some leader tells them to grab their signs & start protesting. Get a life folks, this is nothing new.
ReplyDeleteThey were always empty. No they will be sitting there full.
DeleteParks and Recreation rides around all day long doing nothing, that is why the parks are dirty where is the Director and along with them riding around all day the DPW patch truck does the same and is in uptown all of the time why.
ReplyDeleteand now the COK will have to maintain the Linear Park when it is constructed ( almost a mile in length) as part of sales tax agreement... How is that going to work out....?? Yea, great deal Mayor. Might have to get goats to keep up with the overgrowth.
ReplyDeleteRebecca Martin has volunteered her time and some of her friends to maintain the park.
Deletesurely you jest?? Her friends are not likely to maintain parks..nothing to protest sound bites. Would spend too much time discussing the effects of cleaning...before any actual work done
DeleteBULLSHIT!!! The walkway over the Hudson was sold to us that a private not for profit would build and maintain it. And they handed that shit over to the state ASAP for care and maintenance on my dime. That's what people like her do, they promise the world and then when the chips are down they expect someone else, usually government, to do it for them.
DeleteShe's going to do it. Until she no longer has a voice in City Hall. January 1, 2020. Then she just walks away like she did from NYC.
DeleteShe didn't have a voice the day of the Mayor's inaugural!
Delete6:43. oooooohhh, you are a sharp critic. but that was a funny comment.
DeleteThat will be some sight. Maybe Niagara Bottling will donate a case of water to the volunteers while they are on the trail. LOL
DeleteThe DeFalcos are crazy and where part of the last administration.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't the lights blinking on Broadway and Pine Grove ave as this is a public safety concern. Has a lawsuit all over it.
ReplyDeleteIt's time to scale back the Personnel at the Kingston Fire Department. The taxpayers are paying about 100 firemen around $80,000 each to chase ambulances. The Town of Ulster is an all volunteer department, except for a small retirement for dedicated service. They cover a bigger area and can purchase better equipment. Wake up taxpayers and vote more Republicans onto the Council.
ReplyDeleteBelieve your numbers are a little low. It's over 100k a firemen. Time to close midtown.
DeleteOnce again the Mayor has issued a press release with a non-committal statement. It is almost word to word on his press release regarding the indoor range. Just insert Irish Culture Center instead of indoor range. Come on Mayor.."ya gots to take a stand on something" Stop with the milk toast responses. Either you are for the center or you are some leadership and stop acting like a community activist. Cannot always sit in a circle and discuss until you get a consensus.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Mr.Gartenstein can find the most restrictive Irish Cultural Center law in NYS, regardless of dissimilar population, composition of Irish, etc, and copy the law's text verbatim for Kingston. They've done that before.
ReplyDelete7:35...good one! Can't wait to see what they come up with in regards to rewriting the Ethics Law. Possibly taking their cues from Moreland Commission.??..another good one!
DeleteThe Moreland Commission was working well until it actually found some corruption
DeleteI looked at that property today. being aware of planning rules and even if not... no way can that parcel support the magnatude of that building. There is no parking ask the people at the next door former bar. Mayor greenjeans can not publicly say anything but walks across hall and tells city planner if she wants cracks in home wall repaired on Washington ave she knows what to do. this is a swan song for defunct Carey Construction Amen
ReplyDelete9:31. exactly....Mayor Greenjeans..what a good description. lol! Carey construction has always flaunted their standing at city hall in past administrations. Get what they want and need in building projects without paperwork being in order. Being of Irish ethnicity I would like to see an Irish Center but not at the expense of the neighborhood. Would only cause animosity and definitely no good will. They need to pare the plans down to a more manageable project and go back to the original idea of celebrating and recognizing the Irish contributions. Not a circus type affair or Disney Epcot Irish . Cannot forget that they also have to support and manage the center in going forward but difficult in its current behemoth & grandiose plan. They should take a look at the Reher Bakery project for the real ideals of celebrating a culture. This is more in line with what they should support along with education.(step dancing school, small theatre, museum ,Intimate real & true Irish Pub with Irish musicians , Irish products)
ReplyDeleteIrishman Carey Construction gets job. No giving to lowest bid. Aren't states grants money involved here? And NO BIDS!! This could be criminal as well. Mayor Greenjeans, will refer it to the ethics comm. Oh that's right he disbanded it.
DeleteEthics committee has new appointees by the current Mayor. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... But naw! that doesn't look fishy does it???
DeleteDon’t worry folks. Once mayor Jeremy Blaber gets elected, he’ll fix everyone’s wagon. Just sit tight & enjoy the ride.
ReplyDeleteDude, you are absolutely right, Sharron Graff is hot.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else notice the fact that the city list a TEN MILLION DOLLAR GRANT, yet we are talking about the DiFalcos and Rebecca Martin. This city is a joke. We had a mayor that looked out for the tax payers and because he wouldn't be a puppet to Donaldsons, Cardinals, Wills, Hoffays, and Landis of the city we are stuck with a boy blunder. Shame on the city of Kingston for not re-electing Mayor Gallo
ReplyDeleteThis blog has been abandoned by its author as his first one was.
DeleteToo bad this blog went down, I'm interest to hear more about the surrogates court campaign.. I checked out Peter Matera's website at and Sara McGinty's at but some outside info would be useful
ReplyDeleteJust so you know Sharon Graff's name remains on three lines: WFP,Women Equality and Green Parties. Sara McGinty has only the Democratic Party line. Peter Matera has four party lines: Republican,Conservative,Independence and Reform.
ReplyDeletehow is it possible for Sarah W McGinty to become ulster surrogate court judge when she was convicted of professional misconduct mishandling client accounts.(even with out intent of malice)
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