The primary for Congress is over and we endorse and stand behind John Faso, he's the only candidate that's qualified to represent us in Washington. His opponent is a carpet bagger and makes Bernie Sanders look like Sean Hannity. We can't afford two years of Zepher Teachout. She has no qualifications and is an opertunist and the 19th will not elect her.
Peter Matera is gunna need help to get elected our next Surragate Court Judge, with Hillary leading the ticket the Democratic nominee is going to benefit from her coat tails and the influx of Democratic voters that only vote on Presidential elections. Please go on his website and donate to the guys campaign he's a good guy.
I will say Sharon Graff is doing a great job with her campaign and is schooling the McGinty team, I must say I am very surprised. Sharon Graff is a hard worker and has shown strength, organization and discipline in her race for the Democratic nomination for Surragate court and we wish her well. She's sexy too, we never saw her as anything special in the past but we were looking at pix of her on the campaign trail and she has some body on her.
Mike Hein and Kevin Cahill are still at war this time over a state committee seat. There were fireworks at the Ulster Democratic convention last month when Chairman Frank Cardinale called Karen Markisinis the preferred candidate during the nomination process over incumbent Judy Hakeem. Judy is seen as a Cahill loyalist. John Parete and Rob Parete went up to Cardinale and got into a heated argument with him defending Judy. We hear Parete almost knocked out Chairman Cardinale and asked him to resign. Where does Frank Cardinale get the balls to call Markesinis the preferred candidate before the vote? I think it's safe to say Cardinale is going through a way bigger than Naploian complex. We still don't understand why Cardinale carries Hein's jock strap, this is the guy that fired Cardinale's wife from her cushy gig at the office of the aging.
We hear Noble called in former Economic development director Gregg Swanzy to help him with a city grant that the current office had no clue on. Swanzy came to city hall sat in a meeting with Noble and his crack pot team and offered no help instead he said to Noble: I just wanna come here in person and tell you to go fuck yourself....dropped the Mic and walked out, like a boss. Good for Swanzy.
We hear John Tuey at a department head meeting a few months back was going over the budget and it was reported that former Mayor Shayne Gallo left the City with a ONE MILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS. Bill Clinton was elected the youngest Governor in the history of Arkansas and because of his attitude and raising the fee on driver's licenses he was voted out after one term. Clinton licked his wounds learned his lesson and four years later was elected Governor again, serving for three more consecutive terms before becoming President. Shayne Gallo is definitely licking his wounds, could he be the next to be called the come back kid? It wouldn't take much for him beat Noble if he showed a little humility and sanity, no doubt voters will give him another chance.
I am willing to bet that the current Mayor with his spending addiction has just about decimated the surplus if that was a true amount. I can only hope we have a 1 million surplus as the sales tax agreement signed by the new Mayor has the potential to wipe the city out. And we have a linear park to maintain once the trail is completed. Could sure use that money for that pie in the sky project.
ReplyDeleteThe mayor is surrounded by cretinos
DeleteIs that a new cookie?
DeleteGallo doesn't do sanity or humility- its just not in him. After his reign of terror at City Hall he can't find one person willing to give him a job- good luck getting the approval of a few thousand voters.Noble might turn out to be a one term wonder, but Gallo is done for good.
ReplyDeleteNoble and Gallo are both done. This sales tax deal is going to bankrupt the COK for sure.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame that the taxpayers have to pony up $130,000 because the new grant writer cant figure out a complicated multi-funded grant and no one else is left in CH to help her figure it out. i have a sinking feeling this is just the first of many times they're going to ask for money to cover what they cant figue out due to lack of experience.
ReplyDelete9:27,I agree... wait.just wait till the real dirt comes out.And another thing word is Asshole Schupp was forced out for misappropriation of funds.He left quietly so to not bring questions to Mayor twinkle toes!
ReplyDeleteA new ethics board has been appointed. What a waste of time.
ReplyDeleteyuh!..he appoints a new ethics board based on a complaint filed against his administration...seriously? he dismissed the previous board this is what ethics is all about? the old saying "fox guarding the hen house" who advised him about this issue? Current corp counsel? Must be shit is rolling down hill from Albany.
ReplyDelete1:16,Im beginning to think the dismissal has something to do with Schupp and his misappropriation of funds and the Mayor quietly pushing that all aside as fast as possible
DeleteWhat has his administration done so far. No new business in COK didn't like the shooting range had one for years in the mid town center. Not sure what the difference is now, while that shooting range was operating kids where playing basketball just above the range. New business never with this administration grant writer does not know how to write grants wow.
ReplyDeleteSharon is pretty but she's gunna lose two to one to McGinty. Not because she's not qualified, anyone in the legal community will tell you Sharon is probably the most qualified. However, the McGinty machine and the fact that Sharon spent years away from the Democratic Party will do her in. I hope I'm wrong. If McGinty wins I'm voting for Peter. Nice blog, keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI'm not anti McGinty up until recently I considered her the odds on favorite. You should vote for Matera no matter who wins Dem primary though
Deletewhen are the democrats going to stop the border crossing of candidates to represent Ulster County? She is a carpet bagger just like Eldridge. and lets not forget Hillary back in the day..Don't you have anybody who has actually lived here for at least 5 years.. Teachout goes about promising the moon to all... Yanik could have been the one to support. God, I am so disgusted with my party or perhaps it is the leadership. Are we sure she is not tainted with campaign money from previous races or primary campaigns? geeessh!
