You Talking To Me?!

You Talking To Me?!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Omertà Mini

Mayor Steve Noble a few months back disbanded the ethics commission saying that he did so because there need to be revisions in the process of the board and pretty much said the board currently was insufficiently set up.  We hear the real reason he disbanded the board was because an ethics complaint into Noble giving his friend Kristin Wilson a salary out of her pay grade was days from being filled with the board and Noble wanted to put a stop to it. Anyway, Joe DiFaco has filed a complaint against his administration and it's handling of Alderman Will and Steve Noble in response appoints the same board to investigate, the only difference is he appointed all new people.

Why did he do this? How can he think we won't realize what this little twerp is doing ? Noble disbands the board says publicly that the reason he is doing it is because the board  needs to be more practable and enforceable and that the members of the board he disbanded based their determinations on a well-documented and thoughtful process.

The only thing that has changed are the members of the board, nothing procedurally has been changed no revisions have been made. So what is Noble saying? He wants the complaint against him to be handled in a way that is not practable or enforceable ?!

All the Mayor had to do is grow a set of balls and say that he's the motherfucking boss and he wants his people on the board. Noble should have simply asked for their resignations, as in any new administration, the board members and department heads if they had any respect for their Mayor should have offered their resignations and allowed Nobes to pick who he wanted to stay. Instead he makes himself look like a shady little pussy that thinks he's smarter than everyone else and the people see right through it.

As for the complaint itself it was not written by Joe DiFalco, Joe can barely write his name let alone that complaint, it was either Ellen or Andrew Zweben in our opinion that wrote that but we can say for sure it did not come from the mind of Joey DiFalco. Joe is a shoe shiner, he walks around with his little shine box and takes orders, he's not working with much brain power. Secondly the complaints against Kevin Bryant are completely bogas. Kevin Bryant is one of the few people in City Hall that has integrity and is honest.

The board should not handle this matter because based on Noble's comments the boards powers are not practical or enforceable. They are being used as pawns and I like Al Nace a lot one of the new appointees but it's simply wrong,

A good ethics board should be diverse in how they are appointed, I agree some changes should be made epically to the appointment process of the board. The members should have terms and not serve at the pleasure of anyone to prevent the appearance of imperpriaty and to ensure the board members feel safe in issuing fair opinions even if it effects the people that appointed them. The appointments should not all be from the Mayor. The Mayor should appoint three, the Majoirty leader and Minority leader should each appoint two respectively. Changes are fine but don't tell us you are making these changes to an ethics board to make it more ethical and than fire the board and replace them with your friends, that's not just and it's unacceptable.

Speaking of unacceptable we were not happy to learn that former Alderman Charlie Landi got a seat on the police commission, it's undeserved.

Another business has been whacked by Kingston Common Council and Kingston, Rebecca Martin is probably doing cartwheels on her broom celebrating another victory in the destruction of business in Kingston. Good job hun, I'm sure the counsel will give you another Pride of the City award.

What the fuck is with Matt Dunn pushing this dolt that wants to change the design of the City's flag. It's a non starter it's not gunna happen. These newbies come in our community and try to take it over and it's disgusting. kudos to people like Sottile and Elisa Ball, and everyone else that has come out against this ridiqulous proposal. Our Mayor unfortunately has been silent on the issue.

We were sorry to learn of the death of Ray Hull and we think that Mayor Noble and Parks and Rec Sup. Kevin Gilfether handled themselves great in the paer today. Ray was a good guy and dedicated employee, Mayor Noble sent a nice email out to all employees this morning as well and he did a good job.


  1. the mayor never takes an initial stand on anything..waits to let someone else take a hit and then sees what his options are.. Not a true leader...the buck needs to stop at his door..But when it comes to parks and kayaking he is all on hesitancy there...needs to keep his finger wet so he can raise it and see what the wind direction is with city affairs..Guess it is one way to use the environment for his decisions.

  2. You can't blame Noble for the quick change on the ethics board. Joe D- or whoever drafted that compliant- forced his hand. I think the plan was to keep the board disbanded until the council came up with a new appointment process, one that didn't give the Mayor the power to appoint and dismiss at a whim. Once the complaint was filed, what was he going to do, say "fuck it we'll get to it later?" He had to appoint somebody to handle it using the law as its written.

    1. why couldn't they have scheduled the hearing for the complaint once the new ethic law was in place and a new board was put into place.? Is there a time limit aspect for addressing the complaint?
      On some things it is rush rush in city hall and then on other affairs it languishes . They need to be on a more even keel.

    2. There's no time limit that I know of. Then again, the same people crying foul over his appointment of a new board would still be crying foul if he just let it sit for months while the council comes up with new ethics legislation. It was a catch-22.

  3. No Mr. Goodfellows is right, if the board was disbanded because it couldn't govern in a way the Mayor felt was enforceable than he can't add new people and have them Handel a complaint against him no less that is bound by the same rules. You can't have it both ways. While vulgar the blog is right on point.

  4. What makes Kristen Wilson so special that she gets paid out of her pay grade?! I hear she sucks as a grant writer. Noble should be slammed for hiring her based on the fact that Wilson, her slip across the border at night husband, and Julie and Stevie mix up and suck on margaritas every weekend together. Why should Kingston suffer not receiving meaningful, competent grant writing so his friend Kristen can waddle her fat ass in to Cityhall and fuck up all day?

    1. Slip across the boarder husband? Come on a little decorum please. Haha but really easy does it on the racism.

    2. 9:09, I am hearing she needs outside help to spell "grant"let alone submit one. Geez, its pathetic. I saw her and hubbie out walking the other nite, she is about 5'8" and he is about 5'3. They looked like a mother out for a walk holding her adopted son's hand.

  5. Cause City Hall is all fucked up

  6. How do you know what happens in department head meetings and what Noble sends out to city employees unless you are one?

  7. Poor Ray, he was a good guy. My condolences to his family.

  8. This city is so corrupt...It's who you know and how much ass you want to kiss...

  9. Where did you get the word "practable"?

  10. Just wait till mayor Blaber gets elected, he will bring tar & feathering back to the ethics code, recuse everyone back to Colonial puritanism.