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference? A Congressman or even a State Assemblyman or State Senator can't live in each county they represent. She lived in the Hudson Valley and knows the issues. Honestly, what does Faso know about the Mid Hudson Valley? So I say again, what's the difference?
Deleteshe hasn't lived in the 19th congressional district which happens to include Ulster County. A recent resident to that district ..carpet bagger... that is the difference. Faso has LIVED in the 19th congressional district. Yanik LIVED in the 19th district.
DeleteDid they live everywhere at the same time? Are the issues of rural Schoharie County the same as the issues of the urban parts of Kingston? It is the rare candidate who has lived in all parts of a district and had experiences in all issues facing a widespread district like the 19th. Carpet baggers are not new and they are not necessarily bad for the area. If someone with the educational and scholarly background of Teachout is my representative, well damn I am happy about that, at least I know she is smart, educated and has the ability to put a lucid thought together.
DeleteI would advise anyone with an ethics complaint to find an outside COK venue.
ReplyDeletewould be a good idea especially if the complaint is against the Mayor..Can we say rigged board? You fire the previous board and then convene a handpicked board to hear the complaint? Can he be that PR stupid?
DeleteWhat's a way bigger than Napolian complex lmao?
ReplyDeleteExactly how it sounds lol
DeleteIt's so fun to watch uneducated pin dicks complain with posts that highlight their illiteracy like 1:23. Quit yer bitchin' and go back to school - and maybe get some of dem teeth put back.
ReplyDeleteEducation and wisdom aren't the same thing. That's why professors make pin dick policy decisions.
DeleteHey 6:06
DeleteI must also be a moron as I understood 1:23 are the insufferable pin dick. grammar police?
Correcting grammar deflects from the actual content. Its an old tactic.
DeleteCardinale is a fucking ass,hole who should resign. First he launders dirty PAC money, then he forces his partner in the laundry business Markesinis, onto the committee. He is a dirty bastard who does not know how to play by the rules. His whole game is rig the system, just like his mentor or protege whichever it is, Mike Hein. Cardinale and Hein loaded the committee with Hein employees, don't believe me, check with the BOE. I would guess there are 15-20 Hein employees who are now committeemen. Again, rig the system, that is all they know.
ReplyDeleteOMG, Mr Goodfellas, if Gregg Swanzy did meet with Steve Noble and his lame Corp Counsel and tell them to go fuck themselves it is absolutely hysterical and shows big balls! I too am hearing his new grant writer is incompetent, what is her name?
ReplyDeleteIdk her name some bimbo that is extra cozy with the First Lady that worked at ultra liberal Cornell ext, they can't even keep their own doors open without bailouts from Hein and the sales tax money and deal w very small level grants. She has no qualifications to do grants any more than her Boss Noble or lover Julie
ReplyDeleteKristin something
ReplyDeleteKristen Wilson, and she is beyond incompetent! Her and her husband are nice and cozy with the Nobles, they babysit each others kids as a matter of fact. The insult to the taxpayers is Nobles bogus annoucement before hiring that he was interviewing and taking applications..... He and sour puss Julie knew damn well they were gonna hire their non leg shaving friend for the position. The City is fucked with Wilson as our grant writer.
DeleteOMG. what a funny post 4:57.. always knew the job application was all BS..The fix was in but he tried to make him seem inclusive..what a crock...and yes the first lady is a bit of a sour puss. hard to see a smile on her face.. I also think Ms.Wilson's husband was let go at city hall as the grant for his salary had expired..
Deletegee, glad to hear I am not the only one who is not impressed with the Mayor's wife personality.. I have met her several times and felt she was a bit socially awkward.. not warm and sincere but the Mayor's personality covers for her deficiency.
DeleteWhat 347?! Give me a break.
DeleteThat is for sure with this grant writer. Where are all of the grants that have been written have any been approved?
ReplyDeleteWhat personality does the Mayor have?
ReplyDeleteHe at least says hello and makes polite conversation. On the other hand the wife looks thru you or right pass you and no smiles. no glimmer of any thought or recognition in the eyes. always looking for something or somebody else more important?? Did anybody notice in the Children's Day parade they were separated from most of the parade? Or maybe the rest of the parade hung back from
DeleteHe says hello. Wow what a great conversationalist. Julie runs the city I know she does.
DeleteExactly, maybe Julie is awkward but that's because she has stand next to Steve and pretend they are an actual couple.
ReplyDeleteOh what are they then?
ReplyDeleteHmm...first Faso is a criminal who has his constituents arrested for asking for help and now he is the most qualified candidate. Well, which is it, Goodfellas? You makeah a decisionah nowahhhh....orra